3ds Max :: Object Visibility / Can Ghost Other Two Parts In But Not Show What Is Going On Behind Them

Oct 21, 2011

I have created a model containing three interlocking parts. I now need to do a version showing one of the parts with the other two parts ghosted in.

I changed the object visibility of the two I need to show ghosted to 0.3. When I do this the part is see through and shows all the hidden detail at the back of the part.

Is there a way I can ghost the other two parts in but not show what is going on behind them? I tried all the settings in object visibility but nothing seems to work? Is there another way to achieve faded parts?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts Visibility On View

May 7, 2012

How to manage the visibity of parts on a particular view? For example, in a view there 10 parts appeared. I would like to make only selected parts visible on the said view.

I have the manual steps on how to hide them but when I try to code it using the said step, the parts on the model file were hidden not in the view.

I use oView.ReferenceDocumentDescriptor.ReferenceDocument in traversing the parts but this refers to the model file.

Here is my

Set ViewDocument = oView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
For Each ViewOccurence In ViewDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
If Not nozzleName = ViewOccurence.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.DisplayName Then
ViewOccurence.Visible = False
End If

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts Visibility (browser) In IDW Not Enabled?

Nov 13, 2013

how to turn this feature on? We recently upgraded from Inventor 2011 to 2014 and now this feature has been disabled. The attachment shows that visibility has been greyed out.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing - Can't Turn Parts Visibility Off

Oct 4, 2011

It happens sometimes, when I try to turn off the visibility of a part in a created view, the option is grayed out, can't uncheck visibility. Whats the reason?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Line Visibility Through Solid Parts?

Oct 2, 2012

I am working on a cylindrical part, and I need to CAD an internal feature for the part.  I set up a parallel plane at the point within the geometry that the feature is to be located, and am attempting to sketch the profile of the part using the 2D sketch feature.  However, the lines that I am sketching are not visible through the rest of the existing cylinder, for example, if I have draw a 30 mm line from the centre point of a 20mm radius cylinder, only the final 10 mm of the line will be shown.  While the line is still functional, it is highly inconvenient when trying to sketch these features, they are difficult to work with as I can not see them through the part. Is there any way to set the defaut visibility for 2D sketches to be so that they are visible through solid parts?  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Parts List Row Visibility

Oct 24, 2013

Inventor 2014 Professional:

I have Parts in my Parts List with duplicate Item Numbers (For Balloning purposes) but with different quantities (Custom Quantities). I turn the visibility of the Part with the Static Quantity off. 

Whenever my assembly is updated the Part I had orginally turn the visibility off gets turned back on.

Is there something I am missing to keep it turned off?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Parts Visibility In Drawing

Jul 18, 2013

When a drawing view is made within Inventor from a presentation file (.ipn) some of the parts sometimes donot appear as properly visible.

I have attached some screen shots which might lead to some clues.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Section View And Visibility Of Browser Parts

Sep 5, 2012

I have a section view of an assembly. The parts of the assembly that are completely remove via the section no longer show up in the browser. Is there a way to make them show back up in the browser and/or section view? They are internal to the assembly and I would like them not sectioned/removed from the view.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Visibility Of Parts In Drawing View

Sep 16, 2011

I'm creating a small product configurator using ilogic. It all works fine, but i've i challenge:controlling the visibility of the components in a drawing view

In simple words, every occurrence of my assembly has an custom Ipropertie calles "Positie". there where 4 values (Bodem, Zij, Kop, Deksel and Overig)In a drawing view i only want to see the parts that has a specific value of the ipropertie "Positie".I found a sample code for VBA, but I cann't get it worked in ilogic.:

Sub HideSecond()
'Assumes you have an open drawing
'Assumes that view 1 of the active sheet is an assembly
'Turns off visibility of assembly's second component in open drawing's first view

hind to turn this into ilogic and add the option to check the ipropertie to turn on the visibility

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List Line Item Visibility?

Sep 13, 2012

Is there an application or document setting that will make the default state of a row in a linked excel file used in a parts list default to "off" (not visble)?

More specifically, make this apply to added rows.

We have finish schedules in excel that everyone links a parts list to whenerver they need to display a finish schedule on the idw. However, when we add rows (new finishes) to the the excel finish schedule, they get displayed on the idw parts list next time the idw updates wether they are needed or not. Our practice is to only show finishes that are used on the drawing - so frequently a large portion of the whole finish schedule needs to be set to "off" or invisible.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Turn Off Visibility Of Lines In Parts List

Aug 21, 2013

At my company when producing drawings for manufacture we require a sheet for any steel profiles to be cut!..We do this by selecting the assembly from base view,hitting model view tab, selecting presentation and choosing the relevant profile from the drop down!

Once the profile is placed, we highlight the view and hit the parts list tab which obviously creates a parts list, but for the whole assembly, we then have to edit the parts list by turning off the visibility of the lines of all the parts which are not relevant!!...as you can imagine this is quite a laborious task if you have 50 different profiles.

The reason for this is to show the qty, steel grade and part number to the suppliers. My question is, any code that will take the lines of the parts list that are not relevant to the selected view and turn the visibility of those lines off?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Turn Off Visibility Of Parts In Assemblies On A Drawing

May 20, 2010

Since changing to Inventor I seem to be unable to turn off visibility of parts in assemblies on a drawing. Usually I just expand the view in the browser then right click on parts and turn off visibility. When I try this the visibility option is grey.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IlLogic Rule To Find All Reference Parts And Turn Off Visibility

Jun 20, 2013

I there a way of finding each Bom structured part that is set to reference in an assembly and setting the view of that component to in-visible.

Also needs to iterate into all set View reps that where created and set all views to not show the referenced parts as well.

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Softimage :: Ice Object Visibility

Mar 19, 2013

Can I use ice to manipulate the visibility of an object? example; a particle enters an object and causes it to become visible but once the particle leaves the object the object disappears. Ive tried using test methods like test inside geometry, but I cant find the attribute to flag the view visibility as true or false. Been beating myself up for a couple days now I have drug the misc. visibility attributes from the explorer into ice but I cant flag them on or off.

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3ds Max Animation :: Object Visibility Switch To 0 Automatically

Aug 4, 2011

I want to animate a cut-away of a house. Slice the corner off it so we can see into the rooms.

If I make the outer shell of the house as a single object, I could boolean it with a moving box to have the cutaway appear.

I'd rather build it from bricks, and have them disappear when my moving 'cutaway' box intersects them. It should leave a nice jagged brick-edged hole.

So - is there any way to have an object's visibility switch to 0 automatically if the object is contained in another (unrenderable) object?

(There are so many things I'd use this for. If you want lots of objects to appear in sequence, like a long row of dominoes, there's gotta be a quick way of having them pop into existence, rather than custom scripting or manually staggering keys in dope/track view)

I'm still on Max 9,

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Illustrator :: How To Trim Object To Only Show Up Until Outline Of Object Behind It

Jul 4, 2013

I have a rounded rectangle and an object on top of it -- how do I make it so that the parts of the object outside of the rounded rectangle are hidden?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Provide Buttons On Toolbars For Object Visibility

Feb 11, 2004

1. Why is it when I do a 3D sketch, make the sweep, then "Return" I always get a constraint error? It tells me that I made a constraint to geometry which is no longer available. The geometry IS available. I always have to delete the constraints just to move on. I'm sure it has something to do with the planes or axis I created while doing my 3D sketch.

2. Why does Adaptively equal inefficiency? The more I use it the more I have to fix those darn cross-part association failures. It takes less time to not use adaptively and use the "old fashion way". adaptively rarely, if ever, works correctly with sheet metal parts. I say again - Junk.

3. Would it be so difficult to give us buttons for standard views on our tool bars? You know, like AutoCAD - which I'm sure you have heard of by now. An XY, YZ, XZ, button is all I ask for. You went to the trouble to give us RMB Isometric view but stopped there.

4. Is it too much to ask to provide buttons on the toolbars for Object Visibility? Why make me go through the View, Object Visibility menu three times in a row to turn off User Axis, User Work Planes, and User Work points. It will be six times in a row if you need to turn off the other stuff. Heck, at least make the darn menu tree stay open until I've selected multiple objects to turn on or off.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Show Parts In Different Arrangements

Jun 26, 2012

How to to make a part have different arrangements (e.g. a suppliers hydraulic cylinder extracted and collapsed) , and then show the  part in an assembly in the two different positions.  I am not sure if Iparts is the way to go, as I want both the arrangements to be displayed as the same part in the BOM....  the equivalent term is 'configurations' in solid works.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Show Alarm When Parts Touching?

Feb 9, 2013

Is there any type of alarm system to indicate that a part is touching another part or is within a certain distance?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hide / Show All Parts In Assembly?

Oct 7, 2009

Sometimes I turn various parts (visibility) off in an assembly. If I want to turn them all on again without doing it one at a time or selecting them all individually, I find IV turns everything OFF first, then I have to reselect them all again and turn evrything on. Can it be done in one step instead of two? IV2008SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hide / Show All Parts And Assemblies?

Nov 30, 2012

how could I use these functions "AssemblyAllVisibleDesignViewCmd" and "AssemblyAllInvisibleDesignViewCmd " to show and hide all parts?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Some Weldment Parts Show Prep Chamfer Some Don't

Oct 5, 2011

What might cause some parts to retain there weld prep chamfers in the part file & other parts don't show the chamfers except in the assembly like an assembly feature?

I noticed that when parts were in a pattern & Weld Prep/chamfered, they retained the chamfer feature in the part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Parts Added To An Assembly That Don't Show On A Drawing?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm referencing an assembly on a drawing.  When new parts are added to this assembly, they show up on my drawing, anyway to stop this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Show Just Frame And Not As Members In Parts List?

Feb 28, 2012

The following is the problem: I have an assy with multiple different frames. If I make a parst list in the IDW all the frame members are shown seperatey, I just want to show only the frames in de parts list. I tried grouping, but when two assy's are the same that doesn't work any more.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Additions To Excel Parameters Don't Show Up In Linked Parts?

Oct 12, 2011

When I add parameters to Excel, the new parameters do not show up in the linked parts. Even when starting

a new part and linking to the same excel file, the original parameters are all that are shown; not the new ones.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Parts Don't Show In Part-generators

Aug 15, 2012

For some reason when I start either the bolted connection generator or the shaft generator, the content center parts don't show up if I select "modify" to change the parts. For example: I wanted to create an axle with a retaining-ring-groove. I created the axle, and under Features I selected Retaining Ring.

Then a dialog shows up with some standard dimensions, and on the right under "Position" it says "ASME B 27.7M". When I click here, an empty dialogbox shows with filter "All" activated.

It should show all retaining rings available in the content center. The strange thing however is that when I exit this function and start the ordinary "Place from Content Center" command, I can see all retaining rings that are available (see pictures).

The same thing occurs when using the bolted connection generator.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cross Sections - Show Coordinates Of Main Parts

Oct 19, 2012

In a particular road project i need to show for all the cross sections, the coordinates (x,y) of the main points ( for example: daylight, etw and crown). I know that i can obtain it from reports->corridor  but as far as i know, i must edit in excel and paste each PK info next to the correspondant cross section.

Is there a way more automatic raher than copy paste the report list?

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AutoCAD VB :: Show And Close Parts List Iso-main Menu With Code?

Dec 15, 2010

How do i show and close the parts list iso-main menu with code?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Show Paint Coverage / Masking Areas On Certain Parts

Mar 1, 2013

I have to show paint coverage/masking areas on certain parts, and to obtain the look I am after, I thought about using the split command and changing the face colors as necessary to show this. I have never used this command before, and was wondering what the pro's and con's are to using it, and also if this is even the best way to go about this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Show And Measure From The Center Of Gravity Symbol In Parts And Drawings

Dec 27, 2013

In the iProperties, in the Mass properties are the coordinates of the center of gravity. i guess they relate to the center point and axes in the main origin folder, right?

How can i show and measure from the genter of gravity symbol in parts and drawings?

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Paint.NET :: Texture Object And Select Parts

Jan 5, 2012

I need to texture an object and selected the parts I want to texture, but I need to copy+paste a texture into it. Meaning, I select an area, I copy+paste into the area without a giant square of texture covering everything up.

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