An opened image is always locked. And if you want to do something you need to get rid of the lock. And yes, there are workarounds to do that. Can you add a preference option to turn off the backround lock default.
Rather than having to add a mask, why not also have a any new layer to automatically have a mask. Its a small step, but its something we do alot. All layers should have blank masks associated to them.
I'm using CS6 and can't figure out how to make the transform size lock be turned on by default. See below:
Every time I hit CTRL+T to transform something I have to go up there and click on the lock so it locks the dimensions as I transform. It's unlocked by default as seen in the photo above.
I am in the habit of processing large numbers of jpeg images for use in slide shows. When I come to signing the images I almost always use size 14, sometimes size 12, for my name print. But the size that sets seems to vary, usually coming up as size 18 and forcing me to change down to 14 eah time before signing the image. How do I go about locking in size 14 as the automatic default?
How to turn of the "lock symbol" from showing when you run your crosshairs (outside of a command) over a locked layer. Its annoying and i would like to turn it off.
Also, when offsetting a line, is there a way to turn off the imaginary offset line that indicates the offset side, again its annoying and i'd like to turn it off.
Is there an option to make PS never lock an opened file as a background layer? I never need to have the files that I open locked so I would like to skip the step of unlocking them every time..
I would like to ensure that all my SVG files are UTF-8 when saved, but they sometimes come out as ISO 5589-1 (the defualt encoding) Is there a way to set & lock this somewhere, somehow?
I'm looking up what to do on digital tutors. It shows how to add blueprints to the viewport background and have it locked in via bitmap so that you don't need to use planes. I was doing fine following the instructons until it showed a button to lock the zoom/pan into place so that the image won't remain a constant size even if you zoom in and out. I can't find it on my '14 version, and where it is placed so that I can finish setting up my blueprints.
I'm looking for any way to set the startup state of the viewport windows so that two sided lighting is turned off whenever i start Maya. I work in game assets creation a lot so having it turned off allows me to make sure my normals are facing the right way. I usually just turn it off manually but every now and then i forget and it comes back to bite me.
In maya 2011 I used the script found here [URL]
which is as follows :
Append the lines below to file "initHUDScripts.mel", preferably in a local copy to your maya scripts directory. Path is, in Windows: C:Users\Documentsmaya\scripts
// CUSTOM SETTINGS BELOW // Set Two-sided lighting to off in default 4 views. modelEditor -e -twoSidedLighting false modelPanel1;
but I can't seem to find the "initHUDScripts.mel" in the 2013 file structure. Alternate script I can implement or know where I should append this existing script in the 2013 files? the script still works in 2013, I just dont know where to put it to load at startup
I am facing some problem with few font series. Like the series of fonts called "Heavenetica" has turned italic.
Nothing happens even if I click Italic option again, I tried un-installing and re-installing the fonts, but still the same. The same fonts work and look fine in other software.
I recently upgraded to windows 8, this problem was not there in corel X6 in windows 7.
How come sometimes my foreground/background colors turn to shades of gray when I open a new canvas and I can't change them to color? Is this a glitch or a setting?
Also, sometimes after selecting an area with the lasso and going to the move tool I can't pick up the piece. I get a message that says something like the area is empty.
Lastly, how do I create a stroke (i.e. outline) around a shape?
I prepare graphics mostly for print, so I like to turn on the Proof Colors view and Overprint Preview views. It's a pain to turn these on for each document. Is there a way to make these the default viewing settings in Illustrator CS6?
I tried creating an action to do it, but the Insert Menu Item command in actions causes Illustrator to crash every time, and the help file seems to say that View commands are unavailable to actions. So I'm not sure if that's a bug. Oddly, Photoshop has the very useful File> Scripts> Script Event Manager that let's me turn on Proof Colors (via an action) whenever a document is opened. It works very well. However, Illustrator does not appear to have these options. I found the View> New View options in Illustrator. They let me create a view that turns on Overprint Preview, but absolutely refuse to turn on Proof Colors. So it's the same number of clicks and pointless.
Illustrator CS6, v. 16.0.3 64-bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
I've only just started having a problem with Photoshop. I'm running it on Mac OSX
My images will randomly take a chunk out of all layers, and the background will turn black where it was originally white. In one case all the layers on my canvas were distorted by a checker pattern of bright colours. All the images I am currently working on are in RGB mode which were hand drawn black and white images that were scanned.
I'm not sure what is going on but closing the image without saving and the closing photoshop and even restarting my computer doesn't seem to fix the problem.
how to change the defaulf background color back to white ... all files open with a yellow background, the default icon on the tool bar is yellow also. I click on restore default background color and it stays yellow even on a grayscale file ...
when you open, let's say a PNG file, it creates a default locked Background layer, fine, now edit it, turn it into Layer 0 for example, and save, again as PNG, ...the next time you open that file, you'll get your Layer 0 and not a Background layer, I definitely need to get rid off that behavior, I need that Background Layer to be there! PNG isn't a PSD or TIFF, why is Photoshop saving Layer infos? and where? in the PNG? in a Cache ? I tried a bit of things to retrieve that "Background layer" when opening but PS CS5 still stores that info somewhere...
What I want is to prevent Photoshop doing that. That is, the next time I'm re-opening a file that is not supposed to have layers (like a PSD or TIFF), it opens it with "Background Layer" ! and not Layer 0 if I already opened it / edited / saved in Photoshop.
I'd like to change the default foreground/background colours, so that when I click on the toolbar's Default Colour Icon (or press D), I get something other than black and white. Alternatively, I'd like to be able to save a color and call it up as the foreground (or background) colour with a key-stroke.
I didn't realized that as I'm importing images, the 'background' was defaulting to white. I'm working a couple images right now, in which the transparent setting is really needed. I found where to change the default, but not how to change it for existing images in PS already.
I want new documents to open with a solid background color by default. I've opened a new doc, gone to tools>options>document, set the solid background I want, then check save options as defaults for new documents. But when I then open a new document, the background setting is back to "no background".
In Max 2014 my files are opening with the gradient an the viewport background. How can i change that so the default is the solid color instead of the gradient?
Presently, the Fill Color defaults to "Red" and I have to check "Use drawing background color" every time. Certainly there must be a way to change this?
While I am at it, how about line space distance? Ditto on default justification, height, etc., etc.?