3ds Max Animation :: Animate Local Position With Orientation Controller?

Jun 29, 2012

I made a simple image explanation.

1. I have an ARROW that I would only like to animate along the Local X position.
2. I have a helper that i would like to control the rotation of the ARROW.
3. Once i rotate the helper, i would like the ARROW to still go in the Local X position but in the direction its facing.

Does this require a script or can this be achieved another way?

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Maya Animation :: Randomly Animate Vertex Position

Jan 16, 2013

Is there any way to randomly animate vertex position?

I've tried using EditMesh-Transform Component so I get a random position but without a seed value to animate. Also I've tried using a noise texture with a displacement node but you jus can check results in render time.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Adjust The Position Of Text In Order For Animation Text To Be Visible

Mar 3, 2013

I have created my Animation:

The stage size you see above is H: 400px, W: 550px.
I would like for the stage to be smaller, say H:50px./W:400px
Ok so if I change the size of the stage the animation text will not show, so I need to adjust the position of the text in order for the animation text to be visible, but in doing that, I am disrupting the timeline and the animation goes all funny, is there another way of doing this without disrputing the timeline?

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3ds Max Animation :: Building Controller For Mix Maps?

Oct 21, 2012

I'm working on a controller for a face rig, but instead of using morphers I'm using different textures for the mouth depending on the action. I've set these up in nested mix maps (there are 8 different textures in all). For my test I'm using 4 and standard primitives to simplify things a bit.

I initially setup these controls in an attribute holder containing 3 sliders. The main one is a master switch slider. The other two act as the mix map sliders within the texture nest of mix maps. I'd like to create a single control for these though.

I can pseudocode this out pretty easily but applying it is a different story. What is the best course of action? I'm not very familiar with Maxscript although I am planning on looking into it.

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3ds Max :: Bake Audio Controller Animation To Frames

Jan 3, 2012

How or have a script to bake Audio Controller animation to frames so its position/rotation can be adjusted by i.e the Curve Editor in 3ds Max?

I have an spline object where I use the Audio Controller to drive the height of the extrusion dynamically over time but would love to have more control over it.

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3ds Max Animation :: Import File To Controller Or Track?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a CSV file with lists of positions and rotation angles (over time). I would like to use these to animate objects. The two options I've found thus far are:
- Convert the CSV to the XAF format and import this into the curve editor
- Convert the CSV to WAV and use the AudioFloat controller to assign it to the coordinates
I would think there should be an easier way, preferably one for a controller, but I can't seem to find it. Surely I'm not the first to want to import data; frankly I'm surprised that audio is supported but regular data isn't. The thing is, converting the data to XAF seems to produce an enormous overhead and converting it to WAV is just odd.
What would the appropriate way be? Ideally I'd expect some controller where I can specify a file and some conversion parameters and that'd be it. Does such a thing exist? I'm happy to convert the CSV but I feel like it's probably not necessary - is it?

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3ds Max Animation :: Gear Script Or Expression - Assign Controller Function

Feb 24, 2011

"Scripting" a "simple" rigging function.

Gear1 is rotating on z axis (both sides), Gear2 is linked to G1, but only in positive (or negative, I don't remember).

I want to assign a controller on gear2.Z Rotation (script or expression), something like that :

if G1.Z Rotation=positive then G2.Z Rotation=G1.Z Rotation else 0
if G1.Z Rotation=negative then G2.Z Rotation=G1.Z Rotation else 0

I need to setup a 80 moving parts watch, so I need to use "Assign Controller" function.

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3ds Max Animation :: Creating Controller That Hold Multiple Hand Poses

Nov 30, 2013

So im using 3ds max to create a controller that hold more than 1 hand pose: fist, relaxed, stretched, etc. But when i making my 2nd pose and placing the same axis as the first pose, it overwrites it. So like this i can only use the 2nd one, instead of both.

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3ds Max Animation :: Wire Length Parameter Of Taper Object - Illegal Self-reference In Controller Script

Nov 28, 2011

I try to wire the length parameter of a taper object to the local Y-Position values of another object. It works fine until I reload the file. I get an MAXScript Wire Controller Exception error:

--Runtime error: Illegal self-reference in controller script

...and the parameter-wire dialog opens. The desired functionality returns by clicking the Update Button and everything works fine again.

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Edge Animate CC :: Orientation Changes Image?

Apr 17, 2013

I am producing an advert for a client that is going to appear in the UK Top Gear magazine.
Top Gear magazine is landscape only but the gyroscope functions are still available.
I'm looking to rotate the device 180 degrees and then the background image changes. Is it possible in DPS or even using Edge Animate content through DPS.
I'm looking to produce this without a HTML coder.

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Edge Animate CC :: Sound Work Only In Local?

Jul 23, 2013

Some sounds work in local and when i publie my websites he don't work ? why

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3ds Max Animation :: Orientation Constraint Does Nothing

Nov 24, 2013

So i started making my own rig and at the end when i was testing my clavicles i realized they dont move the bones so i went back to try and fix them by attaching the bone to the control using orientation constraint but because i already finished the rig, the constraint does nothing. Is there a way around this? I really dont want to start all over again.

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Maya Animation :: How To Fix Bone Rotation Orientation

Jan 4, 2011

I did the bones, but as you can see in the picture, the rotation not along the bone, is according to xyz, might be because i freeze them?

How can i rotate the bone accordingly? is there a way to rotate it local, and global like in Softimage?

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Maya Animation :: What Is World And Local Axis

Feb 7, 2011

Definition about world and local axis,What is different between both.

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Maya Animation :: Local Rotation Axis Display?

May 31, 2013

For some reason some of the joints in my character rig are displaying their local rotation axis and I am unable to turn them off. The usual Display>Transform Display>Local Rotation Axis doesn't do it. This doesn't apply to all joints, just some. This is very frustrating as it causes real clutter when rigging.

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Maya Animation :: 2011 - Adjusting Local Rotation Axis Individually?

Oct 1, 2010

So perhaps I'm missing something blindingly obvious, but in previous versions of Maya, I've been able to simply hit F8 and check the '?' icon to be able to go in and individually rotate Local Rotation Axis to be the way I want.

For some reason I cannot find how to do this now in 2011? I've only been able to do them using the auto-tool.

Looking for the steps I need to take to be able to manipulate the local rotation axis individually as I have in the past now?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Use Fixed Position Style

Jan 4, 2014

Im trying to put a bar menu whit fixed position, looking for the format code to do this?
I tried whit this in CompositionReady :
but this doesn't work whit positions.

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Maya Animation :: Why Joint Orientation / Rotational Axis After Rotating Bone / Freezing Transformation

Nov 21, 2013

I want to know after rigging why should i orient joint in the attribute editor using the channel "joint orientation". Because i can easily fix the rotational axis after rotating the bone and freezing transformation.

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Edge Animate CC :: Buttons To Control X And Y Position Of Symbol?

Jul 28, 2013

I am trying to move a symbol around based on it's x and y coordinates, without using keyframes to actually animate any movement.
Basically what I want to do is have a largish map image inside a symbol, most of which is off stage, with right,left, up and down buttons that slide the map in and out as you mouseover them, thus allowing the user to navigate east, west, north and south, if you see what I mean.
The buttons would move the map symbol around in increments of perhaps 10 or 20 pixels at a time, but it would freeze where it was when you moused out of the button, and begin moving again when you mouseover.
Of course it would be important to fix limits to how far the map symbol could be pushed so that you could only see as far as the edges of the map, and not beyond the limits of the map.

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Edge Animate CC :: Randomize Position Of Many Duplicate Symbols?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a rectangle (Named "Data") that falls down the stage on a loop. This is all contained within the symbol itself. The stage has this code in it:
var randX;
var randShouldWait;
var randSpeed;

This creates a nice looking randomized "shifting" as the block falls. The issue is that this code is specifically related to the "Data" object and when I duplicate the symbol it names it "Data_1" which obviously doesn't shift randomly. The goal is to have this expandable to have dozens of these rectangles at once, so Ideally I'd like to find a way to create new ones programmatically that each have individualized behavior so my timeline isn't so busy.

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Edge Animate CC :: Symbols Shift To A Completely Irrelevant Position?

Nov 5, 2013

I'm having trouble with some of my animations. Althought they all work fine (there currently 4 individual animations based around click and play symbols) and the positions are correct on the stage, when I preview them or publish them, some of the symbols shift to a completely irrelevant position for no dicernable reason. When clicked, the animations all take place in the correct position and remain there.

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Edge Animate CC :: CSS Position / Fixed Works On Mozilla 21 / IE10 But Not In Chrome?

Jun 19, 2013

I want to stick in position  a rectangle or photo while scrolling browser.I am using    sym.$("Rectangle3").css({"position":"fixed"});This works fine in Mozilla and IE10 but not in chrome (Version 27.0.1453.116 m).

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Maya Animation :: Getting Position Of Object At Different Time?

Apr 25, 2011

In the expression editor, is it possible to get the position of an object at a different time ?

For example, we are at time 100, and I would like to get a given object's position when we were at time 50. Is it possible?

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Maya Animation :: How To Get Angle Of Curve At U Position

Jun 15, 2011

I am current animating a car along a path (a curve).

In order to have the front wheels turning left or right with the path, how can I get the angle of the curve at the u position I am at ?

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Maya Animation :: How To Position Arms And Spine

Jun 22, 2011

is there a reason that, no matter how I position my arms and spine. the spine joints orientation is always in world space (pointing in x y and z) but my arm through finger joints orient perfectly the way I want them...?

does the orientation of the spine even matter as long as it rotates properly? I can just do a orient Joint command after the spine is made and live with any joint orientation.

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Edge Animate CC :: Cursor Position Offset For Input Fields Only On Apple IPad

Feb 21, 2014

I have made an animation that after it completes, it displays an iFrame which has some input fields.  The input fields behave great on a laptop pc or mac but when I use an Apple iPad, the cursor positions are way off outside of the input fields as I type.
Here is the website page: URL...Here I have the same iframe, one inside of edge and the other outside of edge.  Both work fine on a pc or mac but if you try to use an Ipad, you will see that the edge one shows the input field cursor down and outside of the input field.
You can see for yourself,   I have set this up for you to test and see this error.The animate oam file is:  URL....
Here is a link to the edge files, the .an and java files files: URL.....

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Edge Animate CC :: Calculation Of Cursor Position Not Working Properly With Responsive Stage?

Feb 26, 2014

I want to display a symbol next to the cursor. It should stay there like in this example here:http:/[url]....
When using a responsive Stage (what is crucial to my project, because I need 100% width on all window sizes) the placement ot the symbol is dependent on the size of the window and the position on the screen. Here is an example of the problem: [url]....
So, gathering the coordinates within EA seems not to be the right way.. Or any solution to compensate for the responsivness?
// CompositionReady
sym.createsym = function(){
var position = sym.$("box").show();

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Change Position Of Character On New Frame In Animation

Mar 25, 2013

This is an annoying issue within photoshop. I am working on an animation for a video and when I try to change the position of a charater on a new frame it also changes the positioning on all of the frames previous of it.
I am making a walk cylcle and  I want the character to walk from one end of the screen to the nextl but, when I make a new frame, move him to the opposite end of the screen on a NEW FRAME it changes the previous frames position to match the current one I am on.

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3ds Max Animation :: Wire Object Z Position To Custom Attribute

Feb 25, 2011

Im trying to wire an object's Z position to a custom attribute. I've frozen transforms, but whenever i wire the zero euler Z position to the attribute, when i control the attribute, i notice that my object is moving relative to world, and not to its position.

I want to move it along its own Z axis, not world axis.

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3ds Max Animation :: Linking Deflector To Slice Plane Position

Oct 8, 2013

100 frame animation setup. created a slice plane on a box, animated it, copied it to a copy of the box with different material, tried to link a deflector created in the left view port to the slice plane and it doesn't exactly line up/match.
checked animation curves, there was only 1 on the slice plane, and tried linear or curved, no difference, the deflector doesn't line up exactly.
tried wiring it to each box, recreated a couple times.  the attached picture shows the slice plane and how it lags behind the gray/white slice modifiers.

Max Design 2014, Boxx Xtreme, Box RenderPRO, Win7Pro, K4000

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3ds Max Animation :: How To Get Position Parameters For Biped COM To Play Within Track View

Feb 11, 2011

Is there a way to get the position parameters for a Biped COM to play with in Track View? All I get are the rotation parameters.
If that's not possible I'd like to know a way to manipulate the animation between 2 keyframes. The TCB parameters don't seem to be working for this.

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