I created a new family to use as posts in my handrail system. This is for a deck railing. I'm working on creating a model of the building as it currently stands so I'm able to include a picture of what it actually looks like in real life.
I've also included a screenshot showing the properties window for the handrail (showing what balusters are available) next to the project browswer (showing what families I've got loaded in the file).
In the project browser, I've marked with a red arrow the family that I want to use in my handrail. The ones marked in green are actually listed in the handrail properties window. So how can I make the Dek Rail Post available to my handrail?
I've also included the post family as an attachment.
I am trying to change the profile of my top handrail but i only get W beam in the pull down box. i have inserted both 1" pipe and 1" plate into my drawing and it still want show up.
I developed a handrail extension that turns down and terminates on top of the stringer and I'm having some trouble controlling the "bend" to get a smooth arc for all angles. Is there away of aligning or constrining the arc in the sweep path to achieve this?
I currently have a situation in white my stair handrail mid post wont connect to my stair stringer. I have a C10 stair stringer and am using a modified typer square handrail system I have made. I am sure there is a setting or preference I have missed that is causing this. I have attached an image for reference.
ALSO in the image you can see the top rail does not fully attach to the end post. It sits in the middle somehow. AND that end post sits halfway off the stringer.
Up until yesterday, I only received email notification from Corel on topics that I had made a contribution to, now I am receiving emails for all posts submitted on the forum, whether contributed to or not. I have checked my User Control Panel, but could not find a way to change notification settings. Is there anything I can do to change things back to the way they were.
I want to optimize the images in my blog posts since it is loading very slowly. Due to this my blogs loading speed is very high. I have no idea to optimize the images in Photoshop. You can see my images loading very slowly here
I am creating a beam system. I click the "beam system" button on the structure panel. However, it then goes into sketch mode without stopping to allow me to select "automatic beam system" and/or "Tag on Placement." Fortunately, I can see that "automatic beam system" is already selected in the split second that flashes before going to sketch mode.
However, I do not have the opportunity to select the "Tag on Placement." I am really new to Revit and thus I am wondering if there is a different way to possibly turn on the tagging since the way I know is not an option.
how to get rid of English system families in country specific project template? The problem is that originaly that project template was made in English version of Revit with English template. Since it is very custom template I have just translated English families into local language when we moved to localized version but I was not able to do that with system families like System Panel for Curtain Wall, basic Mullions and also I had trouble with Solid hatch.
When I click on search, my computer opens the notepad application and the error message says "the filename, directory name, or volume lable syntax is incorrect." I cant go to the videos or the wiki directly from revit either. None of the resources on the right side of the screen are accessible. I do have the educator version of the software. I have tried to reinstall from the application, but have not uninstalled and reinstalled completely.
I try to 'lock' a beam system that I have used for rafters to the underside of my roof.I've successfully got the walls and gables linked in with the roof, and have set up reference planes for cutting of rafters (that should - I think - mean that rafters can move slightly - or change pitch, whilst maintaining same cut extents at rafter ends).
Trouble is - the rafter Beam System does not update with the roof.
My creation approach for the Beam System was to select the underside of the roof as the 'Working Plane' - then edit the boundary to project beyond the walls and form the overhang. I projected it further than I required to provide the excess needed in case I wanted to push the cut plane outwards.
I assumed that selecting the underside of the roof as the working plane would 'lock' the two together, but it doesn't appear to work.Have I missed a straightforward step to link the two elements together ?
I am having a problem with creating a curtain wall system. After selecting my mass surfaces and choosing "create system" I am unable to change the type of curtain wall system. It just comes up with a regular grid system on the mass, where as before I was able to choose triangles, rhomboids etc under the properties tab. Now however I see nothing except for the current curtain system and recently used files.
I have also created a custom panel which I want to insert into my project but am unable to do so? I have tried loading it into the project, however because of the above problem I am not able to change it to my custom panel system.
when i am creating a coordination system in Autocad and after that i want to export it in Revit, there is aways difference between the two reference points, the one from the Autocad file and the Project base point in Revit.
I managed to mach them by moving the autocad file, but i don't think this is the correct way of doing it.
I am trying to create a handrail section to suit an existing staircase. I have drawn the plan of the handrail out and then created a 3d sketch to plot the height of the handrail relative to the plan.
My plan was then to draw a spline through the points and sweep the handrail profile along the spline to create my model. If this is the right way to create the model or does tried and tested procedure?
When I apply a curtain system to a mass, the curtain panels flip inside to outside as shown in the attached image, when applied to a curved mass surface. Additionally, if these systems are applied independently the system justification (beginning and end) is reversed.
Revit Architecture 2014? I've been trying to use the structural beam system, but when I select the joist I cannot select the start/end extension in the properties dialog box. I would like to know why is that?
We have a family that errors when certain values are hit. Its realated to Automatic Sketch Dimension reassociating with work planes when two workplans over lap... Anyway, the QA team knows about this.
The problem I have is that I have an IF statement to trigger an generic error message when these two rare conditions are met. I would rather a pop up window explaining what thy can not do. "Position of legs from ends can not equal half total length" and an OK button.
Is there a "say" style command for revit formulas?
I am trying to add some storefront doors into my storefront that is already placed. The normal doors work, but I can not load in, any other door types from the "doors" family component library. It will only let me use the type that is already loaded in. It doesnt even give me an error dialogue, just the circle with the slash through it when i click on "Open" to load a door in.
Sometimes I'm unable to place a truss in my building. When I am able to get it in, it's never at the right height (either too high or too low). I've tried moving it in an elevation and section, but it will only move left and right, not up and down. My teacher said something about changing the view range, which I did.
I am trying to make my roof by footprint but everytime I try the footprint won't show up. Are there specific steps to connect the two? I am working off directions for Revit 2011 but with 2013 its not working the same.
If you already have your main floor created in a Revit LT model and you later decide you'd loke to add a small addition to that same floor, not as an addition, but simply as a revised floor plan that expands the previous area, can you just draw another floor area and will that blend into the 1st main floor? Or do you have to redraw the whole floor? Or join the 2 pieces?
Yes, I am new to Revit, and I can add a revision cloud and see the line added to the rev block but I'm trying to add revision and have it show up on the rev block without adding a rev cloud. I did it once and can't figure out how to do it again. On the Sheet Issues/Revisions dialog box I check on the Issued box and on show I've selected Cloud and Tag, Tag, and None.
I created one panel family. On plan view, I added two parameter for just width and lenght (Picture 1), but at the same time, I cannot added parameter for adjust the angle in the elevation plan(Picture 2) .
When creating custom materials and utilizing them within your Revit project, are the image files embedded within the RVT file and thereby increasing file size? I was needing to know before we load down the project file (.rvt) with many custom materials. Hopefully it is just a pointer to a separate material file.
We have one project were we can't add new witness lines to a dimension. We've checked it being pinned, Workset, etc. and can't find a reason for this. If you select Edit Witness Line, hovering over a most objects (including grid lines) won't highline them.
I want to be able to add rooms through the schedule prior to placing them in the model. I thought I would be able to do that by going to the Modify Schedule/ Quanties Tab and clicking New in the Rows columns but the new option is blanked out and not selectable.