AutoCAD LT :: Import Multiple X / Y Coordinates Into 2011 From TXT File?
Apr 18, 2012
I need to import a series of XY coordinates into AutoCAD LT from a .txt/.csv file in order to plot the as-laid position of a subsea cable - I dont really feel like entering 212 sets of E/N coordinates manually!
I'm relatively new to AutCAD map 3d but I've used arcGIS a while back.
I have existing roads, towns etc data that are already set to UTM 17. I want to import ascii point coordinates (from a comma delimited file) into the file. I can import the ascii coordinates as points fine (easting and northing), however the points come in as the absolute coordinates rather than geometric coordinates. I already set the files for right geographic projections. Beyond manually inputing the coordinates into the coordinate tracker, is there a way to import the coordinates form the file set for the geometric coordinates?
I am trying to import an AutoCAD DWG file into Autodesk 3DSmax 2011, but it's only importing the actual drawings... I'm wanting also to import the text box with all the dimensions/file info in it.
This option is available some of the time but not always - I can't determine how or why. But, when I really want it it is not available.
Select an object in dwg 1
Right click, select Clipboard, then Copy
In dwg 2, right click, select Clipboard, Paste to Original Coordinates is greyed out. The Edit menu usually has the option available, but not always.
If I enter pasteorig at the command line, it works fine. I don't see anything wrong in CUI - the code in the Edit menu is the same as the code in the Shortcut.
I'm using Autodesk Map 3D 2006, it's a new install. I am trying to import an ESRI .shp file with the object data, but have only been able to successfully import it once. When I try again (even after restarting the program), I keep getting 0 objects processed and no linework imported, even with new drawings. I also got 2 error messages at one point: 1900 - about having coincident points and a can't transform object error.
In our recent project, im working with a certain utility pipe. For now I am being required to submit a list/table containing all the hundreds of marker posts of the line together with their location coordinate. I already have the layout and all the marker posts (in block). What I’m doing now which I realized very time consuming and boring is that I am clicking them one by one and copy/paste the coordinate in a separate excel sheet. Is there any way/lsp I could use to generate a list of all the marker post together with their xy coordinates with just a few preparation/clicks? Im using autocad 2012.
I try to Draw Transmission Tower with Autocad and I have the coordinates of joints of this model on notepad I try to import it to autocad with many way it not succeed, how can I do this and drawing the members (line between joints) easily with autocad 2007 .
I am looking for a quick way to take x,y coord. from excel and import them into autocad. I have read something on the MULTIPLE POINT command but every time I go and put the space in between the words it enters in multiple then point. I only have 10 data points but a lot of sets of points.
I have 30 Illustrator pdf files created in Illustrator 10 that I would like to transform into one Illustrator CS6 file with each file being a separate artboard. I would like to import them all at once and not have to do it one by one.
For example, let's say I have a file on a hard drive labeled 2012. Inside that file there are three folders with photos and they are labeled Phoenix, Seattle, Portland. Is there a way to Import these folders at one time and keep the names, or will they all come into Lightroom only as 2012?
My drawing settings is set for US Feet. My Data Collector is set for US Feet. I only import a txt file into the drawing. My txt file coordinates match my Data Collector but never in the drawing. We're only talking about hundredth but I don't understand why it changes in the first place.
Point 1 in txt file & DC --- 10000N 5000E but in drawing --- 9999.98N 4999.99E
Point 2 in txt file & DC ---- 9624.7230N, 4971.5346E in drawing ----- 9624.7422N, 4971.5445E
I have 30 separate illustrator pdf files (one page each) that I would like to make into one Illustrator CS6 file with 30 artboards. Is there any way to do that without having to import one by one?
I'm trying to get back into making youtube videos and I am running into an issue. I have an Hauppauge HD PVR 2 gaming edition. Now one of the features that makes it easier for commentators like me is the ability to have all of the audio channels [game, mic, PC (aka skype chat)] all on seperate "layers" that way you can go into your video/audio editor and have the different audios so you can tweak them individually.
The problem that I have and wondering about is this, is there a way to import the files and have the different audio tracks be seperate? The files that they come in are either .ts [raw] or .mp4 [in program compression]. I would like to keep it in .ts even though its a bigger file as I like my compression style after I've edited that gives the best look without loss when uploading to youtube.
I have see the free program at mentioned, but the issue is last time I used it I somehow ended up with a virus. I also have handbrake, the Master collection cs 5.5, and VLC.
Operating System: Windows 7 Software Version: Device: HD PVR 2 gaming edition
I am having issues with drawings from a consultant. They are sending us DGN files and they do not seem to want to import in the latest AutoCAD Architecture 2013 I have deployed throughout the offce. However, these same drawings have no problem in importing to AutoCAD Architecture 2011. In 2013, I get no activity once I select the file to import. If I click on the screen once, the program dims and the program says it is not responding. But I have no problem with 2011.
Is it possible to import real time gps coordinates from Leica CS10 to Autocad? Is it a function in Autocad or will i need a third part software to accomplish that?
I'm trying to create about 150 cross-sections, each consisting of 9 closed polylines of which I have created the coordinates. My issue is making the list of coordinates create separate polylines instead of one enormous polyline. Any way to setup the columns, perhaps with blank rows, some way of applying ASCII code, etc. to automatically break up these polylines? (even if they aren't closed that's fine, I just need to make the polylines separate.)
I am just starting learning lisp, And I am looking for a fast way to select multiple objects (usually circle) and export their coordinates and ID into a excel sheet through lisp programming.
As you might see in the attached drawing, the red circles are objects wanted. I have been trying to export their coordinates as well as their IDs in grids, e.g D28, Easting: Northing: . I still haven't found a good way to export ID for each circle.
As my code doesn't work, I wonder what's the most effective way to detect errors in lisp
I want to insert or import an image that automatically recognizes my drawing coordinates.If I need to, I can use AUD (as Map 3D).However, my computer has difficulty processing too much data.
I am trying to import the coordinates for an airfoil into Autocad 2011.
I tried the command "spline" and paste the coordinates and "pline" + paste; the result consists of two straight, collinear lines.That's not going to fly.
I tried to set the "units" in meters and the precision to 0.000000 thinking the values were too small and had been rounded which lead to the lack of curvature but the result was the same; then I reduced the number of points but to no use.
I am unable to use the file command open, new etc. I click on open and nothing happens no file box opens. As soon as you do anything else the program says not responding and you have to close it down. I can click on an autocad file in windows explorer and bring up the file this way but as soon as you try any file command such as save as the program freezes again. I am running windows 7 professional and the autocad LT 2011 64 bit program.
Is there a way of importing cad by shared coordinates, or are autodesk working on this for the next service pack, which would be very useful.
It's great that the 'link cad' does it but why not import cad? This would be very useful as we model certain things (pipework statues,) from point cloud and model on other software, then we bring into revit, so we use the same coordinates as the point cloud (O.S coordinates.)
Also I'm glad that Autodesk have added the shared coordinates to the point cloud insert for Revit 2013.
I have LR 4.2 and using Lion with a MBP. I recently got gps4cam for my iphone to record gps coordinates.
Unfortunately i imported all the pix of my vacation to LR instead of importing them with the gp24cam app first
So Now i have the xmp files with gps coordinates in a separate file for each photo, but LR even though ca see that file, does not import any of the info on it
Is there a way to force LR to read and recognize those gps coordinates without having to delete all the pix of my vacation from LR, and re-import them to my mac before with the gps4cam app and afterwards import em in LR.?
I mean i cant believe there is not way to do that... y LR can read and recognize gps coordinates if are on a picture, but cant recognize and attach those same coordinate to the original fine if they are in a separate xmp file?
I have a cad-model in a .dwg file (I have attached the file to this post) and I want to export its x,y - coordinates to excell or a text file. Is there some way I can do that from DWG TrueView? I normally just use Autocad Inventor so if there is a way to export the coordinates from there.
i am trying to translate a Point coordinates from Paperspce to world coordinates in model space.The code i used in Land2006 worked OK but now in Civil3d 2012 it doesn't!
Private Sub GetPlais_Click() Dim tmpnt1 As Variant, tmpnt2 As Variant, tmpPnt1 As Variant Dim lole(0 To 2) As Double, upri(0 To 2) As Double Dim returnobj As AcadObject
FrmGrid3.Hide On Error GoTo Eline ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity returnobj, tmpPnt1, "ÅðÝëåîå ôï ViewPort ðïõ èá äçìéïõñãçèåß ï êÜíáâïò!" If TypeOf returnobj Is IAcadPViewport Then [code]........
I'm a GIS analyst trying to learn Cad. I'd like to place a single point in autocad model space at a specific Northing/Easting position. After reading several forum threads I don't think CAD allows me to change the coordinate system of model space from map coords to northing easting coords, as we can in GIS.
I specify a template when I open a new auotocad file and drawi some shapes in autocad with c#.
the problem is the coordinates that I use to draw shapes does not match the template file and therefore the shapes are misplaced.(I am using centimeters for my code).
how can I change the coordinate of the template file to match my code coordinate?
Is it possible to pull out the x,y,z coordinates to text file from a inventor part. I am aware about this that it maybe need some programming but what kind of programming Language is the best to use ? is it possible to use the build in programming Language called Ilogic? Or is it better to use some .net? At my work we use PDMS to do plant modelling and we want to use inventor for modelling the machines and doing the workshop drawings ect. And we want to be able to take the inventor part coordinates and transfer them to PDMS because it can model the machines just by coordinates taken from a text fil.