Revit :: How To Find Free Bit Of Space For First Click
Feb 21, 2012
The two points of a selection box should be points in space.
However on a busy section of a model I find it impossible to find a free bit of space for the first click and as such an element invariablely becomes selected and then is moved with the second click if not pinned down.
Is there a key that I can hold down (to indicate that a point in space click is required) when clicking the first point of a selection box and therefore avoid making a selection until the selection box is complete?
CAD-Newbie working in paper space zoomed in close. I want to return to page extents but am zoomed in so close I can't click outside paper space to move view control toolbar to model space. is there a simple key command to perform this function?
I have a cheap mouse and quite frequently while using the free select tool, one click will result in Gimp automatically connecting the current points to the beginning of the path. my mouse is to blame and I experience mouse issues in other programs too... mainly one click will result in double click actions.
so I was wonder how/if I can turn off the feature where double clicking would connect the path of the free select because I kinda have to refrain from using the free select tool because I don't get very far before it connects itself to the beginning.
I work in the aerospace industry (aviation), and I am working on a project that has me working with some IT/web developer/marketing collegaues. As part of the creative team, we have been assigned to coordinate the look and feel of a new website.
I am looking for, or how to get vector files. Mainly, a world map vecotr file. I'm hoping to take this file into Illustrator, manipulate it, and create a logo.
what I would like to do. Something similar to the world map with little airplanes flying routes.
What im trying to do is take the i properties from an inventor .dwg, and place them into a specific excel spreadsheet. I've managed to get so far, by using code that Curtis posted, which does the opposite of what im looking to do.The code Curtis posted takes info from excel and fills in iprops.
I can fill in specific cells, for instance columns A, B & C on Row 1 and place that info into a specific spreadsheet. But my code falls down when i run the code on another .dwg, It obviously overwrites what was previously in those cells.... I am looking for the code that looks to see if those cells are in use, and if so, go to the next available cell down.
Somehow I ended up with three catalogs in LR 4 -- Catalog.lrcat, Catalog-2.lrcat and Catalog-3.lrcat. My original catalog in LR3 was Catalog.lrcat. When I upgraded to LR4, Catalog-2.lrcat was created, and this is the catalog that I use. I'm not sure how Catalog-3 was created, but all of the images are grayed out and have question marks on them.
I would like to free up some space on my hard drive by getting rid of -- deleting -- Catalog (104MB) and Catalog-3 (103MB). Is this not recommended? And exactly how do I go about deleting a catalog?
I am running out of space on my internal hard drive on a MACBookPro and would like to move my photoes to an external disk and keep the catalog pointing to them. They are currently in nicely named folders and I would like to keep them that way. How can I do this?
I cannot even fix it by restarting my Mac, I've also zapped the PRAM on a couple of occasions and still no luck.I've also tried resetting Ps preferences as well as all Ps tools.
I find it very annoying as it is just the way I am used to working and it is therefore slowing me down.I am also getting this same issue in Illustrator
Not only that, but I can no longer use 'space+click' to use the hand tool to move about in my Ps document.It's as if Photoshop (and Ai) is just not taking any notice of these shortcuts… even though my keyboard is not malfunctioning.
We are looking for a way to document the free height, between two floor slab on two different levels, on our floorplans. We would like to use some sort of tag. And not just text.
I am just starting out with the Photoshop CS5 trial. I am trying to apply a triangular pattern to a thin rectangular shape. I used the custom shape tool>triangle, then defined the pattern successfully.However, when I apply the pattern it partially repeats it along the vertical as well as the horizontal axis. Please see attached screenshot:
I only want it to repeat horizontally, what am I doing wrong?
Also, I am Fireworks CS5 user and am really missing the properties inspector panel which allows you to quickly and esily edit sizes of objects, is there a Photoshop equivalent of this? the moment the only way I can find to edit objects is through Edit>Free Transform.
Recently my CS6 has exhibited a weird behavior--when I open a jpeg, for example, only half of the file is displayed--the other half appears as a blank area in the file display area. When I click on the blank space, the rest of the file will appear. Windows 7 up to date, 9 GB Ram, i7 processor. I've been considering uninstalling and reinstalling but fear for my plugins and understand that reinstalls are not straightforward.
When working in an assembly model or part my 'find in browser' command has disappeared under the right click menu - why and how to retrieve it?
Inventor Professional 2013. Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I just loaded inventor 2013 for student.I have tried to set up my key broad with some shortcut keys. When I right cick in the ribbon I do not get any way to get to optiongeneral tools.
I have section headings in my document that have a Paragraph style applied to them. They are always of the form d.d.d.d( ) follow by a short sentance of text. For eg: The rain in Spain falls gently on the crane
I am looking for a GREP style that can underline every word character with a character style but not the spaces between the words. It seems to involve nested iterations which I'm not sure how to do including a non-marking expression. Well it aint working how I think it should… The rain in Spain falls gently on the crane.
I think this GREP style should get it: (?<= )((S)+(?:s))+ The positive looks back on the Tab between the last digit of section number and first word but the non-marking subexpressions are not excepting the spaces from underlining, instead I end up with all the Head Text underlines like so: The rain in Spain falls gently on the crane
How would I find the translation of an object in world space? according to the documentation, translate is not -queryable... once I freeze transformation of a sphere theres no way for me to find its world space, but it still Has a world space because its at a location in the scene.
Are there any plans to add the simple yet productive feature of moving an object in the X and Y directions at the same time?Also, I would love to be able to select the ceiling grid and hit the space bar and have the grid rotate 90 degrees.
The help file says the keynote file should be located here- C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAutodesk<Revit release name><Imperial or Metric> Library Not happening. I'm in windows xp pro 64
I downloaded a Batt insulation pattern but when i want to load it into my wall structure, it is not visible in my floor plan or in 3D.When i want do load it, i can'!I get a message that Revit doesn't find a drafting pattern but it is!!!
where to find a Batt insulation - drafting pattern?
I am attempting to learn revit via the on-line tutorials. I have figured how put in walls, doors, and furniture. I would like to do some elevation work and I notice I have no project browser.