I'm using the Filmconvert plugin and the reset buttons do not work. I have the latest version of CC and Filmconvert plugin.
Filmconvert support said that "The functionality of the reset buttons is provided by the application API... plugin developers do not code that functionality and have no visibility or control over it... which is why it must be a Premiere problem. Have you asked Adobe tech support for assistance?".
I've tried reinstalling Filmconvert plugin and also resetting preferences.
Is it a bug?How do I contact Adobe for support? They don't reply to bug reports.
I use ACR and the adjustment brush on a daily basis. When making several corrections with the adjustment brush, each time I have to manually zero out the adjustments from the previous correction. If there were a reset button at the top to zero out all the adjustments it would greatly simplify this process.
Some Photoshop tools allow you to change the cancel button into a reset button by holding down the Alt key. The purpose of this button is to reset the tool to its default values.
For 1 or 2 months I noticed that I needed to double-click on the reset button for it to work. Normally you only need a single click.
I got really got fed up with it today, so I did some research. I couldn't find any answers on the internet (including newsgroups), so I decided to close all programs that were running in the background. That solved it. I restarted the computer and started to close one program at a time to see if the problem would go away.
It was already 'bingo' after I cancelled the first suspicious program.
It has to do with the "1-Click Answers" add-on from www.answers.com. Richt click the program in the system bar, select options/activations and change the default value "Alt + left click" to something else that doesn't conflict or just remove the whole add-on like I did.
I thought it would be useful to know in case your reset button is acting weird and you can't find any answers anywhere.
I have been following a tutorial in modelling a helmet, which is meant for beginners to learn the software well.
I know that I have already ask this, but I want to rephrase this better.
I can't find the "reset setting" button from edit on My maya 2014 software.
The reason the tutorial is using the "rest setting" is to adjust the width, height and depth of the cube I have out there by using numbers as its measurement.
I don't know if there are any other buttons that can do the same job, or is there another way to find this button... I can't progress my learning until I know what to do about this.
How to reset Auto Export frame count back to - example still123.tif to still001.tif or change the count to commence at a number you want like still200.tif
when I decide to start over in the Liquify filter, I press the ALT key which turns Cancel to Reset and click it. In my case, nothing is happening. I am expecting all the changes made in that session to be removed so I can start over. Oddly, all the changes remain intact.
Unable to open my RAW files in Photoshop CS4 on my Mac from a new Nikon D600 camera, I went about trying to find a plugin to update my 5.7 version. I downloaded the new 7.4 update, went through the setup then went to open the plugin in Photoshop but when I tried to do so Photoshop told me that it did not support that kind of file.
I may be going about this completely the wrong way, but I've tried my best to find a solution on line but no luck. When I try to do update through Photoshop it tells me that there are no updates available.
i'm in action schematic and if i reset any node (for example images/surface) then some parameter is still not affected. For example : the blend type and surface type and couple more are not affected by that reset function. Is this a bug ?
When I download and try to install Camera RAW 4.6 on my Mac (OSX 10.7.5, Safari browser) I get the following message"Could not complete your request because photoshop does not recognize this type of file."
I have a VBA plugin used in Autocad.This plugin works fine in windows xp and windows 2003 server(64bit) but it fails in Win7(64bit) machine. Error is that the pop up window which is MODAL and which should in front is coming in background in case of Win7(64 bit.).
I'm using LR 5 Develop Module and I make a few adjustmnets and then click on the next photo and then click the "Previous" button but nothing happens. It did work the frist time I tried it and then occasionally it works, but most of the time it does nothing. Very frustrating as this is supposed to be a time-saver.the last photo I clicked on has chnages applied...then I click on next photo and click "previous."
my publish button is not pressable so i go to file>publish options once im there i choose a folder on my desktop to export it to but it never shows up... (also i can only press on the "save" button doesnt give me the option to publish.. do you have to save it somewhere special? IM TRYING TO CREAT AN OAM FILE FOR ADOBE MUSE... i can save it to my desktop but then it just apears to be html.. what am i doing wrong????
When I select "Start Simulation" from the Add-Ins tab, nothing happens. The hourglass comes up for a split second, but nothing launches. We have Simulation 2012 Mechanical installed on the machines. I have tried with both parts & assemblies. Obviously we can launch both applications separately but it's nice to go back and forth using the quick launch.
The machines are both Windows 7 Pro (latest service packs) as well as Inventor & Simulation 2012 (Product Design Suite Premium to be exact.) Inventor has the latest service pack SP1 installed. This did work in previous versions of Inventor.
I've checked everywhere else for a solution but none apply to me it seems. My keyboard shortcut for returning to the home isometric view (F6) is not working. F3, F4, & F5 all work fine. I've tried returning the cursor focus back to the model window and that doesn't work. I also made sure the shortcut is actually listed in the Customize menu, I even reset all to default in case something was changed.
the problem begun when i reset my Cad-2010 profile. I have checked my Keyboard, My Keyboard is fine but i there is any changed has been made in option setting which is cuse of my problem.
I sometimes create parts while working in an assembly. This hasn't been an issue but something mysterious happened. Once I create my new part, to get back to the assembly ( turn off the transparency)
I typically press the Return button which is normally in the first tab (this example shows I created a sheet metal part)but for some reason the return button is now in the inspect Tab??I tried looking through the customize ribbon form and can't seem to put the button back into the first tab?
i try to load CFX setups in smoke 2013 but the little triangle near load button is not working........how i can choose replace for loading setups in CFX ?
I am doing a trial of Revit 2014. Usually I get the student version, but I enjoy 30 days with no stamp. I want to do some night renders, and so I dropped in studio lights that aren't showing up at all in the "sun and artifical" render.
I go to adjust the lights with the "Artificial Lights" button and nothing. No response at all. It's like a fake button that just looks like it's being clicked.
I have a users machine that is displaying some odd behaviour. Their Macros and VBA Editor buttons have stopped working. We have tried several things already but nothing appears to have any effect.
I had this installed on another computer prior to it being stolen, got a new laptop and installed on it. I am running windows 7. When at the welcome screen i click on Edit and the little bar changes and acts like it is going to start but then does nothing, it just takes me back to the welcome screen. I did find one thread on here and tried those recommendations by holding down the ctrl, alt, and shift while clicking edit and then choosing yes but that didn't work.
My Logitech Performance MX mouse's left and right scroll does not work in PS CS6. It moves the slide bar, but the image does not follow. it just sits there. I have the latest updates for the SitePoint software. I am running Windows 8 and CS6 64 bit.
I haven't been able to use the 3D orbiting shortcut since yesterday. I'm using a wireless Microsoft Mouse and keyboard instead of the inbuilt mouse & keyboard on my laptop (which don't seem to be executing the command either).
Up until yesterday I never had any problems orbiting the view.
When I am browsing to open drawings for some reson the back button doesn't work with the ACA2011 file browser. The mouse button works fine with all other applications so am I correct to assume something is wrong with the ACA file browser?
I am running Premiere Pro CC on a Mac running Mavericks. When I try to open a previous version project in CC that has avi or .dv files, I get the following error:
"The preset used by one or more sequences in this project requires third party components that could not be located. These sequences will be modified to use a custom sequence setting instead. To continue editing using original preset, quit the aplicationwithout saving the project, re-install and third party components that are required and re-open the project."
Once the project opens, the avi and .dv files are listed as 'offline'.Am I missing codecs or is this related to something else? I have a few projects with avi files so would be great to find out what's going on!
I got the program to load (see prior question). Now the viewers do not function correctly. I am working on a memorial video using pictures. I am working from project that was working. When I click on a picture, it does not showing in the source viewer. On the playback viewer, if I click on the viewer pane, the picture shows up, but does not advance to the next picture (the audio continues to play. If I click on the viewer again, it will change to the next p[icture, but that will also freeze. I am using windows 7 with 8 core processor and an ATI video card. I have updated quicktime, flash and also card drivers (from ATI site). Also having a problem updating as it is saying I have to disable a file claaed clickmanager.exe before it can install updates
I used to have this problem with CS5 and hoped it wouldn't happen again when I bought in to CC.
In the timeline certain audio tracks will not allow me to enable clip keyframes. When I try the 'add keyframe' button is greyed out. I can add track keyframes no problem but using them is a lengthy work around. The error also seems to be radom and trashing my prefs makes no difference.
Specs are:
iMac 27" 3.4GHZ i7, 16GB DDR3, Radeon HD 6790M 2GB