Revit :: Getting Rid Of CAD Links From A Detail View
Mar 20, 2012Need to get rid of a couple of CAD links from a detail view, and only that view. How do I do this without potentially deleting the links from other views?
View 3 RepliesNeed to get rid of a couple of CAD links from a detail view, and only that view. How do I do this without potentially deleting the links from other views?
View 3 RepliesDetail lines have global view settings - you cannot change appearance with a View Template. The Detail Items V/G category doesnt seem to include detail lines.
It is often necessary to use detail lines to avoid the chore of mading up a family to represent simple objects in plan or section - eg complex fixed furnishings like counters and shelves. Then when it comes to doing a schematic electrical layout where I want everything greyed out except the electrical content, I can use V/G overrides on all family content but not the linework. I have to pick all this invidually and then Override Graphics in View.
As with V/G template overrides, I dont want these overrides to permeate globally hence not changing line styles.
Should we be able to right click on a detail callout and choose insert on sheet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have made up furniture for layout views using the metric detail item template. Probably too many in this model category but it was a short cut to achieving presentation layouts. How can I now filter out certain detail items without zapping the rest. In this case it will be loose furniture but some fixed furniture is needed to remain visible in the next stage construction layout views. I want to do this by view template so that a) the view on sheet can be switched back to the presentation layout and b) keep the sheet as a revision rather than a new sheet.
Its not my preferred way of dong this but I am adapting to another architectural practices standard where sheet numbers are fixed and the layouts (GA's) retain the same number through sketch - tender - construction - as built stages (using a status sheet parameter and revision sequence)
I have exhausted search efforts for only one filled region type allowed in a detail view.
What is strange, this trash enclosure wall displays the plan view filled region (referenced via callout), but when I try to show a hatch for concrete and a hatch for metal door, in elevation, the filled region changes "all" filled regions to what ever is chosen.
Then I tried a new circle to see if that changed things. same deal
What would cause lines to move left/right some seemingly random distance in an elevation view? Rarely, I run into an issue where detail lines and filled regions added to an elevation view (not text, or leaders) will move some random distance, I've attached a PDF showing the issue. No other elevations, plans, or sections have anything wrong with them. The model has not moved to a different position.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've created a drawing and when I create a detail view, the actual view appears in the drawing but the circle and arrows along with the view identifier are not showing up. It's like the visibility has been turn off. how to turn it back on?
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
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3D Connexion SpacePilot
Sometimes when I try to create a detail view of an isometric view in my IDW, the "detail full boundary" option is greyed out? Why would this be? If I try an ortho view it works fine.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a detail view of a groove on a cylinder. I want to dimension a diameter in which I only see one side, the other side is not in the detail view.
From some posts I see that I should auto insert a centerline then dimension from centerline then choose options "dimension linear".
First when I try to auto insert centerlines it does not insert the centerline for me. Perhaps because my detail is smaller. If I make the field for the detail view larger it makes a centerline, but I dont want to do that. I have tried making a sketch of the other side and the centerline. When I dimension from here I do not have the right click option of dimension linear, instead only arrowhead options.
Using Inventor Professional 2012
is it possible to create a detail view of an Iso view which is created with perspective camera? I tried it but it does not seem to let you have the option of selecting the connection line or detail view boundary?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have several .ai files that have linked files that I suddenly can not see in my layout. I checked the links and they are unbroken. Others in the office running the same Illustrator version can open and see them fine. Have I inadvertently change a view setting in my app?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSeveral buildings are linked and share coordinates. How can the host file be used as the datum base Finish Floor 0 and all the other buildings relate, even though at different elevations of floor levels? Right now the sections show FF 0 for all of them and they are at different heights.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to label corridor links in plan view ?. I would like to show my pavement cross slopes from corridor in plan view.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a request from an Architect to detach, purge and remove links from my model every time before I upload. I used to clean up received models (MEP 2008-2010) thinking it would increase performance. It's been a years since I have done this and my model performance behaves no differently. Is there any validity to his claims that this is beneficial on the Architectural side?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI get the following error when trying to use etransmit on two different projects:"the following files could not be checked for links"..We use Revit Server. We have many projects which etransmit just fine from Revit Server.
I looked this up and the only info I found said that Revit Server is locking a link or links or the main file. I (and our IT dept) checked Revit Server for locking and did not find any issues. I have tried locating the consultant linked files on the Revit Server too.
I can export from Revit to 3ds, and the materials come in, but all the material links are broken. How can I import the textures in to 3ds Max? I am trying to do an architectural walkthrough, btw.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI linked in a cad.dwg survey into my Revit model and I don't like the result. I'm trying to unload or remove the linked file now and I get an error message, "A serious error has occurred. It is strongly recommended that you use Save As to save your work in a new file before continuing."
Saving to a new file does not change this problem. I've tried cleaning up the survey file, moving the file to another location, changing from relative to absolute path. Revit shouldn't even be finding this file any more. Isn't linking similar to x-refing in AutoCAD?
How to get this dwg out of my Revit file?
I need to create detail views in a 2d layout drawing. What I mean is that a 'zoomed' view inside a "circle". The view magnifies the specific part of a drawing, but the dimension value keep the same. What command should I use?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I turn this circle off?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a property or method that can control the location of the name for a detail view? For example the picture below. Detail "B" represents the api default. Detail "C" representes where I want to put the text. All the properties, aside from "Name" apparently deal with the detail view itself.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a flat pattern with ordinate set dimension, taken detail from one end.
parent view having ordinate dimension from left end and i have taken detail view of right end.
i need detail view dimension with same origin dimension as like parent view.
How can I move a detail view to another sheet in a drawing in 2009? I have only been able to copy the detail and it's parent view to the 2nd sheet and then suppress the parent view on the 2nd sheet so that only the detail view is visible.
However, when I go back to the first sheet and try to suppress or delete the detail view, it also deletes / suppresses the detail circle from the parent view.
I know I'v done this before but I'm having trouble getting a detail view to just show the jagged cut lines where it crosses the part only & not all the way around it. See images attached to show the problem.
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate
While creating a drawing yesterday, I noticed that the RMB Options to modify a detail view has disappeared?
- Cutout Shape
- Detail Boundry
- Connecting line
I am not sure how long this has been like this, What I do know is that I had a corrupt model, (Broke when it migrated to 2013) I restored from backup and tested the model in ver 2012.
I can not say if bouncing between the two versions of inventor has perhaps changed something, or of this option has not been available for a while?
Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2014 SP1 Build 222
Intel Core i7 (950@3.07GHz)
Windows 7x64 (Home) - 12GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti (1Gig - Ver:331.65)
How does one remove the boundary box for a detail view? I don't want it sitting in my main view, as this is a conveyor and it's very obvious at to where the drive arrangement is sited. See attached.
I'm guessing changing it to another layer that does not print is one option, or?
I've created a view in my presentation file and tweaked all my components to where I want them. How do I change the level of detail associated with a particular explosion already created? I know when you create the view you can select which representation and level of detail to use, but how do you change these after the exploded view is created?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to use ellipse as boundary for detail view? I can only see rectangles and circles as my choices.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way so that in the window Detail View,
I will permenantly get a
Fenche Shape: rounded
cutout Shape: Rounded
Disyplay full Detail Boudary: at on
Display connection line: at on
Unless, I have to change them each time...
In my assembly drawing I have been able to add random dimensions anywhere I needed them.
Except for the detail view. How come I can select the two end points for my dimension, but it wont let me place it?
(Colossians 3:23-25)
All the 'whats new' info talk about the Detail View Tools as a Tab etc in the ribbon
but it doesnt appear on the ribbon...
How do you access it?
I've had this issue now for quite a while. Seems to only happen with wires that are made in the Cable & Harness module. And the odd part is that not all wires do this and not all View Rep/Detail views do this.
Regardless of wether I have a wire visible or not in a locked View Rep it still shows up in the Detail View on the .idw. And yes, I have the 'associative' check box checked.
I've unchecked the check box, nothing. Rechecked the box, nothing. Updated the views individually, nothing.