I cannot even fix it by restarting my Mac, I've also zapped the PRAM on a couple of occasions and still no luck.I've also tried resetting Ps preferences as well as all Ps tools.
I find it very annoying as it is just the way I am used to working and it is therefore slowing me down.I am also getting this same issue in Illustrator
Not only that, but I can no longer use 'space+click' to use the hand tool to move about in my Ps document.It's as if Photoshop (and Ai) is just not taking any notice of these shortcuts… even though my keyboard is not malfunctioning.
I am working on getting some settings done, moving from 2008 to 2012. How do you set the Middle Mouse Button (wheel) to either Zoom All or Zoom Extents when you double click it? I thought it was set in the Main CUI file.
Today, all of a sudden, two of my most used functions—holding down the space bar to move the image around and holding down CMD-space bar to zoom—just up and quit on me (I do like the "Scrubby" but it took a little getting used to. It's very touch screen-esque).
I did all of the normal trouble shooting such as deleting the prefs, relaunching, restarting, etc. Nothing. The functions work fine in the other CS5 programs.
I checked through all of the prefs thinking that perhaps I accidentally changed something but I couldn't find anything. If all else fails, I'll do an uninstall/reinstall but only as a last resort.
I did notice that Adobe finally fixed the Distort (in Full Screen Mode) bug that was killing me in CS4.
[URL] Bug is where the Hand move (by holding down Space bar and dragging) stops working. Issue appears to be a conflict with web browsers.
This bug is still present in Photoshop version 12.1 (CS 5). I don't use Firefox, I use Safari and Chrome. Quitting Safari did not fix the problem. Quitting Chrome DID fix the problem.
CAD-Newbie working in paper space zoomed in close. I want to return to page extents but am zoomed in so close I can't click outside paper space to move view control toolbar to model space. is there a simple key command to perform this function?
i get a 1 pixel size image when I double click the zoom for 100%.Fit screen or full screen is wacky too, not fitting or filling and sometimes going way beyond.
Currently in PS and Camera raw, double-clicking the Hand tool fits the document and double clicking the zoom tool zooms to 100% (1:1 pixels)
This isn't good since it's completely unusable:
- dbl click zoom shows 100% - there's nothing to zoom, since it's zoomed... - dbl click hand shows the image fit to window - the hand tool wouldn't make anything
switch the current double click behavior on Zoom and Hand tools so:
- dbl click hand shows 100% (1:1 pixels) so I can look around and see details
- dbl click zoom shows fit to window so I can zoom in to a region I want
lightroom 4.1 Mac OSX 10.7.4 Raw images from Canon 7D
I've used lightroom for a few weeks. I was playing around with the Navigation bar settings. Now my zoom won't work.
1. When I move the cursor near a corner or edge of the photo, the cursor appears as a magnifying glass, and the zoom works just fine.
2. When the cursor is anywhere else on the photo, then the cursor appears as an arrow symbol. And when I click once or twice on the photo in order to zoom, the photo being displayed just switches to another other photo a few behind or forward in the sequence.
I used to be able to click or double click anywhere on the photo being displayed, and I could zoom in on that spot. I wish lightroom were working as it was.
Recently my CS6 has exhibited a weird behavior--when I open a jpeg, for example, only half of the file is displayed--the other half appears as a blank area in the file display area. When I click on the blank space, the rest of the file will appear. Windows 7 up to date, 9 GB Ram, i7 processor. I've been considering uninstalling and reinstalling but fear for my plugins and understand that reinstalls are not straightforward.
I used to be able to double click on an image in Loupe view in Library mode and I would zoom into that image. I think that stopped when I got to LR5, I'm in 5.3 now. Now when I double click in Loupe view, I'm back out to grid view. Drop down menu suggests I just need to hit return, same thing happens. This happens at all zoom levels fit, fill, 1:1, etc. I'm running OSX 10.9.2. Sounds like a setting issue, but I've looked.
I have an image of a room, and I want to add the ability to click different parts to zoom in (by scaling up background image) and have the relevant information appear. I don't know if the best way is to have all the "camera zooms" and information on one timeline (have to manually animate everything dissapearing, fiddly), or to separate them into symbols and call them up?
when i zoom extents, my dwg gets very small and hids in a corner...as if there is something else on the page way off in space. i've tried to find it but theres nothing visible. everything is thawed/on and there are no wipeout frames. i tried to Erase All...then deselect my drawing...but still nothing.
I need to make a 30 second long zoom in Z space and I'm using a 3D camera for that. I've separated the dimension on the positioning of the camera so I could use only the 'Z position' to make the zoom.
I'm starting the Z positioning from 0 until -700000 (I know, It's kinda far!) But I've noticed that my images (which I've placed in 3D space so they pass the camera in Z space) are getting slower and slower because of the far zoom I quess?
How closer I get to the number -700000 how slower the camera movement is going.
I still want it to have its normal behavior while in a command, but when not in a command it still enters the selection mode, which does not work, but if it would enter a zoom window command, it might be a more useful command.
I'm having a problem with Zoom Extent on a poticular drawing. when zooming normally with the scroll wheel it will work with no problems at all.
When I do a Zoom Extents everything in the Model window disapears even the viewcube and small tool bar and minimize and close buttons. but if i go to where the minimzie and close is and click my mouse picks up the command.
If i do a undo i get everything back.
Before Zoom Extents before ZE.jpg
After Zoom Extents blank window.jpg
Would this be a system varible or a driver issue. it only seems to do it with this drawing and when this drawing is Xref'ed into another drawing.
I have purged, audit and checked scales. but i'm still getting this problem.
The two points of a selection box should be points in space.
However on a busy section of a model I find it impossible to find a free bit of space for the first click and as such an element invariablely becomes selected and then is moved with the second click if not pinned down.
Is there a key that I can hold down (to indicate that a point in space click is required) when clicking the first point of a selection box and therefore avoid making a selection until the selection box is complete?
Autocad 2008 has been running smoothly for a long time. This morning on trying to use the programme, working in model space has become almost impossible as the pan and zoom functions have become very slow and move in short distances before a pause and then moves again. I've tried restoring my pc to a previous restore point as I had a windows update last night, but it won't restore. If I access the model through a viewport the pan and zoom functions are normal.
I use Photoshop CS2 to create Designs for webpages. These designs have pixel-exact elements, e.g. a 1-pixel-line from top to bottom.
Now when I zoom in (>100, then I have sort of anti-alias, so that the 1-pixel-line isn't only one blue anymore, but it has different blue tones. I guess for photo manipulations etc. this anti-aliasing zoom is great, but for webdesign it sucks because I don't know if only the zoom make the line "corrupt" or if it really is corrupt.
I've had to reinstall CS5 after a new Windows installation. Never had a problem with it before, but now I have the issue where if I click on a tool that has sub-tools, it now expands to show them. Before, to access them, I had to click and hold for them to appear. Now with them expanding on the first click, it's interrupting my work flow.
Additional issues have arisen while I'm here, such as, when doing web work, I'll change the rectangular marquee to single pixel horizontal (e.g.), make the selection, do what I want with it, then press M to adjust another single pixel line, but it'll return to the full rectangular marquee, like it resets.
I'm running a test at the moment with Open GL disabled, to test drivers or display issues, but it's doing the same thing.
Just reinstalled Photoshop CS5 after needing to reinstall Windows 7. Now instead of being to just grab the tool I want, it produces the flyout each time and I have to re-choose what I want to use. This is rather annoying and time consuming, if I am using the same tool.
Can it be coming from Windows or just Photoshop. I did try resetting the preferences and nothing changed.
I use cs2 and when in photoshop when i left click on any of the tools for instance the pen tool it brings up the menu to select pen tool, freeform pen tool, etc.. rather than just selecting it. I am use to having to right click on the the pen tool to get that menu, i was wondering how i would change it back. Same thing happens when i left click on all the tools on the tools menu, just used the pen tool as an example.
My keyboard has a zoom key with + and - selections. I use to use this key in drawings to zoom in and out when in the AutoCAD application when we had Windows XP. Now that I have Windows 7 I can't do this. I can't find out how to assign this key on the Microsoft Keyboard interactive software either. I have the other keys assigned as desired.
Can I still use my keyboard zoom key to zoom in and out in drawings? If so, how do I set this up in AutoCAD, or do I need to do this through a Microsoft keyboard application?
I am having problems with zoom, pan and rotate at high zoom level. The movements becoming jerky and delayed. But for whatever reason the problem exists in some assembly files and not in the others.
I have two menus that I use often and I would like to add them to my mouse buttons. Attached is a picture of the two menus I like and the two buttons. The Shift + Click has the correct menu already (Osnap menu2) my problem is adding my custom menu to the CTRL + Click doesn't work. I labeled Osnap Menu 1 and 2, 1 being the custom menu I have use in the past and 2 being the default osnap menu that comes with the cui file. How to get the second button to read my menu rather than both read the same osnap 2 menu?
Since we updated to CC, I have a very good chance of this not working evey time I try it. Maybe 10% of the time, it will select the word/line as it should. My prefs are identical for this feature as they have for the past several version of InDesign. My partner also has trouble with copy/paste in InDesign and Illustrator as well.
I can't find in new max (2013) settings for zoom. I want to set Zoom about mouse pointer and adjust a bit zoom speed (now it is too much for one mouse wheel step).
I can't find zoom settings in 3ds max 2013. Where they are? I think that in previous max it was in Customize -> Viewports tab. But now it is not there.