3ds Max :: How To Increase Viewport Background Resolution
Jul 20, 2011
Trying to model from an image. I can load the picture for the background, lock the pan and zoom, and match the bitmap in the aspect ratio.... but how to increase the resolution of the background so I can get a more detailed model?
I have a problem with the display of background images in the viewport when using Nitrous display mode. Every image I load shows very pixelated and low-res. Then I switched to Direct3D and the image is crystal clear. Why is that? How can I make images in Nitrous show that clear? I tried modifying the 3dsmax.ini file but changing the texture limit values had absolutely no effect.
I've been wondering... Since resolution is such an important factor to whether a pic is sharp and clear, how is photoshop able to increase the resolution of the pic? From what I heard, the picture is broken down into more pixels when the resolution is increased. If so, how can it distort the pic?
I also have this senario which I'm facing now... Since it's rather confusing, I have broken it down into Steps...
1) Open picture A in photoshop 2) Transformed picture A smaller so that it is easier to work with (less lag) 3) I created some layers and merged all the layers together 4) Copy the merged layer into another Art piece in Photoshop 5) In the new Art piece, I transformed the merged layer back to the original size
As I transformed the merged layer back to the original size, will it become distorted? Or will the resolution remain around the same?
So i write some text on to a picture and it never look sas sharp as i want it too, so if i zoom in a bit you can see that the DPI are not very good, very blurred, what can i do to increase this, so that even in a highly zoomed state, it looks very clear and sharp?
When I work on the texture in one window and have the 3d window showing there is a huge discrepency in the preview resolution in the 3d window. It only gets crisp when I interact with the 3d model, move, rotate etc, but when I stop, it gets all pixelated again. I have it set to Best AA but that made little difference and I'm not finding any options anywhere.
Is there any way of setting the redraw resolution of the 3d preview to match the crispness of the 2d canvas?
I know those are almost opposites, but is there a way to allow VSPro to somehow pre process the video such that my preview runs more smoothly and with high resolution (or at least more smoothly).
I have a decent box and am trying to process 1080p clips. It seems to run smoothly after I create a file (in the preview window), but is there a way to have it do that without going to step 3 ("Share")?
I need a render with good Quality, so i define the " standard render" on "presentation", and "render quality" on "5", and image size on 2500*2500, BUT the image Weight gets so low, like 500KB..
Illustrator Question regarding the texturization window. For some reason, every texture included (as well as one that I made in Photoshop), shows up in the Texturization window with a resolution of about 20 x 20 pixels. Even the simple sandy texture I made with Photoshop is displayed with poor resolution.
When I try File >> Place >> sand_texture.psd and drag it into the Swatches window, the texture isnt added no matter what I try.
I have included an image of what I see when opening the Texturization window.
What I'm after in an 'increase photo resolution' tool similar in result to PhotoAcute Studio (without the hefty price tag). I suspect this may be available but named something else.
I can't change the resolution in the viewport configs either, what gives? 2011 let you set the "Download Texture Size" to "match bitmap as close as possible." I can't Find this option.
I want to print the photo above on canvas. I know that when I send it to my local printshop about 2 or 3 cm will be printed on the side off the frame. As you can see the butterfly is almost on the top of my photo. I want to prevent that part of the butterfly will come on the side of the frame.
I want to increase my canvas size, but not with a color. When I choose exisiting background it just chooses one color. I want to extend the exisiting background image out. t
I have a white background image with several logos layered on it.I need to increase the size of the white background image to make room for another logo without effecting the layered logos on top.
I`ve noticed the background image (from environment slot) is extremely slow in the viewport. I`ve tested this without any geometry and the only speed-up I can achieve is by turning off the image filtering (to `none`).
Spinning the viewport with an environment image always use to be instant, now it`s anything up to 10 or so seconds before update.
In past versions the viewport background I set to a environment map which was a bitmap (instance in materials). When viewing the viewport in SAFE FRAMES mode the bitmap would be scaled to fit - ie aspect ratio would be scaled to fit.Now it seems the bitmap is cropped rather than scaled. The workaround is to set a background from the files and avoid using the environment map.However can this default behaviour be changed anywhere?
I'm looking up what to do on digital tutors. It shows how to add blueprints to the viewport background and have it locked in via bitmap so that you don't need to use planes. I was doing fine following the instructons until it showed a button to lock the zoom/pan into place so that the image won't remain a constant size even if you zoom in and out. I can't find it on my '14 version, and where it is placed so that I can finish setting up my blueprints.
I don't know how to change this annoying effect - that came along with 3dsmax 2013. The Perspective Background Color is always slowly changing to black -
I already changed the viewport background setting from "gradiant color" to "solid color". Futher i changed the viewport background color to light - but the gradiant change of the backround to dark is still there.
I used the magic extrator to isolate my subject in a high resolution picture (3000x4000 pixels). Then I put it on a background that I got off the Internet. It looked great on the screen, but when I went to print it at a photo store, the resolution was so low that I couldn't use the picture. I also don't know how to add a background any other way. Have others had the resolution of the picture degenerate to this point when it was put on a background?
I'm trying to use an image (a floor plan) as a reference to model the walls of a building, I've configured the image as the top viewport background, I set it to match the bitmap and ticked lock pan/zoom. Everything is okay, the only problem is that the scale is wrong, I'd like the image to have 9x9m in the viewport, but I couldn't find a way to configure that.
I have just started working at a studio who use Max 2008, however I was previously using Max 2010 in my old job and miss my graphite modelling tools. Are there any scripts or plugins available that provide something similar?
Viewport Background Also I have been asked to produce an illustration, so I have set it as a viewport background & locked pan and zoom. However, it does not actually lock the pan or zoom and just moves the camera which is causing a bit of frustration, as well as straining my eyes.
In Max 2014 my files are opening with the gradient an the viewport background. How can i change that so the default is the solid color instead of the gradient?
after loading the background image in the usual way you do its visible in all modes except when you switch to wireframe, which is the most likely time when you do want to see it. Maybe something to do with the nitrous viewport thingy, dont know?. Running a 64 bit os on a quad core system with 12 gb of ram and an invidia quadro 3800 card. Like to say that the nirous viewer is a great improvement for viewport accuracy , only seems to work with four lights though?
I've been having trouble finding a way to change the viewport background color in AutoCAD 2013 for Mac. I've found ways for the windows OS version, but not for the mac version unfortunately.
resize this image into a resolution of 1280x768 (height = 1280px, width = 768px) and keep the blank background. I know the original 'X' is in a square shape so I'm unsure if it can be put into this vertical rectangle shape. I want the four coloured bars to continue into each of the corners and also do another copy with a sort of glossy reflective look applied to the colours if possible. Maybe also as the image is being enlarged, make the bars slightly wider so they don't look long and skinny