Xara :: How To Use 3D Tool To Raise Non-transparent Part Of Imported Image
Nov 2, 2012
I like the 3D Tool but is it possible to use the 3D tool to raise the nontransparent part of an imported image while leaving the transparent part flat?
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Apr 18, 2011
When I draw a circle (or ellipse, or...) with no fill, and apply 3D to it, I would like the center part to be transparent. As it turns out, I get a white fill with the 3D lights applied to it. How I could make the center transparent ?
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Jun 1, 2013
I recently started using Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, and it looks really great, but I cannot figure out how to make certain parts of an image transparent. I pasted an image in, and there is white around the sides, and I wanted to get rid of them, by making them transparent. How I would be able to do that
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Jul 4, 2013
is it possible maybe to draw with transparent line in Shape tool?
Currently if I draw a line, make it transparent, the next line as default the same color and width, but does not inherit the transparency. That means it is not possible or just at me
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Apr 4, 2012
I have a PNG image with only one layer as a start point. It has a faded map on it.
I have a second PNG image with a hex grid on it. I do colour to Alpha to establish transparency on the hex grid for white filled hexes (others are not filled with white).
Now, I wish to overlay a portion of the first image with the faded map with the non-transparent part of the second image.
So I select by colour (for the hexes not filled with white) on the second image (the overlay) and I then paste to the first image (after creating a transparency layer and selecting it to receive the overlay).
I see the desired overlay section (minus any transparent stuff as expected), however it is centered over the map in the first image, not where I want it to be. It is a floating selection and must be anchored. So I select the anchor icon in the layer dialog and I think I anchor it into the transparency layer on the first image (that's what I'm trying to do anyway).
And then my problem:
I want to move the thing I just pasted in to the right place with respect to the underlying faded map. I attempt to use the move tool, but all I move is the background map (pretty much the opposite of what I want).
Nothing I do seems to let me reselect the pasted-in overlay so that I can move it.
Why I can't ever reposition the pasted in overlay? It should be in the transparency layer I created but even if I select all, I don't seem to be able to move anything other than the background image.
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Dec 29, 2011
I was just wondering as to whether its possible to keep the checkered base which you get when you remove part of an image or have it transparent to stay in the created image.
I am sure you all know this.
Here is the YouTube background which I have created and wondering if I am able to keep the checkered base or whatever in the image after I have saved it rather than print screening and pasting it back like a jigsaw puzzle.
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Feb 16, 2012
I have a picture of a planet, what I want to do is put a raised icon on top of the planet picture. I want the image to be transparent, so it'd basically just raise the section of the planet corresponding with where I put the second image.
The best thing I can think of is almost like mountains or a continent whose outline based on an icon I have as a separate image.
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Feb 17, 2011
First issue (see screen shot 1): As an example I created a simple b&w text image, which I subsequently saved to file as a GIF. At a later time I decide to open the saved file in order to edit the image. In editing all I want to do is remove the 2 dots over the letter "i" and re-save the image. Screen shot 1 shows the image unlocked on the page after re-opening the file. I cannot figure out how to edit the image at this point in order to remove the dots over the "i. I know I am overlooking a simple step, but I've tried everything. What is the secret to going back and cutting out just part of an image after the image has already been created.
Second issue (see screen shot 2): After many, many, many attempts I am still unable to create a simple GIF image with a totally transparent background so I can use the image on colored backgrounds. Using the same image example as above, I first went to Arrange>Create Bitmap Copy. That brings up the "Create bitmap options" window. For color depth I choose True color+Alpha. Then I hit the create button. The image I just created is selected on the page, and I then click the Export button to save it. After naming the file and clicking the Export button, I am taken to the GIF Export Bitmap Options window. At this point I have tried both transparency options. If I choose the option to make the background transparent, I end up with an image surrounded by white artifacts when the image is placed over a colored background (as shown in the top of screen shot 2). If I start over and choose instead to make a color transparent (in this case I chose to make white transparent since the image was created with a white background), I end up with the image surrounded by a block of white (the lower image in screen shot 2). What is the proper way to make transparent GIFs?
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Nov 9, 2011
i'm trying to export a .png image with a transparent background...
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Jan 29, 2011
I m new with Xara Designer Pro 6. How to make a transparent background in a gif animation or image png in Xara Designer Pro 6? Where is the eraser?
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Dec 17, 2013
I have a detailed pen drawing that is the logo for my company. So far there has been no problems using jpeg scans for most purposes, however I am now working on a project that will require a background color change. Any automated way in Xara (or any other option) to convert the image and make the background transparent? I have attached a copy of the image below.
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Nov 18, 2013
I am wanting g to make a person partially transparent for a picture I am working on. I know you can use opacity but after I make the selection, the entire image still gets transparent.
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Jun 30, 2013
I have an image that I am using as an app icon (embedded in a basic4android compilation). The image is in .png form and is a square with rounded corners. I want the corners to be transparent. When I outline the area I want to make transparent and then select clear it changes the current color (black) to white. When I use this saved file in my compilation the icon that it produces has corners that are white not transparent. How should I be doing this?
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Sep 16, 2012
I am using PSP X4.
I am working with transparent images. An example is the image below. I've added borders so you can see what I'm doing.
As you can see, the background is solid white, but the image itself is primarily white. I want only the background to be transparent.
I've dabbled with the GIF Optimizer feature to make the background transparent, but part of the actual image becomes transparent also, since it contains white.
One thing I tried doing was use the color replacer to change the white background to another color, but in doing so, some of the image itself changes to yellow, despite my trying to avoid that.
Is it possible to configure PSP so that only the background is transparent? If so, what's the most practical method?
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Mar 7, 2013
Previously i`m using version 2009 and importing Google earth image and surface works fine. However, recently i tried with version 2010 and i`m having some problem here (imported surface / contour seems ok but the image is too large like 3x or 4x). How to solve that?
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Sep 24, 2013
I have one problem. I'm using transform tool to scale part of image, but it doesn't look good. Maybe I should use liqify tool but I really don't like it. Here is example of how it looks, at the top left corner of this site [URL]....
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Mar 11, 2013
I'm modeling a temperature gauge and would like to have glass over the gauge so the inside is visible. I can easily do this with an assembly, but I'm wanting to do this with a single part. I tried to derive a new part from the assembly, but the transparent part turns solid so nothing inside is visible. Is it possible to do this?
I've include pictures of what I want and what I end up with.
Inventor Professional 2013
Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU
Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit
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Mar 9, 2013
I'm looking to take a certain part of an image (a small shape of it) and then apply darkening, progressively, from that small area. That is, the image gets darker and darker as it radiates out from that shape. Like a vignette, but progressively darkening from the point rather than a strait darkness.
Tried playing around with curves and didn't really do this effect.
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Feb 17, 2014
I'm sure there's a way to do this but for the life of me I can't remember and can't find it when I do a search. I have an object that is comprised of several lines that are grouped together, and I want to fill the entire group with a fractal cloud 3-color fill. In order to do so, I am creating the fill as a background, and making the object transparent, but when I do that, all my lines disappear (of course!) but I need the lines in it for details. Basically I want to layer this object
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Aug 2, 2011
I realize this will be a ridiculously basic question for most of you since I'm very new to Paint Shop Pro, but I've been trying all sorts of tools today trying to find the most efficient way to do something.
I sell clothing online, and I'm looking for the best way to quickly remove the price from an image of the retail tag. Everything I've tried seems to be tedious, so I don't think I've got the right tool so far. I just want to be able to do what was called a "Smart Erase" in my old Digital Image Pro program -- I simply drew a quick outline around the area to be erased, and then clicked on the erase button, and the price was gone off the tag (it inserted the same background area there).
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Nov 18, 2013
Whenever I bring up the crop tool I see a dialog box covering part of the image. I never use it. Is there a way to hide or get rid of it?
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Jul 1, 2013
URL....i dropped it into xdpx ungrouped everything extracted the france shape and tried to fill it.i check and it is definitely a closed shape.i can manipulate the outline as normal but nothing i do fills it it's definitely not transparent to remedy this i draw a square under it, select both and subtract shapes this gives me a square with france cut out of it then i draw another square inside the former square but outside the france outline i move the square underneath, select both and once again subtract shapes finally i have my shape filled as i require.
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Sep 19, 2012
I've imported a PSD to animate in action. I need the grey blade area to be transparent and show the background image. As I change the transparency in the Axis node, the grey area gets darker and lighter in color but does not show the background image through.
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Nov 14, 2013
When I import my PNG File into AAE CS6 the background of the file becomes bugged. I have attatched a picture below
This ir the original PNG image.
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Aug 1, 2011
is it possible to bring in a PDF and keep the layers intact?
I have received some artwork with a cutter guide on and with over 1,700 entities all on the same layer, some of which are the same colour as the cutter guide.
It would be a royal pain trying to select the cutter guide line by line!
I am using XDP6
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Jan 10, 2012
I am placing my customer's logo by importing their graphic file (they gave me jpeg, tiff, eps, bmp). I find the background color does not match and need to know how to change it.
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Dec 17, 2013
A customer sent me a .step file. In order to produce the part that I need, I wanted to add some machining to his original part. Os I derived in his part and then added the features that I needed. Just a few tapped holes in one side.
Now, my customer made a few changes to his original part (added some detail) and he has sent me his new .stp file. I did not think it would be any problems if I just overwrote the original stp file with the new one. But, if I do that, when I open my part, Inventor complains that the updated part is part is not usable.
I tried saving the imported file as a .ipt and then bringing that into an assembly and doing the machining there. But, now when I replace the imported file with the updated version, my features fail.
Is there a workflow that will allow me to update the part that is derived into another part?
Using 2013,SP3-update3
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Mar 22, 2012
When I bring in a .sat file, I see these little "i" in the browser. The red Cross is dimmed. If I hover over the icon, it doesnt tell me anything. I can right click on Base2 and choose edit solid, and the "i" goes away, but something is still not right. I know something is wrong, because the mass is not correct for this part.
Notice the green check by "Base 3"? After I edit "Base 2", I do not have a check by it.
How do I get this to report the mass correcly.
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Jun 21, 2013
We have imported an AutoCAD 3D model into Inventor and the process generates many individual Inventor parts which are placed in a new Inventor assembly. The parts are all unconstrained in the assembly but spacially positioned relative to each other as they were in the AutoCAD file.
We want to create a new, empty, assembly and place the individual parts one by one into the new assembly constraining them appropriately as we go. This way we can develop a more logical set of sub-assemblies and have the parts more intelligently connected.
So to the point of my question, at last!. Each individual part, generated from the import, contains just a single body. There is no sketch or any features. The part's origin is at the point of the original AutoCAD model's origin. All of the imported parts will have the same origin point. We want to move the part's single body in space to align with the part's origin point and planes. This way when we re-build the assembly we can use each part's origin planes when constraining the part.
There doesn't appear to be any way of constraining or 'snapping' a part's body in space to the origin planes.
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Feb 14, 2013
I am looking at building a support for a customers part. Trouble is the part is curves and surfaces. Part doesnt have too many "flat" sides to it. I am struggling with how to get what I need. In this video, I am showing how the part will move onto the support (support is clear blue).
I created an assembly, then derived the iam into a part... subtracting out where the part will sit in the support. The problem I am having is removing the material so the part can move into the support from above.
Here is a picture of the support with the part subtracted out. I would post this, but the filesize is pretty large (18mb).
I cant seem to find a way to trim this off.
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Nov 6, 2013
Whenever I mport a part it has the welding texture applied to it. Where can I change it to so I don't have go around and select the faces to clear them. Changing the material has no effect on removing the texture.
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