VideoStudio :: Load From Stream Error Message When Rendering Smartsounds
Oct 23, 2013
For some inexplicable reason, the 'Smartsounds' tracks I load into the time line do not RENDER. That is, the 'share' button creates the suitable video file without the music! Their is a message, "Load from Stream Error" which comes up after the rendering process.
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May 21, 2012
Error message showing on Video Studio Pro X2 - when go into edit, pop up message dispays 'Load From Stream Error' which then doesn't allow me to anything further.
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Oct 12, 2012
what does this message mean: "Load from stream error"? It appears all the time and I cannot put any picture in the timeline. Some pictures are white with two black crossed lines.
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Mar 28, 2011
when i upload klips to the libary i recive this massage "load from stream error" what is thate?and what i must to do to not receive this massage?
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Mar 1, 2012
Along with giving me a failure after closing telling me to send my dmp file to Corel, but Corel not showing me anyway to do this, my newest error is the best one yet. The program opens with a little window saying "Load from Stream Error" and an OK button. The OK button does nothing. Nothing else can be used. The computer is totally locked up with this wonderful piece of unfinished program in place. My only recourse is to power the computer off manually to restart it. starting VS"pro"4U just locks it down again. Is there a way to clear this without following Corels instructions for every problem. That being to remove and reload the program. The next time I remove it will be to throw it and it's boxed installation disk in the trash can, then go out and buy something a bit more reliable. Like Adobe's little girl Premier, or Sony's video editing program.
This looks so nice, if it just worked. I have quite a few hours into a video and just wanted to add a new title when this started.
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Dec 11, 2012
How can I remove libraries without causing Load Stream Error. Should I delete all the contents first? I have created several libraries for my individual projects but whenever I have finished with one and try to remove (delete) it I get this error message and have to reset to factory defaults. This means losing the libraries I still want to use.
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May 26, 2011
I bought a full copy of Videostudio Pro X4 about a month ago after experimenting with the trial version for a good while, and it was all running smoothly until I was adding some rain effects to a rather large movie, and it said something along the lines of not enough space to load something, and then all the FX thumbnails disappeared. When i closed the program and tried to reopen it, it said "Error loading from stream" followed by a "Videostudio Pro has encountered an unspecific error and needs to close, please contact Corel Support and include a copy of the Dump file.". And now every time I try to load the program it gives me this error, and thats without loading the actual project that the file had the initial error on. All the files within the folder were captured via VS either as Video or as Stop-Motion so are under the default settings as I havent changed them or converted them atall.
I cant find anything on the knowledge base about this, and neither on these forums. I'm unsure how I send the Dump File, which I have found to Corel? I'm abit confused from the warranty support bit of the page where it says about having a one-off chance to contact them? So obviously I dont want to mess up my one chance so thought I'd check here what to do next!
A re-install of the program seems the logical next step but will I lose my project?
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Feb 4, 2012
I have been using Lightroom to catalog my images on my Mac for three years now. All of the sudden a month ago, I tried opening the program to import new photographs and it gave me this error message "Lightroom Quit Unexpectedly" click reopen to open the application again. This report will be sent to Apple automatically.So, after many attempts, I decided that I would try reloading the original software which I purchased. It will not open the program.
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May 13, 2012
I created a 30min video, with a lot of photos mixed with live video, transitions, music, etc. Now, when I try to reopen the file for futher editing, it appears the software needs to re-render all the thumbnails in my video track stream. As I mentioned, I have a lot of photos in there, so it's taking forever.
With the previous software I used (Pinnacle Studio), I could flush the cache and have the program rebuild (and store) all the thumbnail info for faster loads in subsequent sessions.
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Sep 4, 2012
I am getting the following error message when I try and load my personal presets "COULD NOT LOAD TOOL PRESETS BECAUSE THE SAMPLED DATA COULD NOT BE FOUND" I have been able to load this in the past and it is now giving me this error.
I am running CS6 extended 13.01 for 64 bit . I have 12 mg ram and working with Windows 7
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May 2, 2013
I have had this product for about a week and it is fabulous compared to any other video editors I have tested.
There is something odd happening, however. I am using the Mercalli plug-in to stabilize hand-held videos. This works great but the rendered video always has a message overlaid saying the Mercalli analysis must be re-run (even if it has just been done). There IS an exception: render to mpeg4 and everything's fine - stabilization has been applied and no message. If I then take the exact same project (no changes) and render into AVCHD (for example), the output is ruined with the overlay. If I go back into the project again to have a look at what's up re-analysis is NOT called for.
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Nov 30, 2010
i have made a project which crashes in different places every time i try to render. its about 40 minutes long. i have tried removing and reloading pro x2 and cleaning the registery.
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Mar 31, 2010
As it did not working well in Win7, I have been uninstalling VS Pro X2. So, I purchased the downloadable upgrade version of VideoStudio Pro X3. The problem : I'm not able to open an existing VSP file. I get this error message : The file "name.vsp" is already in use.
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Mar 18, 2013
I've been a Corel Video Studio user for almost 10 years and never ran into this issue. When creating a disc (DVD or Blu Ray), I get an error message while the program is "converting the menues" for burning to blank disc. The message reads "convert step got some problems (257.0.0)". Figuring that something got corrupted, I closed the program and rebooted the computer. I then again set up the menues I wanted to use only to get the same error message. I then decided to burn a previous project that I knew to be successful and it burned properly. I then decided to create a new project using the same video files and menus that previously failed. That too proved to be unsuccessful. I went to Corel's website but there was no info available covering my error message.
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Sep 17, 2013
I'm in a real pickle: Bought a top shelf Sony V. Cam. In HD the format is AVCHD, which X5 Pro doesn't want to know. The Sony software,'Play Memory Home' only allows basic editing like trimming of clips. So I tried 'Batch Convert' and picked MPEG as target to edit my 1 hr 4 mins of Kruger Park wildlife, which entails hours of work. When I start on the disc burning procedure (or video file production) after several mins I get the 'The program encountered an unspecified error and will be closing down',
I have tried different output choices, like 'DVD" or 'AVCHD' at different compression,tried deselecting hard- and software acceleration etc, to no avail, same error every time, I get told to send the Dump file to Corel for analysis, fat lot that would do! If I started with a conversion to a different file system I would probably have to go through the editing again, sound, transitions and all?
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Apr 29, 2011
I am receiving an error during rendering to create a DVD.
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Dec 29, 2010
I thought i was getting this message when i enabled ripple select all but now i am randomly getting this message anytime i am using VS. I use VIDEOSTUDIO PRO X3 and i believe i have updated the necessary updates for it . After i get this message, it shuts down VS and i have to restart the program.
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May 25, 2009
When I go to import a clip into videostudio, I get this message: "no storage to save BB" I click ok, then I get the "load from stream error" message.
Here is my info:Windows XP, videostudio 12, Dell Dimension E520. I'm importing an uncompressed AVI (I've done this loads of times with not problems) and I get the message while it's importing.
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Sep 2, 2012
I've recently updated one of my PC's. I tried to launch VS x5 and I received a "corrupt file message" with error code 38. I've read all of the previous threads here and others online referring to Protexis Licensing V2 in the Services tab. I've un-installed, reinstalled several times. Would be nice is a "Repair" option was available. I've entered the serial numbers, several times, made it to the "Register Product" page but can never get the program to start. This was an update from VS 4 and I've entered the serial number for that when prompted. I have the program working just fine on another completely new system. Both are running Windows 7.
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Feb 7, 2012
I'm trying to upload a video into YouTube straight from my Video Studio ProX3. Was able to do it successfully with a video just 2 days ago but for some reason, doing a different video (same videocam & format) it's giving me this error message "The entity name must immediately follow the ',&' in the entity reference". And it won't upload or let me proceed. I have no clue what this means, i tried redoing it and changing the video file name and no luck.
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Jan 20, 2012
Just installed ProX4. When I make a title - either single or multiple - and try to apply a Border/Shadow/Transparency to the text, I get an error message that says . . .
"Encountered An Improper Argument"
Making the title was the ONLY thing in the project.
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Jun 29, 2011
I completed a video and when I went to 'Create a Video File' I would receive the following error message...
"Failed to open MPEG encoder"
I'm using Ulead VideoStudio 11+. The 'vsp' file is too long...One hour fourteen minutes. I made a 'Part 1' and cut the vsp to forty-five minutes and still received the same error message.
I cut the 'vsp' to one minute thirty seconds and it would "Create a Video File'. I've never had this problem before.
It seems with Ulead VideoStudio 11+ whenever I have a problem like this I can resolve it, by backing up all the files, then removing the program, thoroughly clean the hard drive and re-install 11+.
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May 26, 2011
I am currently experiencing this error when basically putting an Inventor 2012 file (part or assembly) on a flash drive and then loading the file(s) onto a different computer with Inventor 2011 installed. Once in Inventor 2011 and trying to open the necessary file(s) I receive this error. Is there some difference between the 2011 and 2012 files that is causing this to happen? Or the face that I am using the student version of both?
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Sep 24, 2008
My computer went down two weeks ago, bad enough that I had to get a new hard drive and start over. When I went to install Inventor, I kept getting Errors 1335, 1334, then error 1406 during installation. I seemed to have gotten beyond those, but when I went to open certain assemblies I started getting "Error in reading RSe Stream (4 not equal 2)" and "Error in reading meta types in RSe Segment AmDcSegment in..." and them it shows a certain file it doesn't like, sometimes repeating for multiple files. I clicked on the communication icon in the lower right of my Inventor screen and it said a maintenance update was available. I installed SP1 and tried again. Same problem. I clicked on the icon again, and it told me SP2 was available. I installed it and tried again. Same problem. I clicked on the icon again, and it told me SP3 was available. I installed it and tried again. Same problem. I clicked on the icon again, and it told me SP4 was available. I installed it and tried again. Now I can't open Inventor at all. Inventor crashes just on trying to open up. I've been running Inventor 11 since it came out with no issues whatesoever. Now I'm two weeks behind with no end in sight.
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Aug 10, 2012
I have just got this error message 'Error in reading RSe stream (4 not equal 0)' after checking out my assembly, and it appears the cause is a small hss part in Frame Generated frame.
The part appears in my tree in the frame assembly and it not showing up in my model, I can't delete it to brake the link.
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Jul 26, 2012
How to stream HD videos to Apple TV 3?
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Jan 10, 2013
I get this error message when trying to open a PDF in CorelDraw X6: There was an error while decoding a stream. What might cause this?
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Sep 9, 2013
The error message has popped up on models, and assemblies, but no parts.
something on the internet said that this may be due to saving in a newer version on inventor, but i am using the latest version, and have been for the past few months. it is especially confusing as on of my drawings is only affected on one page, not the entire drawing. i have also had bad assemblies, but when the bad assembly is a sub assembly inside a bigger assembly its all fine!
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Apr 30, 2011
I recorded a video from my TV and during recording everything looks normal.
However, when I play back the recording, everything is sped up. I can use VLC Media player to slow down the playback speed to normal, but I can't figure out why the recorded stream is faster than normal. Even when I burn the video to DVD, playback is faster than it should be.
Most streams recorded are played back just fine. Could it be that the source stream for this particular video is different than most and if so, how do I get VS to compensate for this?
Can I use VS to play it back at the correct speed and rerecord the recorded stream?
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Feb 6, 2012
I am using Corel Video Studio Pro x4 Ultimate with SP2 and I getting significantly lower audio volume in left channel for all stereo downmix streams. The problem is consistent regardless if I make an AVCHD video with background music, or create slide show form still images with music.
I want to eliminate any possible PC setup or installation issues and narrow down the problem to program itself. I have attached sample of stereo 1 KHz 0db test tone, which could be used for this test.
1. Open new project
2. Choose Settings --> Enable 5.1 Surround sound and Wide screen 16:9
3. Import to the library few pictures and 1KHz 0dB.wav
4. Place on the time line pictures (I used 5 sec duration for display and 1 sec cross-fade transition)
5. Add 1 KHz 0 dB.wav to the Music track
6. Select Share tab --> Create Video file --> Custom
7. Choose MPEG Transport Stream .m2ts
8. Select Options --> General 1920x1080 --> 29pfs --> upper field first
9 Select Compression --> Quality 100% --> Dolby Digital Audio --> 3/2 (L,C,R,SL, RL) --> 448 kbps --> OK
4. Name the file and save it.
5. Play rendered file on 2 speaker system (TV or PC)
Playing 5.1 surround sound movies on 2 speaker (i.e. stereo) system will likely force to play Stereo downmix stream only from 5.1 sound. You then should be able to observe that the left channel volume is reduced by -14 dB. (at least this is what I get) which causes significant stereo balance shift.The same test can be done with music files, but if you want to measure the volume drop, test tone is the best way to quantify it.
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Jan 6, 2013
In Elements 9 I now get an error message "Cannot use Clone Stamp due to program error".
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