3ds Max Animation :: Creating Controller That Hold Multiple Hand Poses

Nov 30, 2013

So im using 3ds max to create a controller that hold more than 1 hand pose: fist, relaxed, stretched, etc. But when i making my 2nd pose and placing the same axis as the first pose, it overwrites it. So like this i can only use the 2nd one, instead of both.

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3ds Max Animation :: Building Controller For Mix Maps?

Oct 21, 2012

I'm working on a controller for a face rig, but instead of using morphers I'm using different textures for the mouth depending on the action. I've set these up in nested mix maps (there are 8 different textures in all). For my test I'm using 4 and standard primitives to simplify things a bit.

I initially setup these controls in an attribute holder containing 3 sliders. The main one is a master switch slider. The other two act as the mix map sliders within the texture nest of mix maps. I'd like to create a single control for these though.

I can pseudocode this out pretty easily but applying it is a different story. What is the best course of action? I'm not very familiar with Maxscript although I am planning on looking into it.

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3ds Max :: Bake Audio Controller Animation To Frames

Jan 3, 2012

How or have a script to bake Audio Controller animation to frames so its position/rotation can be adjusted by i.e the Curve Editor in 3ds Max?

I have an spline object where I use the Audio Controller to drive the height of the extrusion dynamically over time but would love to have more control over it.

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3ds Max Animation :: Import File To Controller Or Track?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a CSV file with lists of positions and rotation angles (over time). I would like to use these to animate objects. The two options I've found thus far are:
- Convert the CSV to the XAF format and import this into the curve editor
- Convert the CSV to WAV and use the AudioFloat controller to assign it to the coordinates
I would think there should be an easier way, preferably one for a controller, but I can't seem to find it. Surely I'm not the first to want to import data; frankly I'm surprised that audio is supported but regular data isn't. The thing is, converting the data to XAF seems to produce an enormous overhead and converting it to WAV is just odd.
What would the appropriate way be? Ideally I'd expect some controller where I can specify a file and some conversion parameters and that'd be it. Does such a thing exist? I'm happy to convert the CSV but I feel like it's probably not necessary - is it?

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate Local Position With Orientation Controller?

Jun 29, 2012

I made a simple image explanation.

1. I have an ARROW that I would only like to animate along the Local X position.
2. I have a helper that i would like to control the rotation of the ARROW.
3. Once i rotate the helper, i would like the ARROW to still go in the Local X position but in the direction its facing.

Does this require a script or can this be achieved another way?

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3ds Max Animation :: Gear Script Or Expression - Assign Controller Function

Feb 24, 2011

"Scripting" a "simple" rigging function.

Gear1 is rotating on z axis (both sides), Gear2 is linked to G1, but only in positive (or negative, I don't remember).

I want to assign a controller on gear2.Z Rotation (script or expression), something like that :

if G1.Z Rotation=positive then G2.Z Rotation=G1.Z Rotation else 0
if G1.Z Rotation=negative then G2.Z Rotation=G1.Z Rotation else 0

I need to setup a 80 moving parts watch, so I need to use "Assign Controller" function.

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Photoshop :: Creating Animation With Multiple Images

Oct 10, 2005

Been messing around with Image Ready 3.0 for some time and have had some good experience making animated gifs...but only by adding to or subtracting from the layers of the same image.

How can I tween between 2 or more separate images?

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3ds Max Animation :: Wire Length Parameter Of Taper Object - Illegal Self-reference In Controller Script

Nov 28, 2011

I try to wire the length parameter of a taper object to the local Y-Position values of another object. It works fine until I reload the file. I get an MAXScript Wire Controller Exception error:

--Runtime error: Illegal self-reference in controller script

...and the parameter-wire dialog opens. The desired functionality returns by clicking the Update Button and everything works fine again.

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AutoCAD LT :: Select Multiple Items Without Having To Hold Down Shift Key In 2013?

Mar 14, 2013

How do I select multiple items without having to hold down the shift key in ACLT 2013?  I didn't have this problem in 2010.

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Maya Animation :: Parent Constraint Not Working Properly For Hand Writing

Feb 26, 2014

I am trying to get the hand to write with a pencil. I pose the hand and fingers holding the pencil and constrain (parent constraint with offset) the pencil to the hand's wrist controller and freeze the pencil's translation attributes. When moving the wrist controller creating key frames or translating in the UI, the pencil does not follow the hand/fingers. There seems to be an offset with the pencil that get worse the farther I translate or rotate the wrist controller. I tried doing the same with just the fingers and getting the same result.

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3ds Max Animation :: Remove Blues Eye Lines And Text When Creating Animation Preview?

Nov 18, 2011

How do I remove the blues eye lines and text when creating a animation preview?


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Maya Animation :: Attach Brush To Character Hand For Interactive Writing On Object

Dec 1, 2012

I've a character writing on something (it could be paper, wall, etc). Now I'm looking for a way that attaches brush to his hand for interactive writing on that object.

Don't say I have to sync it manually! it's a close up shot and motion captured movement. Indeed it's really complex movement! Imagine you are painting on a sphere with Maya's texture paint tool.

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Illustrator :: Creating Symmetric Design From Hand-drawn Base

Jun 17, 2013

I have designed a logo for a company rebrand which they are really happy with; the only thing is that one aspect of the logo is a kind of 'swirl stroke' (URL... ) which I had hand-drawn and modified in Illustrator. They would like this aspect of the logo to appear less hand-drawn, and be as symmetric and clean as possible (ie. in no way hand-drawn).

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Illustrator :: Outline Hand-drawn Type Made Of Multiple Strokes?

Nov 2, 2013

I designed a logo for some family friends, and the main part of the logo is hand-drawn, and it is made of multiple (a TON) of strokes. The company is getting t-shirts made, and the t-shirt company contacted me to get a "vector file with the fonts outlined." I know quite well how to do this on actual fonts, but how to outline a series of strokes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Right Hand And Left Hand Parts?

Jun 21, 2013

I have a modeled right hand part and a detail drawing of that right hand part with a pin that defines r.h from l.h. and I would like to save them as a left hand part then change the model by reversing the pin. How would I proceed with this task?

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Photoshop :: Creating A Dive Animation

Apr 6, 2008

I have changed both the board and the penguin JPEG pictures to Compuserve GIF pictures so that I can create Animated GIFs with them, I have also saved them but when I come to opening both the board and the penguin GIFs Photoshop CS3 Extended seems to partially lock the board and penguin layers within there separate window and it says index as the layer text so I am unable to move the penguin GIF image on to the board GIF image, is there a way of unlocking the two layers so I can move the penguin image on to the board image?

The other problem I am having is that the layers seem to be partially locked is there anyway of unlocking the layers?

Just to let you know I have a Windows XP SP2 OS.

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3ds Max :: Controlling A Waveform Controller

Jan 11, 2012

If there is anyway to control a waveform controller to only turn on for a certain amount of frames?

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Photoshop :: Using Tween Feature When Creating Animation?

Nov 1, 2012

I'm creating short GIF animations with a group of students in PS CS6 extended. We are unable to use the tween function consistently. Sometimes Photoshop inserts blank frames, sometimes it duplicates the first frame exactly

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Creating GIF Animation

Sep 12, 2011

I was trying to make an animated GIF with 30 static GIF images I made with PhotoPaint X5 itself.

The crash happened every time I tried to close the program without saving the animated file – which I couldn't make due to not achieving what I intended (I'll have to learn a bit more about background and objects).

It happened on a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional system with 12 GB of DDR3 RAM.

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Photoshop :: Creating A Scale Animation Cant Find...

Apr 1, 2008

wants me to create a Scale Animation in PhotoShop MX 2004 (I have PhotoShop CS3 and Windows XP OS) the annoying thing is that I cant not find Numeric In Transform (by going to edit) all I have is: Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective and Warp, is there anyway I could get an add-on or a Plug-In?

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Maya Animation :: Getting Error When Creating Flexor

Jan 9, 2011

l am getting this strange error when creating flexor . l get that error in maya 2009 and 2010 . l have my mesh bind to the bones but l get still that error.

// Error: Cannot add flexor unless skin is bound to joint joint1.

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Maya Animation :: Creating IK Rig For Angled Legs?

May 30, 2011

Im rigging legs for a character atm and the char's legs are sort of at an angle. I havent run into this problem before (or have successfully circumvented it) but now it seems i have to face it fully.

The problem is that the knee moves off to the left/right. My best guess would be to rig it straigth and then move the control into place for the foot. but im wondering if theres another solution to this than that?

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3ds Max Animation :: Creating Whipping Folding Rule?

Dec 28, 2012

As I wrote in "Applying inverse kinematics to a folding rule" I succeeded with the first step.

Now I would like to make it behave like a whip. How to accomplish a whipping animation?

I did some motion capture of a person whipping an imaginary whip, so basically the folding rule just has to follow the hand and behave the way a whip would within the folding rule's constraints. How could I do that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Spring Animation?

Jul 24, 2013

I use inventor 2011 and i want to create a spring animation. I followed this video step by step but when i constrain the upside and the downside of the spring to those plate objects i get an error.

this is the video i followed:


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Photoshop :: Recreating Xbox One Controller

Jun 20, 2013

Recently, with the release of the next gen consoles, I decided as a challenge to myself to try to recreate the Xbox One controller in photoshop
Here is what i have done until now.
Here is the exact image I am trying to recreate. URL...

Now the thing that I don't know how to do correctly are two things:The first being how to make the bumps around the two joysticks And second, the general lighting on the controller.
Also, ignore the 2 buttons in the middle and the gray part where the logo sits (not finished work)

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Maya Animation :: Creating Inbetween For Corrective Blendshapes?

Mar 14, 2012

How to create inbetweens for corrective blend-shapes and reversed shapes.

For example if we have 2 poses, "lidClose" and "browDown" with 3 betweens for each. It's not hard to create the corrective and reversed blends but it's very confusing to create inbetweens for reversed shapes.

Although logically it looks simple but it's been impossible for me.

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate Multiple Objects As One

Aug 29, 2013

I'm trying to create an animation of a group of objects being assembled, then being placed in a box. once i've assembled each object, how can I move / rotate all objects simultaneously as if one complete object?
When I try the attach command, it removes all previous animation on each individual object.

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3ds Max Animation :: Multiple Pistons On Object

May 8, 2012

Im modeling the engine on the image attached so im doing an example for the rig, looks simple enough, the left one(second image) has the pivot of the box near the center, so if you rotate it all pistons follows, but the right one works by just moving the pivots on one side, so you rotate any of the red point dummy(on local so you see the only rotation allowed), im thinking this is how it works, since i doubt it has a ball joint on the center and that the pistons are just for decoration, now the 4 red point dummys are just linked to each other so if you rotate the last on the chain the rest will just stay on the air so i wont be able to rotate it on another direction.

How do you emulate this kind of movement? the idea is that the pistons on a side push so the box gets a rotation, the first solution uses pistons on both sides to get a rotation.

what if i animated the pistons instead so they "pull" the box? would i need a physics simulation for that? with links theres always an order so i really don't get how to make it have "multiple pivots".


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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Create A Controller Node

Apr 4, 2013

Is there a way to have one node which controls say the intensity of selected lights within my scene?

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3ds Max :: Making Controller That Can Change Object From Green To Red

Aug 1, 2011

I want to make a controller that can change an object from green to red. So I wire the parameters from y position to the ambient colour.

I find to make the y_position into (y_position/100),(y_position/100),(y_position/100) but when I put this into the Parameter wiring dialogue I get a syntax error.

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3ds Max :: Empty Scene With Hidden Xref Controller?

Mar 12, 2013

i've got a seemingly empty scene, everything has been deleted, still max reports a missing reference to a xref controller somewhere, backburner will not accept net submission.

i've looked everywhere i can think of and the only place i can find a reference to the hidden xref controller is in the asset manager where it lists a file in the xref tree - how on earth do i get rid of this file? there is nothing present in the xref dialog for deleting or anywhere else i can think of.

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