Illustrator :: Colour Option Keeps Changing Back To Grey Scale
Jan 2, 2014
I imported a photo into illustrator CC and I then live traced it and expanded it. When I select it the colour options are grey scale. I can change the option but if I click off the image the options go back to grey scale. The doc colour set up is cmyk. How do I get it to stay on a different option without having to keep switch it all the time?
I have a drawing with several dynamic blocks (over 1000 block references) with visibility states. I recently noticed that all of the blocks no longer have the option to change the visibility state (i.e. the upside down blue triangle no longer appears when clicking on the block).
If I insert a new block it comes in with the option to change the visibility state. However, the previously placed blocks still do not have the option of changing the visibilty state. Even if I update the definition of all block references in my drawing nothing changes with the previously placed blocks.
Is there an option/command to bring back the option of changing visibility states on my previously placed blocks?
can I alter the BACKGROUND COLOUR from the Grey to a lighter grey as in P/Shop Album 2.00 which is just what I want..I hate the darker colour as background..I have just purchased the Elements 11.
Sometimes my fingers slips on certain shortcuts, but this one changed my background and paper to all white. And I can't change it back to paper being white and background being dark grey. I make a new document and it is still all white but now it shows the paper border.
My patter brush scale options are grayed out. When the same files are opened by other co workers on their pc's the pattern scale options are available. We have tried everything. We have Illustrator CS6
I have a black vector image on a transparent bg in eps format which I wish to change to white to put on a black bg in illustrator. The only way I know how is to change it in photoshop with color overlay but when I place it in illustrator, the edges are no longer crisp.
I am having an issue with colours changing on me when I convert files Corel Draw files in to AI files. The colours seem to get darker. I am converting files to AI but this is making it rather difficult.
I find myself using Black Backgrounds often in illustrator. Bleeding a Black BG makes it impossible to see the art board boarder.
The solution to this has been for me to either place guild lines on these guide lines (silly really) and jarring. specially when you already have guide lines there.
Or to make a new layer, place a box on the board and give it a outline .5 stroke thinkness or so depending on the zoom because white on the black line thats above it screws up visually depending on the distance you zoom out from.
Or has Adobe given us a choose your colour option i don't know about? 50% Grey would be great. can see on white and black.
How do I change the layer colour once I'm in Isolation Mode? I'm using CS4 and tring to edit a yellow object but Illustrator has made the layer/paths/edges yellow making it VERY difficult to see what I'm doing?
...actually, I just changed the objects layer to a differrent colour which seems to have made Illustator select the next colour down when in Isolation made.
When I'm editing pix, and need a quick large solid brush for a couple seconds, (1-inch dia), I slide "scale", but it's nearly impossible to manually rest scale back to default without restarting Gimp...
Can there be a dot-button beside scale that auto-sets scale back to default..? and/or a timer on scale changes that resets scale back to default after ten-seconds..?
I recently came across with Photoshop. Basically when I try to use grey as a colour, it seems to have a pink hue to it and looks terrible. The grey isn't pure and looks all sorts of wrong.
I've checked the colour settings and everything is default, my monitor seems fine as the usual grey appears perfectly on any websites. It's just on Photoshop, things simply don't look right. So I'm a bit stuck on what to do next, as anyone else had this problem before and is there a possible fix?
To better describe, I have provided a picture of the problem, as you can see the grey looks wrong and as a pink hue.
I have recently installed PS7 on my laptop and when creating a new project, the defaul is sent on grey for the color, when I set it to RGB or CMYK and want to choose a color, I get the standard color box with about 20 colors instead of the color pallet I used to get.
What is the setting I'm looking for and how to I set it as the default?
I would like to find a lisp that changes the scale of something that has an annotative scale and deletes all other scales in the object scale list. Often i have many different scales of existing dimensions or objects. i waste a lot of time opening the annotation object scale dialogue box, selecting add, finding my scale and deleting the old scale.
I've found a peculiar problem with grey scale conversion in Photoshop CS5.
The problem:
I have black and white photos in an RGB colour space. I can't use a black and white layer adjustment because there are no color channels in the image. I used the 'image > mode> greyscale' menu item to convert to greyscale, and in photoshop there appears to be no change to the greyscale values. However, when I place the image in inDesign, it is markedly different; blacks are pure black but greys are washed out.
I print the two images side by side (RGB and greyscale) and they come out identical (though darker than I expected). Is inDesign showing RGB or Greyscale differently on screen? I have the display settings at 'high quality'.
is it possible to create a gradient brush with the colors fading from black to white, and then edit the colors so instead of black fading into white, it's now black fading into transparent?
(so the pixels that were pure yellow are now completely transparent, the pixels that were slightly darker yellow are now almost completely transparent, the pixels that were dark yellow are now barely transparent, and the black pixels remain completely black.)
(I was only able to do it now because I started off with that black/transparent image)
I want to do this so I can change the color of the yellow.. I could use replace color,
What I'm basically trying to do is be able to change stuff in images/screenshots, like add a pattern to a white shirt (so, get rid of all of the white), but completely preserve the darkness of its wrinkles/shadows etc. A friend told me I should just desaturate it, then make it like 50% transparent, then duplicate it so there's 2 of those layers.. and add the new pattern behind it. But it doesn't look that good..
If there is a way to tell Photoshop, and in a CMYK or RGB file, that I want to make all the 100% blacks in a grey scale layer a solid specified color, and all greys just percentages of that solid color? And to be able to do this without having to use spot channels or dial in CMYKs via Channel Mixer? In other words, a "one-click" method, or close to it.
Is it possible to use .png grey scale photo edges (made for photoshop) in I found some "frames" that will add various edges to the image (torn edge, lace, ect), but they are in grey scale and I'm not sure how, if I can, to use them in pdn. I'm just wanting to give a ragged or other style edge to my photos or backgrounds to use them for digital scrapbooking and framed photos.
I am trying to add a grey scale mask to a layer so I can alter some game files .But I must be missing something blindingly obvious. Here is how I create a mask in PSP6.
-First I duplicate the base layer. -Then I adjust the saturation to -100%(grey). Then I adjust the lightness to +100%..This gives a grey scale image. -I then increase the brightness by 25% and the contrast by 50%. This gives a grainy bright and high contrast grey scale image. -I then create a mask and then add the mask to a blank layer.
This allows me to spray away to my hearts content and leaves the main detail on the original image untouched. By this method I can add mud effects to tank tracks in games and still see the original link details through the mud.
But I am having major issues trying to achieve this effect in gimp.At the moment this hurdle is stopping me getting to grips with gimp.
how I can change the color of all layers at once to the same color easier then what I'm doing now?...I open the layer manager, select all layers, click on the color and edit it globally there. Then I exit out of the layer there a routine that would do it with way less steps?...I'd try and create one but I've tried in the past and always seem to screw it up... Something already created..
I have just had to do a complete re-install of my CorelSuite X4 following the addition of a new hard-drive.
I now have the situation in Corel Photo-paint where -
1 I open a grey-scale image (.jpg).
2 I paste (as a new object) an RGB colour item (a previously created .cpt file) onto the grey-scale image.
3 I then "Convert to 16Bit grey-scale" in order to change the whole new image to grey-scale, but the pasted object is being automatically flattened into the image and I can no longer work on that object independently.
I never had this before, as I was always able to convert to grey-scale and the "pasted object" would remain with the mask outlined and still allow me to work on it.
How do I get the my exposure option back to my + and - keys?
Normally I can quicky change my exposure with the + and - keys, but now it only changes my clarity in stead of my exposure. How can I change it back to my + / - key on the keyboard?
I inherited a computer at work where the pan function scrolls the drawing left when I move the mouse right. Where is the option to change it back to normal?
If I select a "New" document in CS5 I find that I am only able to paint or fill in in grey scale. This is new. In the Color options panel the grey scale slider is ticked and all other options are greyed out.
How do I remove the tick by the side of the grey scale slider and make the other options available for selection as normal. I note that if I open a previously opened document all options are available it just seems to be new blank documents.
I remeber at one time I was able to convert a color image into black & white by reassing Control, Shift, U. Then there was another command that would allow be to add teh original colors back in where I wanted them, giving me a color and black & white image. I just cannot remeber how I did the second step.
How do I see the object selected change colour dynamically as I adjust the colour sliders?
It seems the object only changes colour when I release the slider. But I want to see it dynamically change, so I can find the colour that works best without "hit or miss" - "trial and error" behaviour.
Yes... I'm aware some of you spend hours in colour programs creating a palette to work with. Good for you.
I'm just wanting to do it LIVE. Dynamically. In 2013. In Illustrator.