AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cannot Find Scale Command For Alignments
Jul 9, 2012
I'm trying to create an alignment for a road I'm drafting but the alignment seems to be scaled differently and I can't find any scale command for alignments. I know that the dimensions of the model space are correct but the alignment dimensions are scaled down by a factor of 12 (I'm assuming it converted my feet to inches).
Ex: say my road is 100 Ft long and when I measure it in Model (using the AREA--> OBJECT command on my centerline of the road) it measures to 100 Ft but when I create an alignment for it the alignment tells me the road is only 8.33 Ft.
I have just updated to Autocad 2013. While working on existing drawings (previously created in V2012), I am having issues with the SCALE command. Most times, but not always, when I add a line or block, with a base point on an existing line or object and try to scale it, I get an "extremely small scale factor ignored" message, although I did not get a chance to enter a scale factor. While it appears most times, but not always, if I draw a new line in empty space on that same drawing, I am able to use the SCALE command without problems. I also have the same issue when trying to scale an existing line or block, most times but not always.
Here is a copy of the command line while I am trying to make it work:
Command: l LINE Specify first point: Specify next point or [Undo]: 100 Specify next point or [Undo]:
Command: sc SCALE Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Specify base point: Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]: Extremely small scale factor ignored.
Command: SCALE Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found, 2 total Select objects: Specify base point: Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]: Extremely small scale factor ignored.
If you notice, it does not give me the chance to enter a scale factor. As soon as I pick the base point, it skips over to the error message, yet displays the scale factor prompt with a blank factor. I'm experiencing this issue on various files (not all but most), so I don't think it is a corrupt file. Why I get this and if I can correct it?
How do I project the Proposed Road Level information from Road_1 at the intersection of Road_2 (Alignment_GA.jpg) onto the Start of the Profile for Road_2 (Alignment_Profile.jpg) to give me my tie in start point?
How do I obtain the exact change of the intersection Point? How can i extend Road_2 onto the horizontal curve of Road_1 so i know they exactly intersect?
I have a more than 10 number of alignments of road network in MX Road. I imported these alignments into Civil 3D. The problem is I am not able to edit these alignments.
I have two alignments that are not parallel that make up one corridor. Each alignment has a separate profile running along it. At stations where I have a template drop in my section editor, it is not representing what is really happening because it just is perpendicular to one alignment. Is there a way to develop a secondary alignment that will have my section editor show what will be parallel to both alignments.
How to join 2 alignments which are continuing a same road? Is it even possible ?
I have tried to explode them into polylines > join the polylines and then reconstruct the alignment again but it crashes on everything longer than 15 miles
I am using Civil 3d 2012. What I have is a surface along railroad tracks. Each set of tracks has a different alignment because they aren't parallel. I have a baseline alignment with my stationing set on that. What I want to do is have one profile view showing the multiple track alignments based on the baseline alignment. I can't use the offset alignment because they aren't parallel.
I'm trying to create two offset alignments (one on each side of my centerline alignment). For some reason I can only create an offset alignment on the left side of my CL alignment, but not the right side.
I created an alignment from the arcs at my intersections. When I go to the geometry editor under grid view it only shows the first curve.Does c3d support discontinuous alignments? When building edge of pavements at intersections is the workflow to make a new alignment for each intersection?
I cant get this one. I have created an alignment in a drawing and created a shortcut. When I data shortcut that alignment into drawing "A", its all good. Alignment starts at station 10+00. When I do the same data shortcut into drawing "B" the alignment is starting at station 0+83.33. Why?
I need to put a reverse curve on an alignment. I have tried using two free curve fillets,(between two entities, radius). the first curve was fine, but it would not allow the second curve. I also tried using a floating curve ( from entity radius through point) first, but it did not work.
Loving Pressure Pipes so far, taking us a bit to get them setup to work the way we want.
Using Pressure Pipes to design two water mains, the first main is a straight run, and the second one starts off of a Tee that I added to the first. This part seems to be working fine, now when I go back and use the Create Alignment from Pressure Network to create the alignment for the first main everything seems fine, but the second one is where I am running into my problem. When creating it, if I don’t select the Tee that I used as the starting point the two alignments don’t intersect, however if I do select it something crazy happens, my start point for my second alignment snaps to 0,0 instead of the Tee. I have tried a couple of different times with both Tees and Crosses. I get a little bit of a different result with Crosses, if the cross is the start Point of the alignment it behaves the same as a Tee, snapping to 0,0, however if the alignment goes through the Cross it is created correctly.
We have a main line (1 Alignment) and some junctions on that main line (other Alignments), and out GOAL is to create GL (General Layout) sheets, showing Shading, Setting out and Dimensions..ETC.So every VFG (View Frame Group) i can generate cut sheets from it, the Question is
1- How can i "connect" all the VFGs you see in the image attached into one VFG so that i would create them together ?
2- OR should i make separate VFGs like you see i did already , and then create cut sheets for each VFG ?
Any way to label the slope stationing rather than horizontal stationing? This is common when doing long pipeline projects (40 miles) or more in very steep terrain. I am doing one now that is only 1 mile and the 2D verses 3D length is a difference of 100'. 40 miles that would mean it would be off 4000'. The client uses this stationing as a guide to know how much pipe they need. If you would do that horizontally that would be way off the mark.
I am using Civil 3D 2010? Maybe its included in 2012 or could that possibly be an option for future releases since it is a 3D software.
When I have a street centerline alignment, I am failing to see any benefit. If I have a change, I want the change, not any old stuff. If I have a need to different alignments for differing purposes, I'd rather give each my own unique name. If I make a change, and I want that change easily reflected into a profile or corridor, wouldn't it be more efficient to let the name remain constant?
I am currently trying to xref a Civil 3d files into auto cad 2d. So far on the model space it works fine however when i try to put it into paper space the labels on the profiles just seems to go crazy. See the attached picture. (First picture where the label are not displaying correctly in paper space and second drawing in model space of the same drawing which shows the labels correctly).
I believe its the annotation that civil 3d uses to generate these text labels but i am unaware of how this can be solved.
At our office We use alignments to designate the pipeline. At our pi.'s or points of intersection We have the autocrat _wipeout circle. It works fine in c3d 2011, but for some reason when We take them into c3d 2012 the wipeout circle goes under the red line instead of above. We have checked through the properties and can not find a display order. Otherwise We are currently inserting a wipeout circle and having to place on At every intersection.
I have a problem of getting exact numbers on my civil 3D. I have a line of 900 feet. I create a line of hundred feet. But when I create and alignment, I get 108+00 and length of 10800 feet.
We have a HUGE number of data referenced surfaces and alignments that need to be moved to a different group of folders. Is there a simple way to do this without breaking the references (each surface/alignment) is referenced into multiple drawings.
The project was divided up into a bunch of little mini projects so now we have 500150_A, 500150_B etc (around 90 of them). Each one has a dwg file with a surface and at least one alignment and that drawing is data referenced to all the other sheets within that mini project. Each project has _Shortcuts, drawings etc.
The powers-that-be have decided to 1) change the project number (from 500150 to 500152) and 2) to bring all these mini projects together into ONE project.
We've confirmed that each surface/alignment has a unique name which means that there shouldn't be a conflict in that regard.
I need to reproduce an alignment shown on some plans. I have not had any luck finding a tutorial about how to re-create an existing alignment.
I have a page of plans, it shows the center line going from a back tangent, into a spiral, through a curve, and spiral to tangent. How do I create an alignment from this data?
I am a surveyor and I'm having a hard time understanding the alignment creation tools, in my data collector it is much simpler, you enter the back tangent and the end radius and the length of spiral and whale, but I'm trying to build a corridor, so I can stake the dtm.
I'm having a problem with profile shortcuts showing up under multiple alignments. I have 16-alignments and profiles in their own drawings. I didn't create the shortcuts right away as I was still figuring out how I wanted the project dir structure. When I had that solved, I started creating the shortcuts. When I checked them, some of the alignments had up to 6-profiles from other alignments listed under them. One alignment had 3-profiles, and not one of them was for the alignment.
I removed all the profile shortcuts and started bringing them in again. Same problem. This was after shutting C3D down, cleaning up the tmp files and restarting.
There are shortcuts for 36 other alignments, and none of them appear to be affected, only these last 16. Validate Data Shorcuts doesn't do anything.
I am working on a water line replacement job in a residential neighborhood. Some of the streets are getting the water line replaced and some are not. I have created an alignment for the water line on the streets that are being replaced.
When I create my view frame group along each alignment, there are some overlapping view frames from different alignments. I need to create a matchline for these instances. How to create matchlines for view frames on different alignments? Or create one view frame group from different alignments?
I have two alignments with profiles, that when I publish either from the layouts, or from SSM, don't show up in the pdf. This includes the labels. If I do a plot of the individual sheets, they show up fine. There are other alignments using the same styles that publish just fine.
I had to repair the shortcuts to these two alignments. Not sure if that would have anything to do with it. Can't see how, since they plot fine. What's maddening is that I published a set of plans before repairing the shortcuts, and they came out fine.
I restored a previous version which required the shortcut repair, and it does the same thing.
I always draw a polyline to define my alignments. When selecting the polyline for the alignment, in the Create Alignment from Objects box, at the bottom, the default is to "Add curves between tangents". Where do I turn that off so default in NO.