Revit :: How To Document Free Height Between Two Floor Slab On Two Different Levels
Mar 12, 2013
We are looking for a way to document the free height, between two floor slab on two different levels, on our floorplans. We would like to use some sort of tag. And not just text.
I ran into a problem when trying to create a new floor slab for a basement project.
Rivet stops working and shuts down after I try and load "sand" into the material column. The same thing happens when I tried to load "gravel". Interestingly enough, "Earth" can be loaded with no problems.
Is there a quick way of profiling topography under a undulating concrete floor slab? In other words so that the topography follows the underside surface of the slab. I know this is possible by adjusting each point on the topo surface but is there a quicker way?
I am trying to figure out how to see the first floor in a five floor building. This model is a 3D Cad file imported into Revit. I need to look inside the building and place equipment on the first floor.
I have a problem iterating heights when making a polyline between two different points that have Z-values. I've used Autocad Civil 3D for working with geodetic data with height measurements before and I remember using geodetically measured height values, transforming them into a surface and then when I create a 3Dpolyline within this area the polyline automatically gets z-values that change along the line.
In other words, I could use this 3Dpolyline to obtain a profile that gives me z-values even where there is no exact point with a value has been physically measured. It was a while ago I worked with Autocad and now when I started again I have a similar problem but can't manage to create a surface and get iterated values.
My exact problem this time is:
I have a sewage pipe that runs for several kilometers that is drawn as a 3Dpolyline, with correct x- and y-values. It doesn't have any z-values yet and these are what I want to obtain. I want the polyline to have continuous z-values that changes along the polyline (not only in vertexes) so that a smooth profile can be drawn if wanted. I have data of measured actual z-values for approximately every 500 meters or so along the sewage pipe and these are currently drawn as 3Dpolylines of around 20 meters going perpendicular to the pipe (as in the picture). In other words there are bars with z-values crossing the pipe all along the stretch. Now, what I want to do is to somehow make the polyline that represent the pipe to get the heights from these perpendicular bars with the measured z-values. If I try to draw a new 3Dpolyline between two of the measured bars where the actual pipe is supposed to be, the end vertexes of the 3Dpolyline gets the z-values of the bars. However, the value in between the bars gets the Z-value 0. So, if I start a 3Dpoly on bar 1 then continue the pipe with another vertex, and then finish off at the second bar I will have 2 vertexes with the correct z-value but the middle vertex will be incorrect (0). How do I get the pipe to get the correct z values automatically iterated from the values on the crossing bars? Is this even possible to do? Should I create a surface from the bars first, and in that case how do I do that? If possible I don't only want the vertexes between bars to have iterated z-values, I also want the entire line to have a correct value.
I've attached a crappy image made in paint (since I don't have Autocad on my home PC, only at the office). And just to make things even clearer I'll give an example. Let's say the pipe distance from 1 to 2 is 10 meters, the distance between 1 to 3 is 30 meters and the z-values of bar A and bar B is 10 and 25 respectively. So, when I draw a 3Dpolyline from 1 to 4, I want the vertex 2 to automatically get z-value 15 (since it's 1/3 on the way to B). In the same way, I would like for example the point on the pipe that is right in between 2 and 3 to have the z-value 20. I won't mind redoing the bars to for example singular points instead, if that makes it all easier.
I originally created a slab with the full version of Autodesk Revit 2013 with POINTS to create a slope to the slab. There does not seem to be a way to edit those points with Autodesk Revit LT. There appears to be an alternate method in the LT version to create slopes utilizing slope arrows. So is SLOPE EDITING no longer a feature with LT?
I am working on the project with sloping roof. I have drawn beams with slope. however when I am drawing slab with slopes I am not getting this slopes. There is gap between the beams and slab. I have attached screen shot for more information. Also I need to apply loads for this sloped roof.
I've had a request from on of our users to replicate something that has been done for years in 2D CAD. They want a marker to show changes in floor levels that look something like this:-
The annotation needs to be able to read the slab on either side of the step marker and hopefully if possible the difference be represented as text. The datum levels are secondary and it is really the depth of the step that seems to be more important. I do however want to avoid these being just dumb text as if/when the design evolves someone will forget to modify the text.
Here is an example of a few showing two steps in the slab and the results we would want.
I have tried loading/nesting a standard spot level in thinking if I had two in an annotation that this might work, but I was unable to even place a spot marker within the family which makes some sense I suppose.
Is this even technically possible...? I realize the origin usually determines what hosts the family and how, but I guess we are looking for something with a double origin, which is why I think this may not be possible...?
I am looking to create an irregular concrete slab, with barrel vaulted ceilings on a small radial section of a circular slab, and a a parabolically curved upper section to the slab, and a large punched hole in the middle of the slab. To this point, I have been able to achieve this using multiple components and masses, but I was wondering if there was a way to make a single object with a single solid material that may be able to achieve the same effect. I have attached a section for ease of explanation.
I was having trouble with the edit sketch options coming up when I initiated a command that needed it. I upgraded to Update 2 and It seemed to fix it. But now it's happening when when I select a floor. I'm not getting the option to edit the floor. The context options don't match what I have selected. What is the problem and how can I fix this?
Our model uses several material types for insulation, mostly rigid variations at this point. The various materials are used in floor, wall and roof systems. Is there a way to create a single schedule that would list insulation quantities across all three system types?
I have to use concrete hollow core slab in my project, but I was wondering, if it is possible that the hollow core slab automatically adjust itself to the width of the room. I have attached a screen-shot of the problem, where the the last hollow core slab overlap the beam. I can manually change the width of the last beam, but it would take a lot time, moreover if I change the dimension of the overlapped beam, then i have to readjust the last hollow core slab.
I am trying to create a new document with new layers, but paste in an existing floor plan since it's the shell I need to be using. When I copy clip and insert into new file, all the layers import with it. I transferred everything onto 0 layers and went into my layer manager to try and delete the extra layers and it says i cannot delete o, xref dependent, etc. I want to create my own layers, and then assign the lines in the plan myself onto the new layers.
When using the import text option from within the mtext editor, Is there a limit to the number of indent levels that AutoCAD supports?
I've customized a style/format in Word and seem to be hitting a limit at the fourth level after importing into AutoCAD. The fourth level aligns with the third level.
I'm totally new to Illustrator and need to make a document that is going to be placed in a magazine ad (it's a free placement, hence why I'm just trying to do it myself). I can get around in PhotoShop, but Illustrator is confusing to me. The ad dimensions are supposed to be:
2.33" w x 7.5" h 700 x 2250 pixels
When I create a new Illustrator document, leaving the Raster Effects setting in the Advanced section at 300ppi, if I change the Units setting to pixels, put in 300 for width and height, then change the Units back to Inches, it says the width and height are 4.17 in.
I've edited this message: one complaint has been removed - it was my mistake - conroy.
Photoshop 13.0.1 OS X 10.6.8
16 bits per channel RGB mode.The Lighting Effects filter quantities the optional height-map channel to 8 bits, which can result in a very obvious terraced-slopes appearance and moiré.
I am trying to align the curtain wall with the edge of the concrete slab/face of wood framed wall (Core). I have tried to align and move however the whole wall moves as well as the edge of the slab. How I can move the Curtain wall leaving the other elements in place?
I have duplicated many floors now in the Revit program and applied the same material to them and no matter what I end up with a duplicate area for that material in the floor material schedule takeoff.
Steps taken to correct this so far are:
1. Technical support @ Autodesk suggested that I uncheck the wrap part in the floor edit. The floor already has it unchecked and furthermore the wrap part is greyed out.
2. I have used parts and I guess that I can do this for it works. it is just that I would like to do floors because I don't have to spend time dividing them for a simple material takeoff.
I just want to be able to apply a material to a floor and have that floor shedule the area of that material only ONCE!
The issue is cutting an opening in an existing floor so that in only shows in a new phase.I have created a floor based generic family with an opening tool and added an edge liner as a sweep. It hosts onto the floor and cuts it OK (in section and 3D). BUT in plan view objects below dont show through - see blue dashed on the screen clip. You will see that the red dotted opening>vertical cut show the stair below OK. Have a go (floor opening lined.rfa) and tell me why the opening is opaque!
I want to attach a wall to a floor as shown in the picture. The wall has 2 layers. The Finish-Layer is supposed to cover the floor. (Now done by using the function "Top Extension Distance" for the finish layer.)I am searching for a solution that allows me to change the shape of the floor. The wall should then follow the shape of the floor.
My stairs won't extend up to second floor. I am using Revit 13 and have created many stairs in past with other models. I have tried stair by sketch and stair by component but they keep stopping about 2 feet short of the floor drawing a standard U shape.
I imported a scanned drawing into Revit and traced it. I put the walls and floors in, then was inserting doors. I tried to find a particular door, but found I clicked on the wrong door and closed Revit instead of the screen I was in. However, when I brought Revit back up, I could no longer see any Floorplan, but my 3d was still visible. How do I retrieve or make visible Level 1 or 2? (When I tile the Floorplan Level 1 and the 3D drawing, my 3d drawing will turn blue if I box in the blank area on my Floorplan screen, so I assume it must still be there).
The other question I need answered is how to insert the geometric figure/camera that shows each side of an elevation? When I imported my scanned drawing, it was much larger than the area within the four “eyeballs”, but I have tried moving it and don’t see them.
I have a file that I have applied different floor finishes to different rooms based on flooring patterns and hatches - they are not visible in the floor plans . Funny thing is if I make a seperate room outside the project in the same view and assign it flooring patterns - it does show up all the floor finishes. The only reason I can think of is phases. I have attached images for reference.
If you already have your main floor created in a Revit LT model and you later decide you'd loke to add a small addition to that same floor, not as an addition, but simply as a revised floor plan that expands the previous area, can you just draw another floor area and will that blend into the 1st main floor? Or do you have to redraw the whole floor? Or join the 2 pieces?
I am working with revit since 08, and there was this little annoying bug - in the middle of working process some levels become super slow - adding walls becomes a big task. At the beginning everything works great, but (I suspect) at some point I add curtain inside the room, something goes wrong and the level becomes slow.
It does not work even if I remove curtain walls or purge unused or duplicate window or make separate plan view - if floor area with several basic walls is visible level becomes slow.
I can't figure out why the bas is visible through the floor :s while the middle part is not. The part where you can see the color of the stairs is cut out of the floor.
I'm trying to create a custom floor tile but having issues doing it. 1st I create a generic 12' create floor, then use that floor to create a subfloor to try to create a tiled floor that is offset 1/4" from the initial floor. I select the floor, click edit material, select ceramic tile,.. get to the graphics property, select surface pattern and select 12" tile, click done, then OK but ... nothing happens.
I would also like to customize a pattern. I would like to create a patter that uses a 12"X12" tile with (2) 5 7/8"X5 7/8" tiles.
I tried to use the *.PAT technique but finding it difficult to do what I want so I found the hatch22 but still find that rather difficult.
I have a multi-story model with "Existing" and "New Construction" phases present on each level. The graphic overrides are functioning properly on the 1st Floor (existing is displayed in lighter line weight and half-tone) but for some reason the overrides are not applying to the 2nd Floor.