Revit :: Family Shared Components Masked In Electrical Discipline
Apr 29, 2013
I've created a family that represents a poke-through with nested, shared families for different components. Everything visible in plan is made with Symbolic lines instead of Generic Annotations. The reasons being too numerous to explain here.
The problem I'm running into is that the family looks fine when the View Discipline is set to Architectural but when set to Electrical (1/8" scale in both) part of the shared components begin to get masked. I cannot figure out why they are behaving this way, except that some of the lines are creating some sort of masking area in the Electrical discipline. When the nested families are not shared the component looks fine in both disciplines. I've attached images and the family for you to try.
I am making a nested family of windows and inserted the windows as shared and I need them as non shared. Is there a way to change the window from shared to non shared in the family editor?
Is it possible by importing a drafting view or copying 2D details, to not duplicate the detail components families ? I tried many ways, but I always get my families duplicated.
Copying 'Gypsum' will always duplicate with 'Gypsum1', even if they are exacly the same original family.
I am trying to create an Island family with cabinet components nested into the island family. I have included both a 3D view of what I want the island to look like and a floor plan of what I have right now. I want to be able to adjust the size of each of these cabinets with a parameter. But I am not sure how to get them to stay lined up like they are right now.
If I change the size to a larger size the center cabinet overlaps the cabinet on the right. but if I add another reference plane to the right side of the center cabinet, when I try to adjust the size I get an error message saying "Constraints are not satisfied".
Is there a way to modify the settings associated with the view disciplines? The reason is that when a view is set to mechanical, electrical, or plumbing, a white border appears around families that blocks the lines of adjacent families. This doesn't happen when the discipline is set to architectural, structural, or coordination.
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
Sometimes when I mask an image - or actually - mask a group of several complex images, when I release the mask it is impossible to ungroup the images. Is there a way to make masked groups but then not have that happen?
How do I get to the settings that control what does and does not show in any given discipline - we need to update the Structural Discipline to show the non-structural walls, and non-structural portions of other walls as halftone.
When I go to Edit Shared Parameters and then the create button I get an error message "The Shared Parameter file was not saved successfully". I am stuck at this point and cannot go any further. What is causing the problem and how can I work around this. I am using Revit Architecture 2011.
Is there a way of importing cad by shared coordinates, or are autodesk working on this for the next service pack, which would be very useful.
It's great that the 'link cad' does it but why not import cad? This would be very useful as we model certain things (pipework statues,) from point cloud and model on other software, then we bring into revit, so we use the same coordinates as the point cloud (O.S coordinates.)
Also I'm glad that Autodesk have added the shared coordinates to the point cloud insert for Revit 2013.
I am a student working on a research project exploring the integration of LEED criteria with BIM software, and I am exploring the use of both Revit and Excel to accomplish this task. One major problem that I am running into though, is with Shared Parameters.
I have created a set of LEED-specific shared parameters in Revit. These parameters are things like "Plumbing Fixture Family," "Plumbing Fixture Type," "Ventilation Zone," "Refrigerant Use," etc... basically different parameters that will inform an Excel spreadsheet containing formulas to calculate, ultimately, the total points awarded for each LEED credit.
My problem, is that in Excel, the names of the values for these shared parameters need to be very specific in order for it to work with the formulas I have created. What I need from Revit is the ability to create a shared parameter with a drop-down menu containing a set number of options that can be applied to any component in a project, so this can be done early-on in Revit, rather than after-the-fact in Excel. Such as choosing the type of refrigerant used in HVAC&R equipment (and yes, you could just type the refrigerant type into a text parameter field, but if it's not typed exactly as it is in the pre-determined formula it is associated with in Excel, it will return an error in Excel, which is less than desirable - a drop down would reduce/eliminate the margin of error).
Is there any way to accomplish this task? From what I have found online, this is only slightly possible in Family Parameters - I haven't found anything about Shared Parameters.
We have centralized our content for our Revit users. We then customize the ini file to insure the paths look to the network locations.
One of my users has said that the proper and only recommended way to update the shared parameters file is while you are in Revit (I.E. have the path to the shared parameters file look to the network location instead of locally) so it updates on the fly. I didnt want to do that as I do not want to alter the "master" copy of the content we have on the network. I'd prefer that the user updates it locally, then we can just copy the file and overwrite the older file on the network.
I find nothing that says it is, but I prefer to explore all options and avenues first.
Looking at a standard door type, the Internal Concept Single Door, I've noticed that it has some parameters set as a Shared Parameter?
Where is the shared parameters file for this?
I'm setting up an office template for use of these, and losing the default functionality is not wanted, if necessary I'll integrate the defaults into my own shared parameters file.
The Developers Guide explains how to create e.g. shared String parameter and import them into the project.
I actually want to create a parameter which has a fixed set of possible values, which is normally referred to as enumeration type in programming languages. The user shall be able to choose one literal from a combo box in the Properties view.
PS I don't have the requirement that it is a shared parameter, it can also be "only" a project parameter, but i didn't found out how to create these.
I am having some issues getting a shared Volume parameter to work and report in a tag correctly. I can get the tag to report a value, but it is reporting the a value based on default values of the column (9*2*2) and not the value of the actual column (shown in the properites). Also, the tag I create reports a question mark, not the volume calculated. I've tried this a million times so it could be I have crossed up a parameter somewhere.
I have no problem adding a shared parameter, but if I assign it the wrong type and it appears impossible to change it without adding a new parameter under a different name. I then deleted the old one, but Revit doesn't like that. They appear difficult to purge or delete without a hiccup relating to the original label the parameter was assigned to.
Example: I made a parameter for my clients occupied area (Footprint) and used the integer type by mistake. Apparently integers are only supposed to go up to 999. It refused to recognize the "Digital Grouping" so I had to convert over to the Area type.
If I try to change the type the field is grayed out.
I have been making and sharing shared parameter files for years... For some reason today a co-worker's shared parameter file is invalid or could not be read...
We have run a couple of tests - I can create one on my computer and send to her without any issues... Any that she creates and sends to me - is invalid... WHY?
Starting brand new project. Would like to change the name of some shared parameters within my txt file. As far as I know you cant chnage the name once its established witin Revit (unless theres a third party app). Would there be any issue withi this? Utimately I am pushing these parameters into new geometry and I would like them to better conform to a standard for a particular customer. I rennamed JUST the parameter name and it seemed to work ok.
We are working in our office on a central model. the model is stored on a local server within the office premises. We are three people working on it. our problem is this when we open the central file on any of our computer "create New local" check box is inactive. but when one of us login as "Administrator" and then open central file in any of the remaining two computer the " Create New Local" is active.why this is happening and is there any way we can work with the file without loging in as Administrator.
I'm having trouble inserting a bath in particular from the components tab. I go to components and I only have 3 items in the drop down list; termination board, construction trailer and metal support. How can I add a bath to the components list? The bath doesn’t work for all those families. I’ve added a bath to my project browser screen and dragged it in from there but I would like it to be in the components drop down lists. How do I do this? I’m using revit 2013. may be a very simple solution but it has had me stuck for some time
Is it possible to make the graphic represention of a component in a schedule (make a legend component representation a parameter) or use legends dynamically. I would like to schedule all the casework with quantities of each component. But the current schedule has a graphic representation next to the quantities but it is not in revit and the quanties are determined manually by counting them. I know there is a add on you can purchase to create dynamic legends but is there a way to do this directly in Revit?
Is there any way to tag a legend component? I'm trying to draw a "door types" drawing which shows the elevation of each type of door and I want to be able to place a title under each door that displays the door type mark. This is a very standard type of drawing that architects draw for almost every project and..after all...what could be more basic to a legend component then to be able to label it?
Now I use text to label each type of door...but if someone changes the door type mark and fails to update the legend also....I get a very un-Revit-like mis-coordination with my door schedule!
I am making a detail library for the company. When I make my own detail components my element keynote doesn't staywith the component even though I have done new entries to the keynote text and updating everything with the new path gone into the materials and assigned the keynote and the main library file uses the new path to the keynotes. Yet everytime I bring in something new that I have created. I have to resassign the keynote. But if I bring in one of revits detail components, the keynote is right there.
Is it possible to do so? If not, how can I break the file apart so that I can work on the 2d detailing within the Revit file while the other guy is working on the other part of the file.
How do I prevent the components beyond the non-transparent walls and roof from showing through. I have double and triple checked the the transparency setting for the walls and roof in 'Override Graphics in View' and they are both set at '0'. Note these specifics:
Walls: Only the window glass shows through.Concrete Roof: Everything shows through as if transparency is set at 50%.