AutoCAD Inventor :: Huge Delay After Iterating Through Component Occurrences
Jul 27, 2012
My application, writing in C#, exports all vertex-data of parts in an assembly to external files.It uses the surfacebody.getExistingFacets method to do this and shows a progressbar to visualise progress.
The application works fine, only when it is finished, when I zoom in or zoom out in inventor, a huge delay exists before the actual zoom is done. And everytime I scroll the mouse wheel or touch my 3D mouse the delay is there.It's really up to several seconds everytime.
However when I close the assembly and re-open it again immediately after my app finished, these delays are not there anymore.Do I have recalculate something, or do I have to invoke a 'free-something' command ?
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Oct 24, 2008
I've download Photoshop CS4 and running it in trial mode. When I use the brush tool for example, the delay in it actually printing on the paper after I click and drag is like 1-2 seconds. I have a pretty good PC, 2.4ghz @ quad.
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Jan 29, 2013
Is it possible to run an external rule in assembly occurrences?
You have RunRule in Component, But it does not seem to work with external rules
I referenced to occurrences and opened it using ThisApplication.Documents.Open(filepath, False)
Then i tried calling the same external rule. I thought it would run the external rule in the opened file,
but I ended up with a infinite loop on the main assembly.
Is there a way to run your rule in every occurrence with external?
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Oct 8, 2012
I'm dreaming of a Macro to automate the following process that we use every day. We use it to highlight connectors so people can build our product easier.
We manually do the following:
In a drawing view we select a whole set of components (the connectors). Afterwards we change the color to green (using properties) & press hidden lines. This way you can clearly see where you need to place the connectors.
-> see .pdf attached with some pictures making it all clear
I'm being busy to create the code for this but I'm stuck over adding occurrences to a selection set so I can then apply the hidden line command
This is my code so far:
Sub AutoColor()'Step 1 Select a drawing view ' Get the active drawing document. Dim drawDoc As DrawingDocument Set drawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' Have the user select a drawing view. Dim drawView As DrawingView Set drawView = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(kDrawingViewFilter, "Select a drawing view.") Dim docDesc As DocumentDescriptor Set docDesc = drawView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor ' Verify that the selected drawing view is of an assembly.
Step 1 works
Step 3 works
Step 4 & 5 are for a later moment
Step 2 calls the sub "SelectOCC". this sub cycles true the occurrences, I can filter them on file location so I only get the components needed (the connectors). In theory it should be possible to add the given occurrences to the selection set so I can run Step 3 afterwards on it.
But I don't succeed in doing this, I've tried countless of methods but without success.
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Sep 30, 2013
I'm using FindUsingPoint to find Assembly Occurrences
Inventor.SelectionFilterEnum[] filter;filter = new Inventor.SelectionFilterEnum[1] { Inventor.SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyOccurrenceFilter };Inventor.AssemblyDocument activeEditAsmDoc;activeEditAsmDoc = (Inventor.AssemblyDocument)inventorapp.ActiveEditDocument;
Inventor.AssemblyComponentDefinition oAsmDef;oAsmDef = activeEditAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition;Inventor.ObjectsEnumerator istDaWas;istDaWas = oAsmDef.FindUsingPoint(oBias2, ref filter, suchRadius, false);
Works fine within a top level Assembly (ActiveDocument == ActiveEditDocument).
While in-place editing a sub assembly calling this code FindUsingPoint throws an "ArgumentException".
(oBias2 and suchRadius are tested)
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Oct 24, 2012
I am writhig a macro to put text ( count number) under each occurrence in an assembly.
I got the Sequence correct and able to place the cnumber un drawing sheet.
But What I need to do is to place that number under consequent occurrence.
find the Image file and you will see wht i am trying to get.
i am icluding the Macro i written as well.
Private Sub RHSnumbering()
Dim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument
If ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> kDrawingDocumentObject Then
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Feb 1, 2013
I have an Inventor drawing which contains multiple sheets. One of the sheets is a drawing of the master assembly. Another sheet is a drawing of a part that is in the master assembly. This part shows up multiple times. I'd like to have a text box or something in the part's drawing that I can put: "Quantity: [Quantity]" where [Quantity] is the number of occurances of the part in the master assembly. I've been searching for a while and can't find a way to do this.
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Jan 26, 2012
We are having an issue when we replace a component in Inventor Pro 2012. When we replace a component, the name in the browser does not update to the new component. We've even tried to close and re-open the Inventor assembly and that does not work. We end up manual double clicking the name in the browser and type in the new component name.
Inventor Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012
Dell Precision T7500 Workstation
Xeon Processor
16 GB of RAM
Nvidia Quadro FX 5800
Windows 7 x64
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Jul 25, 2012
II need a way to tell if a component occurence is a virtual component.
I'm using a For Each loop to cycle through all of the components in an assembly, and if the component is itself an assembly to set the LOD to "Custom". I'm using the definition document descriptor object for this. It all woks fine until the loop comes across a virtual component which doesn't have a definition document, so I need a way to check if the component is virtual and needs to be skipped.Here's the
Option ExplicitImports Inventor.LevelOfDetailEnumSub MainiLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = TrueDim doc As AssemblyDocumentDim oLOD As LevelOfDetailRepresentationDim oAsmCompDef As ComponentDefinitionDim oComp As ComponentOccurrenceDim oComps As ComponentOccurrencesdoc = ThisDoc.DocumentIf.
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Jan 11, 2013
I am trying to make port rims for pipes that can be swapped in and out of an assembly. However, the ports will all be different sizes and located differently so I need the cut to be part of the port rim component, but affect the entire assembly it is part of. I've been trying to get this to work for the better part of a day now,Here's a picture of what im talking about. I'm running Inventor 2008 by the way.
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Aug 30, 2012
I have an assembly which has a few components suppressed.
My end results is another copy of the assembly (with copies of the all the parts) in another directory
Now i am able to create copies of un-suppressed parts using; (this allows me to SaveAs assembly components which are not suppressed)
DocumentsEnumerator = ThisDoc.Document.AllReferencedDocuments
And save a copy of the assembly using
I also added the fllowing snippet (which I am not sure what is does), but it does not work for me
Component.SkipDocumentSave = true
When I open the newly created assembly, I still see the suppressed components in the model browser
I want to either;
Skip saving the of the components in the model browser (i.e. the Assembly)
Delete the suppressed parts in the Assembly, so that they do not save altogether
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Feb 4, 2013
I experience a delay when i want to select a line or curve in a scetch, part or assembly. Normally when you move the cursor over a line it highlites red within a fraction of a second. Now it takes 3 or 4 seconds to be selected.
is it a wrong setting or a bug. Never had the problem before. Not in 2012 or in 2013.
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Mar 8, 2012
I have been using solid body ipts and iLogic code to drive them. I got a little carried away and noticed that the file size was 47 MEG. So I decided to start stripping out items in the model. I stripped out of all the code and all but the initial solid body. There is nothing left but a simple extruded feature. I saved the file and checked the size... 39 MEG.
What is it that could possibly be left in the ipt that would be 39 MEG? I probably deserve this punishment for pushing Inventor beyond its "normal" capabilities.
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Nov 10, 2010
When I have an assembly open and I right click on a part, there is about a 4 to 5 second delay until I get the context menu. The second time that I right click on the same part, the menu comes up almost instantly.
Does not matter if it is a "large" or "small" assembly. See the same lag. Here is a link to a short video [URL]
I have tried using different projects files and disabled the "Quick File Open" in app options. Neither made any difference.
Hardware setting set to "Performance". Using nvidia driver 257.21 and running a GTS 250 card. I have the advantage sub pack #2 installed.
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Oct 28, 2013
I got a support contact a customer due to delay in opening some certain designs. The client works with a single project file to all your machines projects, being:
- 1 path in WorkSpace
- 1 path in WorkGroup
- 1 path in Content Center
After some testing I noticed that the drawings that had some missing file and fix the broken link needed had the problem of delay in opening. (9min for appears the resolve link screen) (simple drawing with 1view of the model inserted)
So I did a simple test.
Define a new project, the existing Default.ipj. And open the same file. To our surprise, the screen Resolve Link quickly appeared (30sec), quite different from the other project used.
My opinion of this delay, the current project, contains over 1million files easily. And as in the case of an Inventor file lost link searches for the file in the paths defined in the project, eventually causes loss of time behind files.
Before course, I also performed the same test on file with the option "Defer Update" and even then there was a delay(7min) in opening the file.
This visibly clear that, when using a project with a workspace without files, and open a file Inventor does not do research, trying to find substitutes for the file.
My question is:
The Defer Update should not simply ignore the model file and do not make the search, just opening the file? And also
Is there any way to set a file IPJ, with any paths in Work Groups, and Inventor, not to make a search for the file in other locations, just as it existed previously, and display the screen Resolve Link?
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Jan 26, 2012
Delaying a rule execution in inventor 2012 iLogic. I have a large number of rules that are supposed to be run sequentially. I have noticed rules that quite large numbers of suppression commands takes longer than others, so what's been happening is ilogic runs a rule while its still going through suppressing or unsupressing, it also tries to execute the next rule and results in errors.
A way to put time delay between execution of rules to ensure the preceding rule has finished its task, before the next one is executed.
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Jan 8, 2012
I'm working on translating a VBA routine that worked just fine, to VB.NET & I have had a lot of porblems with it. Yes, I am new to VB.NET. My routine renames XREF file names & opens drawings that have these files XREF'd into them & resets their paths to the renamed file. My VBA routine used a few thisdrawing.sendcommand operations to do things like reload xrefs, unlock layers etc. Some of these worked in the VB.NET version while I only had getten as far as having the only DWG open that was the one which I call the routing from. When it gets into opening another drawing I start getting all sorts of problems.
I worked these out by creating a NEWDOC as DOCUMENT object & setting autodesk....MDIcurrentdocument to the filename of the just opened DWG file & then eliminating my sendcommand calls & replaceing them with record table operations.
Now I'm getting a file access error when trying to reload an XREF using document.reloadxrefs(objectidcollection).
I've tried not to nest transactions. I've tried to make sure all my transactions frpm the current DWG not the original.
How to work with multiple DWG files. Maybe a simple example of reloading an XREF named "X" in a bunch of DWGs saved at some specific location could be given? Focusing on transactions, documents, & databases.
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Apr 14, 2012
I have an idw file that has absolutely nothing in it.
The file size if 17.5Mb.
May need to add it to an ftp site if someone has available.
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Nov 17, 2011
My BOM displays huge parts views (thumbnails). How do I change it?
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Jun 16, 2011
I am trying to iterate through all the Plot Devices (plotDeviceName) available to the user.
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Dec 6, 2012
This is probably very easy using ssget or something, but I don't know exactly how that works. All I need to do is to explode any occurrences of a block with a particular name.
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Jul 20, 2013
I downloaded the .stl file from here, which is a very detailed model of 20mb size:
it can be opened in inventor and is shown as a mesh object. Then I tried the plugin "Autodesk Mesh Enabler" to turn it into a solid. After almost an hour it produced something of 350mb, but it cannot be opened anymore, it crashes inventor immediately. Are there any settings to that plugin to reduce the number of elements that it creates?
I heard Mesh4CAD is a similar tool for autocad. I am installing autocad now, hoping that it is more powerful for these kind of things...
I just need to take measurements and attach new objects to the model, or can this somehow be enabled for mesh objects as well, without converting?
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Aug 16, 2012
performance differences between:
1) Using a selction filter to get the objectIDs of a particular type, then iterating them, or
2) Iterating all modelspace objects, checking ObjectID.ObjectClass.Name for the desired type.
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Feb 16, 2012
at multiple places i have drawn the same block in a drawing, and i would like select one block in the drawing, then iterate through the items in the block, and find the actual coordinates of a 3d-polyline (that is drawn in that block) in modelspace. How can I do this?
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Jul 18, 2012
I have already a Selection Set called objSS. All the objects in this Set are Multi Text, so I am wondering how is possible to have access to the property Text Height of these objects inside the Set in order to change the value of this property. I have created a variable as AcadMText but is not possible for me to loaded it with any item from objSS.
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Jan 20, 2013
I have a problem iterating heights when making a polyline between two different points that have Z-values. I've used Autocad Civil 3D for working with geodetic data with height measurements before and I remember using geodetically measured height values, transforming them into a surface and then when I create a 3Dpolyline within this area the polyline automatically gets z-values that change along the line.
In other words, I could use this 3Dpolyline to obtain a profile that gives me z-values even where there is no exact point with a value has been physically measured. It was a while ago I worked with Autocad and now when I started again I have a similar problem but can't manage to create a surface and get iterated values.
My exact problem this time is:
I have a sewage pipe that runs for several kilometers that is drawn as a 3Dpolyline, with correct x- and y-values. It doesn't have any z-values yet and these are what I want to obtain. I want the polyline to have continuous z-values that changes along the polyline (not only in vertexes) so that a smooth profile can be drawn if wanted. I have data of measured actual z-values for approximately every 500 meters or so along the sewage pipe and these are currently drawn as 3Dpolylines of around 20 meters going perpendicular to the pipe (as in the picture). In other words there are bars with z-values crossing the pipe all along the stretch. Now, what I want to do is to somehow make the polyline that represent the pipe to get the heights from these perpendicular bars with the measured z-values. If I try to draw a new 3Dpolyline between two of the measured bars where the actual pipe is supposed to be, the end vertexes of the 3Dpolyline gets the z-values of the bars. However, the value in between the bars gets the Z-value 0. So, if I start a 3Dpoly on bar 1 then continue the pipe with another vertex, and then finish off at the second bar I will have 2 vertexes with the correct z-value but the middle vertex will be incorrect (0). How do I get the pipe to get the correct z values automatically iterated from the values on the crossing bars? Is this even possible to do? Should I create a surface from the bars first, and in that case how do I do that? If possible I don't only want the vertexes between bars to have iterated z-values, I also want the entire line to have a correct value.
I've attached a crappy image made in paint (since I don't have Autocad on my home PC, only at the office). And just to make things even clearer I'll give an example. Let's say the pipe distance from 1 to 2 is 10 meters, the distance between 1 to 3 is 30 meters and the z-values of bar A and bar B is 10 and 25 respectively. So, when I draw a 3Dpolyline from 1 to 4, I want the vertex 2 to automatically get z-value 15 (since it's 1/3 on the way to B). In the same way, I would like for example the point on the pipe that is right in between 2 and 3 to have the z-value 20. I won't mind redoing the bars to for example singular points instead, if that makes it all easier.
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Sep 12, 2011
There is a lisp function to replace all occurrences of a character within a string?
In short, as the Replace command in Visual Basic
For example, to replace all "x" to "*":
"34x59+60x3" -> "34*59+60*3
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Apr 5, 2012
I am trying to write a 'duplicateLayer' function, and I've read all the related posts on these forums. It seems most of the responses have only addressed art inside a layer, and not nested layers/groups. I need to be able to duplicate ALL items in a layer.
I can get the sub-layers, but I can't figure out how to preserve order of the items in the new layer. For example, if my layer looks like this:
layer 1
art 1
art 2
sub layer 1
sub art 1
art 3
I can call layer.pageItems to get my three art objects and duplicate them, and I can call layer.layers to get my one sub layer and duplicate it. But how do I preserve the same order of the art objects and sub layers with respect to each other?
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May 10, 2012
I have an iLogic controlled assembly with sub assemblies that are also iLogic controlled. The main assembly calculates some lengths and turns some subs on and off and then updates all the subs. The subs also calculate some lengths and turn some parts on and off. I have a rule in both the main assembly and copies in the subs that control the LOD to make sure that it's set to custom before anything else runs.
Now I may be misunderstanding something, but it appears that it's possible to have a sub assembly set to one LOD but be referenced in a top level assembly as a different LOD. In other words I have a sub that shows in the top level browser as Master. If I open this sub and set it from within the sub to custom LOD and switch back to the top level assembly it is still set to master there. It appears that this is what my LOD rule is also doing, setting it to custom in the sub but not changing the top level reference.
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Jan 16, 2013
What I am trying to do is insert a part into an assembly file using iLogic. I basically want to mimic Inventor’s “Place” command using ilogic, maybe something like this:
oPath = ThisDoc.Path & ""
oFile = "File.ipt"
Component.Place(oPath & oFile, False)
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Dec 7, 2011
When we do DWG we may have more than one Assembly on one individual DWG. When going to put the weights on the DWG through the text/Physical Property insert yadayada it keeps referring back to the original assembly. Even after changing which component we want the info to be drawn from, it refers back to the original? Are we not doing this right? Program glitch?
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