Not had this before, just put a couple of minutes clip into the timeline ready to edit and when I play through it, the video is jerky/jittery on playback. If I click on it in the library and play it without pulling it in to the timeline, it is fine, and if I click on the video without opening the programme, it also plays fine ? If you watch the timeline scrubber as the video jerks, you can see a trail of little white shadows that the scubber leaves behind as it stutters ? I have tried with other clips and it does exactly the same ! The clip is AVCHD clip, and.... I have let it create a smart proxy file before playing it.
I am currently using VideoStudio X6 Ultimate (although the application seems to say Pro). Hopefully I have posted this in the correct part of the forum.
I am running into some seriously debilitating issues with Corel VideoStudio X6. First off, I have just spent the past 12 hours rendering a 27 minute video. This is insane! There's something really off (unless this is the norm with VS x6?)
Settings: Under performance I have everything ticked. Except Enable Hardware Encoder Acceleration (it's greyed out!). I have made sure to install an older Nvidia driver ( 320.18), tried W8's driver (320.56), and the latest Beta right now which is 326.80. I have installed CUDA 5.5, didn't work. Installed CUDA 5.0 (current) still greyed out. Will try version 4 now.
Smart Proxy is enabled (my videos are all 1080p), yet VideoStudio is unable to make a single proxy of any video even if I right click and choose Create Smart Proxy File. The folder is empty. Nothing ever appears in the Queue. I have tried restarting, moving the video sources, still nothing.
I have a screenshot of one of the video sources as an attachment. The videos originated from my screen recording in Ubuntu 13.04. They were originally .MKV files, but VideoStudio X6 is unable to handle MKV.
I am trying to render this project out as a MPEG-4 file, at 1920x1080 using H.264-MAIN. I had unticked Perform non-square pixel rendering, but that was a wrong move to make. However, even with it ticked, my second current render right now is taking just as long.
My target is to make a video for youtube, previously I used Kdenlive. However, I wished to add the cool effects that VideoStudio X6 boasted. It seems to be unable to handle an overdose of it's own effects.
I have added a screenshot, so you can see what I am working with. Maybe even spot where my beginner mistakes are.
In summary, my problems are: 1. EXTREMELY long rendering time (in contrast, a 20 minute video in Kdenlive only takes 1 hour to render H264 at 1920x1080). 2. Unable to make CUDA work with VS X6. Tried many driver versions. GTX680 is a CUDA card. 3. Timeline playback is really a NIGHTMARE. Constant hanging trying to move through it. Unable to get even a single video source through the Smart Proxy process.
I have only been using X6 for the past 5 days, yet I am slowly regretting this purchase.
My system specs: OS- Windows 8 Professional 64Bit CPU - AMD Phenom II 965 3.4GHz GPU - Asus Nvidia GTX 680 2GB RAM - 8GB DDR3 1333Mhz Sound - Asus Xonar 7.1
I also tried rendering to a separate hard drive to see if that would improve render times. Still the same long render experience.
No playback in timeline or viewers for most projects. Task Manager shows that PrPro CC is doing something, but no visible effect. Scrubbing works, but no audio. Happens mostly on single-track sequences 1920x1080 and larger. My system: (PC) hexacore 3.34 GHZ (12 CPUs), 32 GB Ram, RAID-0, GTX 770 Adobe certified graphics. Worked great before. A bug in the last update (02-19-2014)?
I've listed my setup below and then have stated the issue I'm experiencing.
27-inch, Mid 2011 iMac 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7 16GB 1333 MHz DDR3 AMD Radeon HD 6970 1024MB Running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
Currently working off of a portable 1TB G-Technology G-DRIVE via FW800. Working in Premiere Pro CS6 Version 6.0.2 Editing in a sequence with settings: 1920 x 1080 23.976fps (also tried in a 29.97fps timeline with same issue) Working with footage that is 23.98fps Working with a combination of ProRes 422 (LT) and native H.264 Quicktime files strait from a 5D Mark 3.
The issue I'm having is during playback the audio will competely drop out. The video will continue playing on just fine but the audio drops completely out. All audio levels drop as well in the audio mixer meters so it truly is losing all communication with my audio layers in the timeline.
I read in other forums to go into Finder and delete out the .caf files, re open Premiere Pro, wait for them to be recreated then carry on. I tried this approach with no luck. Deleting the .caf did not change anything. Audio is still dropping out as I try to play through my timeline. The only way to get the audio back is to pause then press play again. I have 5 total channels of audio with only 2 of those channel active.
This is incredibly frustrating have to export out a video just to be able to watch it through.
I am using PS in a traditional animation capacity--drawing each frame of animation by hand on a seperate layer. I loved doing this in 5.5 and it worked wonderfully on my machine. There are a couple of problems for me with CS6 that perhaps
My main problem is that when i play back my animation (I prefer to use the clips/layers version as opposed to the "frame" version which is more limited in my opinion), the image quality is horrible. When I say "play back" I mean hitting the spacebar and playing it, not rendering it. This feature worked like a charm in CS5.5, but the quality is very low in CS6. The same thing happens when scrubbing with the play head--the image quality gets all blocky and pixelly looking. The funny thing is, when I stop playback or stop scrubbing through frames, the images go back to thier normal state.
When I first saw this happen, it reminded me of a low quality RAM preview in After Effects (for those of you who are familiar with After Effects)--which I thought would make sense, since AE offers a way to increase or descrease the quality of immediate playbacks (RAM Previews) depending on what you are testing in the playback and how much available RAM you have. But there is no way to adjust the playback quality in PS CS6--at least not one that I can find. I absoluately need playback to be 100% quality as it was in 5.5, otherwise this feature is completely useless to me.
Also--did they remove the "onion skinning" button from the Timeline window? That was so useful... That is such a useful button for anyone attempting traditional animation in this program--which it was wonderful for in CS5.5.
BTW--my current machine specs if that matters:
Mac Mini, 2009 model 2.26 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 64 bit NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256MB OSX Lion 4 GB RAM 100+ GB free HD space
In trying to learn Edge, is there a way to return playback (play from) once an animation is complete within a symbol?
For instance, I have the main timeline that shows a symbol animation on creationcomplete, but when the animation is finished in the symbol and I hide the symbol, the main timeline is no longer playing. What would I need to do to return playback control to resume playback of the main timeline? I have a label I would like to play from on the main timeline, but I have not found a way to call the main timeline from within the symbol.
I am importing some .avi files and burning to a disc. Most of the .avi clips are fine on the DVD, but two that have panning sequences are very jerky. I checked the source .avi files and they pan smoothly.
I've explored changing the Speed to Quality slider and also the Frame Type (Upper/Lower field first) setting to no avail.
AVI Clip Properties: File Format: Microsoft AVI files File Size: 13,513 KB Frame rate: 23.976 frames/sec Duration: 62.479 seconds Data rate: 215.01 kbps
Video Compression: ffdshow Video Decoder Attributes: 24 bits, 720x404 Total Frames: 1,498 frame(s)
I just created a project with many different clips. Some of them play perfectly while others are jerky in playback. The original videos were imported to Correl from video files downloaded from the internet. Some of them are MPEG and others are AVI. It seems that the MPEG files play fine while the AVI files are slow. Not sure why this is since I created another very similar project and the AVI files in that project played back fine.
I am using a trial version of Videostudio Pro X3 and am experiencing some difficulty producing good quality DVD's & video files (via share->Create Video File).
My original video has been captured from an 8mm camcorder and is good quality. The file type is MPEG-2 TS Video & is 2.2GB.
If I import it into the timeline, select Share->Create Video File->Custom and set the video data rate to 8000kps my resulting mpg file has overall good quality but there are some very jerky movements and pixelation.
These are not present in the original mpeg-2 file. I get a similarly poor result if I select Share->Create Disc which starts up DVD Factory and burn a disc
However, if I have nothing in my timeline and select Share->Create Disc which starts up DVD Factory, add media, selecting my MPEG-2 TS Video file and then burn a disc. The resulting disc is excellent quality with no jerky movements or pixelation.
However, this isn't much use to me because I want to edit my video but seems to prove that something strange is happening in VideoStudio Pro X3 or my use of it.
Using a Canon Powershot G12 camera and it records 1280x720 px .mov, H.264, 23.976 fps.
Doesn't matter how my project properties are in Videostudio Pro X3. Think I tried almost everything. As soon as I create a video through VS Pro X3 (all update patches installed) the result is a jerky video. Using the recommended (by Corel) version of Quicktime, as the most recent Quicktime version causes VS to crash. Tried this on 3 different computers with the same result.
Project settings: TV standard: 24 fps Frame rate 23.976 fps Frame Type: Frame based Frame size: 1280x720 px Compression: Doesn't matter (same result anyway)
Share: Create Video File: - Same as project = Jerky video - Upload to YouTube (MPEG-4 HD 16:9) = Jerky video - Xvid or any other format = Jerky video
Here is the file on YouTube as it should look (original .mov file from the camera directly uploaded to YouTube): [URL]
Here is the file on YouTube after created with Videostudio Pro X3: [URL]
basically my 24fps footage isn't rendering smoothly ON X5 Ultimate.
What i've done is put the same clip together twice, as strangely the first clip is smooth, then subsequent clips are all jerky. This has been going on for some time, so switched to 25fps. 25fps from my Canon 5D MKII wasn't as good as 24fps, so switched back and decided to try and sort this out.
I have been through multiple settings, deleted all older versions of Corel, removed then re-installed X5, made sure all patches and updates were installed - made no difference.
I'm wondering if it is normal for my clips to have jerky preview. I am editing 1080p MOV clips and I've made sure that Smart Proxy is enabled and that the files do exist. Smart Proxy settings are default to activate with any clip that is larger than 720X480. After I've dragged a clip onto the timeline I get jerky preview if I select "clip" and then click play. But if I select "project" it plays smoothly. Scrubbing is also smooth. My question is why are my clips so jerky? It seems that "clip" preview is automatically using the original video file and not the proxy. I'm on a slow computer, but that's not the issue because everything except the individual clips plays smoothly. And yes, the Smart Proxy icon is on my clips and it's had plenty of time to complete the proxy creation. I've even completely removed VS with Revo Uninstaller and reinstalled it. No change.
I have a number of video files captured at 1080X720 full frame resolution at 29.97 frames/second, shown on my PC as .MOV files.
When watching the original files either on my PC or TV, movement is fluid and smooth.
When watching a finished video created via VideoStudio Pro X4 using the aforementioned files, movement is jerky, and is particularly noticeable when watching a panned scene. The effect is so bad that it makes viewing on a large screen impossible as the picture movement jerks/judders about. I have looked at the project preferences, and notice under Project Option>General tab, the only available frame sizes are the standard ones which only go up to 720X576. The radio button to select a user defined frame size is greyed out and cannot be selected to input my own frame sizes. I’m therefore unable to actually input the frame size of the source video files.
Basically how do I render a finished video without jerky movement?
I've just bought a fluid head tripod and have been practising with it and getting some fairly smooth results. I've been shooting at a resolution of 1920x1080 at 30fps in MPEG4 AVC/H.264. When I watch the video in the LCD display on the video camera or plug my video camera (Sanyo Xacti FH1) into my 40 inch TV the results look smooth. But as soon as I download them onto my computer and watch them in VideoLan or QuickTime, the results are awful. The picture jerks several times a second throughout the panning shots. I have imported some of the clips into VideoStudio Pro X4, and made smart proxies of them and some but not all of them run smoothly but when I create an MP4 HD file in VS4 the results are just once again awfully jerky. My computer is only a couple of months old: AMD Athlon II X4651 Quad Core and Radion HD6700 series graphics card with 4Gb of ROM running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. What I can't understand is why the panning looks so smooth on the camera and on my TV (so it isn't due to the small size of the camera's LCD) but as soon as I download it to the computer it looks so awful. I'm aiming to put up some film clips of archaeological sites in Crete on YouTube and I am due to go round the island shooting video but I can't possibly put results like these on the Internet. What could be causing the difference between what my camera shows and what my computer shows?
I’ve been using very happily been using x2 for a number of years to make a lot of movies from my standard definition camera, I’ve loved the programme, and it has generally been able to do everything I wanted, and made for an enjoyable editing process. However, the camera has finally given up and I’m now going down the HD route, and the old x2 version just keeps crashing with any new clips. So I have recently downloaded the trial version of x5 (5 days of trial left), with the intention of trying it out and then purchasing it.
Unfortunately however I have found it to be jerky and jumpy when editing clips together, particularly when using the overlay tracks, the more overlays the worse it gets. This happens when I want to watch the edit, and while the sound runs ok the video just freezes on a frame then jumps ahead a few seconds and freezes etc etc. Impossible to watch and edit to really.
I am using the smart proxy to get the files to a manageable size, and I can see the separate proxy files in explorer. Smart proxy enabled. I have all the acceleration on that can go on (the ”Enable Hardware Encoder Acceleration” is greyed out so I can’t tick it). When I share/render the movie it comes out just fine, so it’s only with the editing process that is jumpy. I have really enjoyed x2, and could get good results really quickly, and I enjoyed the editing interface and process with Corel VS, but am now thinking I might need to change to a different video editing programme.
Computer- HP Elitebook 8560w Everything is just running off the laptop’s hard drive. I’ve installed The CVS x5 Service Pack 1
The project has only two clips – the first from a canon d550 as below
I downloaded free trial of Video StudioPro When i am capturing video from external device and the video captures OKAY, but there is no Audio when i play back the video????
I've uploaded MPEGs from Panasonic DMC-TZ7 on HD quality. Audio works fine when playing clips and when played on Quicktime. When playing back on Project, I get a chopped pulsing noise on some parts (although they play OK as clips). I used simple fade to black transitions and trimmed clips. When I finish project, the sound was OK on the first clip but I get no sound or the odd pulse of sound on subsequent clips.
I have re-installed VS pro X3 and downloaded the latest patches but it makes no difference.
I'm using win7, and just from today, x4 has stopped giving any sound output. Playing mpg files I can see the sound levels in the mixer, but there's no output audio. I can hear mpg audio in other players, just not in Corel.
I recently transferred collection of Super8 movies from a VHS tape and burned to a DVD. Upon playback on the computer, as well as preview prior to burning, the audio on the clips worked fine. However when the disc was played on the DVD player ( tried my blu-ray player as well), there was only audio in sections where I had added an audio track. Did I miss something ?
I am playing a section of a project in Timeline view. The section is marked by the Trim Markers. Starts fine but then pauses/stops when it reaches the end of the accompanying music (an mp3) rather than at the second Trim Marker. Theses two points are different because the video fades to black as the music finishes. The video should continue to run for 2 or 3 seconds more with a black screen.
I've noticed that if I select the Sound Mixer and then play the section between the Trim Markers it works fine i.e. plays up to the second Trim Marker.
Also, it seems that if I create a video of the selected part of the project this works fine too.
I just seem to be getting the problem in Timeline view when I have black video that runs after an mp3. I have checked multiple projects where I have the same effect (fade to black as music ends) and I am getting exactly the same problem. As the sound stops, so does the playback.
Background is that I am new to X3 and struggling. I had problems authoring in X3 so used X2,. Then had a problem with X2 so re-installed. Then found this problem when editing again in X3 so reinstalled X3!
When editing DV from my old mini dv camcorder, how can I get the final edit to fill the screen without the black side bars after puting on to a dvd and playing back on a 1080x1920 tv. does VS pro x4 have a setting to eliminate the black bars?
I am not new to this software and have made many videos. The problem is that I got a new computer with Windows 8 and installed X4 VideoStudio. I can hear the sound file when I select the clip but as soon as I select Project, there is no sound. I am currently uninstalling the program and trying to reinstall.
I have been experiencing an error message from Windows Media Player when attempting to skip ahead (fast forward) with MPEG-4 HD files that I am creating with VideoStudio Pro X5. After the new MP4 HD file is first created (this can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours depending on the length of the clip, which are between 15 and 40 minutes), I open the file to view it in Windows Media Player. It starts playing normally with no problems, but as soon as I click to skip ahead on the timeline bar, an error message displays stating "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file". In the last 10 attempts or so I have only been succesful in creating one MP4 HD file that allows skipping ahead... I am not doing anything differently (that I am aware of, at least) when I "get lucky" and manage to create a file that does not generate the error message, and after burning the last 9 hours on three more failed attempts I decided to check
I recently purchased Pro x6. While I love the new features, something has been happening today that is frustrating. I captured some video from my Canon HG10 and placed it on the timeline. When I try to play it in the editor, a green screen appears over the video. I can hear the audio but cannot see it.
I recently burned video footage to DVD with VS Pro X5 (with the parameters already set in the VS Pro Burning module), and played the DVD on my DVD player...the DVD played pretty well on my player, though some "striations" or moire appeared in the background on some building sidings early on--but it didn't distort the overall play-ability of a particular sequence...
However, when I played the DVD on a friend's DVD player, the beginning of the DVD broke up and "de-pixillated," for want of a better word--though 2/3rds of the DVD's later footage played OK (and a commercial DVD played just fine on my friend's DVD player just before all this)...
That result left me very puzzled, why it should play more-or-less OK on my own DVD player, but so horrendously on another DVD player...
Is there some VS Pro (or a utility program) filter that I can run the footage through prior to/during a DVD Burn in VS Pro to get a smooth rendering of the footage?
I started to work now with HD clips captured from my new HD camcorder. At the EDIT step, the play back of the entire project is not smooth, there is no continuity of the video and the audio. After the SHARE/CREATE VIDEO FILE step, the play back runs good.
I have a new camera which records in AVCHD format. I have transferred the video files from my camera to the computer. I have compiled a project on Video Studio ProX2. When I playback each clip they play at normal speed. When I playback the project before copying onto a disc the playback is very fast. I have also got as far as sharing the project onto a disc but when I click on preview the playback is again very fast. I see that I can slow down the playback but this also slows down any speech on the video.
I have used Video studio PRox for a couple of years now with great success with an old Sony Handycam but I must need to do something to the new format to play it back at normal speed.
I am using a Firewire and have a Sony Handycam. I find that although VSX4 captures okay - that when I stop the capture and go through to 'Edit", the project playback or clip playback won't play, and yet if I use the 'scrubber' with my mouse, it plays the entire captured part.
This is a little hard to explain: what happens is during 'video capture' - VSX4 begins to capture and then the preview screen freezes. The capturing however continues, even though the preview screen has frozen. After a couple of minutes I stop the capture and go through to 'edit' but I find when I press the button to play back (either as a 'project' or 'clip') it actually stops at the part where the preview screen had frozen whilst capturing. However, if I use my mouse on the 'scrubber' line, I can view the entire capture (e.g. the part after the preview screen froze).
Using Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 and either Corel DVD Moviefactory 7SE or Corel DVDFactory Pro 2010, the playback quality of the burned disks is poor. While the completed project has excellent quality both direct from the hard drive AND when using Windows Explorer and just copying directly to the DVD, anytime I attempt to create a simple menu structure, it seems that the entire video is re-rendered causing a significant loss in video quality from the original. I have tried all settings in both packages even just including the created 660MB mpeg4 (rather than the project itself) in Pro 2010 and the result is a 220MB file. Again, when I just use Windows Explorer and copy directly the DVD, the original video is preserved including the 660MB file size and the quality is the same as the project.