Revit :: How To Add A Bath To The Components List

Nov 30, 2013

I'm having trouble inserting a bath in particular from the components tab.  I go to components and I only have 3 items in the drop down list; termination board, construction trailer and metal support.  How can I add a bath to the components list?  The bath doesn’t work for all those families.  I’ve added a bath to my project browser screen and dragged it in from there but I would like it to be in the components drop down lists.  How do I do this?   I’m using revit 2013.  may be a very simple solution but it has had me stuck for some time

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AutoCAD Inventor :: List First Level Sub Components From Assembly

Jul 6, 2012

Currently I have some code which loops through all sub components of an assembly and sub assemblies. However I only need sub components inside the top level assembly and not any sub-assemblies. Is there an easy way to acomplish this?

This code will list all sub components inside an assembly when a drawing is open.

Dim oDocument As Document Set oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oRefDocs As DocumentsEnumerator Set oRefDocs = oDocument.AllReferencedDocuments
Dim oRefDoc As Document
For Each oRefDoc In oRefDocs debug.print oRefDoc.FullDocumentName Next

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Place List Of Components With IMates Into Assembly Using Ilogic

Feb 15, 2013

I was just wondering how to place a component into an assembly using ilogic?  If this is possible, is there also an option to choose if iMates will be generated?

I would ideally like to place a list of components into an assembly, the list with probably exist in excel, then have iMates set to 'Automatically generate iMates on place' so that my assembly assembles automatically.

Inventor 2013 Certified Professional
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit

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Revit :: Inserting Components In MEP

Mar 7, 2012

I would like to insert a cooktop that I have as a component family. I see in the architect tab, window, door, etc. but no component.

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Revit :: Scheduling Graphic Components

Feb 17, 2014

Is it possible to make the graphic represention of a component in a schedule (make a legend component representation a parameter) or use legends dynamically. I would like to schedule all the casework with quantities of each component. But the current schedule has a graphic representation next to the quantities but it is not in revit and the quanties are determined manually by counting them. I know there is a add on you can purchase to create dynamic legends but is there a way to do this directly in Revit?

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Revit :: Tags For Legend Components?

Jan 17, 2012

Is there any way to tag a legend component? I'm trying to draw a "door types" drawing which shows the elevation of each type of door and I want to be able to place a title under each door that displays the door type mark. This is a very standard type of drawing that architects draw for almost every project and..after all...what could be more basic to a legend component then to be able to label it?
Now I use text to label each type of door...but if someone changes the door type mark and fails to update the legend also....I get a very un-Revit-like mis-coordination with my door schedule!

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Revit :: Keynoting Custom Detail Components

Jan 26, 2012

I am making a detail library for the company.  When I make my own detail components my element keynote doesn't staywith the component even though I have done new entries to the keynote text and updating everything with the new path gone into the materials and assigned the keynote and the main library file uses the new path to the keynotes.  Yet everytime I bring in something new that I have created. I have to resassign the keynote. But if I bring in one of revits detail components, the keynote is right there. 

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Revit :: Copying 2D Detailing Lines And Components

Jun 13, 2012

Is it possible to do so? If not, how can I break the file apart so that I can work on the 2d detailing within the Revit file while the other guy is working on the other part of the file.

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Revit :: Prevent Components Beyond The Non-transparent Walls?

Apr 17, 2013

How do I prevent the components beyond the non-transparent walls and roof from showing through. I have double and triple checked the the transparency setting for the walls and roof in 'Override Graphics in View' and they are both set at '0'.  Note these specifics:
Walls: Only the window glass shows through.Concrete Roof: Everything shows through as if transparency is set at 50%.

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Revit :: Can Edit Floor Sub-components In Section

Nov 14, 2012

I have a floor joist/subfloor/finish floor system where the joists are hung from the sill inside the foundation wall, this means that the joists stop at the wall but the subfloor will continue over the sill plate and the finish floor will stop at the inside edge of the bottom wall plate.  As near as I can figure, in order to get this to show correctly in section I really need to create the complete floor assembly by stacking 3 separate floor sub-assemblies (framing, sub-floor, finish floor) is this correct? (this is the method I'm currently using) Is there a way to manipulate the sub-components in section that I haven't found? 

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Revit :: Export To CAD - Wall Assembly Components

Sep 11, 2013

I want to export from Revit 2013 to AutoCAD so that each component of a wall assembly exports to a separate AutoCAD layer. For example on a simple stud wall with drywall on both sides I would like the interior lines on different layers than the lines for the outside faces. Is this possible?

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Revit :: Copy Detail Components Family From Project

Mar 7, 2014

Is it possible by importing a drafting view or copying 2D details, to not duplicate the detail components families ? I tried many ways, but I always get my families duplicated.
Copying 'Gypsum' will always duplicate with 'Gypsum1', even if they are exacly the same original family.

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Revit :: Adaptive Components Repeater Error Message

Sep 17, 2012

I'm getting an error message that I don’t fully understand when using an adaptive component. "There is only one component in this repeater" I am trying to create a undulating ceiling and attach an adaptive "Rafter"  to follow the form. I can occasionally get it to work but on occasion I receive the error message. I can send you the file if you like, I’m pretty sure it’s a “User Issue”!RAC 2013

I have been told that it is to do with the direction that I draw the curves but I would like a more indepth explanation of this error...

The other issue I'm having may have to do with the placement of the adaptive component on the node plane, depending on where I place the component it will change the orientation if the rafter...

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Revit :: Put URL Link To A File In Components Instance Parameter

Jan 27, 2012

I am trying to put a URL link to a file in a components instance parameter, to show up in the properties palette, I can put the URL in there, but no link is established. How would I get this to link to the file?

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Revit :: Create Island Family With Cabinet Components

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to create an Island family with cabinet components nested into the island family.  I have included both a 3D view of what I want the island to look like and a floor plan of what I have right now.  I want to be able to adjust the size of each of these cabinets with a parameter.  But I am not sure how to get them to stay lined up like they are right now.

If I change the size to a larger size the center cabinet overlaps the cabinet on the right.  but if I add another reference plane to the right side of the center cabinet, when I try to adjust the size I get an error message saying "Constraints are not satisfied".

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Revit :: Unable To Place Components In Linked Files?

Aug 10, 2011

I am having difficulty placing components in my Revit Architecture 2012 model. They are wall hosted (outlets) & floor hosted (floor boxes) components. I have taken the MEP, Base Building, Interiors, and Structural models and linked them into my new file. I have linked them in as overlay. Should I have changed the reference type to attachment?
When I go to place my components I recieve the following notifications from Revit and am unable to click any walls or floors: "Click on Wall to place Instance" (outlets) "Click on Floor to place Instance" (floor boxes). How do I set up these linked files so I can place my families?

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Revit :: Family Shared Components Masked In Electrical Discipline

Apr 29, 2013

I've created a family that represents a poke-through with nested, shared families for different components.  Everything visible in plan is made with Symbolic lines instead of Generic Annotations.  The reasons being too numerous to explain here.
The problem I'm running into is that the family looks fine when the View Discipline is set to Architectural but when set to Electrical (1/8" scale in both) part of the shared components begin to get masked.  I cannot figure out why they are behaving this way, except that some of the lines are creating some sort of masking area in the Electrical discipline.  When the nested families are not shared the component looks fine in both disciplines.  I've attached images and the family for you to try.

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Revit :: Cutting Face Based Components In Plan View

Nov 4, 2013

The Cut Plane in a Plan View doesn't really represent the cut component but instead some kind of projection.In my case, I use a lot of Face Based Windows and Doors since my walls are often slanted. The Plan View representation of these components doesn't look right. A workaround is placing these components in a Component/Model in Place environment.

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Revit :: Scale In Sheet List

Dec 19, 2011

Today I adjusted our title block. Scale is automated by the scale view of the views placed. It becomes 'as indicated' is multiple scale are used. No problem, that part I can live with (/ workaround).
Sadly the scale doesn't appear on a sheet list schedule. Which surprises me . With revit 2012 I was wondering: I am wrong? If not: do you have a nice workaround which doesn't mean I have to manually input it.

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Revit :: Sheet List With Keys

Jan 16, 2012

I was wondering if it's possible to create a sheet list that uses keys.  I'm trying to create a sheet list that will also have key dates listed with whether or not changes occurred to that sheet (something our project managers like to see).  In the attached image you can see how we're doing it today.
I can get everything with the exception of the dates that allow a yes/no style for them.  Is there anyway to recreate this in Revit?  If not could I make a separate key schedule for just the date portion and align it with the sheet list.  In essence creating two separate schedules aligned so it looks like one schedule?  I tried setting up that, but cant seem to create a key schedule that will allow me to use sheet items for sorting purposes. 

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Revit :: Style Sheet List Schedule

Nov 7, 2011

I've been trying to style my sheet list schedule. ... trying.Is it true that I can't

* style (fontsize, fontweight etc) a 'sorting header'?
* style the scheduleborder to only underline the sheetlist-rows
* seperate the header styles from sheetlist styles? (I don't want the header to have a border.... while sheetlist-row should be underlined)
* format the height of a row

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Revit :: Sheet Label To Drawing List

Jul 17, 2011

I have a Revit problem that seems straightforward, but not to me at the moment. We have a label in the title block. The label comprises 3 parameters concatenated with “-“ separators:

Project NumberDisciplineSheet Numbereg:
Of those 3 parameters
Project Number: is inbuilt Revit Project InformationDiscipline: is Shared ParameterSheet Number: is inbuilt Revit Project Information In our Drawing List, for each sheet listed, we want one field to display the full label value: 123456789-A-001

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Revit :: How To List All Wall Types Defined

Jun 25, 2012

I want to make a list of all the wall types i have defined in our project-template.

But when i try the schedules i only seem to be able to list those that are "in use"?

Legend view seems totally useless as you cannot tag or list the elements and info like "description" etc.

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Revit :: Add Parameters To The Project Information List?

May 17, 2012

Is it possible to add parameters to the project information list? For example I am using the project address parameter in my sheet borders for the full street address of a project. However on the cover sheet the project address is listed as ciry and state only. I know how to create a label parameter for the address on the cover sheet, but I would like to add that label to the project information family to keep all of that information in one place.

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Revit :: List Of Revision Clouds Comments

Jan 27, 2012

is it possible to prepare a list or a schedule of all comments related to revision clouds?

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Revit :: Generate List Of Equipments With Room Name?

Dec 9, 2012

how to generate list of equipments with room name and room number set in linked Revit-model?

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Revit :: How To Extend List Of Restorable Backups

Apr 11, 2013

when I look in the Folder "name_backup", there are rws-Files with dates of today and yesterday. But when I open this folder with the backup/restore function, the latest recoverable backup is only a few hours old.
Is this correct or is there a way to extend the list of restorable backups?

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Revit :: Any Way To List What Items Are Constrained To Levels

Mar 27, 2012

Is there a way to list what items are constrained to levels? i need to remove a couple of annoying levels but have a feeling that walls, roofs, families, etc may be constrained to the levels that I need to delete.
I tried doing a multi-category schedule but I think I need to do one for doors, windows, etc. I thought I read somewhere that this feature was available in Revit 2012.

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Revit :: Dropdown List For Wall Type Selection

Jul 11, 2012

In the properties drop down list for wall type selection, most of the different wall type are not showing. Also my elevation carmera is not showing when i click on a new drawing. In a previous drawing all walls selection type is there and the elevation camera. Only when i start a new drawing when wall type  and elevation camera is missing. I check the interface to make sure the boxes are check.

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Revit :: How To Print Off List Of Keyboard Shortcuts In 2011

Nov 12, 2010

how to print off a list of keyboard shortcuts in 2011. In older versions it was fairly simple, just find the "keyboardshortcuts" file but it's not that easy anymore.

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Revit :: Possible To Create Sheet List From Linked Models?

Jun 29, 2012

We have a project where we have the model separated by discipline, arch, struct, mech and Elec. As I work on the arch model, I have all other models linked, each has generated its sheets. When I create a sheet list I only get the sheets on my model.  Is it possible to create a sheet list from linked models?

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