Revit :: Transparent Filled Region Not Showing Up Transparent?
Nov 24, 2008
I have a solid gray filled region that is set to be transparent that is not being transparent. We are trying to put a gray tone over the existing area of the plan. what is weird is that I did the exact same thing to another view & it works perfectly with the region in the background & all the wals & doors showing up correctly. I can't figure out what is different between one view & another.
I've tried changing the filled region to be "moved to back" but nothing changes. if I override the graphics of the element & change it to be transparent the it goes away all together.
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Nov 14, 2012
I have a Floor Plan View and it was modeled up everything good displays and prints correctly (drawing 2 on the attached pdf) . I have another Floor Plan View which was create via duplicating the first one - therefore the majority of the drawing is the same. However, the filled region through the center of the duplicated view is obscuring the other modeled objects when it is printed.
The region is set to transparent (as can be seen when it is viewed on screen) the filled region has been sent to back, and the other objects are all on exactly the same layers in both documents (as they are identical apart from other noting which has nothing to do with the actual filled region).
why the filled region would be obscuring the objects in one drawing and not the other? The only way I can find to get the objects to print which are "covered" by the filled region is to turn the region off, which defeats the purpose as it is there for a reason? This happens with hard copy printing and also to pdf. Printer is set to raster printing .
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Jan 22, 2014
I have a furniture object within which I have a filled region, is it possible to turn this off in a particular view?
Object attached.
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Jun 18, 2013
I have an annotation tag which has a colored title bar using a colored region as a background to the title text. However having created a standard drafting detail in a 'Standard Details' project, using one of these annotation tags, when copied into a new project the color is replaced by black losing the title text in the background.
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Jul 20, 2011
I have a demolition plan where everything is showing up transparent and the floor pattern can be seen through casework, walls, etc. I have checked all the visibility/graphics for the view, the phasing, the object styles, and I can't find anything that indicates why everything would be transparent. I have another project where all of the settings appear to be the same that shows up correctly.
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Sep 17, 2011
How to locate the 'starting point' for hatch patterns and filled regions? I am laying the hatch in a bathroom and I want the pattern (which is representing tile) to start in a particular corner.
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Sep 5, 2013
I have a drawing model where I cannot create a filled region in one sheet, but on other sheets in the same model I can. the filled region appears but does not mask anything - it is transparent. Transparency is set correctly (to zero) and I have tried bringing it to the front.
Running Revit LT 2014 with latest update.
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Dec 23, 2013
in 2012 I was able to have filled regions with a model pattern. In 14 the bubble to change the cut fill pattern is greyed out. I need to be able to rotate a pattern so i need a model one.
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Jan 21, 2013
I'm trying to add a hatch on a sheet , but the Filled Region button is grayed out ???
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Nov 20, 2013
I have created a 'Title Block' family which I am wanting to use as a 'drawing stamp', being used to mark an existing drawing sheet carried forward to another phase of the project as being from the previous phase. To do this I have created a filled region with an opaque white background and a grey border (gray) to form the extent of the 'stamp'. I have then created a number of labels for the relevant information and added some lines as borders to the labels.
The problem comes when it is used on a project sheet since the label border lines do not appear. Since the commands to 'send to the back' or 'bring to the front' are absent when editing a title block I wonder why this is? Logic suggests that the only workaround is to create a number of filled regions, in jigsaw style, one for each label and to use their borders as the label borders. However, this seems an enormously long winded an probably kilobyte hungry way of achieving something that should possibly be very simple. I have to say that it may also have an easy solution that I may have used before but forgotten.
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Jul 10, 2012
Is it possible to create a tag that read the "type" of a filled region? I've tried it many different ways and I just cant seem to get it to work.
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Jan 28, 2014
I have exhausted search efforts for only one filled region type allowed in a detail view.
What is strange, this trash enclosure wall displays the plan view filled region (referenced via callout), but when I try to show a hatch for concrete and a hatch for metal door, in elevation, the filled region changes "all" filled regions to what ever is chosen.
Then I tried a new circle to see if that changed things. same deal
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Apr 24, 2013
Currrently, we print floor plans to pdf's, open them in Photoshop and make them part transparent and part semi-transparent so that we can overlay them in various visual tools. Is there a way to create pdf's or images where the background is completely transparent and and solid patterns within the floor plan that are semi-transparent?
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Jan 23, 2012
How to draw filled region boundary lines that show up in any color other than gray? it is hard to distinguish the lines I am drawing from the lines that are already there while creating or modifing a boundary. Can I change the color of the Invisible Line (can't find that line modify)? OR does every line created thru manage line style have to have a weight (am I able to make a zero line weight or even a pattern that shows nothing.
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May 12, 2012
I have selected a Layer in Gimp and I have a certain selection inside the Layer.
Now I click on tool "Bucket Fill", Mode=Normal, Fill Type=FG Color Fill, Affacted Area=Fill Whole Selection.
Opacity is 100%
The FG color is black.
But when I click into the selected area it gets filled with a transparent black! When I click again it gets more opaque and after another click its fully opaque black.
But why does Gimp fill the area transparent after I first clicked even though Opacity is 100.0??
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May 30, 2013
I see that when I export for web, I can crop all regions whose alpha is zero. But what if I want to crop all regions whose alpha is below (say)10%? Is there a way to do that?
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Dec 19, 2013
I have a photo onto which I have superimposed another image, in a separate layer. That separate image was precisely drawn using the magic wand. Is there any way I can add some transparent area below that image?
My application is I am creating a GIF movie in which that image will be moved around on the main image like a sprite / puppet.I need the section of the image that I place the mouse on to control movement to be invisible to the part of the photo that is being turned into a GIF/video. Effectively, I am looking to build a "puppet" that I can control outside of the formal stage area, and the extension to the image is my means of controlling how the sprite is moved around.
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Apr 14, 2013
So I've been messing with Live paint, and I've noticed that where paths overlap or abut, or even if a path was expanded to a fill, a transparent line is there. They are not always noticeable in Illustrator, but when I bring the documents into Photoshop, they're blatantly obvious!
This is a section of my linework before making a Live Paint:
Now this is what comes up when I make the live paint:
When I bring it into PS, it becomes a lot more obvious:
Is there anything that I can do about this? After more than an hour of chatting with a Tech support person, we determined that turning off anti-aliasing when I open the docuement in PS will fix this, but then all the lines are jagged, so that's not a viable fix. I know I can fill these gaps in in Photoshop, but I don't think that I should have to do that, and also, with complex artwork, this isn't exactly a viable option... Am I working too small?
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Jun 11, 2013
I have two layers on the bottom I have text, and on the top I have a shape.
How do I make the shape transparent so the shape may be filled with the background color?
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Jun 7, 2013
So when I open a file that's say, 100px x 100px, usually the PS window would be gray except for a 100pxX100px white square, which is, of course, the stage. However, now instead of the gray outer region (whatever that's called), it is showing as if it was transparent. When I drag the doc window to resize it, the stage is "duplicated" randomly while the transparent outer region continues to grow. I've attached a screen shot. The white block below is the stage. The rest is inaccessible. Also, if I use the Type tool, the screen flickers to its inverse with each keystroke.
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May 1, 2004
I have this file and its a transparent GIF. If I resize the image and export it as a transparnet GIF and then I look at it there is a small white line all around the border. But if i save it as the orginal size and export it the same way there is no line ....
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Aug 5, 2004
I have a transparent canvas and would like to put a "square" on it. I'd like the content inside the square to be transparent as well, but I'd like to apply the "Drop Shadow" and "Outer Glow" style to the box, while keeping the inside of it transparent.
When I try to do this, nothing occurs because the "square" is empty. The only way I can get the shadow to occur is if I fill in the box with a color, such as white, first. However, then the center isn't transparent how I'd like it to be.
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May 2, 2013
Here is the image I am working with URL....The words coca cola are in red in my design and whenever I add it to 3d mapping it red it no longer red but transparent. The stroke is grey on the bottle.
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Mar 8, 2013
I have just noticed that new PSD files (with transparent backgrounds) are displaying in Lightroom with a gray background where the transparent areas are in the image.
Has this change happened in the 4.4 update on the Mac? I can see previously imported files show a white background but when I click on it to view in Develop mode it the tranparent area of the picture changes to gray.
I would prefer this to be white (as it was), is there a way to change this in LR as I really don't want to have to open each image in PS and drop in a white layer behind it.
This was working fine before but has now changed, I hope I haven't altered something in the preferences as I can't see a way to change it. I'm not referring to the Background colour in LR prefs as that just changes the area surrounding the image, I am referring to the transparent area of my pictures.
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Dec 7, 2012
I am working on a Mac (Snow Leapord) with Photoshop CS6. When I try to save a sliced and transparent PSD in the Save For Web dialog box with PNG-24, the transparency dissapears once exported. I have the transparency and interlaced boxes both checked. The images appear transparent in the Optimized Save for Web dialog box, but the transparency dissapears once exported out of Photoshop.
I never had a problem with this when I was using CS4...
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Jul 11, 2013
I am trying to overlay a logo on top of my titles. The logo is a circle and is in PNG format. When I use this logo in documents it is totally transparent with only the circle showing. However, when I try to use it in my video the circle has a white square around it, the white being the transparent area.
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Aug 25, 2005
I need to strip my current image of its background color so that the background color on my website goes thru my image. In other words I need a transparent background for my image.
I have create a new layer that is transparent, but the background color on my website does not go thru it. The background color of this image appears to be grayish not transparent.
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Nov 7, 2013
I've gone to create a new shape layer or text layer, it appears like it's at 50% opacity. I've checked my layer settings, and they're all at 100% fill and opacity. I can't see any reason why they'd be semi-transparent, and none of the settings I've tried have changed anything. I've even tried deleting the shapes/text, saving my document, and starting over. That worked one time, but this time it's not working.
Even applying a color overlay still results in a semi-transparent shape.I am in the middle of doing a design for a client, for print, and I really can't be dealing with this right now.
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Feb 7, 2011
I'm having this odd problem that I can't seem to figure out. I have a web image (gif format) with a transparent background (deleted the background layer before saving as a gif), and when the image is against a darker webpage, the text of the image (that is basically all the image is, just blended text) has white pixels around the edges of the text. Did I do something wrong when I deleted the background, or how I saved the file???
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Nov 8, 2012
I just learned how to make the background of my images transparent and am learning how to use layers. I am trying to save my pictures to picasa and photoshop so they are backed up and I can easily access them from any computer. I noticed that some of the pics are showing up all black. It's like the colors are inverted almost. I can kinda see the image in white, but mostly the whole thing is black. I noticed the same thing happened when I tried to open some of the images in paint.
I checked to see if they are all the same file type and they are not. Some are gif and some are png.
Also, some of my images won't open in windows photo gallery. They open in a blank web page. I originally go to my pictures and find them there, but when I click on them they open a page in IE instead of windows photo gallery so I can't crop them or anything.
I am trying to work on a project where I print silhouettes or simple images on vintage sheet music to use as art. I need to be able to take them to a print shop to have this done and I can't do that if the images show up black or won't open in a regular program.
I am attaching a pic that saved black like I talked about and a pic of what it is supposed to look like.
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Feb 17, 2014
I'm sure there's a way to do this but for the life of me I can't remember and can't find it when I do a search. I have an object that is comprised of several lines that are grouped together, and I want to fill the entire group with a fractal cloud 3-color fill. In order to do so, I am creating the fill as a background, and making the object transparent, but when I do that, all my lines disappear (of course!) but I need the lines in it for details. Basically I want to layer this object
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