My camera and clipping plans are inside the walls yet it renders whats behind it!!! in the camera viewport i see the elevation and everything correctly as i want it to be ,but when i render the view i get the outer wall which is behind the camera!
I'm rendering and interior and I am using a sky portal over a door. As you can see from the attached image I have 2 problems. I can't upload the whole image for client confidentiality
You can see artifacts on the wall and ceiling. I have up the sky portal shadows to 128 and it has improved a little bit. If I keep raising this the scene will take too long to render. I am using FG medium setting and GI default settings.
The second problem it is very over exposed. I am using MR physical Sky. I put an image in the custom background and played around with the output setting but I still can't get the image to show.
why my interior rendering scenes just show up black. I have opened up projects from previous releases that I was able to get interior scenes to render correctly and they render fine in 2013. I've imported the modified fixtures to the current projects file and they still don't do anything. The scene I'm talking about has a ceiling modeled on the underside of a floor. I've read this may be an issue, but my light fixtures light source is to be 1/4" above the plane of the ceiling. In my case, it's a 5/8" layer of drywall.
I have a little problem during rendering interior of apartment. I am using Auto Cad 2009 and I have trouble with shadow and light. In realistic view, when I turn on the sunlight, inside of apartment iz visible only the part of the room on which the sunlight is falling through the windows, and I can't make the rest of the room visible as it should be during the day. Here are the pictures. First is without shadow and light, second is with shadow and light, and on the third is additionally turned on background sky.
As a Realtor I need to be able to show both exterior views through windows as well as the interior space. I have a Sony cybershot camera but cannot find any settings to allow for this. Is there a way to correct photos on Photoshop?....or do I need a special camera/lens or what?
I've played around for some time trying to duplicate this effect and can't seem to get the right combination. Does anyone have any ideas how it could be done?
why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012.
The attached example shows an enlargement of a object that represents the result of a scanned hand drawn shape.
I would like to be able to click one of these objects and apply a fill to the interior. I have too many of them to create a companion object for each and align it.
i want to be able to take a photo inside a house and be able to see outside the window also?
i realise that i probably have to use 2 photos exposing for inside and outside - and in these shots it almost looks like they have used a program to stitch the photos together.
i want to be able to take a photo inside a house and be able to see outside the window also?
i realise that i probably have to use 2 photos exposing for inside and outside - and in these shots it almost looks like they have used a program to stitch the photos together.
I rendered an interior scene. It took 17 hours 17 minutes and 35 seconds !!!
I used all arch and design materials. Some are used from material library. I am not really convinced with the output i made. I think there in nothing in the scene that making the render too high.
I m using
Core i7 2600 3.4 GHz 4 cores 8 threads 8 GB ram 1 GB geforce GTS 450 DDR3 win 7 64 bit 3ds max 2011 64 bit
I have an interior amphiteather with stepped concrete steps and a bottom lower slab, which are recessed and below the ground floor level of 0'-0".
Before adding the topography to the job, the steps layout and the lower salb showed on plan, but since adding the topography, the lower steps and the lower slab do not show. Cutting a section thru the amphiteather, the earth is seem to be above the lower steps and the lower slab.
How can I modify the earth in this interior area of thh building so the earth (and topography) is below the concrete steps and the lower slab? (so these recessed concrete floor elements could be seen in the plan of the building)
I am doing a trial of Revit 2014. Usually I get the student version, but I enjoy 30 days with no stamp. I want to do some night renders, and so I dropped in studio lights that aren't showing up at all in the "sun and artifical" render.
I go to adjust the lights with the "Artificial Lights" button and nothing. No response at all. It's like a fake button that just looks like it's being clicked.
I have one surface (surveyed pts) that I would like to paste onto another larger surface (say a LIDAR or GIS base). The extents of the small surface are entirely within the extents of the larger surface. The small surface does, however, have some interior areas without any data ('holes' if you will). In these areas, I want the paste operation to result in just the original base surface... but the paste operation assumes I want the new composite surface to also have a hole...
Screen shot illustrating attached with example surfaces. Is there a way to paste only the surface and not the holes?
In either Autocad 2000 (yes, I know it's dated) or 2012 I need to determine how to cut a groove following a sine wave on the interior wall of a cylinder.
I have been provided an existing cad drawing as part of a project. I need to be able to measure the walls and interior of the drawing and I have the drawing set to mm. I would like to know what settings I need to change so that the measurements appear in mm as at the moment they arent. I have attached a picture to show the sort of measurements I am getting... is this something to do with scaling? The number on drawing is 15.700.
I shot an interior. How do I get the lines of a room straight? I used the straighten tool in the cropping area but one side get straight and the other is off.
I have an exterior wall with plaster and lathe on the exterior, and gyp board on the inside. When I edit the wall structure, and modify the layers so that I can take the interior wall finish only up to the sheathing line, the wall does not join at the corners properly. It leaves a gap for the interior fininsh at a corner above the sheathing line when looking in 3d. What are you all doing with parpet walls and the interior finishes above the roof line?
I take many architectural photos around sunset, so I get a mix of dayllight and incandescent in the interior photos. I can easily set the white balance to correct one area, but I'm looking for a way to adjust the other area(s). I think an adjustment brush is the way to go, and I was wondering if there was a magic preset to apply to color correct those areas, or some other method I haven't thought of.
Octagon inside a circle... The circle cannot be dimensioned off the octagon?
I need it to have, say .25" clearance and I mean I can just make the circle the right size... but Inventor/I really should be able to do something this simple...
A circle inside a circle, same center point, you can click both and get the distance between the two?
(R-click and set circle to Radius does nothing, it still wants to dimension it from the center point)
How I subivide and get the interior lot lines dito not show over the outter lot? I don't do a lot of parcel work just trying to make it easy for the others
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
I am trying to find the interior volume of an assembly (when am I not?!?!) by subtracting the assembly from a block that surrounds the most of it. Somewhere the assembly has a "leak" and I have been trying to use the Cross Section Analysis to track down where the inside lump is connected to the outside lump to be subtracted. Is there a less time consuming way to dynamically drag a plane across and get cross sectional views?
Even better is there a simple way to animate the analysis plane moving across the block so I can hopefully just watch and pause it when I find a leak?
. How to assign proposed elevation to layout alignment along each station?. I know there is a way in LDT to assign proposed elevations to s specific range of stations or the full alignment, under menu "profiles/ FG Vertical Alignments/Create COGO Points" I am looking for the same one in C3D.
2. How to add connecting alignment label and station in profile view. For example I have an main alignment and in-between lot of other alignments are meeting with this alignment.
I want to show in profile view of the main alignment the meeting alignment's name and the station it meets with?
How to get precise elevations at lowest and highest points. I need to get spots where the water flows and its precise elevation at that spot as analysis.
When I am creating a drawing, every so often, when I draw something, it gives me different elevations for the Z axis. Is there a way to keep that at 0? I'm not sure if it's because of vendors blocks, or whatever the reason, and I know how to change the elevation back to 0, but how do I stop it from starting to begin with?