VideoStudio :: Pro X5 - Original Sample Files
Nov 4, 2012
I seem to have lost the original files associated with the Sample Library. The location exists but the individual files are missing. I have the disks for VS Pro X5 Ultimate and I reloaded the program but this did not restore the files relating to the Sample Library. How to recover these files?
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Oct 12, 2011
I have bought an Easycap capture device and it is installed properly. However when I try to capture video from VHS I get the message "The sample start time is after the sample end time"
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Jun 13, 2012
Referring to the sample Visuals and Audio in Video Studio X4, Youtube is a commercial site - so does that mean that I cant use any of the sample sounds and backgrounds in videos I post to Youtube ?? I read a post on this forum about usage rights that was a bit vague stating that sample audio and visuals cannot be used in a commercial environment ?
I use both Corel Video Studio " Cause its time line Rocks "and Sony Vegas Movie Studio " Cause its H.264 for 360P video Rocks, I can use everything that comes with Sony Vegas Movie Studio for private and commercial use. Is the same true for Corel Video Studio ?
The reason I ask is because there is an audio track in Corel Video Studio sample area Named " Mo5.mpa " that I would really like to use in my Youtube video.
Ps if I cannot use the sample Audio Track is there a Royalty free Music area that I can purchase the track for use on Youtube >>>> ?
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May 20, 2012
I have Adobe Illustrator CS6 installed in my system, but I can't find the samples files mentioned in the PDF file "Adobe Illustrator CS6 What's New"..The text says " ... is available as a sample file in your Illustrator software."
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Sep 10, 2012
I am trying to remove the original audio track and replace it with a new one. Is the only way to do this by muting the original audio track, or can you delete it completely?
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Apr 30, 2011
I recorded a video from my TV and during recording everything looks normal.
However, when I play back the recording, everything is sped up. I can use VLC Media player to slow down the playback speed to normal, but I can't figure out why the recorded stream is faster than normal. Even when I burn the video to DVD, playback is faster than it should be.
Most streams recorded are played back just fine. Could it be that the source stream for this particular video is different than most and if so, how do I get VS to compensate for this?
Can I use VS to play it back at the correct speed and rerecord the recorded stream?
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Jul 9, 2011
I joined two video clips and saved them as a single clip. They are both .mov files. One is 18mb and the other is 15mb, so I assumed the new file would be 33mb. When I save the new file in .mpg, however, it is only 27mb. When I try saving it in .mov, it balloons to over 120mb. How should I save the new clip to maintain the original size and ensure I'm not losing any quality?
Also, when I save the clips it seems to be converting the original 640*480 aspect ratio to 720*480. How do I preserve the original aspect ratio?
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Feb 3, 2012
All I am trying to do is cut out small portions of a video just to get rid of the parts I don't want. However, when I use the multi-trim feature, it strips the original audio. I know it does this so you can create your own video and then overlay your own audio. However, all I want to do is just cut out a few portions of the video while retaining the original audio minus the parts I cut out (i.e. I don't want to have to overlay any audio for this project, I just want a simple way to cut a few parts out and be done).
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Jul 17, 2011
I have a HD mov file. When I drag it into my timeline I don't get a message to match the project properties to the file type even with the correct preference. I understand that with the mov file type this doesn't work in X4 anyway. Anyway, after a bit of trimming I want to create a file with exactly the same specifications as the original.
I obviously cant use same as project settings option. For some reason I do not have the same as first clip option either. So how do I tell X4 to keep the original file properties when creating a new file?
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Mar 31, 2012
I want to keep the original audio captured with video footage but remove the actual video and replace it with other video footage taken and still images. I'm guessing that this is possible using the overlay track, but ideally, I would like to just remove the original video so that I can use two new images between the main track and other "images" on the overlay track. I have no need for the original video, just the audio. Is this possible? If not, is there any way to insert audio from video onto either a music or narration track scrap the video portion?
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Sep 18, 2013
When exporting videofiles (.MTS files, created with Sony NEX6) as high quality mp4 files, LR will not retain the metadata info (especially the DateTimeOriginal field) eventhough I ticked "Include all metadata". (is this a bug???)
I need this metadata to sort the exported files to use them in another app.I have processed the videos in LR, so I cannot export the original files.An alternative would be to let LR rename the output files based on DateTime, but LR will only use the date, not the time.
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Oct 11, 2012
Some of my files I open in CS6 open really 0.044% or the original size. Is ther a setting I can change to have then open larger.....
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Dec 8, 2012
How can I save files to their original folder. And YES I have checked " Save As to Original Folder" in the Preferences.
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Aug 22, 2012
It doesn't always happen but when I use save for web to save an image it goes through all the motions as normal but when I go to view the image, I find that it hasn't overwritten the original file. It has happened to other people in the studio too so it might be something to do with our setup?
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Apr 21, 2012
Ok I did this graphic a few years back for a website but now my original files have been corrupted and are not able to be opened. I have lots of similar fonts like ethnocentric but it is not quite right. I have also tried uploading it to font identifier etc.
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Mar 26, 2014
I received some exported jpgs with presets (edited files). I was supposed to receive the edited original raw files.
I am still learning LR but if they sent me the catalog file (lrcat) would that allow me to "zero" out all the edits they did to the files I have or would they still have to send me the originals?
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Sep 8, 2013
i moved my original files to a external hard disc. now i can't export files from the catalog. how can i connect the katalog to the original files again?
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Oct 24, 2012
My external hard drive accidentally fell from my desktop and now I have lost all my raw file. My Lightroom 2 still has the .dng files, can I recover my .dng files without the original raw files?
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Feb 7, 2014
I edited some tiff files and then exported them as jpg files to a different folder. I want to go back and work on some of the original tiff files but they no longer show up in the lightroom library or develope modules even though they are still on the disk. Lightroom sees the original files in the import dialogue but will not let me reimport them either. The exported jpg files are shown in the library module. How can I work on the original tiff files.
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Mar 27, 2014
I have a project which has become very disorganized over the last year of editing due to PPs poor ability to effectively share sequences/projects across multiple computers. My assistant editor used a different computer and so the links in the sequences point to multiple "source" files in the project (some in imported folders). However, there is ultimately only one original video clip. The problem is that Premiere Pro won't allow me to delete the nested versions of the source files without also REMOVING the clips in each of the sequences that uses them. For example, the project folder looks like this:
- Original File Folder
- Imported File Folder (imported on one of the many exchanges between editor and assistant editor)
- Sequence version 1 (Uses the second video clip, not the first - although they are ultimately the same video file)
If I delete the Imported File Folder, which only has a mirrored reference to the same video file as in the Original File Folder, then the clip in Sequence Version 1 dissapears. What I expect, rather, is to see a "missing media" message in the sequence so I can reconnect it to the version in the Original File Folder. But I can't. BIG HOLE in Premiere Pro CC.
Why do I want to do this? In a large project with hundreds of video clips, keeping order is very important. With the sequences using multiple "versions" of the same video clip, that order goes down the tubes and it becomes impossible to work.
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Mar 15, 2012
At random moments when I'm saving layered Photoshop CS5 files, a message pops up with the following text: Could not save "...FileName..." because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.
Well the strange thing is that I'm the administrator, the only user of this PC and even when I set/check the properties of the folder containing the files this continues to happen. What is even more disturbing is that I have to save my file as a new file in a new location and when I check the original file, it is no longer in it's original folder.
I save all my files to the local HD and I use an external device to backup my files. I regularly get notices on my backup device telling me that various files were deleted, but will be kept until I need the room. These are files which I did not delete, they are files which I'm still working on.
I'm having to save to the original job folder first, save to the desktop when I get the notice saying I can't save, and then save back into the original folder when I can't save on the desktop anymore because of the same error message. I sometimes get a similar Adobe error message which is basically along the same lines, but I haven't noted the exact text yet.
I no longer run my back up continuously while I'm working because while it's great to have the peace of mind that I'm regularly backed up, my files can get up to 2GB in size and I think the backup running at the same time is slowing Photoshop processes down, so I most often pause it until I take a break. On this occasion, I had been running it while working (smaller file) and so I was able to retrieve an earlier version from my backup which saved me from having to re-do the job completely. I didn't get this problem when I was using CS5 on Vista, it's been since I've been using Windows7 and my back up drive.
I only recall having had this problem with PSDs, but that could just be because these files can take up to ten hours to complete and there's a higher chance of getting an error message over a longer period of time.
I'll disconnect my back up drive while I'm working and see how it goes. It's not ideal, but probably worth a try.I don't know if there's a connection, but occasionally windows randomly sticks a lock on zipped folders which I create, regardless of the permissions I apply to the upper level folder they sit in. I'm told by a friend that it won't affect other people accessing these zipped folders from other machines. I don't know if that's the case, I always change the zipped folder's permission to include 'Users' and that makes the lock disappear.
Total amount of system memory 6.00 GB RAM
System type 64-bit operating system
Number of processor cores 4
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Jul 24, 2013
I am adjusting colours on photos with Photo Paint X6. When I try to save with original settings the OK button in the "Export to JPEG" dialog box is grayed out. There are no error messages or hints on the screen as to what to do to proceed with the save JPEG with orginal settings.
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Oct 7, 2012
I wish to create DNG files for my existing Lightroom catalogue, but also wishe to retain the original camera RAW images. If this can be done, how I go about it as I seem only to be able to find an option for conversion to DNG only.
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Sep 19, 2012
I can not figure out how to maintain the original file size of my photos when I open them in Paintshop For example, the original file might be 3.78 MB but once it opens in Paintshop it is only 706 KB. Do I need to change settings somewhere?
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Nov 2, 2013
How can I make available "Refine edge" when advised in (Elements 11 - Guided - Depth of field - Custom - Blur - that the "Command refine edge is not currently available" ??????
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Aug 25, 2012
I have recently moved my photo files to a different harddrive from their original location. Some of these images had been included in "collections" prior to the move. Now, when I open a "collection", the photo files are no longer associated with the collection. How do I reassign a location to these files in these collections?
I have already reassigned the photo files in the catalog to their new harddrive location.
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Jan 13, 2014
When you select the option to apply any changes & overwrite your original photo does the program attempt to try to a default setting to keep the picture approximately the same size as it was before? (assuming that you haven't cropped it) If it doesn't default to a size automatically can is there an option to do so?
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Jul 21, 2011
How do I go about converting MOV files into DV or mpeg files to edit? When I import the files are choppy I downloaded the quicktime, dvx and direct x files. No success.
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Nov 5, 2012
For my 3D scene, I have to use a texture file on the floor. If I use the only file, than it looks really boring and below par. What I want is, I want to generate some (around 6-8) texture files within the original texture file - so the colors of all the texture files remain same but only the texture varies.Likewise there are more than 500 texture files and I just can't do them manually. Is there any way out to do this in Photoshop?
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Oct 26, 2012
How I could use on of the sample Civil 3D API that is provided? In particular, I would like to use the Export to Excel Sample API provided at the following location during the install:
C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD Civil 3D 2013SampleCivil 3D APIDotNetCSharpPipeDataExcel
I am not a programmer and can not just load this sample as it is a .cs file. How would I go about using the code already provided to create a plugin into my AutoCAD to be able to use this command?
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Nov 4, 2012
What does the “sample height” indicate for?I couldn't figure out what the “sample height” represent for!
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