I received some exported jpgs with presets (edited files). I was supposed to receive the edited original raw files.
I am still learning LR but if they sent me the catalog file (lrcat) would that allow me to "zero" out all the edits they did to the files I have or would they still have to send me the originals?
Is it possible to save the original photograph as well as the edited one? I would like both but I don't know how to save them both...in LIghtroom, it just seems to edit the picture and then the original is gone....
Exporting files to hard disk with the original item set for file type. dng file shows up on the exported directory as the cropped / edited photo and there is no sidecar file.
When I click on the history panel for this export panel, it brings the photo up in the non cropped version just as I would wish.
I did do an unclick on "embed fast load data" in preferences and then an update dng preview as the fix for the banding problems when viewing dng files in irfanview and picassa and that worked, but hope it did not create my problem described above.
I have many files which I created by making a copy of the original and editing it. I have the original file with no edit history. The copy which shows the results of the editing is marked as a missing file and the edit history is greyed out. Both file share the same name with the exception that one is a copy. Is there any way to re-link these files? When I try to search for the missing file and point to the original, it tells me that the file is already linked to a file and can't be linked to a second file.
After I edit photos in an external editor, my photo is moved from its original location in the folder, to a different one. The photo stays within the same folder but is moved to a new location within it. This is really annoying as I have a couple thousand photos from a trip to Europe I have been going through, and after my external editor closes and I am returned to LR, I have to find the photo which has been moved to some random spot so I can put it back to where it originally was. I want to keep my photos organized by location, so it really sucks when my photos from Turkey end up with my photos from Hungary. How I can stop this???
I have done but I am using lightroom 1.4. Previously, any pictures I edited would show as an edited file in the library now all that happens is the original image shows as the edited image.
Knowing that a retouched photo is stored in a specific folder, how to catalog old files that are not edited? The goal is to have a full match in the catalogs.
using lightroom 4. i have edited a bunch of raw files in LR4, before i exported the files to jpegs i accidentally deleted the raw file from the hard drive. i ca n still see the the file and images in LR4 is there any way I can export them to jpegs or do anything with them so as I can use them?? yes I have also emptied the recycle bin
I have a lot of images in my library. Last night I was working on a picture, I had to force restart the computer this morning.Just wondering if there is a way like "previous import" to show the images "Developed"
I don't use smart collections much. Could that be set up as an attribute? Like the way Itunes has last played in decending order.
I'll have to scroll through 5,000 images now to find it and export to PS for some final work.
Using Win7 64-bit O/S. My usual procedure from LR4 after editing is to export to Elements 9 catalog using the Cntl-Shift-E commmand. I rename the file as it suits me then export to my hard drive location by pressing "Export". I then go to PSE and get the message "New files have been found. Do you want to import?" Clicking yes adds the file to my Library. After installing LR5, I can't import edited files from LR5 OR Photoshop (CS5).
I was given a pdf by a customer. It's not quite laied out well for print so I need to move around some items. Unfortunitly not all the items are moveable in Arobat X pro. So I figured I would make the edits in PS5. Everything works well except the color after I have edited the page in PS is darker and muddier. I have no access to the orignal raw file so I have to edit the PDF. Is there a way to make sure the edited pdf matches the original? I tried opening the selected page of the pdf in both RGB and CMYK mode. I am using acrobat x pro and Photoshop Cs5 on mac oc 10.6.8.
I see a picture in LR4. Open with PS CS3 and crop it, save and close. Back in LR the picture remains in its unedited crop in both gallery and loupe views. If I reopen in PS the crop I made is still there. How can I preview the edited file in the new crop in LR?
Suddenly the images I edit in photoshop (and then save) are appearing at the end of the folder rather than right after the original image as I much prefer.
After sending files to Photoshop for further editing, use simple "save" command to return them to Lightroom. That used to work but now only JPEG files do round trip, not raw files (DNGs) although round tripping to Elements works fine. Photoshop is saving them to my catalogue instead.
Adobe agent spent more than an hour tinkering with my computer before giving up. Tried to blame use of DNG but this is an Adobe invention. Also said to use synchronise folder command as a work round but this restores deleted files as well. He promised to "escalate the problem" and I would be called back, but that was a week ago.
Working on an iMac in LR3, I thought I was deleting one unwanted file from disk, but actually had all 22 edited images highlighted and deleted them all. I need to undo 'delete from disk' on edited files, however 'undo' is greyed out and command Z is ineffective. I see them all in the trash and the preview shows how they appeared with my edits. When I did this once before, I moved images out of trash back into original file on the hard drive and reimported into LR3, however the edits were not maintained. I need to retain these edits (days of work!) so how do I undo my mistake?
I have been exporting photos into a folder called edited in my originals folder. then i delete the originals and dump the edited into the main folder. but then i can no longer access the photos in lightroom because it says the file is missing. what am i doing wrong? do i have to keep originals and edited photos in my folders? i try to export to replace originals but that doesnt work and it will only work if i put in sub folder. i dont want to keep a copy of originals and edited, but i also dont want to not be able to make more edits in the future.
I recently upgraded my PC and cant figure out how to see my edited files from my old hard drive. All my photo's are saved on external hard drives and I have edited thousands but cant see any of the edited versions, only the original photo. How do I get that info onto my new hard drive? I am using Lightroom 4.
All I am trying to do is cut out small portions of a video just to get rid of the parts I don't want. However, when I use the multi-trim feature, it strips the original audio. I know it does this so you can create your own video and then overlay your own audio. However, all I want to do is just cut out a few portions of the video while retaining the original audio minus the parts I cut out (i.e. I don't want to have to overlay any audio for this project, I just want a simple way to cut a few parts out and be done).
After installing Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photos from my files on my computer. Many of the photos were upside down and needed to be rotated. When I rotated them, they were moved to the current date (when edited). How can I keep them in their original sequence (date)?
When NEF (raw files) in LR4 are edited, it generates two additional files: tiff and jpg (by "save as"). Later on, when I want to furhter edit those images, how do I start with? Obviously, I could re-edit from history panel of the orignal NEF file or tiff file using CS5. I wonder which approach is more efficient or convenient?
I edited a picture that involved a layer, it asked me to save it as a jpeg picture which I did. Now I cannot find the picture I edited or the original picture. It comes up as a white page. What did I do wrong and what can be done to revert it.
When I installed Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photes from files and folders. Many of the photos were upsided down. When I rotated them, they moved to the curent date. How can I keep them in the original dated sequence?
For the last months, I haven't faced any problem to upload pictures from Lightrrom 4.3 to my Flickr account, but today I receive the following error message :
When exporting videofiles (.MTS files, created with Sony NEX6) as high quality mp4 files, LR will not retain the metadata info (especially the DateTimeOriginal field) eventhough I ticked "Include all metadata". (is this a bug???)
I need this metadata to sort the exported files to use them in another app.I have processed the videos in LR, so I cannot export the original files.An alternative would be to let LR rename the output files based on DateTime, but LR will only use the date, not the time.
i moved my original files to a external hard disc. now i can't export files from the catalog. how can i connect the katalog to the original files again?
My external hard drive accidentally fell from my desktop and now I have lost all my raw file. My Lightroom 2 still has the .dng files, can I recover my .dng files without the original raw files?
I edited some tiff files and then exported them as jpg files to a different folder. I want to go back and work on some of the original tiff files but they no longer show up in the lightroom library or develope modules even though they are still on the disk. Lightroom sees the original files in the import dialogue but will not let me reimport them either. The exported jpg files are shown in the library module. How can I work on the original tiff files.