VideoStudio :: Overlay Logo On Top Of Titles - Transparent PNG Isn't Transparent?
Jul 11, 2013
I am trying to overlay a logo on top of my titles. The logo is a circle and is in PNG format. When I use this logo in documents it is totally transparent with only the circle showing. However, when I try to use it in my video the circle has a white square around it, the white being the transparent area.
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Apr 6, 2012
I am trying to do a highlight film for my son's football game. On TV you see hi-lite film with a particular player spotlighted with a yellow circle - or even just a hand drawn circle around the figure which follows the player. Can this be done in Corel VideoStudio Pro X4?
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Jul 27, 2011
I am making a montage of previous logos for a piece of software. As one can guess there will be a lot of pieces I want transparent. The montage will be a moving animation-like video, making it look at though you are moving towards the most recent logo.
I have created .png files of each logo (exporting from CorelDraw 11) making their backgrounds transparent. I then drag and drop the clip on to an overlay track. (I used an instant project and it came with overlay tracks which have an option checked called "Apply filter to Alpha channel," With the "Apply filter to Alpha channel," option checked I set the overlay track to fit the screen and then click the maintain aspect ratio. At this point all the places where the original picture isn't is transparent, but not the background of the picture. I'm making the overlay track size the size of the screen so I can have the logo move across the screen within the picture-in-picture filter which I then add to the overlay track. When I customize the PIP filter I have the logo fade in for the first half second or so in the middle of the screen, then move and tilt to the right or left (I alternate every other logo). At this point I think that the "Apply filter to Alpha channel," is still on, I then create a chroma key with the adjust colour similarity at 100 to make the background of my image transparent (I'm not sure why that part isn't automatic; I'm using two Corel products and I have created an alpha channel in the .png file so that as soon as I put on the timeline it should be transparent, but that doesn't happen, it goes back to the colour I originally made transparent in CorelDraw). Once I have created this chroma key, the space that was originally transparent due to the "Apply filter to Alpha channel" option, goes black. (this area is the spaced enclosed by the extents of the overlay track size and the edge of the .png file). When I right click on the logo in the timeline, there is no option to "Apply filter to Alpha channel" which I guess means you can't have a chroma key and this Alpha filter on at the same time. To remedy the black space I go to the transparency slider and set the value to "1" which gets rid of the black immediately and doesn't seem to make the rest of the image transparent at all (I'm sure technically speaking it does but 1% transparency isn't enough to notice in the .png file).
And now, the problem:There is a white-ish boarder at the edge of the .png picture. and try as i might, I cannot get rid of it. It really ruins the transparent effect. Is there a way to remedy this? or a better way of getting the effect I want which doesn't need to use both the transparency and the chroma key? I've just thought of making a really large .png file with the logo at its center and zooming in quite far in, so there is a white back ground wherever i move the logo and then using a single chroma key to get ride of the background.
[UPDATE]It is the NewBlue PIP that is creating this boarder even when you turn off all boader, shadow and reflection there it is with the boarder of the transparent portions. I also tried rendering this portion to see if it still showed up and its still there even after rendering. Also my idea of making a large picture didn't work, you can't go bigger than 100% when in the PIP editor so the border is still there, closer tot he edges of the screen, but still there none the less.
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Mar 7, 2011
Using Video Studio X4 I have noticed that I can insert a Title to the overlay tracks. The initial title goes to the title track, but can be dragged to the overlay track.
I’ve had a look at the track manager and as expected there is still the option to use two title tracks. Even so the ability to use the overlays for titles is very interesting.
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Apr 7, 2009
I have a webpage that has a gradient background that extends down the page at least 800 px and is set to repeat-x. I have an auto centerd column which has a background applied to it. The background is set to repeat-y. The center column has a dropshadow applied all the way around it. The problem is that I am not able to get the drop shadow to blend in with the gradient as the page grows. Initially at the top of the gradient where it, the gradient, is the darkest, the drop shadow blends in. But as the gradient moves down, i.e., becomes lighter, the drop shadow ceases to blend in any more. is it possible to solve this problem? If so then how?
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Jun 5, 2009
I'm using MacPro bootcamp with Vista. Dual screen with Graphic Card ATI X1900.Everytime I use the Full screen mode I get an overlaying grey transparent color covering the canvas. I have to restart the program to reset the display. Open GL on/off doesn't fix it either.I have tried updating card drivers and CS4. As far as I know it only happens in Photoshop and not the complete master collection.
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Sep 12, 2012
I try to make a blurry/transparent overlay simply a picture which makes only certain regions of a screen/picture blurry if I use it as overlay, I've already tried everything I can in PDN but I don't know how to do this. Here is a picture how it should looked with the overlay:
only this areas shuld be blurry-transparent the rest should be completely transparent so that I can use it as overlay for livestreaming I don't want that u make one for me I want a how to
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Sep 18, 2012
I am attempting to create screenshots from an old video game and one part of the game includes a semi-transparent overlay layer that I would like to extract into its own image. I am able to render each layer separately in the emulator I'm using, but the screenshot tool is only able to export the final rendered image, so the transparent layer, when rendered alone, still results in a screenshot where it has been merged with the game palette's background color. I have managed to get 2 different copies of the overlay image using 2 different background colors, but I don't know the transparency percentage on the overlay. Is it possible to extract the original semi-transparent overlay with its original colors and transparency levels knowing the original background color? I can get more screenshots with different background colors if that would work. Also, the overlay only has a 5-color palette, so it's not a terribly complex image. I'm attaching the images I have with the background colors included as separate layers in each.
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Apr 29, 2013
I have a shape (of a splat) and want to use an image to 'paint' it with, so that the image only overlays the shape and the rest of the background that is not part of the shape is transparent - how can I do this.
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Apr 3, 2012
Is there a way to overlay a transparent background png image on a solid or mesh that already has a material assigned? i.e. a chrome object with a decal applied. I have tried creating a new material using my png file as the image but have not been able to overlay it on an object where I want to see the material underneath.
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Sep 3, 2012
To explain this as easy as possible. I want to achieve the following.
Create a shape.Create a letter via a type layer.Creating a clipping mask of the type layer so it appears inside the shape.Make the text layer a transparent shape. So regardless of the background I put it on the letter will always appear as if it is a cut out of the shape.
I want to do all of the above while keeping the shape and the text layer vector objects. I do not know Adobe Illustrator, so this is my only route.
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Aug 21, 2013
Okay. I don't know how many logo/watermarking videos I've watched but I still don't have what I want. I have a logo but I haven't had any luck getting it into transparent form.
Text is easy, but I want to have my logo beside the text. Any simple instructions. Most videos I've watched don't show how to combine an existing logo to text.
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Aug 27, 2005
how I can turn a logo (in jpg/bmp/gif) on a black background into a logo on a transparent background.
The logo is is like an eye with a lot of detail.
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May 25, 2013
I have created a logo. I did it with black fill and white lines. This works well for a white background, like in print; but for the web the white needs to be transparent so the background colors show through and where lines cross you can see the background.
I have tried making the lines with out fill, but of course, that gives no defination of the small spaces that I want not to be black.
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Mar 27, 2013
With Gimp 2.8 (Mac) I have made a 3D text with a YouTube tutorial. It looks like the Pulp Fiction logo. [URL]...........
How do I overlay a grungy texture, so the letters look 'older'?I tried making the texture image the top layer in the list on the right and then this: right click -> layer -> transparency -> color to alpha.But then, the 'see-through' texture covers the entire square transparent background! Not just the letters...So, how do I add a transparent texture layer over a shaped image that has a transparent background?
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Apr 13, 2012
I'm designing a header logo for a website with Photoshop CS4 (Mac) but am struggling to understand how to get the background transparent.
In Photoshop I've designed the logo using multiple layers. Prior to saving I've disabled the background layers (used for testing purposes), thus leaving a transparent area behind the logo (shown as a checkerboard pattern). However, I don't understand what the next step is. I've tried "Save for web" as well as flattening it first, only to result in a white background. I suppose I don't need to flatten it then I've also messed around with the transparency and matte options in the "Save for web" window but to no avail (yes, I know that I need to save in either GIF or PNG though for the latter I don't know the difference between PNG 8 and 24 and which of the three formats I should go for).
As for "Matte"; is this the color in the image which should be made transparent? So that in my case with a logo containing white among several colors I should make the background something entirely different from the logo as a background layer and choose "Matte" for that? I've also experimented with that but to no avail.
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Mar 1, 2012
I have tried to research this and i have tried to do it (with limited success), but any specific steps on how to get a rounded logo with a /transparent/ background? i sometimes get a rounded logo (and sometimes i get stuck) but I have only been able to get a white background and not a transparent one.
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Oct 24, 2013
I have a logo which ia transparent (psd file) that has some black color and I want to place it in a poster which has also black background color. So, I need to change the background color of this logo.
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Jun 10, 2012
I made a 3D roatating moving logo in photoshop via mothion in Photoshop, it has a transparent background as i deleted it. When i go to render video its in animation already. I save and render it in quicktime but when it plays back on quicktime it has a black background around the image. How do i save it to play just the logo with NOblack background. Ive tried everything i know but NO joy.
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Feb 27, 2013
I have tried 10 times now and all I am trying to do is remove a white background to a logo and export so that the background is transparent. Every time I remove the background and export and open, it shows up with the white background again. I know this is simple and driving me nuts.
I'm using CS5.1
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Nov 21, 2007
how to create a transparent logo and add it over a picture? I will also be adding this over a video..
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Oct 31, 2012
I have seen that there are several posts regarding "transparent backgrounds," but but they're difficult to follow.
I'm using AI within CS5.5 but new to it. I am importing/converting a JPG file to vector format. The image is a logo with a large black circle boundry and a white opaque background. The background elements inside the boundry circle are also opaque white, and I wish to leave that as is. The edges of the circle touch the boundries of the JPG file tangentially by about 100px or so on each side when the JPG is viewed at original size.
My objective is to make everything outside the boundry circle a "transparent" background. What would be the best/easiest way to do this within AI? Is there, for example, a tool that will draw a circle that I can expand to get on the edge of the black boundry circle, and then make everything outside it transparent?
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Feb 7, 2013
I have a logo which I would like to use as a transparent .gif file on my wordpress site. I have saved it for web use on Illustrator, but when I uploaded it, there is a white outline on the transparent logo, and it is all pixelated.
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Jul 7, 2013
I have a self designed logo that looks great on a white background. Problem is when I put the logo over a picture the outside area of the "o" in natco shows behond the red square. I want the outside of the "o" to be flush with the red square so it looks good when I put it over a picture.
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Sep 27, 2012
My logo was greated in Photoshop as a logo with text on a transparent layer. Saved as a jpg-file I tried to "import" this logo as a Lightroom-watermark. It sort of worked, but the transparent layer in PS now shows as a white background "covering" too much of the photo (see screenshot). I'm using PH CS6 and LR4.
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Mar 16, 2013
I think there is an easy way of accomplishing this without having get into selecting the background or the logo?
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Jan 16, 2011
I have created a logo for a client using Xara. I would like to be able to send then a transparent version of the file so that they can use the logo on different backgrounds. The problem is a white hairy edge surrounding each element of the logo.
I have tried saving to png, gif, and tiff but they all look the same.
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Oct 9, 2012
I'm using Elements 6. Old school, I know.
I'm trying to add a .png logo with a transparent background to a photo, but it always shows up as a gray background. What am I doing wrong.
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Jun 24, 2013
I created a .png file from our organization logo. I used the magic wand to select and "delete" the backgound, leaving it transparent. However, when placed on our web site, the logo edges have a slight line. What must I do to not have the lines (to make the background truly transparent)?
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Jul 6, 2013
I'm practicing using Coreldraw and made a logo with a transparent background. It's a combination of rectangles and text. I exported the logo as a png. Everything looks fine in corel, but when I upload it to the web the edges are very ragged on the rectangles and text. I tried it with and without converting to curves and the same thing happens.
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Feb 14, 2014
I made a logo using elements. I have tried numerous ways to make it transparent but when I put it on my pictures there is a white square box that appears with it. I want my whole logo to be transparent. I have saved it png, png 24. And still nothing works. How to get this box to disappear. Just to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong I took a photo and made the background transparent and took the selection that was not and put it into a different photo and the white square edge was still around it.
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