Trim the master object and the cloned object gets deleted.The master object cannot be directly trimmed, so I grouped it with another object, which seems to enable the shaping tools. check if this behavior exists in X5 also.
I have inserted a clip about the problem. Maybe other users and the Corel staff will check it out.
Problem is, that the merged object has a pertruding edge, which I want to trim off, but I can't. I tried drawing a rectangle over the unwanted part, but for some reason, the rectangle, or any path I try to make around that edge, it shifts to the left, as if it is snapping. I don't know if it is because I'm too zommed in, but there must be a way to intersect the two seamlessly...
Resizing objects is a mess in CorelDRAW X6 when objects are outlined with Scale With Object enabled to retain proportions after resizing.
None of the tools dealing with outlines (e.g. Contour or even Outline itself) continue to work properly after resizing the object.
I strongly suggest to recalculate outline property values after resizing if Scale With Object is checked. Don't just do it hidden somewhere internally in the object model by applying a temporary scaling factor. Instead actually recalculate the actual property values if Scale With Object is checked.
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
I am new to Illustrator and use CorelDraw for a couple of years. I wanted to the know the equivalent to transforming a stroke into an object in Illustrator and how to create a contour outline around an object to be able to break it away to create its very own object?
Using CS5. I have a solid shape with a hollowed center (see far left image). I applied a transform effect to make it look "3D" by offsetting it slightly 32 times (see middle image. see far right image to see what it looks like selected). I want to simply have the middle image, but without all the paths and lines - I just I want it outlined. I tried to expand it, group it, pathfinder-add - nothing seems to work.
I have a 100mm x 100mm grid set up with 10mm divisions. I draw a box 100mm x 100mm and snap to the grid. I then put a stroke of 1mm on the box and want to resize to 120mm x 120mm. The box will not snap to the grid accurately because the box is now 118.811mm and does not know whether to snap to the top or bottom of the box. This makes for horrendous mistakes in my artwork. I need to view the size of the box as 120mm x 120mm irrespective of the stroke width. I'm on CS5.5 but have CS6 here and will install it if it's the only way to solve it.
Why does adding a FX (Distort - Ocean Ripple) to text (converted to outlines) or a basic shape, change it back to pixels and blocky? Why doesn't it stay as smooth bezier curves? Is this a possible bug?
I am making a collage for a friend. I have all the pictures I want that I edited from photoshop and brought into illustator. I made an outline of a buffalo (he is from buffalo) using the pen tool. I filled it in with pictures but i need to know how to trim away the remainders of the pictures that go past the buffalo outline. Basically i need to delete everything that is outside the vector buffalo, but i am having a terrible time figuring this out. Im not sure if i need the trim away tool, draw inside or something else.
I recieved several .stp files from a vendor and most of them imported without incident. One part is giving me a major headache though. The envelope of the solid body is much larger than the actual part. This is causing the origin to be skewed by several orders of magnitude. Any way to trim down the envelope to the part size?
I have simple a 3D bottle shape created from about 16 points and I am trying to map a gif image on to it usning CS5. No matter what I have done (work from a new document, etc.) I always get the error message. I also receive this error when I attempt to map a jpg image on to the same shape. I have attempted this on three different Windows 7 machines running CS5 with the same result. When I try it with CS6 the program closes with a catastrophic error and no message. I do not receive this error using the default symbols. The gif and jpg images are imported and imbedded into the document and then moved to the symbols library.
I am having some trouble with a file in Illustrator CS6. Within a layer, when I add a fill to an object, the fill doesn't block out the object paths beneath. For instance, say I have a square object overlapping a circle object in Layer 1. The square object is above the circle in the layer. When I add a fill to the square, the circle stroke still shows through the square even though the overlapped part should be blocked out by the fill. The square is set to normal visibility, and I have made sure that there are no duplicate paths that would account for what I am seeing. (I.e., it's not a case where there's a second identical circle path that is on top of the square, so that it remains visible in spite of the fill.)
Other details: - I'm mainly working with a white fill, but the problem is the same with fills of any color - When there's a fill color in the circle path as well, the circle's fill color *is* blocked out—just not its stroke. - I have restarted Illustrator and restarted my computer and these have not changed anything. - There are other layers within the same document where the normal layering rules work. - I tried copy/pasting some of the problem objects into a new document, and in the new document, the fill works properly. - If I move the problem objects to another layer, then the fill works as it should. But as I'm dealing with a number of paths, it doesn't make sense to create a layer for each to solve the problem.
I can't tell if it's a matter of working in too large or complex a file.
I'm working with 27 artboard in illustrator for one project. I would like to select the object I need to get to in my layers panel and have illustrator "jump/navigate" me to the object where it resides on the artboard. Is this possible?
I am trying to accomplish something but i am not sure of the correct terms to use to describe it. I would like to "trim" or "cut" around an object in an image and have a "cloud" or "blur" around the edge. I have included a link below with an example of what i am trying to accomplish from an ebay listing. If this is possible with gimp, if not with what other program?
I want to divide object into multiple object equally distribued. But my object is a "S", this is not a basic rectangle. And i want to apply this technique to other objects. I don't know if it's possible to do that with illustrator because it seems a little bit complicated.
I have the words Kuhns Creations here, it is going to be the logo for my website. In the end the letters will all be the light blue color that "Kuhns" is right now, I'm just using the different colors to explain my problem. I want the pink part of the "C" to be in front of the "K", but I want the black part of the "C" to be behind the "K", giving the illusion that the "C" is passing through the "K" (this will only be visible cause of the drop shadows on both letters, since they wil both be the same color) Is there a way to do this?
I got this effect in Photoshop, but I need to do it with vectors because the size of the image that has to be uploaded to my website is so small that you lose all detail if its a bitmap (52 pixels x 103 pixels) In addition to the effect explained above I am trying to get a bevel effect. In Photoshop it works and is easy to do but in illustrator the settings are all different and anything I enter looks totally different.
The settings that I'm using in Photoshop are: Style: inner bevel, technique: smooth,depth: 1%, direction: up, size 10 px, soften 0 px, angle:,120 degrees, altitude: 30 degrees, highlight mode: screen, Opacity: 75%, shadow mode: multiply, Opacity:75%. How do I get this same effect in illustrator?
I'm using CS5. When I click on an object within a group containing only that object, appearance tap shows the group's appearance. I can't select the object when the group only has one object. So if I want to modify the object, I have to ungroup or add additional object into the group.
I can't get outline object to work. I installed it by downloading, extracting, and cut/pasting the dll into the effects folder (c/programfiles/, but no soap.
what methods use to only partially hide the outline of an object but without merging the two objects together or breaking any of the two objects apart(?)..i want to rest one object on top of the other and hide portions of the outline where the two meet, something like this: [URL]
Create new document, create rectangle, set outline to none, fill to none - and export to AI. (I use v8)The object is not exported if both outline and fill are set to none.