VideoStudio :: Keeping Original Video Properties When Sharing
Jul 17, 2011
I have a HD mov file. When I drag it into my timeline I don't get a message to match the project properties to the file type even with the correct preference. I understand that with the mov file type this doesn't work in X4 anyway. Anyway, after a bit of trimming I want to create a file with exactly the same specifications as the original.
I obviously cant use same as project settings option. For some reason I do not have the same as first clip option either. So how do I tell X4 to keep the original file properties when creating a new file?
I want to keep the original audio captured with video footage but remove the actual video and replace it with other video footage taken and still images. I'm guessing that this is possible using the overlay track, but ideally, I would like to just remove the original video so that I can use two new images between the main track and other "images" on the overlay track. I have no need for the original video, just the audio. Is this possible? If not, is there any way to insert audio from video onto either a music or narration track scrap the video portion?
All I am trying to do is cut out small portions of a video just to get rid of the parts I don't want. However, when I use the multi-trim feature, it strips the original audio. I know it does this so you can create your own video and then overlay your own audio. However, all I want to do is just cut out a few portions of the video while retaining the original audio minus the parts I cut out (i.e. I don't want to have to overlay any audio for this project, I just want a simple way to cut a few parts out and be done).
In VS X4 we do not have the ability to match the project properties to the specs of the source video. When editing "project properties", we only have two choices for compression (NTSC DVD and PAL DVD) which only allow a maximum resolution of 720. In X2 we had many more choices which included MPEG-2 where we could get up to 1920.
I thought it was rule number one to match the project properties to the source video. Maybe that is not so important anymore, but snapshots for freeze frames must be done in project mode to include any attributes. The resulting snapshot is the resolution of the project properties and therefore not the same as the orignal video. Once rendered, it will not look the same as it's parent frame. Maybe freeze frames are not important to anyone else, but they are to me.
I shoot with a Canon HV20, so I need 1440x1080. I have created an empty project in X2 with the correct properties that I use to start projects in X3 and X4. X4 appears to maintain the project properties once they are set.
Is it possible to keep the original .inx file name, when saving it back as indd from an older Indesign version? Elaborating… i save an inx file from IndesignCS3 that is named george.inx, then i open that file in IndesignCS2, when i save that file from CS2 as indd it doesn't keep the name "george", its named untitled. Is there a way to keep the original name?
I love taking landscape photos and i am interested in turning them into black and white images. No problem with that bit, i then want to make the black and white more intense, i realise this will be difficult with the black but i want the white to be, i don't know slightly more silver i suppose, more i making sense, lol.
I would also like to keep some color from the original image, maybe have a tree with just a faint coloring from the original or a stream with just a hint of the original blue.
I don't know how to transfer the original color to the black and white copy, is it done with a mask?.
I do a lot of 3D modeling with AutoCAD and so far I been using solprof to convert my models from 3D to 2D drawings creating plans & elevations
What solprof does is creating 2 separate layers and separates solid lines from the hidden lines (which is great) however, it loses the original layers that was used for each solid. My question; Is it possible to keep the original layers after a 3D is converted to a 2D drawin? We spend a lot of time assigning back the layers to the 2D shapes again. btw, we are using AutoCAD 2010
If I select Edit Content on a Smart Object layer, and then select Duplicate Layer, will that put two copies of the original image in the file?
I used the Place command to bring high resolution images into a canvas of a much lower resolution. I've already spent a lot of time scaling and positioning the images on the canvas. But it turns out, I would now like to do certain editing on the original pixels of the images because of their greater resolution. Of course, that defeats the purpose of Smart Objects for non-destructive editing.
But there's no reason I can't keep two copies of an original image in a file, and destructively edit only one copy, right?
In LR 2.6, when I imported my images (RAW) I would import keeping the original file number, then I would batch rename and convert to dng after they were already in my catalogue. Since I shoot stock, I keep a meticulous record of what I shoot for metadata and keywording purposes. I notice that when I upgraded to LR 3, my in my existing catalogues/folders the original file names are gone, and just the new custom name & sequencing show up.
Unfortunately, I still have to keyword & metadata tag a lot of images, but now the original in-camera numbering is gone. With my new imports what I did to preserve the original numbering, is to import, do my keywording/metadata, then a batch rename. How to keep both. It is just easier to refer to my notes when I have the original number of the image.
I wish to create DNG files for my existing Lightroom catalogue, but also wishe to retain the original camera RAW images. If this can be done, how I go about it as I seem only to be able to find an option for conversion to DNG only.
We have a contractor who does drawings for us on occasion. For some reason his drawings won't keep linetype and color when switching layers. Is there a setting that will force all lyers to keep their color and linetype?
i am getting some trouble when i want to convert my video (sharing process) after the treatment .the original video that i use is AVI format and when i want to share the video, i save it under AVI format too but the file that i got is bigger that the original one( and when i edited the movie i didn't add any new sequences).
My ai doc has a stretched font and when i subsequently added indepented words/phrases in different locations, they are all stretched as well. I only wanted the one stretch, so I will have to go in manually and will never get them exact, or just start fresh, so I wondered if there is a way to restore them to their original properties. Also is there a way to avoid what I did? It also stays in "stretch mode" when I typed in a different font, which is how I noticed because the o's are supposed to be almost a perfect circle and they were ovals, so it was obvious, although the first font wasn't to me.
I've observed that VS X5 usually keeps at least 4 levels of last-used project files - some of the time. But I notice that from one day to the next, that last used list can disappear, irregularly.
In another piece of software (unrelated) I use, a scan history log gets kept in a temp file, which lasts only until the next time a cleaner like Cclean goes looking for all those .tmp files and similar, to clean up all the leftovers on a machine that clutter up its HDD space and slag its performance.
Does VS X5 do something similar for the last used project files?
If vendors have to ape MS in this sort of user friendly facility, they can at least put the data in a space that's unique to the application. I've never noticed that MS was guilty of losing the last files used details - pity the copiers cannot do the same.
I'm using "multiple titles" to add text on my slideshow. The font size is 34 but when i play the video the text is much bigger. The text size is changing depending on the length of the text i'm using... How to keep the text size 34 ? When using "single title" option i can't change the position manualy where to put the title so i think i need too use the "multiple titles" for sure.
I am using v X4.I have a video clip that contains audio that I split off into its own audio track, right click split audio. I then edited out a couple parks of the video replacing the cut video with a still image. right click replace video with still image. So far so great, everything plays back perfectly. When I put transitions in where the video meets the photo or when the photo then meets up with the video again the audio gets out of sync. Is there a way to get the transition in there and still have the audio track be in sync with the rest of the video?
V=video T=transition "photo for 4 seconds" is where the photo has bee inserted. A= audio track X=out of sync
I'm starting with the corrected JPEG and then highlighting the original video so they are both selected, but the JPEG settings are not applied to the video when I Sync Settings -- things like color, sharpening, and noise reduction.
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I record video tutorials about Photoshop (so, screen captures) and edit/combine the clips inside Photoshop CS6 in Win 7/64; Photoshop's new video talent is nice. I record 852x480px at 15 fps with FastStone Capture and save in WMV. I want to show the finished video tutorial on Youtube. There are several things baffling me when editing video in Photoshop CS6.
My original records (according to MediaInfo): Software: FastStone Capture Overall bit rate mode : Variable [code]....
The result looks very nice when i play it locally in VLC. It looks like the original WMV. But: When i upload the Photoshop-version to YouTube, the video looks very badly "upsampled" and blurred. It looks much worse than the uploaded WMV original. If you like, you can compare the two videos from the same source online:
Uploaded WMV clip, looking good (set player to 480 p): URL....
Rendered in Photoshop CS6, looking bad (set player to 480 p): URL.....I do like the resolution of 852x480 and would like to keep it. If not possible, i have to record tutorials in 1280x720, even though icons and menus look too small. So far i have not tested it.
I searched my folder C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobedynamiclinkmediaserver1.0. There is a lot in it which i don't understand, but some file names include "MPEG", "AVI", "Adobe QT Server" etc. I think there is no Quicktime installed on my machine; i try to avoid it as it does many different things to the system and is obnoxious.
My questions:
- When aiming for a YouTube cast, could i stay with 852x480 (at 15 fps), or doesn't it make sense? (I like that size.) If 852x480 is not ok, what is the lowest resolution for getting good looking presentations on Youtube?
- Why does the Adobe Media Encoder in my Photoshop CS6 only offer the formats H.264 and DPX? Can i get more? (Free, pay.)
- Do i need to install Quicktime? How could i do this with less intrusive QT behaviour?
- Should i record more fps in FastStone Capture? (I don't find more fps necessary when looking at the original and when looking at the uploaded *original*.)
Currently I’m riding my Premiere Pro CC skateboard on “L” plates and already I’ve hit a tree and landed on my backside. I filmed a video of my daughter with my DSLR camera and shot my take vertically. No doubt this is a clear sign to all of you reading this that I am a beginner, I mean a trainee-wheels-nappies-spoon-fed beginner. When importing my vertical file it lies horizontal in this CC editor. Surely this must be some button to push to rotate my take back to vertical. Meanwhile I’ll fix myself up with some band-aides and thumb through the ABC book to the part about horizontal out-put devices.
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
Can I edit a video clip in PRE 12 and save the clip in place of the original clip, with the same file name, without going through the Project" program?
I seem to have lost the original files associated with the Sample Library. The location exists but the individual files are missing. I have the disks for VS Pro X5 Ultimate and I reloaded the program but this did not restore the files relating to the Sample Library. How to recover these files?
I am trying to remove the original audio track and replace it with a new one. Is the only way to do this by muting the original audio track, or can you delete it completely?
I recorded a video from my TV and during recording everything looks normal.
However, when I play back the recording, everything is sped up. I can use VLC Media player to slow down the playback speed to normal, but I can't figure out why the recorded stream is faster than normal. Even when I burn the video to DVD, playback is faster than it should be.
Most streams recorded are played back just fine. Could it be that the source stream for this particular video is different than most and if so, how do I get VS to compensate for this?
Can I use VS to play it back at the correct speed and rerecord the recorded stream?
I joined two video clips and saved them as a single clip. They are both .mov files. One is 18mb and the other is 15mb, so I assumed the new file would be 33mb. When I save the new file in .mpg, however, it is only 27mb. When I try saving it in .mov, it balloons to over 120mb. How should I save the new clip to maintain the original size and ensure I'm not losing any quality?
Also, when I save the clips it seems to be converting the original 640*480 aspect ratio to 720*480. How do I preserve the original aspect ratio?