VideoStudio :: Choppy / Jerky And Jumpy Video In Edit X5
Jun 24, 2012
I’ve been using very happily been using x2 for a number of years to make a lot of movies from my standard definition camera, I’ve loved the programme, and it has generally been able to do everything I wanted, and made for an enjoyable editing process. However, the camera has finally given up and I’m now going down the HD route, and the old x2 version just keeps crashing with any new clips. So I have recently downloaded the trial version of x5 (5 days of trial left), with the intention of trying it out and then purchasing it.
Unfortunately however I have found it to be jerky and jumpy when editing clips together, particularly when using the overlay tracks, the more overlays the worse it gets. This happens when I want to watch the edit, and while the sound runs ok the video just freezes on a frame then jumps ahead a few seconds and freezes etc etc. Impossible to watch and edit to really.
I am using the smart proxy to get the files to a manageable size, and I can see the separate proxy files in explorer. Smart proxy enabled. I have all the acceleration on that can go on (the ”Enable Hardware Encoder Acceleration” is greyed out so I can’t tick it). When I share/render the movie it comes out just fine, so it’s only with the editing process that is jumpy. I have really enjoyed x2, and could get good results really quickly, and I enjoyed the editing interface and process with Corel VS, but am now thinking I might need to change to a different video editing programme.
Computer- HP Elitebook 8560w
Everything is just running off the laptop’s hard drive. I’ve installed The CVS x5 Service Pack 1
The project has only two clips – the first from a canon d550 as below
640x480 MOV
24 bits, 1848 frames
25.000 fps
73.92 secs
And the other from the net as below
MPEG-4 file
2890 KB
H 264 High Profile Video
989 frames
24 bits 640x480 4:3
30 fps
605 Kbps data rate
Project Properties
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-PAL), 4:3
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo
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Jun 5, 2012
I just rendered a video slide show that liberally uses pan and scan zooming for every photo and it looks like garbage. It's jumpy and jerky with almost every pan and scan. I used the highest mpeg conversion quality but didn't mess with much else. Is there something I can do to make it not do that? It seems like it gives you the option to use a different mpeg rendering engine if you want...
What a drag. It took me 2 weeks to put this thing together and the final version looks like crap.
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Feb 19, 2013
I often have the problem that when I am editing a video in Videostudio Pro X5 the clips often seem jerky.
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Nov 14, 2010
Using a Canon Powershot G12 camera and it records 1280x720 px .mov, H.264, 23.976 fps.
Doesn't matter how my project properties are in Videostudio Pro X3. Think I tried almost everything. As soon as I create a video through VS Pro X3 (all update patches installed) the result is a jerky video. Using the recommended (by Corel) version of Quicktime, as the most recent Quicktime version causes VS to crash. Tried this on 3 different computers with the same result.
Project settings:
TV standard: 24 fps
Frame rate 23.976 fps
Frame Type: Frame based
Frame size: 1280x720 px
Compression: Doesn't matter (same result anyway)
Create Video File:
- Same as project = Jerky video
- Upload to YouTube (MPEG-4 HD 16:9) = Jerky video
- Xvid or any other format = Jerky video
Here is the file on YouTube as it should look (original .mov file from the camera directly uploaded to YouTube): [URL]
Here is the file on YouTube after created with Videostudio Pro X3: [URL]
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Mar 8, 2012
I just purchased Pro X4 online and the audio and video is choppy when I try to edit the video. I thought it was just my computer, but when I burned a DVD yesterday, it also came out incredibly choppy.
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Jan 29, 2013
Animation Choppy/Jerky in Firefox...In this fairly simple animation I made with Edge Animate, the animation gets stuck, sometimes for several seconds when viewing it in Firefox.URL...
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Jun 3, 2013
I'm using VS x5.
Basically, I have a Sanyo HD camera which I've used to capture quite a bit of holiday footage. I've edited some together but when I output the project to either mp4 or mts the picture is choppy when panning.
The camera was set to 1080p @ 30fps (there's no option of 25fps even though the camera was bought here in the UK) which I have matched by choosing the "Custom" option when creating the movie. I've matched the bitrate (16789bps on the source) but this ends up being 15540bps on the output file. (??) According to the properties on the source file it's 29.97fps which I have also matched in the Custom settings option.
I understand I should expect dropped frames if I was trying to output the file as PAL compliant, but I've got VS set to NTSC so I don't think this is an issue.
The source file is mp4 and looks fine when viewing the panning scenes.
PC Spec:
Intel quad core 2.4Ghz
ATI Radeon 5430 Graphics card
Windows Ultimate x64
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Aug 24, 2011
I have a number of video files captured at 1080X720 full frame resolution at 29.97 frames/second, shown on my PC as .MOV files.
When watching the original files either on my PC or TV, movement is fluid and smooth.
When watching a finished video created via VideoStudio Pro X4 using the aforementioned files, movement is jerky, and is particularly noticeable when watching a panned scene. The effect is so bad that it makes viewing on a large screen impossible as the picture movement jerks/judders about. I have looked at the project preferences, and notice under Project Option>General tab, the only available frame sizes are the standard ones which only go up to 720X576. The radio button to select a user defined frame size is greyed out and cannot be selected to input my own frame sizes. I’m therefore unable to actually input the frame size of the source video files.
Basically how do I render a finished video without jerky movement?
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Jun 5, 2011
I downloaded the trial version of VideoStudio 4 Pro to try it out and I like the interface and the ease of use. My problem is that when I capture MPEG 4 files in the timeline and go to replay them, the sound and video are very choppy and the replay skips the whole way through.
I converted the MPEG 4 files to wmv, and the video was smooth but I lost some of the image clarity in the converting process. I don't think it's my computer because the MPEG 4 files play nicely on MediaPlayer - just not on VideoStudio.
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May 14, 2012
In CS6 when I edit an MP4 (simple trims) and render it, the resulting video is "jerky"?
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Jan 4, 2013
I just downloaded the trial version CS6. I imported into Photoshop, Pro Res 422 HQ clips and it plays back very choppy. When exported it remains choppy.
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Aug 28, 2011
I want to edit a clip by cutting out the lips from one clip and overlaying them onto another still clip . i am using vs pro 4
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Dec 13, 2010
I would like to know about editing of .avi video files with Corel Video studio Pro. What i am trying to do is three things 1, remove existing text in the video while keeping the effects. 2, Add my own text to where the original text is now. 3, ad my own clips to the video. The .avi file that I am attempting to edit is actually a video template and is designed to be edited. I can't seem to remove the text in the video. There are two files : ".aep" and ".prpro" Would these file have any thing to do with the editing of the video files?
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Jan 7, 2013
In CS6, When editing Pro Res 422, Video with single layer plays back fine but with 3 layers playback and export are very choppy. I tried merging layers but the video doesn't playback at all. Is there any other settings I could try?
CS6 memory usage is 100%, sound is turned of in TL. System MacPro -Quad Core Intel Xeon-Processor Speed 3 GHz, Memory 8GB.
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Jun 19, 2013
I have Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X6 and am having problems rendering clips in slow motion.
I have recorded at 50p in full HD. In Video Studio I have slowed the clips down to 25%, and when I do a preview in the editor, it looks fantastic. However when I render to a MP4 file it looks terrible. You can see every frame.
How do I render and get at least the same quality as I get in the preview window?
Here is the video I am talking about. [URL]...... through to about 30 seconds to see the jumping.
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Dec 26, 2012
Using Videostudio Pro X5. Captured video using GoPro at 240fps. Video imports fine. I want to edit the video in slow motion. I'm using the "speed/time lapse" option - I set the speed at "25%".
However the outcome is that the video is choppy as if it's throwing away frames. At this setting I should be getting decent smooth frame rates but this is not the case. I'm looking to end up with at least 25-30 fps.
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Jun 16, 2012
I am new to VSP X5. I want to edit a music video that I recorded live. The live recording of the music was fine but I need to cut and paste new video clips in certain part of the songs in the video timeline. I split the audio from the video.
I am having a hard time trying to sync the audio because every time I cut the video clip, the video keeps snapping back, making audio out of sync. Also, when adding transitions, video clips automatic shrink. I tried enable ripple, video still snap back. Is there a setting in the preference?
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Oct 16, 2011
I have VideoStudio XS4 Pro and it freezes when I try to edit a MPG4 video. The source video is from the Flip video player. I have been able to edit these without any problems before. This time when I put the video in the edit window I can start to play it, but then the UI stops working. It beeps when I try to press any button.
I'm using Windows 7. (see my machine profile) I have applied latest updates.
Project properties:
NTSC drop frame (29.97 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 480, 29.97 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-NTSC), 16:9
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo
At this point the software is unusable.
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Oct 16, 2011
Using VS X2, There is only black screen when editing sample file or any other video. All load correctly and can be viewed as individual clips but only black screen when playing "project" . Have re-installed program (repair) - no change.
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Oct 18, 2012
Since there's no built-in VS5 provision for audio editing (specifically a sound equalizer), what's the easiest way to edit the audio portion of the video? Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum has built-in Sound Force and the capability of using Audacity as a plug-in.
I have at least 100 3-4 minute clips that require audio EQ.
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Dec 19, 2012
I have been using VS11But, I have just bought a new camera, a Panasonic HC V500. A small section of the info on the camera are the following lines:- 2D-to-3D Conversion.The camera processing engine automatically converts your 2D footage to 3D without the need for the optional 3D lens, to then be able to view on your 3D TV for an enhanced viewing experience.
Progressive Video Format for Smooth Action.The Full HD format employed in this model uses 1080/50p (AVCHD Progressive compliant) imaging. The Progressive format carries roughly double the image information of a 1080i interlace signal, minimising flickering and after-images.
As I edit and convert all my video footage into movies, will the latest VS programme retain the 3D conversion ability/facility, if so, what is the latest (or best) VS edition to purchase.
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Aug 8, 2011
I am working with a project with Corel VideoStudio pro x2 that involves on-screen graphics on the videos. I use a transparent .png file that I put in the Overlay Track #1.
Original file:
Whenever I edit the video or the image, I get distortion around Music Television area. Somehow it looks like the writing Music Television wants to move / increase in size. When I play the project in the preview window, it looks okay.
After saving to a DVD file like MPEG2 file 720/560 it looks like this:
I used the same project on my laptop which has a better graphic card, Corel VideoStudio pro x4 and I get the same results. The image is so pixelated and curvy. I used a different video editing software though, the image looks much smoother:
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Jun 27, 2012
I am making a screen shot video for my website. I created 6 individual short videos that look great. When you play them individually, they look great. These are "how to use the website" short videos that do have typing on the screen. The typed words are perfectly clear as individual videos.
As soon as i merge the clips into 1 video, the typed words and the whole video gets fuzzy. I have re-shot new videos and I get the same result.
I have searched all over the internet for the last couple of weeks researching a solution. I've enlisted smart proxy and gone through just about every setting in "preferences" painstakingly slow and I still can't figure it out.
All of my information for my computer should be correct, but wasn't sure if i got the video card correct.
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Aug 25, 2012
I would like to take my many photos and videos and be able to batch edit a folder's worth at a time after they have been added to my timeline. I have several that have the same lighting problems and that would save me allot of time.
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Jan 14, 2011
Was able to trim and save 11 clips in new video files over 2-3 sessions, but then program hung after initiating 12th save. No duplicate file names, ie file already exsists. Computer show 100% CPU usage implying program has gone into loop. Have to use Window task mgr to end VideoStudio. When restarted VS indicates it is completing save started in previous session but creates empty file. Removing all Ulead files and folders I can find from computer left after uninstall, and all references I can find from registry, then reinstalling VideoStudio does not fix problem. I did not remove the video files in my user directory. There are no project files. Assume something remains on computer preventing clean reinstall and removal of bug.
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Dec 7, 2013
. I have CS6 Pro and my video is very choppy. I used to edit in Sony Vegas and my videos play fine there. I wanted to step up and edit with a more advanced editor and it doesn't work!!! Here is what I do. Shoot with GoPro 3, take the video to GoPro Studio and make a MOV. file to remove fisheye. Take the MOV. file and edit it with Premiere. It plays smooth for 3-5sec then starts to stutter. My specs on my computer are:
i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
8GB Ram
Windows 7 Pro SP1
7200RPM HD
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M w/2GB
Again my Sony Vages $70 program can edit without any problems but I am stuck with CS6!!!!
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Apr 11, 2011
I am importing some .avi files and burning to a disc. Most of the .avi clips are fine on the DVD, but two that have panning sequences are very jerky. I checked the source .avi files and they pan smoothly.
I've explored changing the Speed to Quality slider and also the Frame Type (Upper/Lower field first) setting to no avail.
AVI Clip Properties:
File Format: Microsoft AVI files
File Size: 13,513 KB
Frame rate: 23.976 frames/sec
Duration: 62.479 seconds
Data rate: 215.01 kbps
Compression: ffdshow Video Decoder
Attributes: 24 bits, 720x404
Total Frames: 1,498 frame(s)
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Jun 4, 2012
I just created a project with many different clips. Some of them play perfectly while others are jerky in playback. The original videos were imported to Correl from video files downloaded from the internet. Some of them are MPEG and others are AVI. It seems that the MPEG files play fine while the AVI files are slow. Not sure why this is since I created another very similar project and the AVI files in that project played back fine.
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Dec 13, 2012
Not had this before, just put a couple of minutes clip into the timeline ready to edit and when I play through it, the video is jerky/jittery on playback. If I click on it in the library and play it without pulling it in to the timeline, it is fine, and if I click on the video without opening the programme, it also plays fine ? If you watch the timeline scrubber as the video jerks, you can see a trail of little white shadows that the scubber leaves behind as it stutters ? I have tried with other clips and it does exactly the same ! The clip is AVCHD clip, and.... I have let it create a smart proxy file before playing it.
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Nov 15, 2010
I am using a trial version of Videostudio Pro X3 and am experiencing some difficulty producing good quality DVD's & video files (via share->Create Video File).
My original video has been captured from an 8mm camcorder and is good quality. The file type is MPEG-2 TS Video & is 2.2GB.
If I import it into the timeline, select Share->Create Video File->Custom and set the video data rate to 8000kps
my resulting mpg file has overall good quality but there are some very jerky movements and pixelation.
These are not present in the original mpeg-2 file. I get a similarly poor result if I select Share->Create Disc which starts up DVD Factory and burn a disc
However, if I have nothing in my timeline and select Share->Create Disc which starts up DVD Factory, add media, selecting my MPEG-2 TS Video file and then burn a disc. The resulting disc is excellent quality with no jerky movements or pixelation.
However, this isn't much use to me because I want to edit my video but seems to prove that something strange is happening in VideoStudio Pro X3 or my use of it.
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Jun 7, 2013
basically my 24fps footage isn't rendering smoothly ON X5 Ultimate.
What i've done is put the same clip together twice, as strangely the first clip is smooth, then subsequent clips are all jerky. This has been going on for some time, so switched to 25fps. 25fps from my Canon 5D MKII wasn't as good as 24fps, so switched back and decided to try and sort this out.
I have been through multiple settings, deleted all older versions of Corel, removed then re-installed X5, made sure all patches and updates were installed - made no difference.
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