AutoCAD Inventor :: IlLogic Rule To Find All Reference Parts And Turn Off Visibility
Jun 20, 2013
I there a way of finding each Bom structured part that is set to reference in an assembly and setting the view of that component to in-visible.
Also needs to iterate into all set View reps that where created and set all views to not show the referenced parts as well.
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Jul 18, 2013
When a drawing view is made within Inventor from a presentation file (.ipn) some of the parts sometimes donot appear as properly visible.
I have attached some screen shots which might lead to some clues.
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Oct 4, 2011
It happens sometimes, when I try to turn off the visibility of a part in a created view, the option is grayed out, can't uncheck visibility. Whats the reason?
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Aug 21, 2013
At my company when producing drawings for manufacture we require a sheet for any steel profiles to be cut!..We do this by selecting the assembly from base view,hitting model view tab, selecting presentation and choosing the relevant profile from the drop down!
Once the profile is placed, we highlight the view and hit the parts list tab which obviously creates a parts list, but for the whole assembly, we then have to edit the parts list by turning off the visibility of the lines of all the parts which are not relevant!! you can imagine this is quite a laborious task if you have 50 different profiles.
The reason for this is to show the qty, steel grade and part number to the suppliers. My question is, any code that will take the lines of the parts list that are not relevant to the selected view and turn the visibility of those lines off?
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May 20, 2010
Since changing to Inventor I seem to be unable to turn off visibility of parts in assemblies on a drawing. Usually I just expand the view in the browser then right click on parts and turn off visibility. When I try this the visibility option is grey.
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Jun 12, 2012
I have a simple Assembly for a Frame that I made with Frame Generator. I'd like to use a rule to toggle the visible of some of the framing members.
In the sub assembly (called Frame0001:1) I created a rule:
(I have a variable called LeftAngle, and the bar I want to toggle is called Bar1.)
If LeftAngle = 90 then
Component.Visible("Bar1") = False
Component.Visible("Bar1") = True
End If
I am sure this is VERY basic, but I can't get it to do anything. There is no error message - just nothing happens.
I know the rule is running though - it will change other parameters in response to the If Then statement.
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Oct 2, 2013
Is there a way to write a set of rules so that I can switch Work Features On and Off via a Text Parameter.I have an assembly made up of a number of parts used hundreds of times within in various sub-assemblies. If I make a particular sub-assembly 'Invisible' then subsequently 'Visible,' all work features that had previously been set to be 'Invisible' are switched to 'Visible' also.
Likewise if I simple want to set a particular Work Features' Visibility in one particular sub-assembly, I would like to be able to do this via a Text Parameter rather than having to laboriously scroll down the Assembly switching the visibility of features on and off.
At the moment if I turn the visibility of say a Work Plane On in a sub-assembly then all sub-assemblies deploying the same part switch the visibility of that Work Plane on too. Hence I cannot see my work for Work Planes.Obviously the Global Switch under View is of no avail,
So I would like to be able to create a Text Parameter for each sub assembly and in turn each Work Feature with a Yes/No Visibility switch controlled via a set of Rules in iLogic.
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Oct 4, 2013
I want to be able to have All Work Planes set as 'Invisible' but create a or Icon that allows me to change the Visibility of any individual workplane(s) physically selected in the browser.
A rule written by another member should do the trick if the following line could be altered so as not to read 'For Each' oWorkPlane but instead for 'Each Selected' oWorkplane.
'For Each oWorkPlane In docFile.ComponentDefinition.WorkPlanes'
'get user input
oInput = InputRadioBox("Select workplane visibility:", _
"Turn ON workplanes for all components", "Turn OFF workplanes for all components", "False", "iLogic")
'Define the open document (top level assembly)
Dim openDoc As Document
openDoc = ThisDoc.Document
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Jun 25, 2013
I am working on an assembly and idw, and my assembly has a number of reference parts in it. Two patterns of reference parts are not appearing in the idw for some reason.
I can get them to appear by changing the view style to show hidden lines, and then the hidden lines appear and solid lines for all except the first instances also appear. When i turn off hidden lines, the hidden lines disappear leaving the solid lines of all but the first instances. Then if i change the reference data line style to try and show all the lines, they all now disappear again.
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a three part question. First, I have an iLogic routine in an assembly that opens all the parts within the assembly, runs a particular rule, and then closes that part. Is there anyway I can get this to run in the background. I don't want my users to see all of my part files opening and closing.
Here is my
'assign path values in iproperties to be equaliProperties.Value("RD FLANGE:1","Custom", "FilePATH") = iProperties.Value("Custom", "FilePATH")Dim FilePATH As String = "FilePATH"customPropertySet = ThisDoc.Document.PropertySets.Item _("Inventor User Defined Properties")Try prop= customPropertySet.Item(FilePATH)Catch customPropertySet.Add("", FilePATH)End TryIf
My second question is how do I add a routine that as the part files are opened checks to see if "MyRule" is there. If "MyRule" is not there add "MyRule" else if "MyRule" exist move on to the next part.
My third and final question is there anyway for my code to distinguish between standard parts and sheet metal parts. Basically, if the opened part is not a sheet metal part then I do not want "MyRule" to be inserted and I do not want "MyRule" to be run. I want it to move on to the next part within the assembly.
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Oct 6, 2011
I Created an iLogic Rule that sets up some parameters.
I want to Automatically opens each and every Part in my assembly, run this Rule, and then save it without me having to do so manually.
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Apr 8, 2013
The attached part has multiple holes in multiple locations...... I want to show in the .idw one set "row" around the circumference at a time.
So I want to show set one, how far in from the end of the tube, then how many and at what degrees around the 360*. to do this i can only suppress the other features right now.
so when I make another View those same parts are suppressed and i cant change it around otherwise it messes with the holes I want and don't want to show in the previous view.
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Apr 17, 2013
See attached screenshot.
Somehow my top level assembly shows the UCS triads for hundreads of my parts (but not all of them). I know I didn't turn the visibility of all these UCS triads on manually. Now I cannot get them to turn off.
When I toggle the visibility status of a few and save the file they come back when the file is reopened.
Note, they are NOT visibile in their respective part files, just in my top level assembly.
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Aug 10, 2012
I made an Part with iLogic rules, let's call it "iLogicPart". The rules inside could create lot of different part by my input.
I want save the different parts to different name as "Part 1", "Part 2", etc. I used SaveAs to get them.
My question is: I want to delete all rules and parameters in the saved parts as "Part 1", "Part 2". And I have lot of features (the name is hard to track) which are inactive, I want to delete them at same time too.
I could manually do so, but I want to use rule to do so automatically.
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Mar 5, 2013
I am trying to make an iLogic rule that gets mutliple strings from different places, and prints them to a user property in the Parts List.
My ultimate goal is to print the drawing number, sheet number and the item column value to the user property with the format being...
So far, i can get the drawing number from an iProperty and the sheet number easily. But im getting stumped on obtaining the item coloum value and printing it to the same row.
This is what i have so far...
Dim DWGNUM As String = iProperties.Value("custom", "DWG Number")
SheetNumber = Mid(ThisDoc.Document.ActiveSheet.Name, InStr(1, ThisDoc.Document.ActiveSheet.Name, ":") + 1)
MessageBox.Show(DWGNUM+"-"+SheetNumber, "DXF Number")
And print the message box output to a column in the parts list
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Oct 9, 2013
I have used Inventor for quite a while but never for much more than the odd 3D model.
I have recently created templates that allow me to use Inventor to create detailed fabrication drawings rather than relying on AutoCAD. But I have run across a question with regards to the BOM. Let me try and explain my issue.
I currently create assemblies for fabricated items. However, in the complete (or top level assembly) there may be multiple fabricated items (assemblies required). At the moment I create the BOM and manually edit the quantities required to reflect the number of assemblies (and resulting parts) that are required.
In my assembly file I created a parameter called "AssemNo" which is meant to reflect the number of assemblies required. In my part files I created a parameter called "AssemQty". I would insert the following iLogic code for each part in the assembly:
quantity - This.BOM.CalculateQuantity("Model Data", "PartNumber")*AssemNo
Parameter("Part Name:1", "AssemQty") = quantity
This works but it requires me to create that line of code for every part in my assembly. I know an iLogic code can be created to search an assembly and change parameters of all parts (see below as an example to copy Occurence name to iProperties >
' set a reference to the assembly component definintion.
' This assumes an assembly document is open.
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
'Iterate through all of the occurrences
Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences
Dim oName As String
oName = oOccurrence.Name
iProperties.Value(oOccurrence.Name, "Project", "Part Number") = oName
MessageBox.Show(oOccurrence.Name, "iLogic")
Can the two be combined?
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Jul 2, 2013
I need an ilogic rule to autmoatically change the style of the parts list in a drawing file.The parts list style already exist in the drawing.
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Jul 21, 2008
The API doesn't appear to provide the ability to turn visibility off on a custom table row. Is there anyway to turn off the visibility of a row?
Auto desk: do you have plans on adding this functionality to the API?
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Aug 29, 2011
In Inventor dwgs when I turn the visibility of the harness assembly off (the icon turns gray) the harness still remains visible in the View on the dwg. My co-worker is having the same problem. This is happening on several different inventor dwgs where the harness is not visible (the visibility is turned off) but once an edit is made to the assembly (such as making a part visible) the harness becomes visible even the the visibility is turned off in that View. I don't know if this is related to the recent installation of service pack 4 for inventor 2010 as this problem recently began occurring.
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Jul 28, 2012
As we have layers in AutoCAD Product, I Started using different sketches and using them as layers by turning the visibility on and off.
Can we write a macro (button Click) to turn one perticular Sketch on and off???
For example If I had a Sketch named as GROUNDFLOOR, can I use a macro to turn them off and on when needed?
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Jul 4, 2012
I have three sketches. Two are 2D sketches and the third is a 3D sketch created by the intersection of two surfaces created from the previous two 2D sketches. The order of the browser is as follows:
Revolution (surface)
Extrusion (surface)
3D Sketch 1
When I go back to edit Sketch 2, Sketch 1 is always showing...regardless of whether or not I turn on/off visibility. The visibility toggle has no effect. Sketch 2 has no projected geometry from Sketch 1.
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May 7, 2012
How to manage the visibity of parts on a particular view? For example, in a view there 10 parts appeared. I would like to make only selected parts visible on the said view.
I have the manual steps on how to hide them but when I try to code it using the said step, the parts on the model file were hidden not in the view.
I use oView.ReferenceDocumentDescriptor.ReferenceDocument in traversing the parts but this refers to the model file.
Here is my
Set ViewDocument = oView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
For Each ViewOccurence In ViewDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
If Not nozzleName = ViewOccurence.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.DisplayName Then
ViewOccurence.Visible = False
End If
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Feb 29, 2012
How do I turn sketch visibility on and off using ILogic rules.
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Jul 16, 2008
I have an assembly that was generated by Pro/E. It opens fine, but there are roughly 1000+ planes that are all visible. Is there a way to easily shut these all off whithout having to do it in each part?
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Mar 20, 2012
All of the patterned parts in my assembly show up as reference parts in the BOM I have I have opened the base part for the pattern and made sure its BOM is set to normal. When I change the BOM setting in the assembly it automatically changes to reference.
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Nov 13, 2013
how to turn this feature on? We recently upgraded from Inventor 2011 to 2014 and now this feature has been disabled. The attachment shows that visibility has been greyed out.
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Oct 2, 2012
I am working on a cylindrical part, and I need to CAD an internal feature for the part. I set up a parallel plane at the point within the geometry that the feature is to be located, and am attempting to sketch the profile of the part using the 2D sketch feature. However, the lines that I am sketching are not visible through the rest of the existing cylinder, for example, if I have draw a 30 mm line from the centre point of a 20mm radius cylinder, only the final 10 mm of the line will be shown. While the line is still functional, it is highly inconvenient when trying to sketch these features, they are difficult to work with as I can not see them through the part. Is there any way to set the defaut visibility for 2D sketches to be so that they are visible through solid parts?
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Oct 24, 2013
Inventor 2014 Professional:
I have Parts in my Parts List with duplicate Item Numbers (For Balloning purposes) but with different quantities (Custom Quantities). I turn the visibility of the Part with the Static Quantity off.
Whenever my assembly is updated the Part I had orginally turn the visibility off gets turned back on.
Is there something I am missing to keep it turned off?
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Jul 28, 2013
I've managed to cobble this code together to turn some sketch visibilities on and off. However, what I'd really like to do is have a single sketch containing some blocks, and turn the visibility of the blocks on and off... How to call the blocks -
'Iterate through the sketches collection'Turn the edging indicators On And Off
For Each oSketch In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Sketches Select Case
oSketch.NameCase "Front Edged"If E01 = True Then
oSketch.Visible = TrueElse oSketch.Visible = FalseEnd IfCase "Top Edged"If E02 = True Then
oSketch.Visible = TrueElse oSketch.Visible = FalseEnd IfCase "Back Edged"If E03 = True Then
oSketch.Visible = TrueElse oSketch.Visible = FalseEnd IfCase "Base Edged"If E04 = True Then
oSketch.Visible = TrueElse oSketch.Visible = FalseEnd IfEnd SelectNext
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Jul 5, 2012
It's 2012. I haven't found a setting in the dim style or the RMB options to turn off the extension line. I saw the posts showing drawing a sketch in the view but come on, all that to just turn off the line?
IV 2012 all sp & fixes
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Jun 21, 2013
I am having trouble with getting the reference parts of my assemblies to show on the IDW drawings. That is, most of them show, but some items disappear.
On the attached picture you can see what i mean... its of a circular structure with a door frame mounted. One is put in as normal assembly, one is put in as reference part.
The circular structure shows, but the door is missing (in some views). When I do a sectional view of the view where it is missing it appears.
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