We have a fairly large project set to print tomorrow. However, one of our sheets causes a crash every time we try to print it. Actually, it's not sheet specific. Anytime we try to print a certain portion of of the building on any sheet, it crashes the project. We have two separate plan views of the same area created on separate sheets and each one causes the project to crash.
I've audited the filed, recreated the views and re-placed them on sheets, but to no avail. Same result. On a similar topic, there were some corrupt elements (doors) in the file that caused the project to crash anytime I tried to delete them or change the swing.
I have a user that when adding a sliding window has Revit crash on her. This is happening several times during the day. There will be over 80 of these windows. Her workstation has plenty of grunt, Xeon Quad core, 12Gb RAM etc. I have attached the journal file that shows the crash.
Upgraded to OS 10.9. When attempting to print old and / or new created Illustrator C3 files, system crashes. I do not have the funds to upgrade my Cloud software.
I have an SAT file that I inserted into a Conceptual Mass Family and then loaded into a Revit project. I have changed the name of the object in the Object Styles/Imported Objects dialog and assigned a unique material to it as well.
When I load it into the project its generally fine, sections/plans/elevations/section boxes work fine. When I try to update the material settings or the material it retains the original material settings. After the second attempt at assigning a new material: Crash Error Unexpected something or other Shut down.
I opened the original Mass famiily and updated the material shading once and it worked fine. I did it again and: Crash Error Unexpected something or other Shut down.
This is not my first time to use this process. Probably the fiftieth time. However it is the first time I've used it in 2014 with the new(really old) improved (fixed) materials dialog.
Is there a bug or known issue in 14 vs. 13. Am I missing a hotfix? It works on 13.
I keep getting the error message when I try to open this one project. Everyone else is getting the same message when opening it. It doesn't matter if it is a local file or a detached central file the same message comes up and closes Revit.
This is a 2011 Revit Architecture model but also crashes 2012.
i have atocad 2011 installed on my computer (64 bit), a HP Pavilion p6370nl desktop pc, and also have a new videocart: nvidea gt 640, but if start atocad, it starts, and close then. what to do? i already have reinstalled it and also repaired it so...
I have downloaded AutoCAD 2012 and when I try to open it my computer automatically shuts off without even openig AutoCAD. I tried downloading the newest version of AutoCAD 2013 and it does the same thing. Inventor fusion seems to open and work properly but not AutoCAD.
Had a system crash. I had Norton 360 using a slave HD as my automatic backup source. To reinstall windows, master HD was overwritten. I thenfound out Norton 360 didn't save my autocad files to the slave HD. Their definition of "other files" didn't cover dwg files unless you did an extremely detailed setup process, which, was not in the Norton instructions. Anyways, local computer service was able to recover about 60% of the "lost" autocad files.
Of those recovered files, about 60% will not open up. Only get a message "not a valid file" The file details show its an autocad file, its size, and the last date of revison.
Main issue is frequent crashes of the AutoCAD software. Sometimes 10-12 time's in a day. Unfortunately their are no error messages, and I have yet to see any pattern in when and how it crashes.
The problems I can see are the workspace, and process memory of my system. The workspace does not load correctly. The Ribbon shows multiples of the every tab at least twice. All tabs show the commands but not the pictures associated with the commands. CUIload shows correct workspaces.
Second note is that my system runs the same .dwg file's at 2/3 the processing memory than any other identical systems I run AutoCAD on.
Third, through my digging and attempted solutions I found that the AcSignCore_.dll file was missing.
I have: re-installed 3D twice, updated graphics drivers on my system and run open close save hotfix as well as AutoCAD2010 update 2 for 64 bit system.
This happens with a number of drawings, I believe all the files are very large approximately 8mb+. The issue is that by using the REGEN or the Zoom - Dynamic command, it will freeze AutoCAD. I will have to conduct a force shutdown than restart the program.
My question is; where do I start to determine what is the cause? Where do I find an error log?
I tried to print the layout from autocad, the autocad will freeze and it will prompt out the AutoCAD Application error message as the attachment below. Once click on "cancel", the application will shut down itself.
*The printer is HP LaserJet P5225.
*Other program like Revit, MS Word and etc still able to print well.
*Computer spec: Windows 7-64bit, 12 GB RAM, Xeon processor.
*Installed with the HP original driver from original disc that given
My working company currently practicing multiple user per pc. The autocad can run smoothly during the 1st time windows user account setup. But later on, after few days it start crash. The app will load and run but just for doing simple thing such draw lines, polilines n such. When i want to access the task panel, it crashed. Same if wan to load application, lisp etc. It only work fine under the user account which it is installed in. My user account have the administrative privilege and i'm running Windows XP platform (x32).
Dev env: AutoCAD 2012, VS 2010, ObjectARX.Net 2012
A simple windows form command dll to test within the VS2012 + AutoCAD 2012
Bug: when debugging with VS2012, the first command runs fine and I can debug it with breakpoints etc etc. However, after the first debugging session, if I try "File"->"Open" or "New", file dialog will popup and then my AutoCAD 2012 crashs.
It won't happen if I compiled the dll, and load directly from AutoCAD independantly running instance.
When i attempt to change any value of any dimension style, i am no longer given the 'Ok' option to finish and close the dialogue box. Instead i get an error code.
I recall that it arose when using civil 3D 2013 (which i've since uninstalled) and has continued into AutoCAD 2012 (installed post civil 3D 2013 uninstall).
When I print in revit - at scale - 100% Zoom, I check it with an architecture scale and its off. For example, 25' - 0" in the revit file measured with a scale on paper is 23 ' 10". etc... Is it a revit issue, or a printer driver issue?
I have a problem with printing - problem to *.plt files I can’t use printing sets View/Sheet Set Revit creates empty files or loses parts of drawings I have Revit Architecture 2011 and 2012, Revit MEP 2011 and 2012 with every services pack All my PC Stations are (Dell Precision T3500 (6GB RAM) Windows 7 Ultimate 64 BIT) I tested 3 PC Stations and 3 types of printers (TDS400, HP DesignJet 1050, HP DesignJet T770 Printing size was A0 and A1. where is my mistake or what kind of limitations has Revit?
Our company just upgraded to AutoCad 2011. We get files from our clients that exports their files from revit. It seems that Autocad 2011 slows down when reading this files (cursor will have a second or two delay).
I have created a couple text styles which are identical other than the fact that one has pointers using filled arrows whilst the other has filled dots. However when exported to dwfx, the arrows appear whereas the dots are absent!
I’m having an issue with Revit printing blank pages in a set.
I’m selecting the pages in print range option, and several of the pages are just coming out blank. I have to select each page that did not print and print it separately. This is printing directly to my Epson WF-750 on 12”x18” paper at 50% scale.
When I make a PDF, all the pages seem to appear. Is this a printer issue, or a Revit issue. Wait, let me guess, it can’t be a Revit issue it’s got to be a printer issue.
Im trying to print A0 sheets and was just wondering if its possible to change the paper size to 594 x 1682. Pretty much to have 2 A1 sheets in portrait on top of each other.
My plans are printing fine, but elevations and any 3d view print with the majority of the drawing missing. I'm guessing it has to do with the raster images used on walls for textures, but besides that I'm stumped. I'm trying to print in realistic view, because of the material textures that need to show up.
I've turned on sun lighting, as well as tried various PDF printers, but no change. When I go to the print preview it appears to preview incorrectly. The file is pretty small as the project is just a modest house. Pretty much all the settings are 'right out of the box'.
When I shift back to just 'Hidden line' mode and look at it in print preview it seems to print the drawing fine, but then the titleblock and firm logo dissapear. The actual PDF when printed is fine.
I'm working on revit 2013, in WIndows 7 inside parllels on a macbook pro.
I am using the student version of Revit and have desparately been trying to create a document that would print to scale. I use PDF creator to convert Revit to pdf, but it always comes messed up by an inch or so...insted of 4.6, it prints 4.75 (or the other way around). I tried formating my title block in many different ways, including deleting the outer lines. Nothing works. There is no Arch D format in the family of titleblocks. I am a complete beginner, just started using Revit a couple months ago, with no knowledge of CAD or anything similar. When I look at the PDF creator page of my doc, it shows that the doc has been properly sized, but when the print place prints it out, it is off by 1" or so.
How do I format my sheet so it prints to scale in format 24" X36"?
I have two detail items (split-face cmu & cmu sections.) within each family it says the line is "Heavy Line." and the lineweight is set to 5 for both. yet on the computer screen and when it prints out one of the detail items is thinner than the other? how to correct?
Can you print a model file to scale without setting up a view with a scale? Like in Autocad, you could print the model space to a certain scale within the page setup manager. Does revit have anything like that? Or do I have to set up a sheet view prior to printing anything?
I just recently noticed that when I print documents from Revit Architecture, they are printing smaller than the scale size they are set to. I verified with a couple of different scale settings against a good old fashioned scale ruler. It seems to be consistently incorrect.