Revit :: Only One Filled Region Type Allowed In Detail View
Jan 28, 2014
I have exhausted search efforts for only one filled region type allowed in a detail view.
What is strange, this trash enclosure wall displays the plan view filled region (referenced via callout), but when I try to show a hatch for concrete and a hatch for metal door, in elevation, the filled region changes "all" filled regions to what ever is chosen.
Then I tried a new circle to see if that changed things. same deal
What would cause lines to move left/right some seemingly random distance in an elevation view? Rarely, I run into an issue where detail lines and filled regions added to an elevation view (not text, or leaders) will move some random distance, I've attached a PDF showing the issue. No other elevations, plans, or sections have anything wrong with them. The model has not moved to a different position.
I have an annotation tag which has a colored title bar using a colored region as a background to the title text. However having created a standard drafting detail in a 'Standard Details' project, using one of these annotation tags, when copied into a new project the color is replaced by black losing the title text in the background.
How to locate the 'starting point' for hatch patterns and filled regions? I am laying the hatch in a bathroom and I want the pattern (which is representing tile) to start in a particular corner.
I have a drawing model where I cannot create a filled region in one sheet, but on other sheets in the same model I can. the filled region appears but does not mask anything - it is transparent. Transparency is set correctly (to zero) and I have tried bringing it to the front.
I have a Floor Plan View and it was modeled up everything good displays and prints correctly (drawing 2 on the attached pdf) . I have another Floor Plan View which was create via duplicating the first one - therefore the majority of the drawing is the same. However, the filled region through the center of the duplicated view is obscuring the other modeled objects when it is printed.
The region is set to transparent (as can be seen when it is viewed on screen) the filled region has been sent to back, and the other objects are all on exactly the same layers in both documents (as they are identical apart from other noting which has nothing to do with the actual filled region).
why the filled region would be obscuring the objects in one drawing and not the other? The only way I can find to get the objects to print which are "covered" by the filled region is to turn the region off, which defeats the purpose as it is there for a reason? This happens with hard copy printing and also to pdf. Printer is set to raster printing .
in 2012 I was able to have filled regions with a model pattern. In 14 the bubble to change the cut fill pattern is greyed out. I need to be able to rotate a pattern so i need a model one.
I have created a 'Title Block' family which I am wanting to use as a 'drawing stamp', being used to mark an existing drawing sheet carried forward to another phase of the project as being from the previous phase. To do this I have created a filled region with an opaque white background and a grey border (gray) to form the extent of the 'stamp'. I have then created a number of labels for the relevant information and added some lines as borders to the labels.
The problem comes when it is used on a project sheet since the label border lines do not appear. Since the commands to 'send to the back' or 'bring to the front' are absent when editing a title block I wonder why this is? Logic suggests that the only workaround is to create a number of filled regions, in jigsaw style, one for each label and to use their borders as the label borders. However, this seems an enormously long winded an probably kilobyte hungry way of achieving something that should possibly be very simple. I have to say that it may also have an easy solution that I may have used before but forgotten.
How to draw filled region boundary lines that show up in any color other than gray? it is hard to distinguish the lines I am drawing from the lines that are already there while creating or modifing a boundary. Can I change the color of the Invisible Line (can't find that line modify)? OR does every line created thru manage line style have to have a weight (am I able to make a zero line weight or even a pattern that shows nothing.
I have a solid gray filled region that is set to be transparent that is not being transparent. We are trying to put a gray tone over the existing area of the plan. what is weird is that I did the exact same thing to another view & it works perfectly with the region in the background & all the wals & doors showing up correctly. I can't figure out what is different between one view & another.
I've tried changing the filled region to be "moved to back" but nothing changes. if I override the graphics of the element & change it to be transparent the it goes away all together.
Is it possible to show the exterior walls at a different detail level than the interior walls in the same view? Keep in mind they are all apart of the basic wall system family so there is no editing the family visibility at this point.
I've been doing some family as an independent construction detail revit model, I think that is the most appropriate type of detail component. Graphically everything right but I encounter the following problem, all built to type text is not visible in the project then.
How do you control the display? or do you like I can put a text in a detail component family? and if not visible... why would have the option of make texts? Is the only option to annotate after in the project insertion?
Is it possible to add a color region to a family in plan view? I need to add a color region to the plan view of a single flush door family for training purposes (several co-workers see color filled areas better than black and white single lines with the projector we have). I would like to add a color region to the door and frame in plan view of the door family.
So I've created this wall section and used viewbreaks to break the crop regios up so i can fit the final view on a sheet.The problem is, when I place the broken up section on a sheet, the viewport does not break up like the view region.
How do i break up the viewport on the sheet so I can squeeze the visable regions together?
Need to get rid of a couple of CAD links from a detail view, and only that view. How do I do this without potentially deleting the links from other views?
Detail lines have global view settings - you cannot change appearance with a View Template. The Detail Items V/G category doesnt seem to include detail lines.
It is often necessary to use detail lines to avoid the chore of mading up a family to represent simple objects in plan or section - eg complex fixed furnishings like counters and shelves. Then when it comes to doing a schematic electrical layout where I want everything greyed out except the electrical content, I can use V/G overrides on all family content but not the linework. I have to pick all this invidually and then Override Graphics in View.
As with V/G template overrides, I dont want these overrides to permeate globally hence not changing line styles.
I have made up furniture for layout views using the metric detail item template. Probably too many in this model category but it was a short cut to achieving presentation layouts. How can I now filter out certain detail items without zapping the rest. In this case it will be loose furniture but some fixed furniture is needed to remain visible in the next stage construction layout views. I want to do this by view template so that a) the view on sheet can be switched back to the presentation layout and b) keep the sheet as a revision rather than a new sheet.
Its not my preferred way of dong this but I am adapting to another architectural practices standard where sheet numbers are fixed and the layouts (GA's) retain the same number through sketch - tender - construction - as built stages (using a status sheet parameter and revision sequence)
I am semi-new to Revit and am trying to make a go of it. I am trying to make a window, that looks like my AutoCAD window. So I open the Window Family.rft to start creating. I can adjust my wall thickness to match my brick wall, I can set the frame to the void that is already problem comes when I want to put on the brick mould. This overhangs the window frame and thus is outside the pre-ordained void. When I try to make a void extrusion to cut back the outside face of the wall and allow the brick mould to show, it will not work - only the originally supplied void (that comes with the template) works.
Revit will not allow me to "Cut Geometry" saying "A Family cannot have an opening and cut in the same host". If I set the brick mould inside the supplied opening, then the inside face will have a gap between the drywall and the window frame.
I've created a drawing and when I create a detail view, the actual view appears in the drawing but the circle and arrows along with the view identifier are not showing up. It's like the visibility has been turn off. how to turn it back on?
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
Sometimes when I try to create a detail view of an isometric view in my IDW, the "detail full boundary" option is greyed out? Why would this be? If I try an ortho view it works fine.
I have a detail view of a groove on a cylinder. I want to dimension a diameter in which I only see one side, the other side is not in the detail view.
From some posts I see that I should auto insert a centerline then dimension from centerline then choose options "dimension linear".
First when I try to auto insert centerlines it does not insert the centerline for me. Perhaps because my detail is smaller. If I make the field for the detail view larger it makes a centerline, but I dont want to do that. I have tried making a sketch of the other side and the centerline. When I dimension from here I do not have the right click option of dimension linear, instead only arrowhead options.
is it possible to create a detail view of an Iso view which is created with perspective camera? I tried it but it does not seem to let you have the option of selecting the connection line or detail view boundary?
Since yesterday, when I try to draw any of our custom wall types all I get is a standard wall type image (rectangle only). None of the detail or component colors are displayed. When I start creating the new wall, the detail displays until I click at the end of the wall, then the detail disappears. When I ID an existing wall and a newly created rectangle the properties all match. I can copy and mirror existing wall and the correct display is retained. All of the existing walls in the drawing display and print correctly. The newly created wall print only the rectangle. Medium detail settings are in place. This has to be a local setting problem on my computer because others in the office can draw the same new wall in the same drawing and get all of the detail.
I have a large Revit model with a linked model containing many notes and symbols. The problem that I am having is that since the structure is so large I need many blow-up plans for particular zones, even though these plans are using crop regions the notes from the linked file still show outside the cropped area?
Is there any work around for this ? I have looked into scope boxes, section box, and plan regions but none of these will solve the problem.
I have made crop region lines to be heavy lines on elevations and it shows heavy lines on my monitor . When I created PDF file or print preview, it does not show any heavy lines of crop region lines.
I have been working on a few projects where the site plans are done by the Engineer in AutoCAD. They are campus-sized site plans so to re-create them in Revit would be too time consuming. So, I am linking them into my model.
So, what I have been doing is creating several masking regions around the perimeter of the site plan in Revit in order to 'crop' the sites as necessary - I do not want to create several different site plans in CAD and bring them in separately as to avoid multiple updating when the site changes).
Is there an 'inverse' masking region where the outside of the masking region is what masks instead of the inside of the enclosed masking perimeter?