AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Default Page Setup Across Multiple Drawings
Nov 1, 2013
I need to modify the page setup of multple drawings and have it save that way so everytime I open the drawing the chosen page setup is selected.
I'm aware of being able to set multiple page setups in the publish screen, but that isnt a permenant change to the drawings themselves, and not what I'm looking for.
I have a copy machine that staples automatically but i dont want it to staple all the time. I made two page setups 1 called toshiba 11x17 and one called 11x17 stapled. However every time i go into the properties for them whatever i do to one effects the other. I just want one to be stapled one to not be stapled and everything else to be identical.
I am guessing this will be a no but is there a way to change page setup for more than 1 page at a time? I have multiple pages in a drawing that I want to change to all the same page setup.
With ACDLT2010 is there a way to create 1 page setup and force it with one command to all SHEETS (Paper Space) or Multiple Files Model's prior to Batch Plotting a Project?
Reason i ask, is i regularly get files from other contractors, and they use different aspect ratio's / paper sizes / blah bleh blah. Manually going through and changing all the settings is time consuming and would be much easier if i can just pull up a list of drawing's and force a page setup to all pages.
Okay, so I have about 25 layouts on this particular drawing that already have a default page setup assigned to them. I just created a new page setup and want to apply it to these layouts...but I cannot. I can select the right setup in the publish window but it does not stay current after publishing.
The problem also comes up if I do a "-purge" or wblock the entire drawing as to remove weird elements. The pagesetups then show as missing.
If I create a new drawing and setup the page setup for the first time AutoCAD will ask if I would like to apply to all layouts. Where is this option for existing drawings?
Not sure what causes a page setup already created and previously used to not be able to be selected at a later time. When selecting it, it reverts back to <none>. Does this mean the plotter changed/is not available? The network name for the plotter did not change, but the model of the plotter changed slightly. I have the same setup saved in 100's of drawings and assumed that as long as the network name for the plotter remained the same, the setup would continue to work.
We have just upgraded from 2009 to 2012. Also have merged with a New company that did use xrefernces for there title blocks and we did, and now i am trying to solve how to use there borders to create new page layouts.
Our page setups that we had in 2009 were created by a former employee that is longer with the company.
How we typically started a border/ sheet. We have a separate drawing file that has in model space a 24x36 border with our info that we want repeated on all our sheets.
Now that we are in 2012; The layout tap is a weird size and the 'layout black area' does not match when I import that 24x36 boarder file. The black area does not line up with "0,0,0" and that is what I and trying to figure out how to i make the black area of the layout start at 0,0,0 and be 24x36.
the picture i attached shows 0,0,0 and the 2 borders over layed.
the green box is 24x36.
the blue box is the new border which is ment to be sent within the 24x36 and the brownish red box is the old border and layout and what we used to use.
I am just installed AutoCAD 2010 on Windows 7 (both 64-bit). There is a problem with the Page Setup Manager. When I select any of the page setup tabs, then select "modify" or even "new", the program crashes. Same things happens when I gain access to the Page Set Up Manager through the menu. . Page Manager hasn't ever worked. Update 2 is installed. I have repaired and reinstalled, and tried all again just now. There is no error message beyond "not responding" in parentheses next to name of dialogue box. The screen grays out and stays that way. Then the screen becomes shaded with the whirling aqua ring and it's all over. Control + P and plot causes the system to crash as well.
I get several dwg's a day with up to 40 layouts in each one. All the settings are correct ACCEPT the plotter. Is there a way to set all page setups for all layouts at the same time? Something like select all layouts and do a page setup for all. Possibly with LISP or VBA?
I am working on an AutoCad drawing (Vers. 2013) that I got from someone else. I am setting up my drawing and right clicked my sheet tab as usual to go to the page set up manager. I set up my printer, ctb, paper size etc. But when I try to set my plot size to 1:1 it won't retain it and reverts to 1"=1'. It will however let me switch to anything other than to 1;1 (ie 1:10). I checked some existing drawings and the problem doesn't show up. So it's just this particular drawing that's messed up. I checked my drawing units and drawing setup commands and they are the same as I always use.
So the question is why won't let me use a plot size of 1:1?
Without our office, we set up Sheet Sets for every set of drawings we produce, and we setup Page Setup Overrides specific to those drawings from which we can print. We may setup one for printing fullsize PDFs, another for in-house half-size plots, and another for 11x17 printing. The Overrides are saved on our office network.
We've been having an issue where the plotter(s) in the various Overrides won't work initially when someone other than the creator is printing. That person will have to open up the 'Manage Page Setup Overrides' tab, select 'Modify' for the Override they wish to change, and select the plotter to use in that Override (the plotter always defaults to 'None'). They can publish from that particular drawing set just fine until someone else in the office needs to print using an Override, in which case they go through the same procedure listed above.
We're using network printers only, and we've verified that the printer names, ports, etc. are all the same between the various computers, so different naming or port selection doesn't seem to be an issue.
I have quite a few thousand of drawings that each has a different page setup saved in them. What I would like to do is to remove all of these pageset ups from these drawings, import a newly one, set it to current and then save the file for later printing. Maybe some lisp file that can accomplish this.
I love the new versions of Illustrator, but get left in the dust with new innovations that I can't figure out.
I am trying to go to File > Document Setup and all I get is a new dialog box that completely leaves out page orientation and page size as well. I just want to have an artboard that is 11" x 8 1/2" but there is nothing I see in menus or in palettes that give the old comfortable page orientation change that you used to be able to do in older versions of Illustrator. How do I set page or artboard size and orientation?
I have a set of Lightroom Print templates that I am trying to use, that are all for a 4x6 print. I can't get it to work because my page setup in the print module defaults to letter size. When I go in and change the page setup, it messes up the template and it gets all jumbled. Then when I go on to the next template, it switches back to letter size again. I want to create and hold a 4x6 canvas so these templates can either be saved to a 4x6 .jpg or printed on 4x6 paper. I know I can save a printer and page layout as part of a template by clicking the "update settings" once I have it all as i want it, but I can't even get that far because it messes up the template as soon as I change the page settings to 4x6. How do I get the canvas to 4x6 on templates that are already created so I can save them as a 4x6 .jpg or print to 4x6 paper?
I even just installed a printer that only prints 4x6 to see, but again, when I change the page layout it completely messes up the template.
Is there a way to remove the *Model* page setup entry from the list of Page Setups in the Page Setup Manager? This is the first time I am seeing *Model* in the list, and I suspect that it the reason I am not able to generate a PDF for this particular drawing. When I try, I get the following error:
========================= Job: - Error(s) Did Not Plot
Job ID: 5 Sheet set name: Date and time started: 2/1/2012 10:34:53 AM Date and time completed: 2/1/2012 10:34:54 AM UserID: AchrisK Profile ID: Total sheets: 1 Sheets plotted: 0 Number of errors: 1 Number of warnings: 0
ERROR: Internal Error: Failed to get Plot Settings Dictionary. ==================================================
I have this idea that removing *Model* from the list will do it. In addition to causing PDF creation failure, I believe it is also responsible for forcing the Model to always be in the Publish list, even though I have unchecked the "Include model when adding sheets" option. I can remove it from that list manually, but it comes back every time.
Is there any way to change the msltscale variable to 1 and the scale to 1/4"=1'-0" in multiple drawings without opening each and doing it all manually?
I am working on Data compliation and trying to extract data from multiple AutoCAD drawings. The data extraction wizard works well and extracts all the data from the drawing. I wish to segregate the data and want some certain set of data e.g. in P&ID drawing, I need only instrument Tags which are connected to DCS and likewise...
Is there any way to filter such kind of data and get the required results?
I am trying to change text in hundreds of drawings. What I have is a line of text say "the brown fox" and I need to change it to "the black dog". I have probably 1500 drawings I need to do this in. I am not versed in scripts of lisp. I know the ACAD commands to do this but could develop a script file to batch this.
I had a set of drawings that I needed to redefine a block in and had to go into each drawing and redefine it seperately. Is there a way to redefine it once and then possibly select the drawings this block is redefined in?
If I have several drawings open at the same time and have done work to some of them, at the end of the day I just pick the AutoCAD application "close" button (the "X" in the top-right corner of the window) and I'm prompted "Save changes to <drawing>?" for each of the drawings.
Unfortunately, most of the times I do this in AC2011, AutoCAD crashes. The next time I open AutoCAD, it initiates the recover but all the changes have been saved in the *.dwg file.
I know this is not the best way to save and close drawings but it has never been a problem.
why Autocad 2012 opens one window per drawing as opposed to Autocad 2007/2008 opening one window for as many drawings as you have open. (I also don't care to group/ungroup similar programs through Windows 7.) This must be an Autocad 2012 program default that I can't figure out to change.
I have a table in an Access 2010 database which has 130 rows of records. Each row is assigned a drawing file name field and then the 6 attributes for the title block of each drawing. I am wanting a routine that will open a set of drawings, the set matching each drawing file name field record and populate the attributes in the drawing title block with the corresponding records in that row from the database table.
I have seen where multiple blocks in one drawing can be populated with an attached database but I want to populate several drawings with a single database that has several records. One row of records for each drawing.
We have a few hundred drawings that we need to change certain block attributes. We need to change the valve of the text in that attribute from whatever it is (doesn't matter what it is) to a specific text string.
For example: If the attribute is called "name" and has the text string of ALAN in it in some drawing or BRUCE in other drawings, we want to chaneg all drawings to TOM.
Trying to set up a datamerge file to create multi page spread documents with fields on different pages. Attempting to set it up so it's as automated as possible as there are up to 20 different merge documents needing to merge with up to 100 different csv records from the same file each week . The merge documents have different and repeated merge fields on most pages.
I've set it up so that the document has facing pages, and most pages have images spread across the whole of the spread. the pages preview fine, they are created ok when using 'Create Merged Document' although the page numbers continue from one document to another (another problem). but when I come to export to pdf, then the merge only shows the image on the left spread but on both left and right spread single pages, and the page numbers don't show the correct page numbers eg it will go p1 p2 p1 p2 etc all the way through the document instead of p1 p2 p3 - p20 etc. I don't want to have to merge first then pdf but can't understand why the images and page numbers are not showing correctly.
I have a query on the units for Autocad, every time i start Autocad up it defaults to inches, i have to change the units manually to mm using in units. is there a way to set this that i don't have to keep doing this?
When trying to install autocad 2010 civil 3D, I cannot get past the initial select products to install page without getting a bunch of errors as detailed below:
Error 1327. Invalid Drive C:
Fatal error during installation. #7560: failed to run AdskExecuteSequence
and finally;
Failed to initialise AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010
This is because when I installed windows, it assigned the letter H to the system drive (where Windows is installed) and as a result, there is no C drive in the system.
This has not been an issue for any programs installed to date, but is causing me grief when trying to install AutoCAD Civil 3D. 2010
Any way of changing the autocad code or settings around so that it will install to the H drive (or I can decide where it should install)?