AutoCAD Inventor :: Unfolding The Tube To Provide Flat Profile?
Sep 23, 2011
I have tube that has been generated on frame generator and notched to run into the side of another tube.
Is there anyway of unfolding the tube to provide a flat profile.
What i ultimately want to do is print the flat pattern off at 1:1 scale, cut it out and wrap it around the actual steel tube to be able to trace the profile onto the tube so i can cut the profile roughly before offering the two tubes together.
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Dec 5, 2011
I'm unfolding a 30x40x2 mm square tube for tube laser. The tube is imported from STEP format.
The flat pattern is 1,5 mm too narrow - even when I increase the K-factor to 1,0.
Is there any work around to get a wider flat pattern.
IV 2010
HP-Z200 Pentium 3,3 GHz
12 GB ram AtiFirePro V-4800
Windows 7-64 Pro
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Dec 4, 2013
I'm working on a 3D model that will include a part which is an 11/16" O.D. tube which get's flattened on one end to form a bolting lug. I have never really tried to model a part like this in AutoCAD .
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Mar 16, 2013
I have a question about calculating the maximum tube length. Why do i ask this, because you can just measure it on drawing?
I'm building a parametric model for building simple storage tanks, and the goal is to get a complete BOM out of the model without any difficulties.
I have 4 possibilities of tube positioning on the tank. (see image)
1. A tube that stands in the center of the axis of the main tank.
2. A tube that stands in the center of the axis of the main tank, but under an angle
3. A tube that doesn't stand in the center of the axis of the main tank.
4. A tube that doesn't stand in the center of the axis of the main tank, but under an angle
These 4 possibilities can be flush with the inside of the tank or not.
Is there a easy way to determinate the longest point from the front of the tube? This longest measurement will be the length i need to get into my description for the BOM.
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May 27, 2013
How do I repair a tubing constraint?
I use tubing in inventor, I always attached tube to whatever fittings I am using and everything is fine but if something gets moved that the end of the tube loses its contraint I'm ready to jump off a cliff!
Is there any way to get the end of the 3D sketch contrained to the fitting again?
Up until now I have always had to deleted the route and started over. Inventor Pro 2014
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Oct 10, 2013
I want to build a pipe or tube frame and use tube or pipe connectors to join the pipes.
What is the best way? "Tube and pipe" or "Frame generator"?
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Feb 6, 2013
how to Run Commands Using the API. And he also shows API can provide one sets of input to the command.
In my case, the Inventor command "analyze interference" need two sets of inputs. I tried to feed the commands with two selectset input throght API (see attached code). But the command looks like only take one set of them.So the behavior is not what I want.
So if it is possible, how to provide 2 set of pre-defined input to inventor commands throught API?
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Dec 18, 2013
Attached are two sheet metal parts that we need to unfold and make them flat for a drawing. We cannot seem to capture the reference A or reference B planes asked for by the unfold command.
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Feb 11, 2004
1. Why is it when I do a 3D sketch, make the sweep, then "Return" I always get a constraint error? It tells me that I made a constraint to geometry which is no longer available. The geometry IS available. I always have to delete the constraints just to move on. I'm sure it has something to do with the planes or axis I created while doing my 3D sketch.
2. Why does Adaptively equal inefficiency? The more I use it the more I have to fix those darn cross-part association failures. It takes less time to not use adaptively and use the "old fashion way". adaptively rarely, if ever, works correctly with sheet metal parts. I say again - Junk.
3. Would it be so difficult to give us buttons for standard views on our tool bars? You know, like AutoCAD - which I'm sure you have heard of by now. An XY, YZ, XZ, button is all I ask for. You went to the trouble to give us RMB Isometric view but stopped there.
4. Is it too much to ask to provide buttons on the toolbars for Object Visibility? Why make me go through the View, Object Visibility menu three times in a row to turn off User Axis, User Work Planes, and User Work points. It will be six times in a row if you need to turn off the other stuff. Heck, at least make the darn menu tree stay open until I've selected multiple objects to turn on or off.
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Oct 4, 2011
I drew a very funky bracket in IV 2012. I tried using the sheet metal features but they wouldn't cooperate with the funky geometry. I ended up having to draw to sketch profiles, lofting to create a thin feature, and thickning it to material thickness. But this left me without any real bends that the unfold tool can recognize. I tried using the unfold tool (I know that's not what it's for) but it gave me some very funky geometry. I tried ripping out the lofted bends, which worked great, but that leaves me with twisted edges that the bend tool can't grab. how to either model this using the sheetmaetal tools, or how to make this thing unfold?
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Dec 14, 2011
I am constructing a pipe (made up by sections) in Inventor. The pipe is going to be manufactured by cutting pieces of metal in a flow jet, roll them, and eventually weld them together.
I was wondering if it is possible to "unfold" the pipe sections to the plane, so I easily can see the cutting lines for the flowjet?
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Jan 11, 2013
I am using Inventor Professional 2013 what im trying to do is create a flat pattern so I can send out to get formed. I need the panel to be 7.75" Width 53.50" Height and 2" Depth. When I click unfold where the 45deg is, it doesnt match up with the bend. Im not sure if its supose to be like that or what lines i need to keep to get the correct mesurments.
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Aug 15, 2012
I have a very simple solid that consists of a lofted solid that was the "hollowed" out via the Shell command
The sketches used to make this lofted solid were two dimensionally similar rectangles. One has radiused corners while the other does not. These rectangles exist on 2 separate planes that are 10" apart. This part (Shroud1.ipt) is supposed to represent a shroud that will be installed between the intake and exhaust of an air filter.
I wanted to convert this to a sheet metal part and then unfold it so I could see what the flat pattern looked like. However, when I attempt to use the "Unfold" command it fails. Similarly, the Flat Pattern command fails as well.
What do I need to do to get this into a flat? I'd rather not redraw this as a sheet metal part. I'm not that familiar with that environment.
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Feb 22, 2013
I have been trying to unfold round tubing made through the frame generator. Here are the steps I took:
1. Used Frame Generator
* both ends of the tube are notched
2. Opened part and converted into sheet metal
3. Used the following tutorial: URL...
4. Was not working so I drew sketches on both ends of the notched tubing and added points
5. Used rip tool (point to point) and did not work
* I made sure the thickness was the same
I thought I was doing something wrong so I generated a new round tubing frame with only 1 end notched and the other end flat and followed the tutorial. IT WORKED! I have came to the conclusion that you can not use the rip tool on tubing that has both ends notched.Is there a way where I can cut the tubing in half so I have 2 individual pieces/files of tubing with 1 end flat and 1 end notched?
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May 10, 2012
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Sheet Metal
I need to know the Kfactor to use for folding and unfolding Nickel Alloy 200 - 1/4 hard.
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Oct 7, 2013
I am trying to unfold a part created from a derived assembly like I usually do… why in the world will it not unfold, and show a preview of the unfolded in the other direction??
At first all was working… until I added a part (see the circled item in picture), and I don’t have any problem usually!
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Aug 7, 2013
I want to use the custom unfolding rules using Bend Compensation with an angular reference to the bending angle.
I have an Excel sheet where I have determined the bend allowance, the set back and from that, the bend compensation. When I compare these values to the values I get when using a K-factor linear unfolding method in Inventor, I get almost exactly the same results.
Tells me the formulas are working. So I implement the formulas in the custom equations. Exactly the same as in the Excel sheet. 10 degrees angle, great results! Yeah! 45 degrees, great results! More yeah! 90 Degrees, still going strong, I think I might make it!
100 degrees.... Fail! Every time an angle goes over 90 degrees, the result is crap.
I have been struggling with this all day long!! So in the end I completely erased the equations from the Inventor custom equations.I just say: Compensation is 1 mm. For all angles. This should no room for interpretation.
Again I try. I have a sheet metal part with two legs. A 100mm leg and a 50mm leg. Flat pattern should always be 151mm. Period.
Again, under 90 degrees and on 90 degrees, I get nice flat patterns. Above 90 degrees, it fails again.
Am I completely overlooking something obvious?? Or is Inventor really bugging on this?
I am working on 2012 SP 2
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Feb 17, 2010
I can't find a way to create multi flat patters in one part from a lofted sheetmetal part. Also, didn't the developers fix the 'can't make a flat pattern from a derived part'?
IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit
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Jan 2, 2012
I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.
Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.
When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly. What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?
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Dec 3, 2013
What way do i add tube to the connectors.Should it be added in assembly or as a separate part?
Inventor 2013/2014
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Apr 2, 2013
How to create spikes on tube. I've try several way, but no success. I've try to mate with holes on plate and than to bend half of the plate, but not succeed.
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Jun 18, 2012
how to get the tube and pipe add-on? I do not already have it and I have not been able to find much information on how to get it.
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Dec 29, 2013
> In Inventor , here we see the orange color tube shown in the attached screenshot.
Attched File : Frames11
> But after zooming it nearby it’s get disappear as shown in the attached screenshot.
Attched File : Frames12
> One more shocking point is that we open this same drawing on other PC and there it’s display corrrectly.
Any solution for this hide tube. We are using:
Software : Inventor Ultimate 2014-64 Bit
Hardware : Workstation Dell Precision T3600
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Dec 24, 2013
Im trying to reproduce the part attached. Its a rectangular aluminum tube. .320 x .180 approx an inch long. I tried lofting 2 sketches but the result does appear like the attached image.
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Feb 14, 2012
I'm trying to do a usable and real flat pattern for a laser cut on this type of part and I'm not able to do a cut across bend or other wrap around face feature.
Any method to do such a feature ?
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Oct 10, 2013
What is the best way to draw pipe frame using "KEE KLAMP" connectors?
Pipe and tube or frame generator?
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Oct 28, 2011
I've been trying to make tube between these circles but I can't figure it out how to make it smooth. I tried sweep too but that didn't work too well. Here's picture of my try without sweep: [URL]
You see that it leaves corners on the back. I would like to have it so it's smooth and has same angle. How should I do it?
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Sep 25, 2013
I inherited this assembly from another user. In making some dimensional changes the pipe runs have now errored.Not having ever taken any training courses in T&P, my knowledge is just based on simple straight forward runs.
This on the other hand is bit more complicated. As you can see from the image I have this one run that has errors.My question is with the violation, is there anyway to pinpoint exacty what the violating member is?
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Sep 20, 2012
I have several parts to get cut for one of our customers.
The provided the pdf I have attached, and I need to create and .ipt so we can cut it on our tube laser.
This is getting the better of me on how I would put my work planes in order to get the correct angles.
How to accomplish this?
Lenovo Think Pad
Windows 7 SP 1
64 Bit.
Inventor 2013
ACAD Mechanical 2013
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May 10, 2013
I'm just getting started using the Tube and Pipe environment for some of my work, and I've got what I'm hoping is a simple question with a simple answer. In the picture attached I've got a 1" pipe dropping down into a 8" pipe which I've disabled because it's a standard part right now and I want to replace it with a tube & pipe run. The thing I seem to have the hardest time doing when routing my pipes is aligning/offsetting my nodes with existing geometry in the assembly. In this case I want the end of the 8" pipe to be 12" offset from the centerline of the 1" pipe, and for the 8" pipe's centerline to be 12" below the bottom of the mezzanine's I-beam (as the standard part it is now). What's the best way to do this in the Tube and Pipe environment?
I tried "Include Geometry" from the "Create" panel but that only lets me create planes, which won't work with offsetting from the 1" centerline. However, SOMETIMES (it's a big sometimes) ALL of the options in the "3D Sketch" tab are available. When that's the case, I can go to the "3D Model" tab and create workpoints, axes, and planes. Sometimes, though, they're not all available, and I'm not able to place anything but planes. How I can change it so I can always use all the geometry of my assembly?
Also I'd like to know if constraing fittings and point-snapping routes to my assembly geometry in this way is the best way to do Tube and Pipe routes. Will doing this allow my routes to update if the assembly changes?
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Sep 24, 2010
I have just completed an assembly and in this assy. I have a tube and pipe run. The original frame holding this pipe was 1m*1m*2m. We are now building a smaller unit with the same design. The pipe run is exactly the same except for the pipe diameter.
I tried to save as the pipe run to a new name and change pipe diameter but it gives me this error seen below. Do I have to make the whole run again? If i change run I have now to what I need for smaller frame I lose original sizes for first frame size.
Problems encountered while saving the document.
Save failed because the following files have been modified and must be saved together with Cooling_Skid_Type_I.Tube and Pipe Runs.iam:
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