Illustrator :: Any Way To Turn On Proof Colors And Overprint Preview By Default?
Jan 5, 2013
I prepare graphics mostly for print, so I like to turn on the Proof Colors view and Overprint Preview views. It's a pain to turn these on for each document. Is there a way to make these the default viewing settings in Illustrator CS6?
I tried creating an action to do it, but the Insert Menu Item command in actions causes Illustrator to crash every time, and the help file seems to say that View commands are unavailable to actions. So I'm not sure if that's a bug. Oddly, Photoshop has the very useful File> Scripts> Script Event Manager that let's me turn on Proof Colors (via an action) whenever a document is opened. It works very well. However, Illustrator does not appear to have these options. I found the View> New View options in Illustrator. They let me create a view that turns on Overprint Preview, but absolutely refuse to turn on Proof Colors. So it's the same number of clicks and pointless.
Illustrator CS6, v. 16.0.3 64-bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
I have an action with a number of items to do prior to releasing/proofing a file to print. I can record overprint preview using insert menu item, but this toggles to on or off depedning on what the last.
I got a PDF today that (besides being just a complete and terrible mess) has a basic vector shape in a clipping mask that won't let me turn off the overprinting.
When I select the whole object with clipping mask, the Overprint Fill box (in the attributes panel) has a hypen. When I click into the clipping mask or go to Object > Clipping Mask > Edit Contents and I select just the vector shape, the Overprint Fill box has a check in it, and I uncheck it. Then when I exit out and reselect the whole object I get the hypen again. I can also uncheck the hypen and the box is blank, but then when I deselect and select it again I get that evil hypen again.
way to turn off overprinting for a single object in Acrobat Pro my mind will figuratively explode.
I¨m working on a RGB document; it´s not going to be printed, but I need to simulate the overprint effect and also to use some "out of gammut" RGB colors that display very different on CMYK. I have the overpirnt preview checked; also, the objects I want to overprint have the Overprint Fill checked on the Attributes window. I even tried converting to spot colors, since I got the "In RGB documents, overprinting only affects spots colors" message. Still, no overprint preview.
How to I return to the original workspace without PP? I've pressed "reset all settings" along with a number of other failed attempts and the white background screen is still there along with the dialogue box giving me options, none that I am interested any longer.
When i have the view proof colors selected the image looks good. I think that the purpose of the proof colors is so that when you print it looks closer to the screen image. when i save the new file looks like the image before selecting the proof colors option. could somebody explain the purpose of this better and how to save with normal colors?
I am creating mockups for a t-shirt design, this top photo is how the design looks in illustrator with the correct pantones: blue 3115C, Red 119C, and Black. When I save it as a PDF and it is opened in the Preview Application, certain colors turn black like this. This has happened several times lately and I have recently switched from Illy CS5 to CS6, so I wonder if that is the reason?
I am having a little trouble with the pdf I created in Illustrator. See images below for explanation. It's only happening to certain text. How can it be fixed, and how to prevent it from happening again?
I get this as thumbnail image on my desktop and in Finder, when I click space bar to quick view, and when its preview as an attachment in an email.
This is how it's supposed to look. This only happens when the PDF is actually goes from the above img to this.
whenever I do pretty much anything (eg. when applying any of the Illustrator Effects) in Illustrator, to have to turn on the 'Preview' checkbox every time. Obviously I want to see a preview of what I'm doing. I can't find anything in the preferences to fix this - is there any way of making preview ON by default? I guess this is a relic of the ancient core of Illustrator, when adding something like a soft shadow would make those Macintosh Classics grind to a halt.
Unfortunately this is one of those impossible-to-Google questions - any permutation of "illustrator", "preview", "default" gives me thousands of unrealted search results!
I think I understand what View> Proof Setup does in Photoshop. It shows you a preview of what the image will look like with the chosen color space. But here is what I dont get. With an image open choose View>Proof Setup and then "Internet Standard RGB (sRGB)". Now close the image and reopen it. Choose View>ProofSetup again. Notice that "Internet Standard RGB (sRGB)" is already selected. Now, re-select the color space again and when you do pay very close attention to the image. Does it change colors? Mine does and that is what I am questioning. Why does it do that?
When I reselect the color space after opening the file, it changes color. Of course, if I select a different color space than what was selected when I open the file, it changes. I expect that.
I am looking at an image which has some red areas that are out-of-gamut in the soft proof profile I'm using. It's difficult to preview the areas as red is used to highlight those areas. How can I change the red to be some other color?
I have calibrated my monitor (IIyama VisionMaster Pro 454), scanner (Epson 2450 with Silverfast) and printer (Canon i950) so that I get prints that resemble as good and bad as possible what I scan/ see on the monitor. I normally work in Adobe RGB, but I also do some webwork. Which is why I also preview in sRGB or even Monitor RGB.
I would like to use Proof Setup to view my files default in sRGB, but whatever I do, Photoshop always opens default with CMYK. I tried Custom, choose sRGB and then save, but that does not change Photoshop's CMYK obsession.
I know one can easily change the sizes of the New documents by opening the text file that contains them. So I was wondering whether there was also a method/trick to change this default proof/CMYK setting.
Is there a way we can keep the "Preview" mode activated by default when applying new styles, etc.? I hate always having to click the "Preview" button. Of course I want to see what it looks like before applying the effect!!!
Just wanted to print a new photo and realized that the colors in print preview do not match the colors in soft proofing. In both cases I selected the same icc profile and rendering method. The print colors matched the colors in print preview. I never had a problem so far. All new prints will be checked with soft proofing and adjusted when necessary. I never paid attention to the color rendition in print preview and all prints perfectly matched the colors from the soft proofing. I was surprised when my print came out of the printer and the colors weren't matching the soft proofing colors, but that of the print preview.
I don't understand why Photoshop renders the colors differently in the first place. See attached screenshot for the difference in the blue/cyan colors. I don't care if the print view colors will match the print, but I do care when soft proofing is not working.
CDX5: Whatever color I select for fill or outline is now set as the default color for fills and outlines without expressly setting it as such. Until now when I left or right click a color with nothing selected it allowed me to set it as a default fill or outline color for graphics, artistic text, or paragraph text. It does not do that now.
Is this a "feature" that's been added that I somehow enabled? In any event, how do I turn it off?
It is strange that it is still as optional view option. Why You can't see it always on? reason not to see overprints? We have at least 3 printing reruns this year, where objects lost in pages, just because they where made white from overprinted blacks.
When i turn on overprint mode illustrator redraw is super slow. I made real siple file with two boxes from what one is overprinted.When i turn on overprint mode and try to move one of the box it will take time to redraw it on the new place and there is no drag view at all.
I need to use overprint mode quite often and its not an option right now with so slow redraw. Do i need to go back to use sc5?
If I were to select some text, then checkmark 'Overprint Fill' in the 'Attributes' pane, is there a way to tell with JavaScript that the text was set to overprint?
I've been experimenting with this code in ExtendScript, but it keeps returning false:
var doc = app.activeDocument; $.write(doc.textFrames[0].textPath.fillOverprint + ' ');
I have a logo that I ultimatly need rendered properly in a PDF to send for proofing. It has a overprint effect in it but I can't figure out a way to export it as a tif or jpg with a simulated overprint.
What I have tried:
Export as tif and export as jpg (from Illustrator CS5). Neither export has a simulate overprint option, and both export with a big green blob on top of everything (the green blob is the shape that is overprinting)
Save as PDF, press ready, defaults to view of green blob (not simulated overprinting)
Save as PDF, change to PDF 1.3, in advanced flattening I set overprint to preserve, and high resolution. Same result as above.
In a PDF I can turn on the overprint preview, but I can't make that a default (as far as I know). Additionally, I am sending this to a client, I don't want to have to tell him "Oh, and by the way, here are the 10 steps to simulating overprinting in PDFs!"
Also I have tried to import from PDF to Photoshop and there is no option for simulated overprint there as well.
Also, I don't care if it is just a jpg or tif placed into a PDF, I don't need to preserve vector for this portion of it. If I can, then great, if there is a solution but I can't find, It is only for presentation at this stage.