Photoshop :: Why Does Colors Change In CS View - Proof Setup
Feb 19, 2013
I think I understand what View> Proof Setup does in Photoshop. It shows you a preview of what the image will look like with the chosen color space. But here is what I dont get. With an image open choose View>Proof Setup and then "Internet Standard RGB (sRGB)". Now close the image and reopen it. Choose View>ProofSetup again. Notice that "Internet Standard RGB (sRGB)" is already selected. Now, re-select the color space again and when you do pay very close attention to the image. Does it change colors? Mine does and that is what I am questioning. Why does it do that?
When I reselect the color space after opening the file, it changes color. Of course, if I select a different color space than what was selected when I open the file, it changes. I expect that.
I just downloaded PS Elements 12 (using the 30 trail version prior to purchase) and am unable to find the Proof Setup option in the VIew menu to soft proof my images prior to enlargement.
Edit an image file and get it to where I like on the monitor.Duplicate the file and set the new file to the profile for the printer which will be used, by using View > Proof Setup > Custom and setting an imported printer profile for the printing company that I use.
Edit the soft proof file to get it to where it looks good again. Save off the file for the printer and also save the new PSD file.
Close the PSD file.Reopen the new (soft proofed) PSD file.Still looks good, but.... when you check View > Proof Setup it's now generally set to Custom: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2 instead of to the imported printer profile which was set previously. WHY???? Where did the printer profile go? Is it supposed to do this?
If I then reset View > Proof Setup to the correct printer profile, the image goes to crap again.
i open or create a new document the proof setup is set to ''working CMYK'' but i want it to be ''monitor RBG'' by default when i create or open a new document,
To get my images to display with the correct color I have to set the Proof Setup to Monitor RGB, this works almost perfectly, except it won't save the Proof Colors option. I have to go under the view menu and re-enable Proof Colors again even though it should have already been selected. Should this be considered a bug and/or is there a workaround to always have Proof Colors enabled?
how to create an icc profile that I can then select as a proof setup preset? Can icc profiles only be created with the video card or can they be made in photoshop?
I have calibrated my monitor (IIyama VisionMaster Pro 454), scanner (Epson 2450 with Silverfast) and printer (Canon i950) so that I get prints that resemble as good and bad as possible what I scan/ see on the monitor. I normally work in Adobe RGB, but I also do some webwork. Which is why I also preview in sRGB or even Monitor RGB.
I would like to use Proof Setup to view my files default in sRGB, but whatever I do, Photoshop always opens default with CMYK. I tried Custom, choose sRGB and then save, but that does not change Photoshop's CMYK obsession.
I know one can easily change the sizes of the New documents by opening the text file that contains them. So I was wondering whether there was also a method/trick to change this default proof/CMYK setting.
In prior versions of PS, if I added a custom profile under Proof Setup, it would be pinned to the Proof Setup menu (along with the default profiles). That doesn't appear to happen in PS CS6.
Is there a specific place I need to save the custom Proof profiles to so that they will appear in the menu?
When i have the view proof colors selected the image looks good. I think that the purpose of the proof colors is so that when you print it looks closer to the screen image. when i save the new file looks like the image before selecting the proof colors option. could somebody explain the purpose of this better and how to save with normal colors?
I prepare graphics mostly for print, so I like to turn on the Proof Colors view and Overprint Preview views. It's a pain to turn these on for each document. Is there a way to make these the default viewing settings in Illustrator CS6?
I tried creating an action to do it, but the Insert Menu Item command in actions causes Illustrator to crash every time, and the help file seems to say that View commands are unavailable to actions. So I'm not sure if that's a bug. Oddly, Photoshop has the very useful File> Scripts> Script Event Manager that let's me turn on Proof Colors (via an action) whenever a document is opened. It works very well. However, Illustrator does not appear to have these options. I found the View> New View options in Illustrator. They let me create a view that turns on Overprint Preview, but absolutely refuse to turn on Proof Colors. So it's the same number of clicks and pointless.
Illustrator CS6, v. 16.0.3 64-bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
I'd like to create a series of textures that are essentially deuteranopic versions of other files I have. Although I can view the files as they would be seen by a deuteranopic using a proof view, I cannot find a way to save the file as it appears in this proof.
I have tried for hours to find a solution across the help topics and even attempted to find third-party programs to no avail, and using screenshots to capture the view and save them is time-consuming and creates errors when I need to preserve partial transparency of certain textures.
I am looking at an image which has some red areas that are out-of-gamut in the soft proof profile I'm using. It's difficult to preview the areas as red is used to highlight those areas. How can I change the red to be some other color?
We are working with a company that will be sending us DWG files. They do not use the same layer colors as us and I am trying to find a lisp that would allow me to set up a table with the layer names and the color I want them to be so that I can quickly change all the layers to our companys color standards.
Layer 1 = Color 1 Layer 2 = Color 15 Layer 3 = Color 10 Etc.
I don't know a lot about lisp but I figure if I could find a lisp that did this I could plug in my layer/color assignments and it would work.
I am trying to setup and manage some view templates.
Can changes made in the View Template settings Automatically update in ALL views that are utilizing that specific template, without re-applying? My only way now is to select all the views from the project browser and Apply View Template again. (every time i make changes for that matter)
Some files i work in, other users come in and override lots of the view template stuff on an element basis. Is there a command to reset all overrides for that specific view, or multiple views?
When I'm working in PS CS and open a folder of pictures it always reverts to List view even though I exited last time in Thumbnail view. How can I set it to open in Thumbnail view by default?
System: Acer Aspire 3050 AMD sempron mobile 3500+ 1.8Ghz 2Gb RAM + 512Mb ATI radeon xpress 1100 Win 7 ultimate
I know my laptop specifications are not super but I DID RAN it on my machine when I was using WIN XP SP3, The problem happened when I turned to use WIN7 ULTIMATE on my laptop. 3D max starts but every second the screen goes blank and this message appear: Display driver stopped working and had recovered "screen shot is attached"
Note:When I change the graphics setup in 3d max to software or openGL, It works fine BUT the ViewCube is gone
I love the new versions of Illustrator, but get left in the dust with new innovations that I can't figure out.
I am trying to go to File > Document Setup and all I get is a new dialog box that completely leaves out page orientation and page size as well. I just want to have an artboard that is 11" x 8 1/2" but there is nothing I see in menus or in palettes that give the old comfortable page orientation change that you used to be able to do in older versions of Illustrator. How do I set page or artboard size and orientation?
PC, Windows 7, AI CC..I have a document that displays units in points, and when I change the unit type to inches in the preferences panel and the Document Setup panel, the change won't apply.
I've tried saving as a new document, restarting, etc. I even tried setting the units to other units... doesn't matter what I have the units set to in preferences, it's always displaying points.
The loupe view on the second screen used to display information about the photo. I double clicked on it and it disappeared and no matter what I do I can't seem to get it back.
On the primary screen this can be added/removed or changed in Library Module by selecting the menu view->view options... which gets you to a settings window where you can set what shows. However, I cannot seem to find a similar thing for the second monitor.
I need to modify the page setup of multple drawings and have it save that way so everytime I open the drawing the chosen page setup is selected.
I'm aware of being able to set multiple page setups in the publish screen, but that isnt a permenant change to the drawings themselves, and not what I'm looking for.
I get several dwg's a day with up to 40 layouts in each one. All the settings are correct ACCEPT the plotter. Is there a way to set all page setups for all layouts at the same time? Something like select all layouts and do a page setup for all. Possibly with LISP or VBA?
I have a set of Lightroom Print templates that I am trying to use, that are all for a 4x6 print. I can't get it to work because my page setup in the print module defaults to letter size. When I go in and change the page setup, it messes up the template and it gets all jumbled. Then when I go on to the next template, it switches back to letter size again. I want to create and hold a 4x6 canvas so these templates can either be saved to a 4x6 .jpg or printed on 4x6 paper. I know I can save a printer and page layout as part of a template by clicking the "update settings" once I have it all as i want it, but I can't even get that far because it messes up the template as soon as I change the page settings to 4x6. How do I get the canvas to 4x6 on templates that are already created so I can save them as a 4x6 .jpg or print to 4x6 paper?
I even just installed a printer that only prints 4x6 to see, but again, when I change the page layout it completely messes up the template.
It started yesterday evening. i had been working all day. today can't use CS6 PS at all as my job is painting an illustration. Where do I begin to sort this out? I did install Sugar Sync yesterday as per client request.
I have seen many a picture where it has been changed to black and white and only one chosen colour stays the same. Or sometimes it can be changed. In the photo below she was originally in normal colour and the bikini was blue. I would really love to do this with some shots of my wife but cant get the colour to work.
In our drawing office we use Inventor in a mining materials handling environment. Our output is mainly structural drawings where we require a bill of materials as part of creating a drawing. Whenever I insert a BOM in the drawing environment I get this table which is labeled in a foreign language (it looks like an Eastern European language) and the format is not as per the standard Autodesk installation setup.
How do I either revert back to the standard setup or do a BOM setup from scratch?