Is there a way of importing cad by shared coordinates, or are autodesk working on this for the next service pack, which would be very useful.
It's great that the 'link cad' does it but why not import cad? This would be very useful as we model certain things (pipework statues,) from point cloud and model on other software, then we bring into revit, so we use the same coordinates as the point cloud (O.S coordinates.)
Also I'm glad that Autodesk have added the shared coordinates to the point cloud insert for Revit 2013.
I am making a nested family of windows and inserted the windows as shared and I need them as non shared. Is there a way to change the window from shared to non shared in the family editor?
When I go to Edit Shared Parameters and then the create button I get an error message "The Shared Parameter file was not saved successfully". I am stuck at this point and cannot go any further. What is causing the problem and how can I work around this. I am using Revit Architecture 2011.
I am a student working on a research project exploring the integration of LEED criteria with BIM software, and I am exploring the use of both Revit and Excel to accomplish this task. One major problem that I am running into though, is with Shared Parameters.
I have created a set of LEED-specific shared parameters in Revit. These parameters are things like "Plumbing Fixture Family," "Plumbing Fixture Type," "Ventilation Zone," "Refrigerant Use," etc... basically different parameters that will inform an Excel spreadsheet containing formulas to calculate, ultimately, the total points awarded for each LEED credit.
My problem, is that in Excel, the names of the values for these shared parameters need to be very specific in order for it to work with the formulas I have created. What I need from Revit is the ability to create a shared parameter with a drop-down menu containing a set number of options that can be applied to any component in a project, so this can be done early-on in Revit, rather than after-the-fact in Excel. Such as choosing the type of refrigerant used in HVAC&R equipment (and yes, you could just type the refrigerant type into a text parameter field, but if it's not typed exactly as it is in the pre-determined formula it is associated with in Excel, it will return an error in Excel, which is less than desirable - a drop down would reduce/eliminate the margin of error).
Is there any way to accomplish this task? From what I have found online, this is only slightly possible in Family Parameters - I haven't found anything about Shared Parameters.
We have centralized our content for our Revit users. We then customize the ini file to insure the paths look to the network locations.
One of my users has said that the proper and only recommended way to update the shared parameters file is while you are in Revit (I.E. have the path to the shared parameters file look to the network location instead of locally) so it updates on the fly. I didnt want to do that as I do not want to alter the "master" copy of the content we have on the network. I'd prefer that the user updates it locally, then we can just copy the file and overwrite the older file on the network.
I find nothing that says it is, but I prefer to explore all options and avenues first.
Looking at a standard door type, the Internal Concept Single Door, I've noticed that it has some parameters set as a Shared Parameter?
Where is the shared parameters file for this?
I'm setting up an office template for use of these, and losing the default functionality is not wanted, if necessary I'll integrate the defaults into my own shared parameters file.
The Developers Guide explains how to create e.g. shared String parameter and import them into the project.
I actually want to create a parameter which has a fixed set of possible values, which is normally referred to as enumeration type in programming languages. The user shall be able to choose one literal from a combo box in the Properties view.
PS I don't have the requirement that it is a shared parameter, it can also be "only" a project parameter, but i didn't found out how to create these.
I am having some issues getting a shared Volume parameter to work and report in a tag correctly. I can get the tag to report a value, but it is reporting the a value based on default values of the column (9*2*2) and not the value of the actual column (shown in the properites). Also, the tag I create reports a question mark, not the volume calculated. I've tried this a million times so it could be I have crossed up a parameter somewhere.
I have no problem adding a shared parameter, but if I assign it the wrong type and it appears impossible to change it without adding a new parameter under a different name. I then deleted the old one, but Revit doesn't like that. They appear difficult to purge or delete without a hiccup relating to the original label the parameter was assigned to.
Example: I made a parameter for my clients occupied area (Footprint) and used the integer type by mistake. Apparently integers are only supposed to go up to 999. It refused to recognize the "Digital Grouping" so I had to convert over to the Area type.
If I try to change the type the field is grayed out.
I have been making and sharing shared parameter files for years... For some reason today a co-worker's shared parameter file is invalid or could not be read...
We have run a couple of tests - I can create one on my computer and send to her without any issues... Any that she creates and sends to me - is invalid... WHY?
Starting brand new project. Would like to change the name of some shared parameters within my txt file. As far as I know you cant chnage the name once its established witin Revit (unless theres a third party app). Would there be any issue withi this? Utimately I am pushing these parameters into new geometry and I would like them to better conform to a standard for a particular customer. I rennamed JUST the parameter name and it seemed to work ok.
We are working in our office on a central model. the model is stored on a local server within the office premises. We are three people working on it. our problem is this when we open the central file on any of our computer "create New local" check box is inactive. but when one of us login as "Administrator" and then open central file in any of the remaining two computer the " Create New Local" is active.why this is happening and is there any way we can work with the file without loging in as Administrator.
I've created a family that represents a poke-through with nested, shared families for different components. Everything visible in plan is made with Symbolic lines instead of Generic Annotations. The reasons being too numerous to explain here.
The problem I'm running into is that the family looks fine when the View Discipline is set to Architectural but when set to Electrical (1/8" scale in both) part of the shared components begin to get masked. I cannot figure out why they are behaving this way, except that some of the lines are creating some sort of masking area in the Electrical discipline. When the nested families are not shared the component looks fine in both disciplines. I've attached images and the family for you to try.
I try to Draw Transmission Tower with Autocad and I have the coordinates of joints of this model on notepad I try to import it to autocad with many way it not succeed, how can I do this and drawing the members (line between joints) easily with autocad 2007 .
I am looking for a quick way to take x,y coord. from excel and import them into autocad. I have read something on the MULTIPLE POINT command but every time I go and put the space in between the words it enters in multiple then point. I only have 10 data points but a lot of sets of points.
My drawing settings is set for US Feet. My Data Collector is set for US Feet. I only import a txt file into the drawing. My txt file coordinates match my Data Collector but never in the drawing. We're only talking about hundredth but I don't understand why it changes in the first place.
Point 1 in txt file & DC --- 10000N 5000E but in drawing --- 9999.98N 4999.99E
Point 2 in txt file & DC ---- 9624.7230N, 4971.5346E in drawing ----- 9624.7422N, 4971.5445E
I have LR 4.2 and using Lion with a MBP. I recently got gps4cam for my iphone to record gps coordinates.
Unfortunately i imported all the pix of my vacation to LR instead of importing them with the gp24cam app first
So Now i have the xmp files with gps coordinates in a separate file for each photo, but LR even though ca see that file, does not import any of the info on it
Is there a way to force LR to read and recognize those gps coordinates without having to delete all the pix of my vacation from LR, and re-import them to my mac before with the gps4cam app and afterwards import em in LR.?
I mean i cant believe there is not way to do that... y LR can read and recognize gps coordinates if are on a picture, but cant recognize and attach those same coordinate to the original fine if they are in a separate xmp file?
I need to import a series of XY coordinates into AutoCAD LT from a .txt/.csv file in order to plot the as-laid position of a subsea cable - I dont really feel like entering 212 sets of E/N coordinates manually!
I have spent the last couple of hours researching posts back to 2008 regarding inserting inserting a point cloud into Revit at the correct coordinates. I have two files (DXF and PCG) that are in the same coordinate system. They overlay exactly in AutoCAD. Why I see posts back to 2008 with no resolutions on this same topic? Also explain to me why a file indexed in AutoCAD 2013 is not compatable with Revit 2013.
Is it possible to import real time gps coordinates from Leica CS10 to Autocad? Is it a function in Autocad or will i need a third part software to accomplish that?
I want to insert or import an image that automatically recognizes my drawing coordinates.If I need to, I can use AUD (as Map 3D).However, my computer has difficulty processing too much data.
i am trying to translate a Point coordinates from Paperspce to world coordinates in model space.The code i used in Land2006 worked OK but now in Civil3d 2012 it doesn't!
Private Sub GetPlais_Click() Dim tmpnt1 As Variant, tmpnt2 As Variant, tmpPnt1 As Variant Dim lole(0 To 2) As Double, upri(0 To 2) As Double Dim returnobj As AcadObject
FrmGrid3.Hide On Error GoTo Eline ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity returnobj, tmpPnt1, "ÅðÝëåîå ôï ViewPort ðïõ èá äçìéïõñãçèåß ï êÜíáâïò!" If TypeOf returnobj Is IAcadPViewport Then [code]........
I'm a GIS analyst trying to learn Cad. I'd like to place a single point in autocad model space at a specific Northing/Easting position. After reading several forum threads I don't think CAD allows me to change the coordinate system of model space from map coords to northing easting coords, as we can in GIS.
I'm relatively new to AutCAD map 3d but I've used arcGIS a while back.
I have existing roads, towns etc data that are already set to UTM 17. I want to import ascii point coordinates (from a comma delimited file) into the file. I can import the ascii coordinates as points fine (easting and northing), however the points come in as the absolute coordinates rather than geometric coordinates. I already set the files for right geographic projections. Beyond manually inputing the coordinates into the coordinate tracker, is there a way to import the coordinates form the file set for the geometric coordinates?
I used Revit Architecture to build up a project. It is now ready for all further task you can do with Revit MEP, like electricity and plumping.
I tried serveal ways to import the rvt file in Revit MEP. If I just open my Revit Arcitecutre file I have all my views and cuts but I can't install any tube or wire because the view is missing where I should see it.
The other way I tried is to open a new MEP project by using the standart template and link it with my Revit Arcitecture file. That works, but I only get a shape of my project and it is really hard to navigate without all the views I was used to in the Revit Arcitecutre.
How can I use MEP on my current project by keeping the views and structure of my Revit Arcitecture file.
I am new to using Revit and I am just trying to figure out how it works to be honest. I have made a 2 floor building in ACAD ARCH 13 and when I import the DWG files into Revit, they just show the 2D line drawings even when I look in 3D mode. Do I have to re make all of the walls and such in Revit or am I missing a step to import all of the windows, doors, and wall heights?
I am usually fine with changin the materials by going to visibility settings- imports and changing the materials.
However I have a file where I cannot change the material no matter what I do. I tried importing it as a family, I tried exploding the dwg, I tried setting the layers to 'color by layer'. It is beyond me
There is another file where I can only change some layers but not the others.