i have atocad 2011 installed on my computer (64 bit), a HP Pavilion p6370nl desktop pc, and also have a new videocart: nvidea gt 640, but if start atocad, it starts, and close then. what to do? i already have reinstalled it and also repaired it so...
I tried to print the layout from autocad, the autocad will freeze and it will prompt out the AutoCAD Application error message as the attachment below. Once click on "cancel", the application will shut down itself.
*The printer is HP LaserJet P5225.
*Other program like Revit, MS Word and etc still able to print well.
*Computer spec: Windows 7-64bit, 12 GB RAM, Xeon processor.
*Installed with the HP original driver from original disc that given
I updated a working cad station with the lastest pathes. It loaded the new MS Dot Net framework 4. Now Acad crashes if you open it, see below. If you click on an existing drawing it opens and you can work with no problems.
My question is - Is Acad 2011 compatable with the new DotNet 4? The fault module below is DotNet. The old drawings were created using 3.51 DotNet so it looks to me it tries to use the dot net 4 on new drawing.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: acad.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4dbf9c16 [code]...
I have a user that when adding a sliding window has Revit crash on her. This is happening several times during the day. There will be over 80 of these windows. Her workstation has plenty of grunt, Xeon Quad core, 12Gb RAM etc. I have attached the journal file that shows the crash.
On my business PC acadlt.exe crashing when i try to convert my dwg file on another format type.
For example if i would to covert my dwg in a PDF file, i go on action bottom "A bottom", i go on EXPORT and to PDF.
ALL ok but if i press on SAVE the program have a fatal crash.
My pc have Windows 7 pro 32bit, i have install the SO by 2 day, i have installed all the windows update. The user profile is OK and if i access on pc witch another profile the system have crash too.
I have java 7 u21 and .net 4.5. On similiar PC the program dont crash.
I have try to reinstal .net and Autocad, i have try to search on google but nothing as work.
Civil 3D 2010 was crashing for an employee. I uninstalled Civil 2010 and attempted to install 2011. He still has a fatal crashing error. I also removed his temp files.
So we have inherited files from another company and there are some files which have begun crashing once the save command is initiated. Typically, the file seems to be saving for about 5-10 minutes, and then it gives a "FATAL ERROR: Cannot write to undo file (probably disk full)" alert. This obviously crashes the application without saving the file. The files that crash are the sheet files into which we have multiple xrefs which are overlays, not attachments. There are 4 xrefs in these files. I don't see why this would be a reason for the application crashing, but it's all I can think of that may be the problem.
I change my motherboard ans proc and memory yesterday, but i don't reinstall windows seven, and now i don't have time to reinstal windows now.Before change my motherboard, 3ds x64 worked good, and now he crash on startup with the report error on jpeg attachement.
3dsmax_minidump.dmp dmpuserinfo.xml dumpdata.zip (and it's written version 3ds max 13 - 64bits)
But 3ds max 2011 x32 works very good I need 3ds max 2011 x64 for use the plugins hair farm.
I already reinstall a several times 3ds x64 but nothing, et try to remove the three dmp, xml, and zip, and also put on Open GL
I've found an issue with 3ds Max 2012, when I open/upgrade my 2011 scene, max will crash immediately and every time. I used a 'binary search' approach to figure out what part of my 2011 file/scene was failing to import by exporting half of it, importing it and seeing if it crashed, if so, I'd split that half in half again and repeat until I got down to the offending object. I managed to get down to a single Loft object, which when exported (Save As > Save Selected) just on it's own would cause 2012 to crash on opening it.
It's not a biggy for me as I can just delete the offending object and carry on.
I'm not quite sure why there isn't a try-catch block around the entire import/load file function inside 3ds max, so that if/when max exceptions it won't bring down the entire application? I guess making this a safe transactional operation would be fairly difficult.
When I try to install on my new computer I just keep getting a dialogue box that says "You cannot install this product on the current operating system". I purchassed Autocad in about January 2011 and have a valid licence. The setup program gives me no other options. I just downloaded the program files rather than buy a hard copy.
We are geographically spread out and need to come up with a way to have all Civil 3D files locally available to each office. There is a way to replicate the files to every office. Has tried DFS?
Our company just upgraded to AutoCad 2011. We get files from our clients that exports their files from revit. It seems that Autocad 2011 slows down when reading this files (cursor will have a second or two delay).
Just got my new work PC and I'm having issues drawing lines in AutoCAD LT 2011.
Much like other people, circles are fine, as is most everything else. It's just the lines (and who uses lines when drawing things?). So, as you can imagine, my frustration level is to the point where my head is about to explode.
Here are my PC Specs:
Windows 8 Intel Core i7-3770 3.40GHz - 8 CPUS Memory - 16GB Ram AMD Radeon HD 7770 2GB GDDR5 Memory
And this is coming from an old Dell that ran 2011 like a champ, the computer just got old and died.
I can't see any reason, component wise, why the CPU can't handle it, and, since it's just on lines, it leads me to believe it's a software issue where 2011 LT isn't playing nicely with Windows 8 or some other component.
Could it be that it's just time to get with the times and upgrade or is there some workaround?
I have a serious problem when hatching in AutoCAD LT 2011, it's making my PC hang but only when I'm using the 'Add: Pick points' command. It's so bad that I can't even call up the task manager to stop the process and I have to switch it off and on again to get it working.
I've never encountered this before with earlier versions of AutoCAD, is there a way around this? It's driving me nuts!
I'm using AutoCAD LT 2011 on Windows Vista.
Since opening my most recent backup file I think I may have found the cause.
I had inserted a .jpg image (150 x 150 @ 8KB) that I was using to trace around it and it was these tracings that I tried to hatch. I have since deleted the image and now the hatching causes no problems.
After an AutoCAD/Windows crash, I reboot. The system begins to load Windows (Win 7 splash), then the screen goes blank and a white Windows cursor appears -- nothing more; no desktop or taskbar.
Control-Alt-Del does nothing, however, the HDD light continues to flash as if it is continuing to boot. The same thing happens when I boot in Safe Mode (except cursor is larger due to different resolution).
I can boot from bootable CD and everything works fine. HDD scan and memtest both pass. I formatted the drive and reinstalled Windows and AutoCAD and everything works fine. However, two days later, the same exact problem occurred on the second of five workstations.
Details: Win 7 Professional 64bit MS Office Home and Business (with Outlook configured for IMAP) i7 processor, 6GB ECC RAM, Nvidia Quadro 600 w/1GB RAM.
AutoCAD 2013 was originally loaded from a trial version, then purchased license key installed.We are using Xref on a file server and opening drawing on a file server across a ethernet Gbit lan.
I 'm trying to create a window from the command panel( for example fixed) and firstly I can't create the width unless I go to modify nor can I add rails and panels.
Ever since I've installed PS CC it has crashed several times per day. I've installed 14.1.2, and the crashes still persist.
The viewport always fails to rerender at some point when I'm zooming in or out or have changed layers. The scenerios differ, but it always has to do with a needed graphics refresh. On some occasions the crash dialog will not appear until I attempt to save (knowing that's already crashed, but hoping...). I have used Photoshop since (I believe) version 2. CC is the worst release I have ever seen.
We have heard from few users that there is a crash on launch after the latest Illustrator update 17.0.1 on WINDOWS. We need to debug this issue and to isolate this. Any user who is encountering this on windows can join the connect session: [URL]
I just recently upgraded from WinXP64 to Windows 7 Ultimate 64 and everything is good… aside from the fact that everytime I save the files, it is realy slow
I never had this issue before (although when I think about it, I used to work on another Win7 station a few months ago and I had the same issue)
I think the reason is OS related as everytime I click on save, it “re-creates” the file from scratch… This is not much of a problem on small files… but I have scenes that are over 500MB each and it takes forever to save everytime (not that the scene unreliability is not enough!!!)
I got a mail from a German in Saudia Arabia. He runs Windows 7 withEnglish as default language. He installed GIMP 2.6.9 and it comes upin Arabic which he can't read.
He sent me a screen shot which shows the menus of his mail program inthe back behind the Arabic GIMP. They are in German, but he says hissystem is running in English. Localisation Hell?
I have Adobe Premier Pro CC on a laptop windows 8.1.
I can open the software without problem but when i want to create a new projet, open a projet, import media (all actions which needed to use the window's browser) the soft crash and a "adobe premiere pro has stopped working" pop up appears.
I have the follow report in "C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportArchiveAppCrash_Adobe PremiereP_c3d8aff034e6134d452e86f0b46eb49124ae68d4_bdc6adc1_9321fcde Report.wer" is attached
I downloaded the installer for AutoCAD 2012 and when I went to install it, it told me I can't because there are already AutoCAD applications on my mac. So I ran the uninstaller for 2011, and it's still giving me the same message.
I recently just installed Autocad 2012, using a student licence obtained from the autodesk website. I entered my serial number and product key, and it said that it was suceesfully installed. It even launched, however now when I launch Autocad 2012 the start up screen appears, it says its initialzing, it loads then nothing appears on my screen or even my taskbar, I'm running Windows 7 professional 32 bit.
I've installed the entire CS6 Creative Suite on a new Windows 8 Machine. Launcing any of the applications other than Acrobat 10 causes a crash. Windows 8 and the Nvidia GTX670 are all up to date. Crash reports for Photshop and Illustrator are as follows:
Never had this issue when running past versions of Autocad but every time i try and hatch using 'pick internal points' the program crashes. "FATAL ERROR - Out of memory - shutting down" message comes up every time. Hatching by selecting an object works fine but most of time this option is unusable.
2.66ghz 3.25gb ram windows xp 32 bit NVIDIA Quadro FX 570
Our structural firm is using 2011, and our office has received drawings that came out of 2014 twice in the past week (from separate arch clients). In both instances, we back-converted using DWG TrueView 2014, but upon opening in ACAD, none of the walls were showing up (although they do appear in the preview). One of my other drafters dealt with it the first time, and got it resolved, although I didn't get specifics on how. Naturally, the second time it happened, she was out, so I am seeing if the architect can back-save to 2010 on their end and send the file.
While waiting on that, I tried QSelect in the offending file, and in the list of items that comes up, there was, amid the usual Text, Line, Pline, Block, etc., something called ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY. I selected all (nothing was visible, however--usually you see grips at least when you QSelect things), then exploded, and the walls showed up.
I have had somewhat similar odd behavior from drawings coming from I think ADT (do they still make ADT?), where things like walls, doors and windows come in as something block-like (I think AEC OBJECTS?), and we have to explode them in order to control color and visibility of their constituent parts. Perhaps this is something similar?
At any rate, this seems like something that either shouldn't be happening, or that has a more obvious fix than having to qselect and explode invisible things to get them to show up.
We are using AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD 2012 on the same drawings. It is slowing the drawings down in AutoCAD 2011. There is at least one person that only has AutoCAD 2012 on their machine.