3ds Max :: Lock Pan / Zoom On Viewport Background
May 13, 2013What happened to the lock pan and zoom on the view port background menu? Why would they take that out?
View 3 RepliesWhat happened to the lock pan and zoom on the view port background menu? Why would they take that out?
View 3 RepliesI'm looking up what to do on digital tutors. It shows how to add blueprints to the viewport background and have it locked in via bitmap so that you don't need to use planes. I was doing fine following the instructons until it showed a button to lock the zoom/pan into place so that the image won't remain a constant size even if you zoom in and out. I can't find it on my '14 version, and where it is placed so that I can finish setting up my blueprints.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a high res image of a map and I want to add it to a project and ZOOM in to a particular spot on that image.
I also want the image to stay unzoomed for a short time, then zoom in and then remain zoomed in for a short time.
I have added two 'key frames' (using add key frame) and have applied the zoom between them.
My problem is how to make sure the image doesn't move between the start and the first key frame (and between the second key frame and the end). I know that I can drag the RED CROSS using my mouse but I am finding it almost impossible to end up with the image without at least one black stripe on one edge (ie image not centered).
The result is that the resulting video clip moves slightly on the screen between the start and key frame 1 (and also between the zoomed in image at the second key frame and the end of the clip).
Is there a method like 'snap to grid) to force the image to the same place as the previous key frame?
So I have a viewport, viewing exactly what i want it to in model space but it's not where i want it in paper space. When i move the viewport entity in paper space it's changing my view in model space. How do I lock what the viewport is seeing?
I've tried locking, that doesn't seem to do it. I've tried yelling at it and that's not working. I'd try beating it with a stick but I don't know if the computer could handle it.
I would like to lock the size of an object regardless of the zoom percentage. When I am zooming in on a vector map (main layer) the objects (on different layers) becomes very big. So I should be able to zoom in/out on the vector map, but the objects shall keep the same size. How can I do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have 102 layout tabs and many more to come on this project. Each layout tab is a different scale (I know, awesome, right?). Is there a quick way to lock/unlock the viewport? I'm ctrl+dragging to create new layouts and it's simply annoying to click the little lock button to change the scale. (**** first world problems.)
Tried messing with the hotkeys but I can't even get F1 to disappear with LT like I can with full version.
When I right click on a viewport I no longer get the menu that includes the lock/unlock choice, or anything else. I can select the viewport but I have no control over it. Also when I select objects the layer information is not displayed. Until today I did not have this problem. I'm thinking it might be a settings issue, because if I open this file up on another computer I can control viewport as usual. The only think I can think of that I may have done different is I was experimenting with rotation of view ports.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf its possible to have a viewport stay locked on a geometry in model space?
For example- we layout our page geometries in model space and outline them in a VP in paperspace. however say we move the entire drawing in model space- we have to go back and redo every viewport on every page. is there a way to prevent this or stop this from happening?
Is there a way to lock the layer setup in a viewport, so when i copy and paste it to another paper space tab in the same or different cad file, it keeps the same setup?? (layers frozen / thawed)?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have some layouts with one viewport per page, and i am trying to make a small program to zoom to an incremental window from left to right for some model space cross sections for highways.
Any code to go into each layout, find the viewport and zoom by a window? i can derive from there.
Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
How do I adjust the zoom increments in the viewport. I tried just making what I'm working on a lot bigger but it scales with the object and I can't see anything. Its either too far away or too close to be even remotely workable.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've built a game piece (Humanoid) I've set up UVs and now I'm ready to start painting. As a start I want to lay down some base flat colors to certain areas of my mesh, I isolated the body of the character and...Tools>Viewport canvas>clicked brush>chose diffuse, saved map and began to paint in the "2D view" window within Viewport canvas. After laying down some color, as I came closer to edges where more accuracy is needed I decided to use my wacom tablet, panning works fine but when I zoom it goes crazy with extreme zooming in and out. I have the latest wacom driver, I've checked the wacom options in the control panel etc.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to find and zoom to text without switching back to the model space.
ie I am in a viewport in paperspace and i want to find text which resides in model space. I want to zoom to that text in the currently active viewport and not switch to its location in model space.
When clicking into an unlocked viewport, to switch from paper to model space, the viewport automatically zooms to extents.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI imported a model into 3dsMax from Sketchup.
The model is a 5200 sf interior building space that I had applied materials & components to in Sketchup.
Now that I am working on the model in 3ds Max, I am having some issues with the application of materials to the objects. Basically, some of the objects kept some of the materials that I had applied in Sketchup; however, some of the materials did not come through into Max. When I try to remedy this and apply the correct materials to the object, it is linked/grouped to several other objects in the model that I do not want to apply the material to.
I have tried to make a copy of the material in the material editor and then reapply to the object, but it still applies it to several other unrelated objects.
Also, I seem to be having trouble with my zoom feature in the viewport....my zoom will sometimes work, but sometimes it will zoom all the way to extents of the model, and won't let me zoom back into the interior of the model space; I don't know if this problem is related to the previous issue.
Wondering about the lock on background layer, the manual says the background layer will be partially locked unless it is transparent.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAn opened image is always locked. And if you want to do something you need to get rid of the lock. And yes, there are workarounds to do that. Can you add a preference option to turn off the backround lock default.
Rather than having to add a mask, why not also have a any new layer to automatically have a mask. Its a small step, but its something we do alot. All layers should have blank masks associated to them.
Is there an option to make PS never lock an opened file as a background layer? I never need to have the files that I open locked so I would like to skip the step of unlocking them every time..
View 17 Replies View RelatedBackground got partially locked; how do I remove the lock?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to change the default black background color in customize pan and zoom?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI`ve noticed the background image (from environment slot) is extremely slow in the viewport. I`ve tested this without any geometry and the only speed-up I can achieve is by turning off the image filtering (to `none`).
Spinning the viewport with an environment image always use to be instant, now it`s anything up to 10 or so seconds before update.
In past versions the viewport background I set to a environment map which was a bitmap (instance in materials). When viewing the viewport in SAFE FRAMES mode the bitmap would be scaled to fit - ie aspect ratio would be scaled to fit.Now it seems the bitmap is cropped rather than scaled. The workaround is to set a background from the files and avoid using the environment map.However can this default behaviour be changed anywhere?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI found an annoying bug using photoshop cs6 with win 8 pro.
It only happens when i'm working on a file with layer. When I zoom in or out with the mouse wheel the background suddenly changes from gray to black or "trasparent" multiple times.
Already tried updating vga drivers and disabling gpu acceleration, with no results.
Trying to model from an image. I can load the picture for the background, lock the pan and zoom, and match the bitmap in the aspect ratio.... but how to increase the resolution of the background so I can get a more detailed model?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with the display of background images in the viewport when using Nitrous display mode. Every image I load shows very pixelated and low-res. Then I switched to Direct3D and the image is crystal clear. Why is that? How can I make images in Nitrous show that clear? I tried modifying the 3dsmax.ini file but changing the texture limit values had absolutely no effect.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't know how to change this annoying effect - that came along with 3dsmax 2013. The Perspective Background Color is always slowly changing to black -
I already changed the viewport background setting from "gradiant color" to "solid color". Futher i changed the viewport background color to light - but the gradiant change of the backround to dark is still there.
I'm using CS5 to edit DSLR photos, I want to do a big radial zoom blur on the stormy clouds in the background without touching the building in front of it. I tried a mask and a cut'n'paste but the blur brings in unwanted stuff at the edges. What's the best way to do this cleanly?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use an image (a floor plan) as a reference to model the walls of a building, I've configured the image as the top viewport background, I set it to match the bitmap and ticked lock pan/zoom. Everything is okay, the only problem is that the scale is wrong, I'd like the image to have 9x9m in the viewport, but I couldn't find a way to configure that.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just started working at a studio who use Max 2008, however I was previously using Max 2010 in my old job and miss my graphite modelling tools. Are there any scripts or plugins available that provide something similar?
Viewport Background
Also I have been asked to produce an illustration, so I have set it as a viewport background & locked pan and zoom. However, it does not actually lock the pan or zoom and just moves the camera which is causing a bit of frustration, as well as straining my eyes.
In Max 2014 my files are opening with the gradient an the viewport background. How can i change that so the default is the solid color instead of the gradient?
View 4 Replies View Relatedafter loading the background image in the usual way you do its visible in all modes except when you switch to wireframe, which is the most likely time when you do want to see it. Maybe something to do with the nitrous viewport thingy, dont know?. Running a 64 bit os on a quad core system with 12 gb of ram and an invidia quadro 3800 card. Like to say that the nirous viewer is a great improvement for viewport accuracy , only seems to work with four lights though?
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