AutoCAD Inventor :: Kfactor Value To Use For Folding And Unfolding Nickel Alloy 200 - 1 / 4 Hard
May 10, 2012
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Sheet Metal
I need to know the Kfactor to use for folding and unfolding Nickel Alloy 200 - 1/4 hard.
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Dec 18, 2013
Attached are two sheet metal parts that we need to unfold and make them flat for a drawing. We cannot seem to capture the reference A or reference B planes asked for by the unfold command.
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Dec 5, 2011
I'm unfolding a 30x40x2 mm square tube for tube laser. The tube is imported from STEP format.
The flat pattern is 1,5 mm too narrow - even when I increase the K-factor to 1,0.
Is there any work around to get a wider flat pattern.
IV 2010
HP-Z200 Pentium 3,3 GHz
12 GB ram AtiFirePro V-4800
Windows 7-64 Pro
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Apr 18, 2012
We have many old sheet metal parts that are designed in Autocad environment and of course they are in 2D .dwg format. Sometimes it's necessary to get those parts in Inventor and "convert" them to 3D, but sometimes Inventor's "Fold" function isn't working like it suppose to work.
So all I'm trying to do is that first I'll import the flat pattern .dwg file to sketch,
then define the thickness of a part and lastly trying to bend the part with "Fold" function. Sounds easy, but it isn't always.
Especially sometimes Inventor wants to fold whole flange although there is a relief cut drawn. There is a one example in attachment when it happens. So is it possible to define the folding distance like in "Flange" function?
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Nov 19, 2011
I would like to know what calculation on the length of a folding feature is performed by Inventor when one folds it. Read my example to better understand my question.
I am trying to fold a part of my sheet 90 degrees, I am going to call the folding part sheet B and the rest of the sheet, sheet A. Now, understand that when I fold sheet B 90 degrees, its face will no longer be parallel to sheet A, but the face of its thickness will. Consider this, now: when I fold the sheet B, there will be an inner part of the folding (which will have the faces of both sheet sections 90 degrees from each other) and the outer part (which will have an angle of 270 degrees between them).
I want the distance between the thickness face and the outer face of sheet A to be X in length. Which is the intial length of sheet B for this to happen? Consider using the BendRadius, Thickness, and other Inventor Sheet Metal parameters that will participate in the equation.
The question surged because I wanted such distance to be 5 in a part with a Thickness setting of 0.5 (as well as BendRadius), but because of this folding length calculation, I had to make sheet B 5.631 in length.
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Oct 4, 2011
I drew a very funky bracket in IV 2012. I tried using the sheet metal features but they wouldn't cooperate with the funky geometry. I ended up having to draw to sketch profiles, lofting to create a thin feature, and thickning it to material thickness. But this left me without any real bends that the unfold tool can recognize. I tried using the unfold tool (I know that's not what it's for) but it gave me some very funky geometry. I tried ripping out the lofted bends, which worked great, but that leaves me with twisted edges that the bend tool can't grab. how to either model this using the sheetmaetal tools, or how to make this thing unfold?
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Dec 14, 2011
I am constructing a pipe (made up by sections) in Inventor. The pipe is going to be manufactured by cutting pieces of metal in a flow jet, roll them, and eventually weld them together.
I was wondering if it is possible to "unfold" the pipe sections to the plane, so I easily can see the cutting lines for the flowjet?
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Apr 19, 2013
I've created a sheet metal part and have set my parameters. In using the fold feature, cannot create bend past 180 degrees. Radius is large enough (21") and sheet is long enough as there is still flat sheet after a 180 degree bend. How do you create bends past 180 degrees?
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Jan 11, 2013
I am using Inventor Professional 2013 what im trying to do is create a flat pattern so I can send out to get formed. I need the panel to be 7.75" Width 53.50" Height and 2" Depth. When I click unfold where the 45deg is, it doesnt match up with the bend. Im not sure if its supose to be like that or what lines i need to keep to get the correct mesurments.
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Aug 15, 2012
I have a very simple solid that consists of a lofted solid that was the "hollowed" out via the Shell command
The sketches used to make this lofted solid were two dimensionally similar rectangles. One has radiused corners while the other does not. These rectangles exist on 2 separate planes that are 10" apart. This part (Shroud1.ipt) is supposed to represent a shroud that will be installed between the intake and exhaust of an air filter.
I wanted to convert this to a sheet metal part and then unfold it so I could see what the flat pattern looked like. However, when I attempt to use the "Unfold" command it fails. Similarly, the Flat Pattern command fails as well.
What do I need to do to get this into a flat? I'd rather not redraw this as a sheet metal part. I'm not that familiar with that environment.
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Sep 23, 2011
I have tube that has been generated on frame generator and notched to run into the side of another tube.
Is there anyway of unfolding the tube to provide a flat profile.
What i ultimately want to do is print the flat pattern off at 1:1 scale, cut it out and wrap it around the actual steel tube to be able to trace the profile onto the tube so i can cut the profile roughly before offering the two tubes together.
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Jan 24, 2013
I want to bend/fold this piece over a specific profile. There are too many tools for bending a sheet metal and I just don´t know where to start. I searched the web and this forum but there are too many options. Also when I create the flat pattern, it should be precise with a difference max +/-5mm. I thought I could use contour flange. Usualy it works. But only when it´s a simple rectangle. But not on this part.
I work with Inventor 2011.
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Feb 22, 2013
I have been trying to unfold round tubing made through the frame generator. Here are the steps I took:
1. Used Frame Generator
* both ends of the tube are notched
2. Opened part and converted into sheet metal
3. Used the following tutorial: URL...
4. Was not working so I drew sketches on both ends of the notched tubing and added points
5. Used rip tool (point to point) and did not work
* I made sure the thickness was the same
I thought I was doing something wrong so I generated a new round tubing frame with only 1 end notched and the other end flat and followed the tutorial. IT WORKED! I have came to the conclusion that you can not use the rip tool on tubing that has both ends notched.Is there a way where I can cut the tubing in half so I have 2 individual pieces/files of tubing with 1 end flat and 1 end notched?
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Oct 7, 2013
I am trying to unfold a part created from a derived assembly like I usually do… why in the world will it not unfold, and show a preview of the unfolded in the other direction??
At first all was working… until I added a part (see the circled item in picture), and I don’t have any problem usually!
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Aug 7, 2013
I want to use the custom unfolding rules using Bend Compensation with an angular reference to the bending angle.
I have an Excel sheet where I have determined the bend allowance, the set back and from that, the bend compensation. When I compare these values to the values I get when using a K-factor linear unfolding method in Inventor, I get almost exactly the same results.
Tells me the formulas are working. So I implement the formulas in the custom equations. Exactly the same as in the Excel sheet. 10 degrees angle, great results! Yeah! 45 degrees, great results! More yeah! 90 Degrees, still going strong, I think I might make it!
100 degrees.... Fail! Every time an angle goes over 90 degrees, the result is crap.
I have been struggling with this all day long!! So in the end I completely erased the equations from the Inventor custom equations.I just say: Compensation is 1 mm. For all angles. This should no room for interpretation.
Again I try. I have a sheet metal part with two legs. A 100mm leg and a 50mm leg. Flat pattern should always be 151mm. Period.
Again, under 90 degrees and on 90 degrees, I get nice flat patterns. Above 90 degrees, it fails again.
Am I completely overlooking something obvious?? Or is Inventor really bugging on this?
I am working on 2012 SP 2
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Oct 1, 2012
I just upgraded to Corel Draw X6 and am trying to design a wrap for a Hummer. The customer wants the background to look like a Silver Delorean.
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Jul 8, 2011
I am working on a Sliding Folding Door simulation and I am having much difficulty applying limitation to angular dimension and applying constraint to blocks (sometimes it works, sometimes not).
I want to know whether there are ways to set variable angles i.e angle x instead of a definite angle i.e angle 75.
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Mar 16, 2013
I don't know if this is common knowledge when editing 3D, but you can creates scaffolding to allow you to move the CCS more easily and place parts where you want. So the easiest way to get your parts placed correctly is with a little scaffolding.
Scaffolding is just a 3D part you create, with specific known dimensions, so that is exists in the model-space and either intersects it at different locations, or provides an external reference point to move the CCS origin to.
Here's an example. Suppose I want a 20mm long, 10mm diameter cylinder, with a 5mm hole all the way through the side, with it's center about 5mm down from the top.
Creating a temporary scaffold to locate the CCS origin is the only way to do it without having to use tools like MOVE and ALIGN, and may be necessary even to use ALIGN properly.
Here's how it works. Let's start with a cylinder.
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Dec 28, 2012
As I wrote in "Applying inverse kinematics to a folding rule" I succeeded with the first step.
Now I would like to make it behave like a whip. How to accomplish a whipping animation?
I did some motion capture of a person whipping an imaginary whip, so basically the folding rule just has to follow the hand and behave the way a whip would within the folding rule's constraints. How could I do that?
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Dec 26, 2012
I want to create a folding rule and animate it. So I modelled it and applied IK to it. The problem is that the hinges are all over the place when pulling apart and collapsing it. Find the max file attached.
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Mar 14, 2013
I need to create several domed solids (as different parts) based on 2D sketches of various shapes. I am trying to emulate domes that you might creating by pouring thick resin.
Using this forum I have found that you can do this easily using Loft to-point, then use the Conditions tab to get the dome height/shape set nicely.
The only problem is when the 2D shapes have a corner that is too sharp - then it leaves ridges on the domes - like the arrows show on this example - which is based on a simple rectangle with 0.5m radius corners:
I found one thread on this forum that said to use Delete-Face, then Patch - but the I couldn't get the patch to leave nice smoothed edges - and without bulging.
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Feb 15, 2012
I have several hard drives. Say D, E and F. I want to migrate or move the folders that are listed under each hard drive in my lightroom to say Hard Drive G. How do I do this so that all my keywords, and selects and color codes move with it? and that in lightroom G hard drive would be my only hard drive listed? I want to do this to get everything nice and orderly
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Nov 29, 2011
I am creating a folding door model and would like to use a parameter called EXERIOR WALL OFFSET. I have used this parameter before but am having trouble getting it to work within my family. The only difference is that I created one frame/jamb instead of 4 seperate profiles. The question is, why can't i get the jamb to move within the wall using the exterior wall offset parameter? It seems to move the sash/panels just fine but the jamb is constrainted somehow.
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Sep 25, 2013
I am not changing anything in my system. I am using windows 7 and will continue to. No change in elements version (10). how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures. I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera I will connect to the external hard drive.
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Aug 24, 2012
I'm gonna create a folding animation (two planes folding over each other or a single plane fold over itself). Problem is I have to do it with bones and if I use two planes, when they are folded they will have a little gap in pivot line and if I use a single plane then I don't know how to assign a polygon (sub-object) to bone.
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
3Ds Studio Max 2012 x64 - Student Version
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Feb 2, 2012
I'm using 2011. I made a pdf of an excel file, attached it to my drawing. Then I made a pdf of the drawing, and the pdf is coming out really poopy (numbers hard to read).
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Apr 13, 2012
We are using autocad 6 nad install it in new dell computer,windows xp, the mouse jumps up and down and hard to control, sometimes it moves by itself a leave a trail, fist time it happens.
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Jun 18, 2009
I am trying to repath our xrefs from hard paths to relative paths. for example, currently our xref paths look similar to this:
F:/208009.00/arch/floorplan and we would like to repath it to: ../arch/floorplan
I have already tried to use reference manager. it takes far too long and usually fails to work.
heres where im at. i would like to use the redir command where i put in the old path as f:/208009.00 and new path as ..
however we have hundreds fo drawings in multiple folders that need to be changed. i am looking for a way to dynamically import the path info without having to enter each path manually. i have a script to isolate the info i need per drawing, but cannot figure out how to transparently input it into the 'new path' option of the redir command.
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Nov 1, 2013
I cloned my 500G laptop hard drive onto a 1TB. Now, AutoCAD 2014LT starts opening but then disappears with no message. How can I get things working again?
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May 28, 2012
How can you "hard code" a link code or point code into a subassembly? I can use Input parameters to create the code, but then the user has the ability to change the code once in C3D?
how can you lock the name of a point or link code?
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Apr 23, 2013
The mother board in my old PC went out, I bought a new one with Windows 8. Loaded Autocad 13 and want to transfer all my settings from old hard drive (now a slave) to the new one.
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