Photoshop :: Creating A Scale Animation Cant Find...
Apr 1, 2008
wants me to create a Scale Animation in PhotoShop MX 2004 (I have PhotoShop CS3 and Windows XP OS) the annoying thing is that I cant not find Numeric In Transform (by going to edit) all I have is: Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective and Warp, is there anyway I could get an add-on or a Plug-In?
Any command that I could use to find the scale of a drawing. I am having to put some vendor drawings into company borders and I am having to do it by eye currently (which I really do not like doing). I am just curious if there is some way I can find out the scale of the existing vendor dwg so I can scale the border correctly and accurately.
if I have a rig and an object which is skinned to it, what is the best way to enlarge a bone so that certain vertices on my mesh will look inflated or deflated?
I tried to some tricks with the Xform modifier: wiring it's Gizmo controller to a slider UI control so that I could increase and decrease its size without actually scaling it, but this doesn't have any affect on the mesh. I then tried creating morph targets for the bones so that I could again increase and decrease their size without scaling them, but it didn't affect the mesh either.
It seems that the only way to get the mesh to localy increase or decrease in size is to scale parts of your rig, but that's something I always try to avoid.
3ds Max 2013 64-bit Student Version nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Windows 7 64-bit Intel i7
I have changed both the board and the penguin JPEG pictures to Compuserve GIF pictures so that I can create Animated GIFs with them, I have also saved them but when I come to opening both the board and the penguin GIFs Photoshop CS3 Extended seems to partially lock the board and penguin layers within there separate window and it says index as the layer text so I am unable to move the penguin GIF image on to the board GIF image, is there a way of unlocking the two layers so I can move the penguin image on to the board image?
The other problem I am having is that the layers seem to be partially locked is there anyway of unlocking the layers?
I've been using Maya for two years. I have used the timeline on this version before, but now it is completely gone. Everything else is normal. Is there a place to reset everything? Where might I look to try and turn the timeline back on?
I'm using MassFx in 2013 64bit. When I apply any rigid body modifier to an object it looks fine but after I save and reload the .max file the scale & position of the rigid body is wrong. This seems random, I've tried switching to CM and Meters etc, nothing seems to fix it.
I'm trying to create an alignment for a road I'm drafting but the alignment seems to be scaled differently and I can't find any scale command for alignments. I know that the dimensions of the model space are correct but the alignment dimensions are scaled down by a factor of 12 (I'm assuming it converted my feet to inches).
Ex: say my road is 100 Ft long and when I measure it in Model (using the AREA--> OBJECT command on my centerline of the road) it measures to 100 Ft but when I create an alignment for it the alignment tells me the road is only 8.33 Ft.
I'm creating short GIF animations with a group of students in PS CS6 extended. We are unable to use the tween function consistently. Sometimes Photoshop inserts blank frames, sometimes it duplicates the first frame exactly
Been messing around with Image Ready 3.0 for some time and have had some good experience making animated gifs...but only by adding to or subtracting from the layers of the same image.
How can I tween between 2 or more separate images?
Got this low-poly model here. I created some bones for it and inserted them into the mesh. But when I use the Skin Modifier into it, and use the 'add' button under "Parameters". No bones appear in the list?
I'm new to Video Studio and new to the forum after downloading the trial of X5. Want to know how to move and scale a graphic such as a jpeg across the screen along an animation path - iE; I have a picture of an object that starts at one point in the top left hand corner which I can animate to grow bigger and move to the bottom of the screen.
I have several art assets that I have already rigged, skinned, and animated. Unfortunately, the objects have to be re-sized.
There isn't a simple way to simply scale the rigg to match the new size, because then the transforms are incorrect, and the scale on the bones are no longer at 100%. Normally it wouldn't matter, but these objects need to go into a game engine, so it has to be at 100%
No, simply re-sizing the rigg and hoping to just 'reset scale' will not work either.
Save/Load animation will inherit the pivot points of the original animation and paste them onto the re-sized objects, so that does not work either.
Is there a way to transfer a rigg and save it's animation when an object gets re-sized? I'd figure that Autodesk would have made some kind of feature for this scenario, since in game production things will inevitably be scaled at some point.
It's easy to scale everything to it's new size... the problem is... how do I reset it's transforms without the rigg going bonkers?
How do I take the original animations and re-apply them to the newly scaled down version?
Say I have a series of keys, and I want to add exactly 1 or 2 spaces in between each key. is there a way to do that? rather than selecting chunks at a time and spacing them apart... like +=2 will move all the selected keys over 2 spaces all together. maybe theres a code that moves them with an offset?
How would I find the translation of an object in world space? according to the documentation, translate is not -queryable... once I freeze transformation of a sphere theres no way for me to find its world space, but it still Has a world space because its at a location in the scene.
I am creating an A3 pdf of a layout at a scale of 1:200. I am creating the pdf from model space, but when I print the pdf off, it is not quite to scale. What am I doing wrong?
Can't find 1:1.85 aspect option when creating Project.
I have files shot on Canon C300 in 16:9, but we had the 1:1.85 aspect lines on the camera and I can't figure out how to incorporate those frame lines for editing.
Is the best way to do it when creating the project? Or is the best way to edit the files in 16:9 and mask the final product?
What I want is to create a block which contains a bit of text displaying the scale (X scale only) of the block. Then, if I change the block's scale it will also update. Is this possible?
I was trying to make an animated GIF with 30 static GIF images I made with PhotoPaint X5 itself.
The crash happened every time I tried to close the program without saving the animated file – which I couldn't make due to not achieving what I intended (I'll have to learn a bit more about background and objects).
It happened on a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional system with 12 GB of DDR3 RAM.
l am getting this strange error when creating flexor . l get that error in maya 2009 and 2010 . l have my mesh bind to the bones but l get still that error.
// Error: Cannot add flexor unless skin is bound to joint joint1.
Im rigging legs for a character atm and the char's legs are sort of at an angle. I havent run into this problem before (or have successfully circumvented it) but now it seems i have to face it fully.
The problem is that the knee moves off to the left/right. My best guess would be to rig it straigth and then move the control into place for the foot. but im wondering if theres another solution to this than that?
As I wrote in "Applying inverse kinematics to a folding rule" I succeeded with the first step.
Now I would like to make it behave like a whip. How to accomplish a whipping animation?
I did some motion capture of a person whipping an imaginary whip, so basically the folding rule just has to follow the hand and behave the way a whip would within the folding rule's constraints. How could I do that?
I use inventor 2011 and i want to create a spring animation. I followed this video step by step but when i constrain the upside and the downside of the spring to those plate objects i get an error.
I am attaching my dynamic block that I am having difficulty finalizing. My goal is to be able to stretch or resize the hvac block, based on the size that is provided to me (ala 24x24, 36x36, 48x72, etc) (Stretch Action), I have that figured out, and I have the symbol in the center that stays centered as the block size changes, (Move Action).
Here is my problem, I want the symbol in the center to stay centered and scale based on a ratio as the overall size gets larger. So for example: if my size is a 24"x24" I want the symbol in the center to be approx 12" dia, but if the size gets up to say 60"x60" I want it to scale accordingly (so it could be like 48" dia), specifically maintaining the size based on the x axis, so if the it gets to a 60x72", I'd like it to still be centered but size according to the 60 width, and not stretch and look awkward. I want the center symbol to scale and stay centered in the rectangle as I scale the size.
How to create inbetweens for corrective blend-shapes and reversed shapes.
For example if we have 2 poses, "lidClose" and "browDown" with 3 betweens for each. It's not hard to create the corrective and reversed blends but it's very confusing to create inbetweens for reversed shapes.
Although logically it looks simple but it's been impossible for me.
So im using 3ds max to create a controller that hold more than 1 hand pose: fist, relaxed, stretched, etc. But when i making my 2nd pose and placing the same axis as the first pose, it overwrites it. So like this i can only use the 2nd one, instead of both.