Revit :: Display Underlay Over Background Raster Image?
Nov 8, 2012
I'm redoing some old projects in Revit, and I'm using a background image to vastly facilitate the process as the projects are almost perfectly drawn, I'd like however, to use a background image as reference and keep the underlay (e.g.: show the bg image for level 2 and over it show the level 1 underlay) but I couldn't find a way to do that.
Is there a way to change a pdf underlay path when drawing files are moved?
Is there a way to set the pdf path to match the drawing location so when a drawing?
and pdf is moved and they have the same path the pdf will be linked to the drawing?
The same can be asked about raster image files & AutoCAD?
Is there a way to set the raster image file to match the drawing location so when a drawing and rastor image is moved and they have the same path the raster image will be linked to the drawing?
How do I accurately set the scale on a raster underlay based on 2 (or more) points where I know the distance between them?
In fact I would like to do this on 2 axes separately so that it stretches.
I am used to georeferenceing like this and getting raster underlays the right shape for the coordinate system I am using. How I can do this in AutoCAD, which used a very simple coordinate system.
I am having some problem with plotting Raster image.
From time to time I need to use raster image as a background such as the example in the attachment. Here you can see that the raster image is only plotting half of the image.
I have a a graphic image from a client to use as signage on my 3d model. In photoshop I have isolated the letters and the logo only by erasing the background. No color is in the background, not white nor black, it is transparent in Photoshop.
I saved the image as a .jpg, .tif .tga. and .bmp. Any of these raster images, when inserted into the drawing, shows the background as white. I cannot undertsand how to make it transparent so it looks like letters painted on the wall.
I have changed IMAGEFRAME set to 0 - no change, I have set properties TRANSPARENCY to YES but no change.
Am I missing a step, or does the program always show raster images in a box?
I am using imported Raster images in Revit Architecture 2010 to trace and I need to make them unselectable. I know that I can 'Pin' them so I cannot move them, but I need to keep from actually selecting them. I thought I could use Design Options, but Raster images cannot be moved from the Main Model and thus remain selectable.
I do not see a way to control visiblilty of a raster image (jpeg) in a family (titleblock) that is in a project. I want the ability to turn off a stamp before plotting. R-2012. Raster images in model categories did not work. Adding a parameter in the titleblock family under 'Lock Proportions' did not work. (Other elements that use these same parameters to turn on/off visibilty were available there.)
how is the import scale for a raster image determined?
I've different scanned sketches of floor plans drawn by hand to specific scales, the resize tool is not quite accurate enough for my use. Does the view scale have anything to do with it?
I'm trying to import a pdf underlay in AutoCAD 2012. However, every time I have imported it, the frame of the underlay shows up, but the pdf itself doesn't show up.
Contrast = 100 Fade = 0 Monochrome = No Show underlay = Yes Path is correct
I've tried importing image underlays (PNG files), and they work fine. Also, the pdf file is pretty big (about 100 MB), so I didn't know if that affected its ability to to get this to show up?
I'm trying to import a pdf underlay in AutoCAD 2012. However, every time I have imported it, the frame of the underlay shows up, but the pdf itself doesn't show up.
Contrast = 100 Fade = 0 Monochrome = No Show underlay = Yes Path is correct
I've tried importing image underlays (PNG files), and they work fine. Also, the pdf file is pretty big (about 100 MB), so I didn't know if that affected its ability to display. How to get this to show up?
I suddenly am having a problem viewing underlays. It happens with PDF Files and DWF Files. When I insert the file nothing is displayed. I dont see a frame or an image. All I get is a point. When I select the point the underlay ribbon bar comes up. I have the show underlay selected. The Fade is Set to 0, In properties I can the layer is set to 0, but under view the height and width is all 0.00000.
I am running straight Autocad 2012 w/ SP1. Its 64 bit on Windows 7.
If I insert a pdf underlay into a drawing, it won't display or print out. I know a pdf has been inserted as I can use Erase-All and it will say an object has been selected. The funny thing is that it all worked fine a week ago, and now doesn't. I can open a drawing done months ago which was fine but now there is no pdf displayed.
I've checked various settings against another computer and they are the same.
I want to show a linked view from another proyect that has an underlay ceiling plan,I'm using By linked view option to show exactly the same view from the original project but the underlay RFP doesn't appear. I just want to show the outline of some skylight diffusers from the ceiling plan.
I've attached a couple images of a visibility problem I'm having. The ROOF image shows the underlay view I'm using in the NO ROOF view in my revit project. I modeled all four of the dormer roofs the same, in place roof components, and they show up in the roof plan, but not when I use the roof plan as an underlay for my framing plan.
They don't show up when I toggle on the hidden elements tool either. I checked to make sure I didn't have coarse scale visibility turned off as well as if I had not visible in plan unchecked. These things seem fine, plus, as you can see, it shows up in it's own view. View range seems to be fine too. I can't figure out why these elements don't show up.
I have trouble showing Underlay for level view when dealing with in-place walls. Basically, they dont work with Underlays - nothing shows up (even in wireframe mode).
Please have a look at attached file, dropbox link: [URL] ....
There is a Blend wall that starts on Ground level and goes as high as Top level. When you check whats visible on different levels (and RCPs) everything is fine (views respond to changing cut level and so on) - but when you try to Underlay one of the level views - nothing shows up. Basic idea is to show top edge for tracing with Linework tool - so it shows as Overhead.
While I still try, unsuccessfully, to get Gimp to run on my Mac...
I'm not a graphic artist, but I do have a task I would like to accomplish, so a couple of quick questions?
It's been over 10 years since I experimented with graphics software of any kind other than resize and/or convert from one format to another.
Scenario to illustrate my question:
I create a new graphic, of X by Y proportions. Create a black circle in the center of the graphic. Save graphic.
When I import the graphic into a document, web page, email composition window, etc., I would like only the black circle to display when the background is a color other than white. IOW, I want the unused/blank part of the graphic to be transparent.
I've found the online manual to be confusing to follow, since I can't easily "thumb" through the pages to see a picture of the effect I want to accomplish, and I'm not sure of the correct terminology.
I found a PDF manual for 2.4, are there instructions that cover this? I'm not really interested in printing it, or having it printed. If the manual were for 2.6, I would consider having it printed.
I have a model with multiple floors. When I am in Level 2, with Level 1 as an Underlay I can still edit walls and other objects from Level 1. I know there is a way to lock the Underlay, I just can't make it work. Pinning the entire Level 1 is not an options, because this is not View dependent.
I use image insert to attach aerial photographs. I would like to use the FDO raster connection, but I keep having a problem with the raster image losing it's display order. I use "display order" in the display manager and move the raster to the bottom, but for some reason it keeps popping above the line work and I have to keep sending it to the back.
I put images in drawings quite frequently as they change from year to year and we monitor a large number of projects yearly. Is image insert still the quickest solution or is there a way to ensure the image will retain it's display order when I do a data connect?
Today, out of the blue, Illustrator stopped displaying any raster images. The file opens, but I just get a blank artboard. The title bar at the top of the page shows the preview but it doesn't display on the page. It doesn't seem to matter if I import the file or if I just open the file straight into Illustrator. I've tried PSD, JPEG, TIFF, and PNG without success. This morning I was redrawing old logos for a client, and this afternoon I can't open anything that is rasterized.
My boss has been having problems with some drawings containing Raster Images, they display on every workstation besides his.
The saved path is correct but the images all list 'Unreferenced' as their status, I've tried reloading them and even detaching before reinserting them but to no avail. He is running Autocad 2013 (SP2 installed).
Also, he's had this problem for awhile now but it's happening on his brand new pc too, which suggests a possible network problem? He's on the same wireless network as half of our office but he's the only one experiencing this issue.
I'm having issues with print quality on certain drawings, which is a shame as print quality generally exceeds that of AutoCAD Architecture.
The issue I have is with a SHADED and shadowed elevation drawing. When I go to print to PDF it insists line removal is done using raster rather than vector processing. This leads to a poor quality PDF both on screen and printed.
I accept that automatically generated shadows may make this necessary but with then turned off, I don't.
If I print a coloured plan, say a room or area drawing with automatically generated colours, it's quite happy to plot it using vector processing. I DO NOT see any difference between this and a shaded elevation without shadows! Any way of improving the look of raster processed output?
I use a raster image (JPG) on my title block for the Company Logo. This all worked fine in Revit 2009. Since I installed 2010 the logo no longer prints. I have tried other images and even converted it to a TIF.
It does not seem to be linked to any one printer. I have tried plotting on a HP Plotter, HP Laser Jet, Sharp Printer/ Copier, and even to a PDF. All have the same result. No Logo.
Still trying to set up revit standards can't come to conclusion regarding plotting vector or raster. My personal (limited) experience raster plotting has been poor quality with vector the plots are cleaner and it seems I have better control of shaded areas.
The underlay does not show up for Level 1 when I am on Level 2, but it does show up for Level 2 when I am on Level 1. the underlay option is on for Level 1, so I'm not sure why it's not showing up. I am using Revit 2014.
Working in 2013 Raster Design. The commands for raster tools are not working. When attempting to insert an image the following message appears:
c:program filesautodeskautocad raster design 2013aeciibui56.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs. Unknown command "IINSERT". Press F1 for help.
Similar messages appear when trying other commands located within the Raster Tools tab.
well i have a problem on solving an autoCAD homework . i have a pdf with the contours of the altitude of an area and i have to rasterize it as an image in AutoCAD 2006 (i put it on windows paint , then i save it as an img (jpg) ) and then i inserted it in AutoCAD. I have to georeference that image and to fix its scale. How can i do that ?