I have run in to problem with Design Option. When I try to change the primary option I get a error message, see picture below or picture attached.It says "Elements can't be duplicated".
I'm attempting to delete a design option that we created in order to alleviate model creation conflicts. We were testing whether it was to be a sub-category design option or a main heading, so I just modeled a couple things (in a floor plan that was created months ago in another design option) to try and get them to show up. When I realized that sub-category was not the way to go, I tried to delete that design option and it removed the floor plan I was using.
I examined the "Visible in Option" line and it has the name of an option that I'm not deleting, so....? Now what? I just want to clean up my model and remove that test design option.
I have just finished my design and I wanted to insert a title block and annotations with pictures using the paperspace option. I want to print the design out onto A1 Paper (80000mm x 56000mm) to a 1:100 scale.
What I want to know is what is the dashed line, how do I make the paperspace A1 size and a 1:100 scale, as well as wanting to know how to make the title block and add annotations to the design.
One problem I am facing is that any line I do create comes out bold as well as when I zoom into the drawing itself every line is bold. Why is this?
when writing in a text box whenever using punctuation it always go to the beginning of the sentence. FOR EXAMPLE (?what time is it)i have tried changing the text engine option to East Asian and then restarting photoshop, but when reopening my exisitng work, the problem still remains.However when creating a new document the problem is gone, however i want to resolve the problem with my exisitng document i have been working on.
I'm doing Gary's Create a Sunflower and pot (July 2008) tutorial and just as always I run into problems combining/converting shapes. I believe I have followed the tut exactly and the only thing my lines do is taper at the bottom.
Also, I'm using Designer 7 and there is no option for changing line width to 6 px, only 4 and 8. So I'm using 8 pxls. I tried typing in a 6 and hitting enter but it doesn't accept a 6.
I have 45 PCs running Autodesk Inventor 2011 in a student PC lab. We have since set up Vault Server and I need to change the location that these point at.The files that I need to edit can be got to by:
1. Open Autodesk Inventor 2. Click “Pro” 3. Click “Options” 4. Click the “File” tab 5. I need to edit the following: Default templates, Design Data (Styles, etc) and Default Content Centre files. 6. The above three will be pointed to a server that has vault setup on it (\vault emplates, etc).
Now to clarify, Inventor works, I do not need assistance activating it, and I do not need assistance with group policy to set up the install..I need to be able to modify the above with group policy through either the registry (if possible) or some other method.
Changing the default of “design speed” appearing in the create alignment,I’m wondering how the design speed appearing in the “create alignment” dialogue box can be changed such that the second time the “create alignment” dialogue box is launched then the new value for the speed is displayed.
I imported a photo into illustrator CC and I then live traced it and expanded it. When I select it the colour options are grey scale. I can change the option but if I click off the image the options go back to grey scale. The doc colour set up is cmyk. How do I get it to stay on a different option without having to keep switch it all the time?
When i am using 3dsmax design 2012, it always display "error creating BMP" after click RENDER button. I must reduce the resolution so that i can render. How can I solve that ? Is it related to RAM or Display card ?
Spec of Computer AMD X4 975 2 GB RAM HD5670 1GB WINDOWS XP 32bit
I've been looking for a site / tutorial that outlines a detailed workflow for exporting a model from Revit and into 3ds Max for rendering and animation.
I'm particularly interested in how best to set a model up in revit to make this process less painful - particularly around material assignments, mapping etc. so that I can switch from the multi-material (using material IDs) setup that comes into Max over to the Architectural & Design materials.
Is it my inexperience with the product or is Revit Architecture far less competent for designing residential architecture than it is for commercial? I'm trying to design a large home and face workaround after workaround - many of which defeat the BIM materials inventory database I'd like to develop for quoteing the job. I understand that a Wood Framing Extension is available, but I'm still a student learning the software and the application is a subscription item and a high cost.
The problem that I am facing at the moment is the lines are showing through my design. I have tried making the lines invisible but I cant because if I do than the place where I need the lines to show will not.
I have four floor plans of varying differences on the same level that have been set up in different views, and organized by 'Design Options'. It would be very beneficial to be able to overlay these plans (eg. to see the differences, to make relative manipulations) as one can with the 'Underlay' feature can with different levels.
I have thought about placing the views on the same sheet and then activating the view I want to revise, but there is transparency complications . Suggest an alternative for a Design Option Underlay ability?
/still holding out for the ability to organize the listing of 'Design Options'
I have a tenant improvement project: two side by side medical offices. The owners want to run a joined practice and are building it together, so I'm preparing one set of construction drawings. However for a permit drawings I have to prepare 2 sets of drawings with each office separately-what's the best way of doing it? Also how should I handle sheets?-should I create 2 series: permit and CD? I'm not sure how to do it.
Is there a way to organize Design Options (alpha numeric) once they have been created.
I work for a large home builder and we will have multiple elevations for each floor plan. The elevations are usually labeled A, B, C, D etc. If an elevation changes labels, say elevation D becomes elevation B, the order will now be A, D, C, B; they cant be reordered into alphabetical order. Which can become confusing. Make sense? Attached is an example of a basic Design Option from one of my houses. In a typical house we can have 50-60 design options, that can change names over years, and they need to remain in an easily read and sourced order.
I would like to know what is the best way to design a form of facade, similliar to the picture of the building I have uploaded and mentioned in the title of this post? Take note that I still am relatively unexperienced with the program
every time i try to launch an app it says Error: 5. It is a genuine copy of CS4, i have the serial number, but cant find the disks and when i type in the serial into Photoshop, it says the serial is invalid. I only have it on this machine (Apple PowerMac G5 quad)
I am using Revit Architecture 2013 and I have a few different design options for the mian level of a house I am working on. I have the North wall of the house in a design option for the living room at the moment. But I have decided I no longer want that wall in the my living room option, I would like to move it to my kitchen design option so I am able to move a window that is located on that wall. I cannot seem to find a way to move a wall from one design option to another or have it in both if it is already part of a design option. How I can get this wall and the windows located on it into my kitchen design layout without having things being double counted in the schedules?
I have several architectural models linked into my central file on a project. For this project, there is an addition to the building that is a design option. When I look at the linked files, though, I can only see the existing construction. I also know how to copy/monitor levels, but I want to view the architect's room elevations in my model. How can I copy the architect's design options and specific views into my model?
I am currently trying to export models into dwfx format for design review and freewheel. However, I have a problem opening the dwfx files that are 16,000 kb in size or higher. How to make the file smaller in Revit.
I am doing several houses with design options, but we need all the information for the main model will be unique for all the options in every model in order to keep only one file and manage the information just like and xref.
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0008 exception at 1286aebh
I had been getting fatal errors on opening the program with the very same message. That has since passed but now it is happening when I try and open ADCENTER either at the command line or the ribbon button.
I am trying to design the border mullion of the curtain wall, in a way that its centerline aligns to the border gridline.
For default the border mullion aligns the external face of it to the gridline, but I would like it to act as the internal mulluon - aligning with the centerline.
I'm trying to export Revit into Navisworks Simulate but there's no Navisworks tool in External tools. I did a full install of the Design Suite and checked Control Panel/ Programs/ Programs and Features for " autodesk navisworks simulate 2013 exporter plugins" but they're not installed. Are the plugins included in the Suite or do I download them from Autodesk?
1. When I link A revit model (having different worksets) into B revit model, We can control the worksets visibility at the time of linking. We can select any workset to be switched off and it will not be visibility in any view. Can we controll it after linking and on the basis of views, i.e. Can we switch off any single worksets of a link file in a particular view. My understanding is that We can't control worksets of a link file in our main revit model.
2. If A.rvt contains deisgn options. can we link those design options to design options in B.rvt, Can we set the visibility of a view in B.rvt to see desired design option from A.rvt. My understanding is that revit link does not contains design options information.
3. Similar rules applies with Phases. We can't link phases from A.rvt with phases in B.rvt, Also can not controll the visibility of phases of a linked revit model.Seeks experts comments to confirm my belief. What are the nearest possible work around for these issues.
We have a "core & shell" model linked into a "fit-out" model. We are working with design options in the "fit-out" model with different design options.
1. In a 3D axo view and working in the main model, we can see the linked "core & shell" file.
2. In the same 3D axo view and working in the primary design option, we can see the linked "core & shell" file.
3. In the same 3D axo view and working in any of the other design option, we CANNOT see the linked "core & shell" file.
The visibility & graphics settings have not been changed. The worksets settings have not been changed. We have been unable to overcome this issue. We are simply flippiing between different design options and the linked model disappears.
I have a drawing with several dynamic blocks (over 1000 block references) with visibility states. I recently noticed that all of the blocks no longer have the option to change the visibility state (i.e. the upside down blue triangle no longer appears when clicking on the block).
If I insert a new block it comes in with the option to change the visibility state. However, the previously placed blocks still do not have the option of changing the visibilty state. Even if I update the definition of all block references in my drawing nothing changes with the previously placed blocks.
Is there an option/command to bring back the option of changing visibility states on my previously placed blocks?