AutoCAD Inventor :: Line Visibility Through Solid Parts?
Oct 2, 2012
I am working on a cylindrical part, and I need to CAD an internal feature for the part. I set up a parallel plane at the point within the geometry that the feature is to be located, and am attempting to sketch the profile of the part using the 2D sketch feature. However, the lines that I am sketching are not visible through the rest of the existing cylinder, for example, if I have draw a 30 mm line from the centre point of a 20mm radius cylinder, only the final 10 mm of the line will be shown. While the line is still functional, it is highly inconvenient when trying to sketch these features, they are difficult to work with as I can not see them through the part. Is there any way to set the defaut visibility for 2D sketches to be so that they are visible through solid parts?
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Sep 13, 2012
Is there an application or document setting that will make the default state of a row in a linked excel file used in a parts list default to "off" (not visble)?
More specifically, make this apply to added rows.
We have finish schedules in excel that everyone links a parts list to whenerver they need to display a finish schedule on the idw. However, when we add rows (new finishes) to the the excel finish schedule, they get displayed on the idw parts list next time the idw updates wether they are needed or not. Our practice is to only show finishes that are used on the drawing - so frequently a large portion of the whole finish schedule needs to be set to "off" or invisible.
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Sep 6, 2012
I'm making drawings of assemblies in Inventor 2012 and was wondering how to turn off the visibility of specific solid bodies within a single part containing multiple bodies, or make it match the visibility in the assembly and part file itself.
In particular my situation is that I have a camera whose part model includes a solid body for its view cone. The visibility of this solid is turned off, so when opening the camera itself, or the assembly containing it, it doesn't appear, but when I place that assembly or part in a drawing it's included, and the only way I've figured out to get rid of it is to turn the whole camera's visibility off within the drawing.
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May 7, 2012
How to manage the visibity of parts on a particular view? For example, in a view there 10 parts appeared. I would like to make only selected parts visible on the said view.
I have the manual steps on how to hide them but when I try to code it using the said step, the parts on the model file were hidden not in the view.
I use oView.ReferenceDocumentDescriptor.ReferenceDocument in traversing the parts but this refers to the model file.
Here is my
Set ViewDocument = oView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
For Each ViewOccurence In ViewDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
If Not nozzleName = ViewOccurence.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.DisplayName Then
ViewOccurence.Visible = False
End If
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Aug 11, 2012
I've created a tie-on-cable marker tag using Loft, Replace Face and Split techniques. After splitting, I turn off the visibility of one of the two resulting solid bodies. File A208P03_Label.jpg shows the results with solid body Solid2 visibility either on or off.
The cable marker tag is then used in an assembly file shown in MI-CA-0261.iam.jpg and a drawing file shown in MI-CA-0261.idw.jpg. The problem I have is that Solid2 is showing up in the idw drawing file when I'd rather it's visibility be off as in the .iam assembly file.
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Nov 13, 2013
how to turn this feature on? We recently upgraded from Inventor 2011 to 2014 and now this feature has been disabled. The attachment shows that visibility has been greyed out.
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Oct 4, 2011
It happens sometimes, when I try to turn off the visibility of a part in a created view, the option is grayed out, can't uncheck visibility. Whats the reason?
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Oct 24, 2013
Inventor 2014 Professional:
I have Parts in my Parts List with duplicate Item Numbers (For Balloning purposes) but with different quantities (Custom Quantities). I turn the visibility of the Part with the Static Quantity off.
Whenever my assembly is updated the Part I had orginally turn the visibility off gets turned back on.
Is there something I am missing to keep it turned off?
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Jul 18, 2013
When a drawing view is made within Inventor from a presentation file (.ipn) some of the parts sometimes donot appear as properly visible.
I have attached some screen shots which might lead to some clues.
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Sep 30, 2013
I'm doing a fairly big one-off for use at our factory so am going the multibody ipt route. I have a design view setup within the ipt with nearly all solids switched off but when working within a sketch this seems to be ignored. I want to make sure I am projecting from sketches not bodies so if I need to tweak things later and bodies change the model won't fail.
I.e. the bodies all become visible when working in a sketch where as before going into the sketch the bodies weren't showing.
IV2014 SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T7500, Geforce GTX 480, DirectX11 306.97
SpaceExplorer 4.04, 3DxWare 3.12.2
Twin Intel Xeon E5506 2.13GHz, 12GB RAM, Win7 Pro SP1 64bit
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Sep 5, 2012
I have a section view of an assembly. The parts of the assembly that are completely remove via the section no longer show up in the browser. Is there a way to make them show back up in the browser and/or section view? They are internal to the assembly and I would like them not sectioned/removed from the view.
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Sep 16, 2011
I'm creating a small product configurator using ilogic. It all works fine, but i've i challenge:controlling the visibility of the components in a drawing view
In simple words, every occurrence of my assembly has an custom Ipropertie calles "Positie". there where 4 values (Bodem, Zij, Kop, Deksel and Overig)In a drawing view i only want to see the parts that has a specific value of the ipropertie "Positie".I found a sample code for VBA, but I cann't get it worked in ilogic.:
Sub HideSecond()
'Assumes you have an open drawing
'Assumes that view 1 of the active sheet is an assembly
'Turns off visibility of assembly's second component in open drawing's first view
hind to turn this into ilogic and add the option to check the ipropertie to turn on the visibility
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Aug 21, 2013
At my company when producing drawings for manufacture we require a sheet for any steel profiles to be cut!..We do this by selecting the assembly from base view,hitting model view tab, selecting presentation and choosing the relevant profile from the drop down!
Once the profile is placed, we highlight the view and hit the parts list tab which obviously creates a parts list, but for the whole assembly, we then have to edit the parts list by turning off the visibility of the lines of all the parts which are not relevant!! you can imagine this is quite a laborious task if you have 50 different profiles.
The reason for this is to show the qty, steel grade and part number to the suppliers. My question is, any code that will take the lines of the parts list that are not relevant to the selected view and turn the visibility of those lines off?
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May 20, 2010
Since changing to Inventor I seem to be unable to turn off visibility of parts in assemblies on a drawing. Usually I just expand the view in the browser then right click on parts and turn off visibility. When I try this the visibility option is grey.
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Jun 20, 2013
I there a way of finding each Bom structured part that is set to reference in an assembly and setting the view of that component to in-visible.
Also needs to iterate into all set View reps that where created and set all views to not show the referenced parts as well.
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Jan 9, 2013
Using Inventor 2013. In an IDW, I have toddled off visibility of lines in a view. I would like to regain visibility of these lines. HOW?
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Jan 8, 2013
Where to get solid models of the standard parts uned in the first robotics competition, which has jast begun? Seems the parts are available in the prt format, but my IV2013 will not open them.
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Mar 25, 2013
I need to make two parts act solid. That is, that they need to slide and react as if they were real instead of just going through eachother. In the assembly included, the "rotator" needs to rotate as it is pulled through the "rifled column (2)". The other constraints in the assembly are fine as is, but if I can make these parts react correctly, then the center pole and blade will rotate.
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Jan 25, 2012
I am trying to make a chute out of 4 pieces of sheet metal. Is there a way to take a solid lofted part, shell it, and then break off each side of the the object for cutting and welding them together. I have an example attached.
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Sep 19, 2012
We are going from Solid Works to Inventor as our main CAD program and will be converting files to .ipt and .i am. We are moving our file structure into the vault as it is, with some commonly-used components in their own folders. When I convert an assembly, it only grabs the parts that are in the same folder as the assembly. Is there a way to have it look in other folders for components or to have it ask me to locate ones that are not in the assembly folder?
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Feb 15, 2013
My issue is we have Universal assemblies that never change. These assemblies are thousands of parts. (hardware gaskets other random assemblies.) this top level universal assembly never changes.
to increase time in layouts. we would like to create these universal assemblies into 1 sold part.
Is there a was to export an assembly into a single solid part.
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Aug 3, 2010
I'm having issues involving hidden lines that should not be hidden lines in the idw environment.
I am using Inventor 2010 suite, 64-bit. I have largish assembly modeled with several sub-assemblies and a few reference assemblies. Some of the reference models are shrinkwraps from other large assemblies (surface type shrinkwrap, link broken), and other reference models are acutal assemblies that I am unable to shrinkwrap because I need the positional reps that they provide.
When I place my parent assembly, with all the normal and reference models included, on an idw, large portions of the reference models do not show up. If I change my line style to show hidden lines, the missing parts show up. At first, I thought that it may be because the reference parts in question were not originally in the view due to the reference data margin, so I started a new sheet and set the margin large enough to show the entire machine, as well as the state of Michigan, before I set the base view, but I still don't get those parts unless I enable hidden lines.
Even at that, Inventor is not behaving consistently. Some of the parts that won't show unless hidden lines enabled are fabricated parts that I or a co-worker modeled, some of the parts were imported from SAT, STEP and IGES files, and some of them are shrinkwrap parts. On top of that, some of the parts will show up normal (without hidden lines shown) if I change the part's BOM structure from reference to normal, while others still will not show unless hidden lines are enabled, regardless of the BOM structure. Keep in mind, none of these parts are hidden behind anything in the model, even with everything visible in my design view rep, so what's causing Inventor to think these parts are hidden.
Computer Specs:
Dell Precision M6500 mobile workstation (purchased in April 2010)
Windows 7, 64 bit OS
Intel i7 processor
NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M graphics
Inventor Suite 2010, Subscription Advantage Pack, SP3
Computer Specs:
Dell Precision M6500 mobile workstation
Windows 7 SP1, 64 bit OS
Intel i7 processor
NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M graphics
Inventor Suite 2010, Subscription Advantage Pack, SP4
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Oct 1, 2012
In drawings there are a lot of times where I turn off the visibility of certain line segments to make the view look cleaner.
What if I was to reverse the visibility of these lines segments down the road?
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Sep 29, 2011
Inv2009. SP2.
The company I'm working for has used inv for over 5 years, but does not use idw's. (or the inventor dwg(idw junior))
The reason is that the on vessels we need to show some hidden lines and ommit others and the layers need to be our standard.
I'm trying to get us on track with the idw process which I'm used to using, I hate not having the link between the 2d and 3d stuff, a lot of rework.
Anyways I'm turning visibilty off on some hidden lines and changing the layer manually most of the time in the idw.
This is a bit time consuming but not to bad, what's killiing me is that when I save, re open, or do most anything with the idw or model; the lines I, right clicked turned vis off on reappear the layers I assigned (right click again) in some cases turned back to default, or in other cases turned to whatever they wanted to.
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May 8, 2013
I'm currently using the "Make components" feature to convert solid bodies into parts. This works great, but we use this method to construct angular roof structures, and after the parts have been made the parts have angular relationships to the .ipt files UCS co-ordinates. It would be very useful if I could align the longest edge of the part (Which is a timber truss) with the x axis in the model space and "lay" the plank flat on the X-Y plane.
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Jul 5, 2012
It's 2012. I haven't found a setting in the dim style or the RMB options to turn off the extension line. I saw the posts showing drawing a sketch in the view but come on, all that to just turn off the line?
IV 2012 all sp & fixes
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Sep 16, 2013
How can I remove the lines in the middle after I press and pull the objects.
Attached is the Untitle.jpg, to make more clearer to you. Blue is the wall and skyblue is the aquarium. I want the back and the front of the aquarium don't have any line in the middle but even I do shade command the fill of the color is still there. Cause if I explode and delete the line in the middle the colors that fill the aquarium are getting rid off See Untitled 2.Jpg to see what I mean. And also how can make the aquarium Untitle 3.jpg transparent?
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Dec 6, 2011
We are using inventor 2011 and I would like to make the text wrap where I want it to not where the cell length determines. Can I do this in the ipropeties of the part? When I edit the parts list to move wrap the text manually the text turns blue of course, but this also negates the updating of parts automatically. In the part I use an expression to ensure that the description reverts back to the iproperties of the part ie =<G_L> X <G_W> - <MATERIAL>. I would like it to insert a text wrap then proceed to the next line with <STOCKNUMBER> - <PARTNUMBER> so I would look like:
12" X 6" - G40.21-44W
PL. 1/2 - PL-100
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Sep 7, 2013
I must be missing something fundamental when trying to change a line from a solid line to a hidden or dashed line in Autocad 2000. I use the ltype command then load either Hidden, or dashed ISO,or both, and invariably the scale is way off in that I always end up with a still solid line, after using modify properties. After all that, every line I draw after that comes out dashed. Maybe I should fool with the layers? Is there a basic procedure I should follow here?
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May 24, 2012
I imported a file from ai. as dxf. Now, I want to change Solid line into dashed line. I tried doing it with properties, checked its scale. But it is still not changing.
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Oct 21, 2011
I have created a model containing three interlocking parts. I now need to do a version showing one of the parts with the other two parts ghosted in.
I changed the object visibility of the two I need to show ghosted to 0.3. When I do this the part is see through and shows all the hidden detail at the back of the part.
Is there a way I can ghost the other two parts in but not show what is going on behind them? I tried all the settings in object visibility but nothing seems to work? Is there another way to achieve faded parts?
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