VideoStudio :: DVD Data Size Miscalculation
Jan 13, 2013
I have been using VS for over 12 years to produce DVD videos. I have used many versions and am now currently using VS Pro X4. When I when I render a VSP to a DVD I always render to an ISO file and then use that ISO file to burn DVDs. I have always noticed a data size discrepancy between what VS predicts the final data size of the DVD will be and actually what it turns out to be. In most earlier versions of VS this size discrepancy has always been small (maybe a few hundred megabytes), but in X4 it is huge, as much as 2 Gigabytes for a full length DVD. The problem I am having is that I know that a two hour DVD quality video will fit on a single layer 4.7 GB DVD disc, but VS is projecting it to be 7 GB. Now in former versions of VS I could go ahead and render the project to an ISO file knowing that the final product would fit on a 4.7 DVD. But X4 will not allow me to do that. When I try to do this in X4, it comes up and says that the project is too large to fit on a 4.7 and to click OK to use DVD FIT or click cancel to go back and edit the video. If I click on OK, then VS reduces the quality of the video to fit a 4.7 DVD. The problem is that the final product turns out being around 3 GB. This means I have lost about 1.5 GB in video quality.
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Aug 14, 2013
In AI CS5 the size and position of an image were displayed in the top toolbar when you selected the image. This is missing in AI CS6, how can I get it back?
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May 20, 2011
Up until recently I have been continuing to use VS9 for creating DVDs but I use X2 for editing and rendering video files. I have now created templates in X2 but the video files that are displayed at the bottom of the 1st DVD menu has now twice disappeared relating to 2 DVDs (so 4 times).
The VSP files are 2.0MB and 2.5MB so the data seems to be there but are empty when calling up the DVD menu. My video files are in an external file but that has never been a problem with VS9 and I can't see that being the problem.
All works fine on the day I create them and I can sut down and reopen VS without trouble. When I log on another day all the data is gone. I have wasted many hours and am at the end of my tether.
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Oct 24, 2012
I'm relatively new at video editing so VS Pro5 has been my first venture into this world. I use a rendering program called Lumion to generate video from the architectural models I create at full 1080p. The problem that I seem to be having is that Corel doesn't support the data rate that the Lumion videos tend to be. My current walkthrough is a 1080p mp4 video and windows tells me its data rate is 42435 kbps. When I import into VS pro5 it tells me the same video is 42180 kbps. When I try to export the clip the program always reduces the data rate to a level that ruins the visual fidelity of the clip. I have tried the custom export and the program won't let me enter higher than 20000 kbps and when I tried the method of using the first clip settings it still reduces the clip down to 36510 kbps which is better but still not the original data rate. Is there something I'm missing or VS Pro5 have data rate limits?
Is 42435 kbps a ridiculous amount for data rate for 1920 x 1080 30f/s video? I don't know a thing on data rates but I'm assuming it's why I'm losing quality in my final video. The 42435kbps clip runs fine on my machine but what should rate should I be considering for my clients to use?
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Dec 27, 2006
I've burned like 9 DVDs without issue using ulead. I'm now burning another, but have wasted 4 DVDs since I am getting a dialog, right near the end of the actual burn for:
"Data buffer underrun. The computer may be too busy with other tasks or may not have enough power to keep the specified burning speed. [534:-2147216284:0]"
All movies are about the same length (120m) and all settings are the same. My computer is a 4.6Ghz dual core AMD with 2G RAM. I'm writing to a HD with 200G free; local disk has 120G free. No other apps open.
This is the first time I've received this error; I've totally recreated a vsp project and everything, but I still get this error. I've modified so that the burn is only at 4x, which is shows is the minimum? The option to enable buffer underrun is disabled and I can't select it. I'm doing a two-pass conversion just like all my other successful burns.
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Oct 22, 2011
I am creating a template that will have four text boxes that I will populate from a merge document. I need to have the envelope feature applied to each of the text boxes so any long text will be compressed to fit in the designated text box.
I understand the basic function, input text, select text, select Envelope feature but that sets the envelope box to the size of the inputted text, where I need a fixed text input box size.
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Mar 20, 2013
I have been trying to transfer MP4 videos into VSPX5U from an ELGATO game capture card. Every video captured by the capture card is in an MP4 format and when trying to transfer it, my VSPX5U will tells me that "The file cointains no video data".
I understand that the Service Patch is supposed to fix this but after the initial download, it will tell me that "The installed version of the application could not be determined. The setup will now terminate"
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Dec 8, 2013
I have 960*544 mp4 video
data rate 1800 kbs
29.970 fps
I want to cut a portion of it and put the same data rate but the quality was not good
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May 3, 2013
>ap alterations. I have collected many (over 100k) screeenshots of census data. In the interest of not using the actual captures (intelectual property restrictions), I have extracted the data alone to a new multi layered file with each address as its own layer. Some have 1 person, some have 200 people.
Can I export each layer to file in such a way that the canvas will not be the 75 inch canvas in the parent image? I needed to use such a large transparent background because population density is very high. Is ther an autodetect feature?
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Apr 27, 2012
I decided to use Data Link Tables for my Excel sheet instead of OLELinks. The appearance is far sharper, and I am also pleased there is no background color transfered. What IS the problem is when I update the table, its goes from 12" Wide by 12" Tall table @ 7/16" Text W/O borders back to 3" Wide by 10" Tall with varying text size to fit and gains back all borders except diagonals (of which none are present on the Excel file).
So, any way to default the format when I refresh so that it holds each cell at the 6"X1" dimensions with no border.
With that, If there is a way to have a stencil for making the range links with Excel, that would be useful. I use the exact same 4 or 6 ranges (2 formats) in every dwg.
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May 26, 2011
VS9 enables users to virtually split clips by scene before adding them to the work space. It does not split the actual file but just keeps pointers to the various scenes. VS9 keeps this data in a file named scenedb.dat. However if the clip is moved to a different location then the scene information is not re-linked and is essentially lost (as far as VS is concerned) although the data is still in the scenedb.dat.
Is there any way to go around this problem and recover the scene info after a clip is moved?
That is, besides not moving the clips to a different folder than the one it was in when the scene data was first generated and/or re-generating the scen information?
I tried simple editing of the file path in the .dat file but this does not seem to work. It would be nice to understand the encoding rule for the scenedb.dat file to 1) update it 2) use it to generate some index db outside of VS (e.g. html page).
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Mar 27, 2013
I am trying to reduce the drawing file size. This is for uploading the drawings to AutoCAD WS. AutoCAD WS doesn't display or edit a drawing that is over 15MB. Unfortunately some of our drawings are over 15MB even after I have removed the background and others and have purged. I believe the reason why a drawing can be so big has to do with each object (grouped object) has a ton of information on it. For example, the properties of a typical object is like this:
( (-1 . <Entity name: 7ffffbece60>) (0 . "PRCD_FITTING") (5 . "145B6") (102 . "{ACAD_XDICTIONARY") (360 . <Entity name: 7ffffbece70>) (102 . "}") (330 . <Entity name: 7ffffbf59f0>) (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 . "BON-SupplyMP-3.0-4.0 RECT") (62 . 1) (100 . "CPrcdEntity") (280 . 10) (90 . 601861454) (70 . 24058) (70 . 4567) (280 . -65) . . Skip 3000 lines here for clarity . (90 . 0) (90 . 0) (90 . 0))
You can see from above that the list of properties are huge. All I really need are the visible parts of the object. This means most of the info above are junk.I try to reduce the size of object by exploding all the objects on the drawing. This sort of work in the sense that the file size of a test drawing is reduced from something like 8MB down to 6MB. But I am expecting far more reduction than this. The reason why I expect far more reduction is that the total number of lines of the exploded items of the same object mentioned above is reduced from 3000+ lines to only 300 lines as shown below:
( (-1 . <Entity name: 7fffe8654f0>) (0 . "LINE") (330 . <Entity name: 7ffffa1b9f0>) (5 . "3B11F") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 . "BON-SupplyMP-3.0-4.0 RECT") (62 . 1) (100 . "AcDbLine") (10 4188.87 -423.095 156.0) (11 4188.87 -387.095 156.0) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0))( (-1 . <Entity name: 7fffe8655f0>) (0 . "LINE") (330 . <Entity name: 7ffffa1b9f0>) (5 . "3B12F") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 . "BON-SupplyMP-3.0-4.0 RECT") (62 . 1) (100 . "AcDbLine") (10 4248.87 -453.095 156.0) (11 4212.87 -453.095 156.0) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0)).. Skip 250 lines here for clarity.( (-1 . <Entity name: 7fffe865260>) (0 . "MTEXT") (330 . <Entity name: 7ffffa1b9f0>) (5 . "3B0F6") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 . "BON-SupplyMP-3.0-4.0 RECT-ANNO") (62 . 1) (100 . "AcDbMText") (10 4193.39 -418.589 150.0) (40 . 3.0) (41 . 19.8) (46 . 0.0) (71 . 1) (72 . 1) (1 . "\Fdim.shx;\W0.7000000000;\T1.0000000000;\o\l24X30THRT") (7 . "BonDuctTXT") (210 0.0 0.0 1.0) (11 1.0 1.46161e-017 0.0) (42 . 17.5) (43 . 3.0) (50 . 1.46161e-017) (73 . 1) (44 . 1.0))
Therefore, I am expecting a 10-to-1 reduction, not just a 1/4 reduction.I am wondering there may be hidden data on the drawing that are left behind after I have exploded the objects. if there is a way to get rid of the hidden data?
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Jul 18, 2011
Importing Nikon NEFs and 1920x1080p video from new D5100. Target video is 1920x1080p h.264. No matter what I do, I can't get the custom pan and zoom box to be widescreen aspect ratio, it is stuck in 4:3. I KNOW it can be done as I managed to do it once with the trial version, but wasn't sure how. Now I want to do it again.
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Mar 21, 2012
A friend gave me a home movie on DVD asking me to add chapters and a menu. I imported his DVD content into VideoStudio and it appeared he had 24 chapters on his disk. To me they all looked identical so I deleted all but the first one and proceeded to make 3 chapters, add titles and transitions to the start of each chapter.
Then I went to Create Disk and added the menu but when it came time to burn a DVD, it says the file is 7gb. My DVD-r and the DVD the original files came from are 4.7 gb.
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Nov 6, 2013
I recently purchased Corel Video Studio Pro X6. So far it has worked great except for one issue. When using it to make DVD's, the file take up far more room than the actual file size is.
I've converted old VHS tapes to .mpg files and I planned on using Corel to create DVD's, with menus, for my family. I ran into the issue of the files being far too big, so after some research I discovered that .mpg files were not size efficient. I then used Corel to convert them to .mp4 files. So now, for example, a file that was 1.06GB (.mpg) is no 70.7MB (.mp4). So on disc the files are considerably smaller, with little to no video/audio loss. But, once I opened up Corel and started a new project and tried to use the new smaller files they still take up just about the same amount of space on the DVD's. On my HDD all of the converted files take up the same amount of disc space as just a few of the original files. Yet on the DVD I can still only fit 3-4 videos.
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Jun 21, 2013
I'm new to Corel. I have done some video editing. I have used Premiere in the past. I am importing dv video and the size captured is 740 x 480 from my Sony DV camera. It is an older camera. First Digital Hi-8. When I produce a video and play it in a player on the pc it is displayed in whatever size I want, including full screen. When I burn a dvd it only plays in a small window, I'm assuming 740 x 480. Is there a way to produce a video that will take up the entire tv screen. I'm only concerned with 4:3 ration, not widescreen at this time.
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Jan 21, 2012
With the project settings at 16:9 it is possible to insert photos of a different ratio and the customize pan and zoom will allow them to the cropped to 16:9.
I thought I had done the same thing with 4:3 video clips in a 16:9 project by using Video Pan & Zoom in the filters [and I tried the other crop filter as well], but maybe not, as when I tried to do this with a 1280x1040 AVI clip from a time lapse camera the only cropping box it would offer was in the same ratio as the clip. I also tried it with the same clip converted to mpeg, with the same result.
crop a video clip to 16:9 in a 16:9 project in VS14?
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Nov 9, 2012
I have a video that im trying to convert to FLV that is default h264 1440x1080, when i do a custom FLV size, it will not let me edit the 4:3 to 16:9 and on top of that when i put in 1280x702 it has ridiculous black borders. I have converted successfully in Adobe but im trying to do this in corel, is it not an option to make it fill the black borders??
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Apr 10, 2011
I have two hi-def 1280x720 movie clips about 5 minutes and 1GB each (.MOV).
Is there a way to configure the output mpeg-4 files to make them reasonably high quality but not huge in size, as I need people to see fine detail, but not take an hour to download?
I am playing around with batch convert after mpeg optimization, and experimented with reducing the frame rate, frame size, and video data rate. A 20M mpeg-4 file seems much less sharp than I would like.
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Jul 16, 2012
I am using X4 editing in 16:9. The original files are MTS. The finished is rendered to MPEG2 (usually 1.65G-1.8G) which can be uploaded to YouTube. I want to also upload to, which requires files smaller than 1.5G. What can i use to reduce the file size, yet keep the 16:9.
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Feb 11, 2013
Using VS4. The largest frame size for MPG4 output is 720zx576. I cannot specify custom frame size as the area is not available (dimmed out). what gives? I want to try and move from WMV at 12870x720 but the frame size for MPG4 is not customizable.
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Apr 7, 2012
I've been a long-time VideoStudio user and recently installed the trial of X5 (my last purchased version was X2, but, it's time for an upgrade ). VS X5 is installed on a Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit PC. If I capture to an internal NTFS drive, the tapes capture as a single ~19 GB AVI file; however, if I capture to my Linux NAS server with ReiserFS file system, VS breaks the captured files into 4GB chunks and I end up with five files per tape. There is no 4GB file limit on ResierFS. I have copied several 25+ GB blue-ray files to the NAS with no problem. ReiserFS has an 8TB file size limit. Captured through another video editing program, I do not have this problem. It appears that VS X5 assumes a 4GB limit on network devices (or, at least, on my Linux - ReiserFS NAS).
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Feb 9, 2013
I did not know there would be a size limit to fit a video file to a DVD. I thought the premise would be to fit any size video file to a DVD, and the the sell-out would be the larger the video file the poorer the DVD quality.
I got two error messages:
"The miminum size be reducing the bit rates still cannot fit once disc."
"Convert step got some problems."
What are the minimum requirements for fitting a video file to a DVD?
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Sep 13, 2013
Just upgraded from Studio 12 to VSx6 and love it. Now I'm trying to be more creative and import .jpg images from my Nikon DSLR to use in my videos. Most of my images are 4288x2848 for 12.2 MB. Should I be resizing the images before importing, if so to what size?
For example, I created a time-lapse from 90 images in VSx6 from the same size images, but the video did not have the sharpness I expected. The individual photos were sharp as a tack, but the video seemed almost out of focus.
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Oct 5, 2010
i am getting some trouble when i want to convert my video (sharing process) after the treatment .the original video that i use is AVI format and when i want to share the video, i save it under AVI format too but the file that i got is bigger that the original one( and when i edited the movie i didn't add any new sequences).
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Mar 13, 2012
My input video is from .mov files from a Canon SX-30 IS with these properties:
Attributes: 24-bit, 1280 x 720
Frame Rate: 29.970 frames/sec
Compression: 16-bit, Little Endian
Attributes: 48 KHz, 16-bit, Stereo
I wish to record to DVD disc at same or similar quality but 720 x 480 is the best I can seem to get from VS x 4 Pro "Ultimate".
In: Settings > Preferences > Performance > Video Save Options > Frame Size - "User Defined" is not available and the highest resolution in "Standard" is 720 x 480. Where is the information I need?
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Oct 11, 2013
I have a video that is 2:20-long, so it is a bit longer than a DVD/DL (8.5GB) at full HQ. But, when I let X6 "make it fit", it seems to reduce it by almost 50%, making the DVD folders only 5.1GB. This really ruins the quality.
Is there any way I can either control the reduction or tell it to leave the output alone when writing to hard-drive/DVD folders. I can then use a different DVD/video processing program that is smart enough to control the reduction just enough to comfortably fit/fill a DVD/DL (I have such a program) and not use a 100/50/25% approach to compressing/reducing.
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Jul 13, 2012
I don't understand why a video increased in size so that I cannot burn a DVD. The video was originally a 1 hour 26 min TV show on a VHS tape. I used a VCR/DVD combo unit to create a DVD, and created a MPEG2 on a hard drive using a conversion program. The size of the DVD is 2.89GB and the size of the MPEG2 is 2.85GB.
I imported the MPEG2 into a library folder in VS Pro X5, and dragged it into the video track. A right click to look at Properties in both the library and video track shows a size of 2,998,518KB, which is 2.86GB. I went straight to Share without adding titles or anything to the video. I selected Create a Disc and took the basic defaults for the menu in Share and didn't edit any of the menu text. When I get to the Output section, the Required/Available Disc Space is in red and has the following information:
Where did I get the 2.23GB in video growth? I saw a post from Jan 2012 that mentioned data rates for a 60 min. and 120 min. DVD. My Properties shows a data rate of Variable bit rate (Max 6124kbps). Could this be a reason for the growth? If so, how do I change it?
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Dec 11, 2013
Got a Blueray player with a USB port so I don't need dvd's any more for my homemade videos. What settings & formats do I need to get my MPEG2 DVD files small and sharp like those movies downloaded off the internet? My videos have bitrates 8000 and smaller and 1.5 - 2.0 hr take up 4g. Those off the internet are 900 bit rate and are about 600-700 mb and are crystal clear. I've converted some 5000 bit rate files to MP4 H.264 (what my Blueray player uses) at 1000 & 1500 bit rate and they are still pretty large and not as clear as the originals. I could sure store a lot of videos @ 700 mb on a memory stick vs 1.5 or 2 gig files I've been able to convert to MP4's but don't want to loose quality especially if I want to delete the masters.
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Apr 6, 2011
I would like my DVD output to fill more of my (be larger) TV screen. I am copying VHS tapes to DVD using Sony DvDirect. The DVD files are then imported into Video Studio Pro 4, edited, and then output to DVD. The input and output is 4:3 and frame size is 720 x 480. I can't set this to a larger frame size using any of the tools I've found. Is it the frame size I want to increase?
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Mar 31, 2011
I have edited an mp4 video whose original frame size is 512x384. When I go to Share this edited mp4 video, I select the Create Video File option and then I select "Same as First Video Clip." I then get the following error message:
"The frame size (512x384) of the video file does not match the settings and therefore cannot be trimmed."
Why am I getting this error? How can the edited video not match its own frame size?
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