We have one project were we can't add new witness lines to a dimension. We've checked it being pinned, Workset, etc. and can't find a reason for this. If you select Edit Witness Line, hovering over a most objects (including grid lines) won't highline them.
I click on my wall, drag the end of a witness line to a new point and the whole thing disappears, preventing me from changing the value of the witness line.I'd like to be able to add a witness line.
is it possible to have a dimension style setup that shows the dimension text inline with the dimension - without having to move it?I have been looking but cannot seem to do it - is it possible and I am just missing it?
I need to dimension between the face of a wall and non parallel wall opposite it. The non parallel wall turns a 90 degree corner, and it is at this corner that I want to measure perpendicular to my first wall.
1. Is there a way to dimension between non-parallel walls? When you place the dimension you click on the wall at the location you want to dimension, so I don't see why Revit can't place the dimension at that point. That dimension would be particular to that one point along the non-parallel wall. 2. I got around this by placing a reference plane and dimensioning to that, but I'd rather not do this because then if I hide the reference plane, my dimension disappears.
Is there another work around or am I missing a tool I don't know about?
Yes, I am new to Revit, and I can add a revision cloud and see the line added to the rev block but I'm trying to add revision and have it show up on the rev block without adding a rev cloud. I did it once and can't figure out how to do it again. On the Sheet Issues/Revisions dialog box I check on the Issued box and on show I've selected Cloud and Tag, Tag, and None.
I want to insert dimension lines on this project. But instead of having an actual dimension I'd like it just to be a letter that refers back to a chart of possible dimensions for that element. How do I do this? I'm using AutoCad Architecture 2012.
Can i change the length of the dimension line 'extension' when my dimension text placement is beside the dimension line (see attached image)?dim line length.jpg
When doing an angle dimension and trying to put text under the dimension line, the text types out straight which if long enough will extend over the dimension line. Other then creating text with arctext, is there no other way to get it curved? I am using AutoCAD 2010.
my normal dimension style has text above dmension line & I want to add 'typical' to it below dimension line.
I have done this lot of time in my previous job an year back. but I can't seem to remember what to type between dimension text & the word I want to add in edit text box, so that it appers below dimension line.
I am having an issue with my dimensions. If I have a dimension that is 1'-3" or larger, my extension line beyond my dimension line extends the normal length, but as soon as my dimension goes under 1'-3", the extension line then gets twice as long outside of the dimension line (see attachment). I have researched...and i can't seem to find a dim variable that will let me change this. is there anything to control this happening once my dimension goes below 1'-3"?
I have created an easement after I selected the line callouts and created my parcel table I realized I missed selecting one of my line labels and it is missing from my table. I know I can just erase the table and then reselect all line callouts to create a NEW table, but I was wondering if there was a way to just select the line callout I missed and have it added to the parcel table without recreating a new one.
I have a part rendered in Inventor Studio- Looks great when I save it as a .bmp and print it. How can I add dimensions and leaders and callout to this rendered imaged?
I can get length, width, height information from part or assembly below Visual Basic Express 2010 code.
Everything is perfect. But if any plan or axis visible in document than results comes wrong! I think box object calculating the dimensions not only according to raw part. It adding the axis or plan dimensions to the result!...
Dim invDoc As Document invDoc = Form1.invDocumentTakas Dim dLength As Double Dim dWidth As Double Dim dHeight As Double [code]....
I can add Feature Control Frames in a Drawing Curve but i can't do it in General dimension. How I can add Feature Control . Frames in General Dimension.
I have an opportunity to make a good impression at a new job, but ive never had the initiative to learn how to write a lisp routine. at my work we make walk-in coolers and freezers. these coolers are modular with a standard wall piece measuring a certain length. these wall sections have to be numbered sequentially. is there any way to automate this? sometimes we get change order from the client and it means going back and manually changing multiple texts (sometimes in the hundreds), but i thought if there was a way these wall sections could be scheduled somehow that when a new wall panel is inserted in the beginning of the sequence it would update everything after it automatically.
4. Select from a drop down list, "Absurdly Thick Line" and have it instantly inherit the linestyle I created.
The only way I can do this is to create a family, make a new subcategory of Detail Items, create the characteristics I want in the line, export it as a .dwg file, then import it into Revit - and then I see the new line style along side the other line styles, and I can then select any line and make it the new line style.
Certainly, there is an easy to find, simple, straightforward way to add line styles to the existing group - and have those new line styles become immediately accessible from the "Modify Lines" Linestyle Drop down Menu.
I need to routinely insert text into or near my dimensions but my dimensions need to be kept as basic dimensions meaning they need to have the box around them as in the picture. What I want to do is what the first dimension shows with the "2x" outside the dimension box but that first one is a combination of suppressing the dimension line and inserting a leader so the 2x will be within the line. Otherwise the normal dimension is what is shown below. How can I increase the line gap from the dimension options without 1) increasing the dimension box with DIMGAP or 2) inserting a line that's separate from the dimension itself or 3) exploding
I was wandering while doing a project of some construction elements if there is any way in Revit that I can change the numerical value of an dimension not with the text but with different value ? and at the same time I don't want Revit to rescale my elements. Something like in AutoCAD that I can type in any number I want and Revit won't rescale i or change the distance between them.
I know that I could simply use AutoCAD instead of Revit but I find it easier in general and I really want to learn it since I'm a student.
I'm designing a piece of furniture in Rhino using Grasshopper. I would like to create my measured drawings of this piece in Revit (as a way of learning the software). I have linked the 5 components of the piece to my Revit project file (as SAT files but I could export them as something else if that would work). All I want to do is create a single sheet showing 1 plan view, 2 elevations, 1 section and an exploded axon. However, I cannot seem to dimension the components. I need overall dimensions as well as the size of radii at curved corners in elevation and filleted corners in plan, and also thickness of the material used.
Is there something I need to do to get the dimensions to 'see' this set of objects?
I'm using BIMLink to adjust parameters in a model... If a dimension ends up being zero, is there a way for me to have conditional formatting to turn off visibility of a dimension with a zero value?
I'm using revit for my college projects.. When I edit an in placed mass I see these dimension texts, i could use guidance on how to hide these... this started happening today
how to dimension from one circle center to another ("A" in the picture)? Or the angle between two circles ("B" in the picture)? My main problem is that i cant snap to a circle center with any dimension type except for diameter and radius, and then i can only dimension one circle on its own.
I'm using a couple of masked regions to form symbol linework (so that it obscures background and shadows) in section.
In my screen family, I have a masked region that in theory could end up having a 0mm length - that obviously throws out errors.
The following screen grab shows the regions (at screen soffits) that are set to lock to the frame face and external wall face. Trouble is I have an instance parameter to allow the screen to fill the whole wall thickness (which also then toggles on architraves). This results in the 0mm. I have therefore done a slight 2mm overlap to avoid the issue, but this leaves a residual ovelap in the linework that looks ugly.
Setting the masked region to simply not display doesn't avoid the problem, Revit still 'sees' the errant 0mm.
Is there a way of having this masked region working in both options (ie when needed - locked to ref planes) and then not producing the error when the frame and wall are coplanar ?