AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Iterating Height Levels For A Polyline
Jan 20, 2013
I have a problem iterating heights when making a polyline between two different points that have Z-values. I've used Autocad Civil 3D for working with geodetic data with height measurements before and I remember using geodetically measured height values, transforming them into a surface and then when I create a 3Dpolyline within this area the polyline automatically gets z-values that change along the line.
In other words, I could use this 3Dpolyline to obtain a profile that gives me z-values even where there is no exact point with a value has been physically measured. It was a while ago I worked with Autocad and now when I started again I have a similar problem but can't manage to create a surface and get iterated values.
My exact problem this time is:
I have a sewage pipe that runs for several kilometers that is drawn as a 3Dpolyline, with correct x- and y-values. It doesn't have any z-values yet and these are what I want to obtain. I want the polyline to have continuous z-values that changes along the polyline (not only in vertexes) so that a smooth profile can be drawn if wanted. I have data of measured actual z-values for approximately every 500 meters or so along the sewage pipe and these are currently drawn as 3Dpolylines of around 20 meters going perpendicular to the pipe (as in the picture). In other words there are bars with z-values crossing the pipe all along the stretch. Now, what I want to do is to somehow make the polyline that represent the pipe to get the heights from these perpendicular bars with the measured z-values. If I try to draw a new 3Dpolyline between two of the measured bars where the actual pipe is supposed to be, the end vertexes of the 3Dpolyline gets the z-values of the bars. However, the value in between the bars gets the Z-value 0. So, if I start a 3Dpoly on bar 1 then continue the pipe with another vertex, and then finish off at the second bar I will have 2 vertexes with the correct z-value but the middle vertex will be incorrect (0). How do I get the pipe to get the correct z values automatically iterated from the values on the crossing bars? Is this even possible to do? Should I create a surface from the bars first, and in that case how do I do that? If possible I don't only want the vertexes between bars to have iterated z-values, I also want the entire line to have a correct value.
I've attached a crappy image made in paint (since I don't have Autocad on my home PC, only at the office). And just to make things even clearer I'll give an example. Let's say the pipe distance from 1 to 2 is 10 meters, the distance between 1 to 3 is 30 meters and the z-values of bar A and bar B is 10 and 25 respectively. So, when I draw a 3Dpolyline from 1 to 4, I want the vertex 2 to automatically get z-value 15 (since it's 1/3 on the way to B). In the same way, I would like for example the point on the pipe that is right in between 2 and 3 to have the z-value 20. I won't mind redoing the bars to for example singular points instead, if that makes it all easier.
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Mar 12, 2013
We are looking for a way to document the free height, between two floor slab on two different levels, on our floorplans. We would like to use some sort of tag. And not just text.
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Jun 29, 2013
I want to convert a 3D polyline to 2D polyline.
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Mar 22, 2012
Any way I can align a new polyline to a reference polyline (orig polyline).
The 2 polys will be generally the same length, however, the number of vertices will differ.
Also I need to mantain the same distance between the vertices on the new poly and the new and reference poly won't follow the same direction.
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Jan 8, 2012
I'm working on translating a VBA routine that worked just fine, to VB.NET & I have had a lot of porblems with it. Yes, I am new to VB.NET. My routine renames XREF file names & opens drawings that have these files XREF'd into them & resets their paths to the renamed file. My VBA routine used a few thisdrawing.sendcommand operations to do things like reload xrefs, unlock layers etc. Some of these worked in the VB.NET version while I only had getten as far as having the only DWG open that was the one which I call the routing from. When it gets into opening another drawing I start getting all sorts of problems.
I worked these out by creating a NEWDOC as DOCUMENT object & setting autodesk....MDIcurrentdocument to the filename of the just opened DWG file & then eliminating my sendcommand calls & replaceing them with record table operations.
Now I'm getting a file access error when trying to reload an XREF using document.reloadxrefs(objectidcollection).
I've tried not to nest transactions. I've tried to make sure all my transactions frpm the current DWG not the original.
How to work with multiple DWG files. Maybe a simple example of reloading an XREF named "X" in a bunch of DWGs saved at some specific location could be given? Focusing on transactions, documents, & databases.
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1) Using a selction filter to get the objectIDs of a particular type, then iterating them, or
2) Iterating all modelspace objects, checking ObjectID.ObjectClass.Name for the desired type.
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I have already a Selection Set called objSS. All the objects in this Set are Multi Text, so I am wondering how is possible to have access to the property Text Height of these objects inside the Set in order to change the value of this property. I have created a variable as AcadMText but is not possible for me to loaded it with any item from objSS.
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Aug 7, 2013
I have a civil3d model and now have an amended layout which I need to update to.
xref'd layout is 2d so I want to snap blips on my feature lines from the original location to new location while maintaining their z value.
I know you can turn off and on the ability to pick z values but can't remember the command (lost notes).
I have tried changing the osnapz option with now luck.
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Oct 12, 2012
I have an existing ground surface with all different z co-ords and im trying to add three proposed buildings to my exisiting ground with all the builidngs having a level of 32.5 as a minimum, however at some points the ground is higher than 32.5 and I only want to raise my existing ground to 32.5 within the proposed buidling layout if it is below 32.5 as im doing a flood calculation. What do i need to for this?
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Dec 18, 2012
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Aug 21, 2013
Trying to model a curb height transition in my corridor. Over about 15' I want to go from a 6" curb to flush.
The only way I can seem to get it to show accurately is to leave a void in my corridor. This allows the surface which is created from the corridor to model correctly and give me a transition of my curb height from 6" to flush. Here's the object viewer showing it correctly:
However, there are a few problems with this approach. Mainly I've come to like the way the relatively new "extract corridor solids" tool (toolspace, toolbox, miscellaneous Utilities, corridor solids). I use this to create a fairly nice looking Navisworks model. With the void, now my model has a void. It seems to me that there should be a way to have a subassembly that can target both the back of curb profile and the edge of gutter simultaneously. I've tried with the standard subassembly "UrbanReplaceCurbGutter2" but with no luck. Any successful modeling a curb height transition within their corridor?
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Jul 27, 2012
My application, writing in C#, exports all vertex-data of parts in an assembly to external files.It uses the surfacebody.getExistingFacets method to do this and shows a progressbar to visualise progress.
The application works fine, only when it is finished, when I zoom in or zoom out in inventor, a huge delay exists before the actual zoom is done. And everytime I scroll the mouse wheel or touch my 3D mouse the delay is there.It's really up to several seconds everytime.
However when I close the assembly and re-open it again immediately after my app finished, these delays are not there anymore.Do I have recalculate something, or do I have to invoke a 'free-something' command ?
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Jan 24, 2010
I am trying to learn Part Builder to create a custom inlet structure. I am able to build the part in Part Builder so it looks like it should and seems to work correctly when I change part sizes. I run into trouble when I try to change the model parameter for Structure Height (SBSH) to a formula invovling Rim to Sump Height (SRS). When I do this and then go to Edit Size Parameters, I get an error " one or more calculations have failed". It does not seem to make any difference what formula I use for SBSH or what size parameter or model parameter SBSH was set to before I entered the formula.
I am able to save the part without any other error messages, however, when I look at the .xml file, SBSH is a constant and not the formula I entered. I can edit the .xml file to enter the formula that I want but still the part does not function properly in a drawing.
I can make a pipe network using the new structure, however, the pipe inverts are not the same as the sump elevation of the structure. They are usually several feet below the sump. I can get the structure sump to match the pipe inverts by going to "Connected Pipes" under "Edit Structure Properties", highlighting the pipe invert elevation and then clicking "Apply". If you change the pipe using "Edit pipe properties" after this, the structure invert does not update as it should.
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Mar 1, 2013
I need to know if there is a way (like an expression) to get de height between invert out pipe and rim level?
My question is about a structure with 2 or more pipes at different level and needed to define the height for each one to the surface level (rim level).
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Oct 1, 2013
I need to put a 42 x 29 Arch Pipe in my drawing. I found a 44 x 27 in the elliptical arch catalog. But I can't get it to let me create one that's 42 x 29.
And I'm also having trouble making a label for it. This is one of three culvert pipes in this network. The other two are round 36" CMP. The label for those says XX' of 36" POLY-COATED CMP @ x.xx%. Once I need the label for this third pipe to show as XX' of 42" x 29" ARCH PIPE @ x.xx%.
When I tried to make the label style, I saw "Pipe Inner Diameter or Width". But I didn't see one for height.
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Is it possible to change the row height in a Line and Curve Table.
Civil 3D 2012
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I am trying to do centerline stationing but the texts are coming out too small and the tick marks are not showing up.
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Aug 24, 2012
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Feb 26, 2012
What I would like to achieve is a section band style for bulk earthworks and simple access roads that shows the design level at Grade Breaks only. The problem I am having is that Grade Breaks are being recognised as where the sample line crosses a triangle, not where the the grade actually changes/crosses a feature line.
A have a number of simple platforms, that I have created using an infill from feature lines, usually these platforms are surrounded entirely by feature lines of the same height. As to be expected, Civil 3d creates a few flat triangles, and as a consequence, all of the points where the sample line crosses these show up on my band style. Is there any way to achieve this band style?
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Mar 15, 2012
Where is the “annotative scale” and “paper text height” properties?
I couldn’t find the “annotative scale” and “paper text height” properties when dealing with “Civil 3D” objects such as points and contours the same way we have it in the regular AutoCAD.
For example, suppose that I need to increase to decrease the “text height” of the point label considering a particular “annotative scale” property, then how this kind of thing might be done in the AutoCAD Civil 3D?
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Jul 25, 2012
I am using a feature line to create a grading for a residential house pad. The county grading ordinance calls for a 6' drainage terrace (bench) when slopes exceed 40' in vertical height. I know that for corridor grading you can specify a slope bench with a subassembly but that is not what I am doing here.
I'd like a solution where the grading remains dynamic because I know that benching will cause slopes to cross property lines. I also want to keep the dynamic nature to be able to make adjustments to balance the earthwork.
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Jul 19, 2013
I have slope % angles labeled on a plan, but they are too large. They are 1/8" tall, and I need them to be 3/32" tall. I have checked the style (ROMANS) to be sure the text height is set to 0", and it is. I've also ensured that these labels are on this label style.
Check the screenshot. I added 2 screenshots with a huge difference in font size just to be sure my point gets across. And, I have hit APPLY and closed the window just to be sure. You will see up top, I have it set to 3/32". Actually the text isn't showing right, it is still stuck on 1/8". But, regardless, you can see in the lower screenshot where I have changed it to 3", but the text has not changed.
As a side note, the text on the slope labels should match the height of the contour labels you can see in the screenshots.
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Apr 5, 2012
I am trying to write a 'duplicateLayer' function, and I've read all the related posts on these forums. It seems most of the responses have only addressed art inside a layer, and not nested layers/groups. I need to be able to duplicate ALL items in a layer.
I can get the sub-layers, but I can't figure out how to preserve order of the items in the new layer. For example, if my layer looks like this:
layer 1
art 1
art 2
sub layer 1
sub art 1
art 3
I can call layer.pageItems to get my three art objects and duplicate them, and I can call layer.layers to get my one sub layer and duplicate it. But how do I preserve the same order of the art objects and sub layers with respect to each other?
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