I'm currently attending college for digital media and animation, and I have licensing for 3DS MAX 2014 educational. I noticed that at my school, they have ribbon tools divided into sections, such as Freeform> Polydraw, Paint deform, Defaults, etc.
I have absolutely nothing in my Freeform tab. I'm trying to work on enviroment using PolyDraw, but it is non-existent on my computer, nor have I found any information about how to download it. Am I to assume educational version does not come with ribbons, such as Polydraw?
I mean to say that a wide range of my Graphite Modeling Tools are not installed/missing. I have Modeling >Polygon Modeling; Object Paint> Paint Objects / Brush Settings; and Populate features. Freeform Tools & Selection are both completely empty.
The UI for max is getting bigger as newer tools become implemented. Some new tools are now in a ribbon browser called "Graphite Modeling Tools" while others are in the old Command Panel. And some old tools like Selection for editable polys are in both locations! Doesn't that seem like a waste?
What is the future User Interface for 3ds Max? I hope to see less mouse clicks, less icons and a more intuitive way of approaching a 3ds max scene.
I have just started working at a studio who use Max 2008, however I was previously using Max 2010 in my old job and miss my graphite modelling tools. Are there any scripts or plugins available that provide something similar?
Viewport Background Also I have been asked to produce an illustration, so I have set it as a viewport background & locked pan and zoom. However, it does not actually lock the pan or zoom and just moves the camera which is causing a bit of frustration, as well as straining my eyes.
i used to work a lot with polyboost and since the change from polyboost to graphite modeling tools, i built my own toolbars in max.to customize the interface, i found all the tools i needed in the polytools category.one big exception is even/odd selection presets (skip, nthselect / step), which i found an extremely useful edge-selection tool. i attach a screenshot of the polyboost tools rollout, where these settings could be found formerly. at the end of this message i also attach a dicription of these settings from the polyboost work. Where to find the command to launch this toolbox. or if this feature possibly was not included in the graphite modeling tools?
even selects subobject-elements that have even numbers like 2,4,12 and so on. the "skip" spinner determines how many numbers to skip between the even numbers, so a value of 1 will select elements numbered 2,4,6,8 and so on. a value of 2 will select elements numbered 2,6,10,14 and so on. shortcut: when used as a shortcut this tool will default to 1 as a skip value.
odd selects subobject-elements that have odd numbers like 1,3,15 and so on. the "SKIP" spinner determines how many numbers to skip between the odd numbers, so a value of 1 will select elements numbered 1,3,5,7 and so on. a value of 2 will select elements numbered 1,5,9,13 and so on. shortcut: when used as a shortcut this tool will default to 1 as a skip value.
nth sel selects the next even or odd numbered element in the model. because of the way the numbers are laid out in a basic primitive in max, this will in a way duplicate the selection further down the element numbers. the "STEP" spinner determines how big the jump is to the next selection. if the "reverse(rev)" checkbox is checked the selection will be created in the opposite way, and if the "move" checkbox is checked the selection will not be duplicated, but moved instead.
I'm trying to use 3dsmax 2011 graphite freeform polydraw tools to retopologize a scanned high poly model.
Here are the steps I went through:
1-Imported the high poly mesh (.obj) 2-Converted to editable poly 3-Used ProOptimizer modifier to make the model "lighter" for my pc 4-In the polydraw tools, I selected "Draw On: Surface" 5-"picked" the high poly model 6-Selected offset 0,2 7-Created new object using the polydraw tools "New Object" 8-Froze the high poly model 9-Started retopologizing
The problem is that during the retopology process, my mesh doesn't ''stick'' to the reference high poly model... so I have to stop every now and then to adjust it which takes a lot of time.
I do know that there are a lot more specialized retopo tools like Topogun and 3Dcoat, but acquiring a new tool is not an option at the moment.
It seems everytime I combine objects or do some weird deforming to objects the the Move Tool/Scale Tool/Rotate Tool drifts off into space and forces me to zoom out of what im working on to use the tools. This gets very bothersome when im moving a piece into just the right place and i need to be zoomed in. Im still quite new at Maya and 3D in general.
So I have the modeling ribbon but the only tabs that seem to have any tools in them are the "GraphiteModelingTools" tab and the "ObjectPaint" tab. How do I get the hidden tools to appear in the "Freeform" and "Selection" tabs? Does the plugin need to be added?
I just installed the upgrade to CS6 Design and Web Premium yesterday. Received my email for the free upgrade yesterday morning and all went fine for the download and install as far as I can tell.
Both the flash screen as well as the about Photoshop screen show CS6 extended, yet I have no 3D tools at all, either in the menu or toolbar. This is the case both with my laptop and desktop.
I have the latest drivers for my video cards and "use graphic processor" is checked in preferences.
desktop system specs: Windows XPpro 32bit service pack 3 graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 5450 4 gigs RAM 425 gigs free on scratch disk
I've just installed PSP X4 and absolutely do not like the graphite theme. Can this be changed? In X3 you could disable it from the View menu, I can't locate any similar option in X4.
I don't know if this has been reported but I found out today when working on a web design (hence working in the new unit - pixels) that you can't actually use the Dimension tools for measuring pixels. That's a pity because often you need to work with exact pixel dimensions when making websites and here the Dimension tools could come in very handy. It seems counting pixels by hand is a bit old-fashioned. Of course you can use calculations, but still...
how to make a simple tshirt design and want to work along with video but I have everything except the advanced tools option at the top tool bar I have just loaded X6 am I missing this or is this something that doesn't come with?
I have a new copy of PSE 11 and the tools menu palette names on the left side of the screen are missing. I notice that some tutorials show the palette names and others do not. How do you turn these names on or off?
My view cube disappeared on me a few days ago and not like its a big deal now when i turn on the edges it shows the triangles in the mesh. So heres the real problem idk how to turn of the triangulation? view? and when i go to views/viewcube or steering wheel the roll out is empty. so i went to the + sign in the viewport and hit configure viewcube checked the box hit ok and nothing happened. could the file for the view cube and wheel somehow have been deleted?
I instal form SDK User Tools because I need in Inventor Drawing Tools (Revision cloud). I do this install like on website Autodesk show and I didn't get it on ribbon. I do also registry of this plugin but I also didn't get it.
i have cs5 suite. last week everything fine in photoshop. this week, only the tools that are showing are available to use. i can not access the tools when i click on the corner of individual tools. i am running version 10.6.8
There seems to be way too many tools in the tools panel for me. Many of them I will rarely, if ever use. Is there any way I can rearrange or remove some of them? It would unclutter the screen immensely.
I have an interactive board with tools (such as pen or eraser) which I want to integrate with the AI. The typical scenario woulld be as follows: the user lifts the pen from the tray, the pen event will me mapped into selecting Pencil Tool from AI toolbar after which the user can add freehand annotations to the AI document.
Is there an API which would allow me to map abailable hardware tools with relevant AI tools? Is there an example which would demonstrate such integration?
How to get the 'Shape to Block' command to work (under express tools).
It says select object, but no matter what object I select eg. circle, pline or line, it says invalid selection. I am running AutoCAD 2012. Are 'shape' objects somehow different from any other objects?
I am able to use the menuload command to load the express menu, but when I try to execute one of the express tools. AutoCAD say invalid command, there was something on the website that said to type express tools at the command prompt, but when I do that, too it says invalid command.