Revit :: Blaster Set In The Middle?

Feb 26, 2014

How The Blaster set in the middle of the tread.

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Revit :: Orbit On Middle Mouse Button?

Sep 16, 2013

I need to be able to work back and forth with sketchup, and revit. Unfortunatly the orbit and pan commands in revit are the exact opposite of sketchup( mmb = pan in revit) (mmb = orbit in sketchup) (shift + mmb = orbit in revit) (shift + mmb = pan in sketch up) 
these commands are ingrained in my muscule memory and going back and forth is like writing one sentnce with your left hand and the next with your right. it is totally dibilitating. 
Is there any way to customize these in revit? Can i change the MMB to be orbit and shift+MMB to be pan ? 

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Photoshop :: How To Turn Sand Blaster Into Flame Thrower...

Feb 17, 2007

I was watching a buddy of mine clean things in his yard with one of those jet water sand blaster things. when he stands and shoots it from the hip, the jet of water almost looks like the jet of flame form a flame thrower like you see in the movies and it got me thinking, maybe I can edit a picture of this in photoshop and turn the water into flame?

I think I have some clue on how to go about doing this, but it probably won't look good, since I don't know how you could just select the water from the picture and edit it,

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Revit :: Walls With Core Faces In The Middle Of Layers

Sep 23, 2013

Is it possible to design a wall where the core boundary lines fall in the middle of a wall layer?
Case in point is a complex wall with an 8" foundation wall that follows a building line along its exterior face.  Above that is 3'-6" of stone veneer/airspace/sheathing/6" stud/drywall.  Above that is EIFS/sheathing/6" stud/drywall.
The design calls for an insulation gap between the slab and the foundation and for the top of the wall to be 6" above the first floor level.  The 6" metal stud thus overhangs the top of the foundation wall by 1" on the interior side.
Ideally the floor would be flush and core would simply follow the studs but the building lines (controlled by the grid) control the placement of the foundation wall and no part of the upper wall lines up with the foundation wall.  Even worse the exterior finish falls 1/2" inside the exterior of the wall below and there should be no line drawn there. 

AutoCAD 2010

AutoCAD LT 2013

Revit Architecture LT 2013

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3ds Max :: Add 30 Keys In Middle Of Animation

Dec 13, 2012

Solutions for shifting keys, like if you need to add 30 keys in the middle of an animation?

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GIMP :: How To Cut Canvas In The Middle

Mar 16, 2013

I have an image with many layers. I want to cut a vertical strip out of the middle of one of the layers because I want to narrow the transparent gap between the left side of that layer and the right side. That is, my image has stuff on the left side and stuff on the right and a gap in the middle through which shows the pattern in the layers below, and I want to narrow that middle gap. I want to do the same thing as cutting a vertical strip down the middle of that top layer with scissors so I can scrunch the sides together, so less of the patterns on the layers behind shows through.

Is there any way to do this? It doesn't work when I simply select the area I want to cut and click "cut" or "clear" - those commands don't get rid of the canvas in that section, just the contents, which are transparent anyway.

I'm trying to avoid resizing the canvas and then laboriously reconstructing the layer with all the finicky alignment issues, because that seems unnecessarily time-consuming, when all I need to do is remove a gap in a blank section. I tried using guides to guillotine the image, but that, too, is turning out to be time-consuming in terms of reassembling the image. I know I must be missing something obvious - how does one simply remove a selection of the canvas (and not of the image itself) with the selection tool?

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Photoshop :: Crop Out Middle Of Image?

May 26, 2013

ill be working on a project for about an hour and ill pres enter after moving it and it will just crop out the middle of the image? even if i dont press save, it will reopen and still be gone. it also effects not just the image i was working on but some of my other projects from photoshop im doing.

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Photoshop :: Pen Tool In CC - Middle Point

Jun 18, 2013

Just updates to Photoshop CC and I am having a problem with the pen tool. In CS6, if you made two point, and then added a point between them you could immediately move the middle point. Now in CC you must move your mouse off the point and back on for it to recognize it. There is a video of the problem at this link:


I've tried trashing my preferences (shift alt option on startup) and it did nothing.

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Photoshop :: Blue Part In The Middle

Jan 8, 2003

how they did the blue part in the middle,

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3ds Max :: Slow Zoom On Middle Mouse

Feb 13, 2012

How come the zoom on middle mouse reacts so slowly compared to using the zoom icon (magnifier) ? its slow, clunky and takes a moment to get going, it also has zoom limits which the magnifier does n`t.

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Mudbox :: How To Avoid A Groove In Middle Of Lip

Apr 29, 2011

I need to change a model's lower lip.

What's the best way to avoid a groove in the middle of the lip when creating facial morphs with symmetry turned on and using the grab tool?

If I align the two dots and drag in the exact middle, this doesn't happen, but then I have to grab the lip a bit to one side to keep the lip even, and the groove will start to appear when I drag.

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3ds Max :: Middle Mouse Button Settings?

Sep 19, 2013

3d Max Design 2013.  I'm having issues right off the bat with my mouse, especially the middle mouse button.  During the tutorial videos, we're instructed that using the MMB with the Ctrl, Alt, or combination there of, a hand icon will appear and certain movements will occur.  My mouse is not behaving in this manner.  I am wondering if there is a certain setting within windows I need to set the MMB, specifically for this program, since the default setting doesn't seem to work. 

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AutoCad :: Unable To Use Middle Button

May 16, 2006

I have a Microsoft wireless notebook laser mouse 6000 and I can not pan using the middle button for some reason. I have tried to change the variable in the MBUTTONPAN command from 0 to 1 and it made no difference.

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Lightroom :: Import Bar Across Middle Of Screen

Feb 19, 2014

When clicking on Import, instead of the usual tool bar across the top of the screen, as I've seen in many videos, I get a very large bar across the middle of the screen. There probably is a toggel somewhere that allows you toswitche back and forth between the large bar and the normal one at the top. I have been watching a number of videos trying to learn LR but have not come across this issue/option. Currently, I have always moved my photos into a folder on an external drive and then inport to LR. Is that the problem?

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Photoshop :: How To Create Exposure Circle In The Middle Of Pic

Jun 3, 2012

I wanna know how to create that exposure in the middle of this pic... It adds focus to the pic... Like the circular light in the middle. 

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Photoshop :: Slowed / Choppy In Middle Of Session

Jul 4, 2012

I was working on a project and all of a sudden everything with in PS got notably slow and choppy.  This first happened while using the selection tool (polygonal lasso), which was lagging behind and making late clicks.  I finished my selection and noticed the cursor in general was slow choppy still.  I saved my work, shutdown PS, then reboot my computer.  I reopen my project, the cursor lag seemed to be gone but the brush tool was not working correctly.  Instead of making smooth burst of color with one click (gradient like), it now looks like 256 4 bit (old nintendo style) bursts.  Or you could say it looks like multiple rings getting smaller and darker, like counting the rings of a tree trunk. 
This happens instantly after opening a file of any type and size.  I work with CMYK and 300dpi and while working on a page, this just happened out of nowhere.
I have an ASUS G74SX, i7 CPU, GeForce 560M w/2 gig RAM, 8 gig of SDRAM, 3 each SSD 300gigs (this is basically a 6 month old gaming laptop and has been working fine with PS until now).  I have my PS scratch disk set to my F drive for all art and there is nothing more than 2 gigs of space being used right now.  My RAM used in PS prefs was maxed at 5205k as suggested by the program.
PS CS6 is fully up to date as well as all drivers for my GPU and the rest of my laptop.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Freezing With Middle Eastern Type?

Mar 10, 2013

When I use East Asian type there is no problem but with the Middle Estern type my program freezing every few second.  I use MacBook pro. I have checked the FontBook there is no duplication.

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VideoStudio :: Inserting Video In The Middle Of Project?

Mar 25, 2013

I could not find anything on this. Is it possible to insert a video clip into the middle of a project? I have tried inserting a video and it always adds it to the end of the project not where I want it to go.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Select Entity And Set It On Middle Of Screen?

Aug 27, 2013

is there any entity stutas for selecting?like use mouse select? But do'nt use mouse to select.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shrink Part In Middle?

Jan 9, 2013

I have a part which is lets say 10ft long. Now I need to modify that to be 9.5ft. Is there a simple way to remove that .5ft from the center of the part?

I just need a way to cut out a .5ft section in the middle and then put the two remaining pieces back together. Doing this would be much easier than editing the sketches for the part, especially since I may have to change the amount that is cut out and that would change the number of holes and features.

Attached is a picture of the parts i have to edit and some lines to show the section that needs to get removed.

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Photoshop :: How To Determine The Middle Color Between 2 Colours

Aug 15, 2007

If I have to colours, and I want to add a third colour between them to make it flow more... is there a way to determine the middel colour between 2 colours.. eg. grey for black and white

Or between light red and dark red.. there is "normal" red.. but how do you determine the value of normal? Or do you do this just by eye?

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Photoshop :: Cs4 At Startup (gray Rectangle In The Middle)

Apr 6, 2009

I just recently got Cs4 and each time I open it thers a window that pops out with the PS logo on the top left cornor and a grey rectangle in the middle.

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Xara :: Set Outline To Outside / Middle / Inside Shape

Nov 27, 2011

When I add an outline to a shape, it always seems to build itself from the center of the line. Can I set my outline (line as opposed to fill) to be outside, middle, or inside my shape?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Set Mouse Middle And Right Button

Jul 25, 2013

When I click right mouse button, it shows menu like below picture.

But i want to set menu like this.

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GIMP :: Image With Layers - How To Cut Out Middle Of Canvas

Mar 16, 2013

I have an image with many layers. I want to cut a vertical strip out of the middle of one of the layers because I want to narrow the transparent gap between the left side of that layer and the right side. That is, my image has stuff on the left side and stuff on the right and a gap in the middle through which shows the pattern in the layers below, and I want to narrow that middle gap. I want to do the same thing as cutting a vertical strip down the middle of that top layer with scissors so I can scrunch the sides together, so less of the patterns on the layers behind shows through.

Is there any way to do this? It doesn't work when I simply select the area I want to cut and click "cut" or "clear" - those commands don't get rid of the canvas in that section, just the contents, which are transparent anyway.

I'm trying to avoid resizing the canvas and then laboriously reconstructing the layer with all the finicky alignment issues, because that seems unnecessarily time-consuming, when all I need to do is remove a gap in a blank section. I tried using guides to guillotine the image, but that, too, is turning out to be time-consuming in terms of reassembling the image. I know I must be missing something obvious - how does one simply remove a selection of the canvas (and not of the image itself) with the selection tool?

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Paint.NET :: Middle Mouse Click As Eye Dropper

Mar 18, 2012

Similar to how Minecraft allows you to select the block your cursor is over via middle mouse click,

wouldn't it be intuitive to make the eye dropper/color selector bound to the middle mouse button?

As far as I can tell, a middle mouse click does nothing in PDN right now and when I tested to see if this feature was already implemented, it just felt right to me.

So I say follow in Notch's footsteps with the middle mouse button, afterall he himself advocated PDN on his blog for creating games

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Paint.NET :: Remove Background White But Not Middle

Jun 13, 2012

I need to remove the background white from this picture and make is transparent but not the middle bit with the player.

I thought about removing the bottom rectangle and then putting an ellipse around it but it's not a perfect's flat at the bottom.

Also, I can't seem to get the perfect ellipse size or move it.

How do you select an ellipse once you've made it and resize it?

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Illustrator :: Can't Remove Rectangle In Middle Of Image

Aug 5, 2013

Yes, I'm new to Illustrator. Every time I open up a previously made image, usually a jpg of an illustration I did by hand, there is an outline of a rectangle right in the middle of my image. I have no doubt I put it there while doing something else. But, now it shows up in all the images I open in Illustrator. What I might have done to create this, and better yet, how I can get rid of it? I'm using Illustrator CS4.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Can't Select Middle Grid Photos

Jun 11, 2013

I just installed Lightroom 5, and I can't seem to select the middle grid photos.  There are also times when I can't select the outer grid photos or can't scroll within the grid.  It is almost like the program isn't recognizing that my cursor is hovering over the photo.  This doesn't seem to be effecting the selecting of photos in the horizontal strip at the bottom of the page.  I'm using a macbook pro; it has the most recent OS. 

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Photoshop :: Popup Panel Windows Always Appear In Middle Of Monitor CS5

Jul 9, 2012

As of recently, all popup windows in Photoshop (i.e. colour picker, layer styles etc) appear in the middle of my monitor and cover the canvas i'm working on.

In the past, I would move this window over to the side and next time i open it, it would open in the last position.
This is no longer the case. Everytime it opens right in the center of the screen covering my artwork.
The same goes for layer styles. e.g. Stroke.

First the Layer Styles popup will cover my work.. i'll move it to one side

Then when I want to colour the stroke, the colour picker appears in the middle so I have to move this too.
I probably waste about an hour of my day just moving these popups out of the way.
The only thing I can think of is the fact that i've recently updated my graphics card driver (ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series) In Catalyst Control Centre, I hav ticked the option to keep dialogue windows in the correct place but this doesn't apply to the in-application popups.

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Photoshop :: Edit Text In Middle Of Picture That Was Scanned

Oct 17, 2013

How do i edit a text in the middle of a picture that was scanned ? What software will allow me to do this ? I currently have Photoshop and xi.

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