3ds Max Animation :: Creating Whipping Folding Rule?

Dec 28, 2012

As I wrote in "Applying inverse kinematics to a folding rule" I succeeded with the first step.

Now I would like to make it behave like a whip. How to accomplish a whipping animation?

I did some motion capture of a person whipping an imaginary whip, so basically the folding rule just has to follow the hand and behave the way a whip would within the folding rule's constraints. How could I do that?

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3ds Max Animation :: Applying Inverse Kinematics To Folding Rule

Dec 26, 2012

I want to create a folding rule and animate it. So I modelled it and applied IK to it. The problem is that the hinges are all over the place when pulling apart and collapsing it. Find the max file attached. fr.zip

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3ds Max :: Create A Whipping Animation

Jan 9, 2013

I want to create a whipping animation. But not just a simple one. My whip is a collapsed folding rule. So I motion captured me doing the whipping movement and imported that into 3dsmax.

As a folding rule does not expand in real life like that I thought about attaching a virtual weight to one end and connect the other end via link to the throwing hand. So the end of the FR is connected to a mass which makes it inert.

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3ds Max Animation :: Folding Animation With Bones

Aug 24, 2012

I'm gonna create a folding animation (two planes folding over each other or a single plane fold over itself). Problem is I have to do it with bones and if I use two planes, when they are folded they will have a little gap in pivot line and if I use a single plane then I don't know how to assign a polygon (sub-object) to bone.

Windows 7 Ultimate x64
3Ds Studio Max 2012 x64 - Student Version

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CorelCAD :: Creating Scaf Folding

Mar 16, 2013


I don't know if this is common knowledge when editing 3D, but you can creates scaffolding to allow you to move the CCS more easily and place parts where you want. So the easiest way to get your parts placed correctly is with a little scaffolding.

Scaffolding is just a 3D part you create, with specific known dimensions, so that is exists in the model-space and either intersects it at different locations, or provides an external reference point to move the CCS origin to.

Here's an example. Suppose I want a 20mm long, 10mm diameter cylinder, with a 5mm hole all the way through the side, with it's center about 5mm down from the top.

Creating a temporary scaffold to locate the CCS origin is the only way to do it without having to use tools like MOVE and ALIGN, and may be necessary even to use ALIGN properly.

Here's how it works. Let's start with a cylinder. 

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Revit :: Creating Folding Door Model - Exterior Wall Offset Family

Nov 29, 2011

I am creating a folding door model and would like to use a parameter called EXERIOR WALL OFFSET. I have used this parameter before but am having trouble getting it to work within my family. The only difference is that I created one frame/jamb instead of 4 seperate profiles. The question is, why can't i get the jamb to move within the wall using the exterior wall offset parameter? It seems to move the sash/panels just fine but the jamb is constrainted somehow.

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3ds Max Animation :: Remove Blues Eye Lines And Text When Creating Animation Preview?

Nov 18, 2011

How do I remove the blues eye lines and text when creating a animation preview?


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Error When Creating ILogic Rule

Oct 14, 2013

When i trying to create a new ilogic rule i get window with this error:
Spoiler (Highlight to read)System.InvalidCastException: Невозможно выполнить приведение [A]iLogic.CodeSnippets к [B]iLogic.CodeSnippets. Источником типа A является "Autodesk.iLogic, Version=17.0.13800.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" в контексте "Default" в расположении "C:PROGRA~1AutodeskINVENT~1BinAutodesk.iLogic.dll". Источником типа B является "Autodesk.iLogic, Version=17.0.13800.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" в контексте "LoadFrom" в расположении

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Invoke ILogic Rule Editor And Pass It On Existing Rule Name?

Jan 7, 2014

Is there a way to invoke the iLogic Rule Editor and pass it an existing rule name or external rule for editing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic / Run Assembly-level Rule From Component Rule?

Aug 2, 2013

I need a way to run a rule which is saved in my top-level assembly using iLogic rule which is saved in a part file in the parent assembly.

I have even tried using an external rule in a txt file, but that gives the error "Component: This function can only be used in an assembly."  - which makes no sense to me.   I hope I am just missing something simple.  I cant believe with all its other strengths, that iLogic would be so limited in that regard.   Why is there not simply a snippet under the 'Run Other' that allows you to specify an assembly file and the rule name?  (like there is for running a rule in a component from the assembly)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Run Ilogic Rule In Each Part From The Assembly Via External Rule

Dec 6, 2011

I want to simply set a custom iproperty as the Description in each part file within my assembly.  I can do this easily at part level with ilogic but I want to be able to run the rule from the assembly level and all the parts run the rule.  I am struggling to find a way to do this.

I think this may be the best method I have found but I think it must be far easier?


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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Design - Why Work With Local Rule But Errors On External Rule

Dec 9, 2011

I am working for customer with a simple item with his iLogic design. He has created a simple form to modify his iProperties. To modify the current material, a multi-value parameter was created and the following rule as a local rule;

"MultiValue.List("MATLIST") = iProperties.Materials
iProperties.Material = MATLIST"

He is now trying to make this an external rule but gets the following error

Error in rule: Mat2, in document: Mat2.iLogicVb
iProperties.Material: is probably a bad material name.

The more info tab says:

System.ArgumentException: iProperties.Material: is probably a bad material name.
at iLogic.CadPropertiesInRule.SetDocMaterial(Document doc, String matName)
at LmiRuleScript.Main()
at Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.AppDomExec.ExecRuleInAssembly(Assembly assem)
at iLogic.RuleEvalContainer.ExecRuleEval(String execRule)

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AutoCad :: Sliding Folding Door Simulation

Jul 8, 2011

I am working on a Sliding Folding Door simulation and I am having much difficulty applying limitation to angular dimension and applying constraint to blocks (sometimes it works, sometimes not).

I want to know whether there are ways to set variable angles i.e angle x instead of a definite angle i.e angle 75.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal Folding Distance

Apr 18, 2012

We have many old sheet metal parts that are designed in Autocad environment and of course they are in 2D .dwg format. Sometimes it's necessary to get those parts in Inventor and "convert" them to 3D, but sometimes Inventor's "Fold" function isn't working like it suppose to work. 

So all I'm trying to do is that first I'll import the flat pattern .dwg file to sketch,

then define the thickness of a part and lastly trying to bend the part with "Fold" function. Sounds easy, but it isn't always.

Especially sometimes Inventor wants to fold whole flange although there is a relief cut drawn. There is a one example in attachment when it happens. So is it possible to define the folding distance like in "Flange" function?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Calculation On Length Of Folding Feature

Nov 19, 2011

I would like to know what calculation on the length of a folding feature is performed by Inventor when one folds it. Read my example to better understand my question.

I am trying to fold a part of my sheet 90 degrees, I am going to call the folding part sheet B and the rest of the sheet, sheet A. Now, understand that when I fold sheet B 90 degrees, its face will no longer be parallel to sheet A, but the face of its thickness will. Consider this, now: when I fold the sheet B, there will be an inner part of the folding (which will have the faces of both sheet sections 90 degrees from each other) and the outer part (which will have an angle of 270 degrees between them).

I want the distance between the thickness face and the outer face of sheet A to be X in length. Which is the intial length of sheet B for this to happen? Consider using the BendRadius, Thickness, and other Inventor Sheet Metal parameters that will participate in the equation.

The question surged because I wanted such distance to be 5 in a part with a Thickness setting of 0.5 (as well as BendRadius), but because of this folding length calculation, I had to make sheet B 5.631 in length.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Run Rule In Part File From Rule In Drawing File

Aug 21, 2012

I am trying to use iLogic to create the file types I need to give to my vendors once I have created a drawing.In the .idw file I have a rule that creates a .pdf file and .dwg file. I also want it to activate a rule I have in the .ipt file that creates a .dxf file.

trigger = iTrigger0oType=Left(ThisDoc.FileName(False),3)GoExcel.Open("S:DRAWINGSFolder Types.xlsx", "Sheet1")For rowPN = 1 To 200 If (GoExcel .CellValue("A" & rowPN) = oType) Then oFile = GoExcel.CellValue("C" & rowPN) Exit For End IfNextoFolder = "S:DRAWINGSNOT RELEASED" & oFileIf Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(oFolder) ThenSystem.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(oFolder)End IfThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(oFolder & "" &

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Photoshop :: Creating A Dive Animation

Apr 6, 2008

I have changed both the board and the penguin JPEG pictures to Compuserve GIF pictures so that I can create Animated GIFs with them, I have also saved them but when I come to opening both the board and the penguin GIFs Photoshop CS3 Extended seems to partially lock the board and penguin layers within there separate window and it says index as the layer text so I am unable to move the penguin GIF image on to the board GIF image, is there a way of unlocking the two layers so I can move the penguin image on to the board image?

The other problem I am having is that the layers seem to be partially locked is there anyway of unlocking the layers?

Just to let you know I have a Windows XP SP2 OS.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Basic Folding / Bending Of A Sheet Metal

Apr 19, 2013

I've created a sheet metal part and have set my parameters.  In using the fold feature, cannot create bend past 180 degrees.  Radius is large enough (21") and sheet is long enough as there is still flat sheet after a 180 degree bend. How do you create bends past 180 degrees? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Basic Folding / Bending Of Sheet Metal?

Jan 24, 2013

I want to bend/fold this piece over a specific profile. There are too many tools for bending a sheet metal and I just don´t know where to start. I searched the web and this forum but there are too many options. Also when I create the flat pattern, it should be precise with a difference max +/-5mm. I thought I could use contour flange. Usualy it works. But only when it´s a simple rectangle. But not on this part.

I work with Inventor 2011.

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Photoshop :: Using Tween Feature When Creating Animation?

Nov 1, 2012

I'm creating short GIF animations with a group of students in PS CS6 extended. We are unable to use the tween function consistently. Sometimes Photoshop inserts blank frames, sometimes it duplicates the first frame exactly

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Creating GIF Animation

Sep 12, 2011

I was trying to make an animated GIF with 30 static GIF images I made with PhotoPaint X5 itself.

The crash happened every time I tried to close the program without saving the animated file – which I couldn't make due to not achieving what I intended (I'll have to learn a bit more about background and objects).

It happened on a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional system with 12 GB of DDR3 RAM.

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Photoshop :: Creating Animation With Multiple Images

Oct 10, 2005

Been messing around with Image Ready 3.0 for some time and have had some good experience making animated gifs...but only by adding to or subtracting from the layers of the same image.

How can I tween between 2 or more separate images?

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Photoshop :: Creating A Scale Animation Cant Find...

Apr 1, 2008

wants me to create a Scale Animation in PhotoShop MX 2004 (I have PhotoShop CS3 and Windows XP OS) the annoying thing is that I cant not find Numeric In Transform (by going to edit) all I have is: Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective and Warp, is there anyway I could get an add-on or a Plug-In?

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Maya Animation :: Getting Error When Creating Flexor

Jan 9, 2011

l am getting this strange error when creating flexor . l get that error in maya 2009 and 2010 . l have my mesh bind to the bones but l get still that error.

// Error: Cannot add flexor unless skin is bound to joint joint1.

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Maya Animation :: Creating IK Rig For Angled Legs?

May 30, 2011

Im rigging legs for a character atm and the char's legs are sort of at an angle. I havent run into this problem before (or have successfully circumvented it) but now it seems i have to face it fully.

The problem is that the knee moves off to the left/right. My best guess would be to rig it straigth and then move the control into place for the foot. but im wondering if theres another solution to this than that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Spring Animation?

Jul 24, 2013

I use inventor 2011 and i want to create a spring animation. I followed this video step by step but when i constrain the upside and the downside of the spring to those plate objects i get an error.

this is the video i followed:


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Kfactor Value To Use For Folding And Unfolding Nickel Alloy 200 - 1 / 4 Hard

May 10, 2012

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011

Sheet Metal

I need to know the Kfactor to use for folding and unfolding Nickel Alloy 200 - 1/4 hard.

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Maya Animation :: Creating Inbetween For Corrective Blendshapes?

Mar 14, 2012

How to create inbetweens for corrective blend-shapes and reversed shapes.

For example if we have 2 poses, "lidClose" and "browDown" with 3 betweens for each. It's not hard to create the corrective and reversed blends but it's very confusing to create inbetweens for reversed shapes.

Although logically it looks simple but it's been impossible for me.

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3ds Max Animation :: Creating Controller That Hold Multiple Hand Poses

Nov 30, 2013

So im using 3ds max to create a controller that hold more than 1 hand pose: fist, relaxed, stretched, etc. But when i making my 2nd pose and placing the same axis as the first pose, it overwrites it. So like this i can only use the 2nd one, instead of both.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Way To Switch Off Animation / When Creating Joints In Assembly Environment

Jul 17, 2013

Is there a way to switch off the animation when creating joints in the assembly environment.

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Maya Animation :: Unlock The Scaling Attribute In Walk Cycle Animation File?

Feb 17, 2011

I have rigged a character and made it into a character set in which i have locked the scaling attribute , I have then saved this file. I have then referenced this file and and have done a walk cycle animation and saved this file. I have then realised that I needed the scaling attribute when I have added other parts of my scene. Is there a way to unlock the scaling attribute in my walk cycle animation file or will i have to go back and change it in the rigged file, create a new character set and do the walk cycle animation again?

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