Photoshop :: CC Liquify Reset Not Working

Aug 3, 2013

when I decide to start over in the Liquify filter, I press the ALT key which turns Cancel to Reset and click it. In my case, nothing is happening. I am expecting all the changes made in that session to be removed so I can start over. Oddly, all the changes remain intact.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Liquify Is Not Working

Feb 16, 2013

When I open any image at all liquify will not work on them.  The brush basically picks up the whole image and moves it instead of reconstructing what I want to on the image. I have CS6

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Photoshop :: Liquify And Other Filters Not Working

Jul 16, 2013

I have two problems with my Photoshop CS3.
1] When I open an image > Filter > Use Liquify filter > Press OK -----Nothing happens, Image reverts back to its original state. Same thing happens with other filters.Why is this happening?I re-installed PS and even formatted my PC (Win7, i3) but still it continues. Used mode> RGB/8bit ----but non of any use.
2] Also, PS is creating *_MVM_.tmp files on othe HDD ie on D:/ and E:/

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Photoshop :: Liquify CS5 - Not Working Properly?

Sep 29, 2013

I have been using liquify to make minor adjustments to slim down people in photos and up to now it has always worked fine.  Today I try to do the same just to make the arms of the girls (attached) a little trimmer and liquify tool refuses to allow slight corrections bit by bit.  Instead as soon as you start dragging just a tiny amount it makes a huge jump and drags the pixels massively off.  It seems to drag them down first, then make them in a roughly circular shape the size of the cursor.
How can I rest liquify tool to how it was? Why it should suddenly change like that unless I have tripped something by mistake.  I thought at first it might be my mouse but I have tried it with mouse, tablet and trackpad all separately wtih nothing else in the USB and still the same result.  Have rebooted photoshop and the computer too to no avail.

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Photoshop :: CS4 / Liquify Filter Not Working?

Oct 14, 2013

I use Photoshop CS4 every day all day, as of this morning my liquify filter has stopped working and I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out why.  I have already checked the obvious; I am working on the correct layer and 'show image' is indeed checked.  I have already trashed the preferences and restarted both Photoshop and the computer.  I am attaching a screen shot below (just in case I am missing something).  The tool itself is working (I can see the brush and move it), it is just not doing anything.  Nothing has changed from yesterday, there are no new software updates to install, I just sat down to start work and it wasn't working. 

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Photoshop :: Liquify Tool Not Working At All?

Sep 27, 2013

Liquify doesn't work at all. It literally does nothing no matter what settings I try! I have a mac, all of my software is updated..The brush pressure option is locked and it is set to 1?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Liquify Cursor - Not Working?

Sep 11, 2012

recently I've upgrade to Photoshop CS6.All works great, but Liquify filter. Well, filter works great (new mercury engine is awesome!) but something happened to cursor.Look screenshot below.
Using PS CS5 I have not problem checking "Use GPU" option in Preferences panel; and with it checked PS CS6 works great, except Liquify cursor. If I uncheck this option, Liquify cursor looks normal.

iMac 27"
Mac OS X 10.6.8
ATI Radeon HD 5670
BTW I've updated to 13.0.1 and nothing change.

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Photoshop :: Liquify CS6 Stopped Working?

Dec 7, 2012

I have Lightroom 4, Photoshop CS6 and am trying to edit a photograph in Photoshop using liquify. I did a test on a jpeg photo the night before and it worked just fine, I was able to maniplulate the file. However last night when I tried to edit a file from lightroom or any jpeg file now with liquify it doesn't do anything. An example of this is that when I open the same jpeg as I did the night beofre and select for example the hand tool nothing happens to the image as I pull on parts of the image. I have changed the brush size and the pressure settings but no change.

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Photoshop :: Liquify Filter Not Working With D7100

Jul 27, 2013

I now use a Nikon D7100 and used to have a D3100. The D3100's images work fine with the Liquify filter but with the D7100 I just get a black screen.

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Photoshop :: Liquify Is Not Working - Display Black

Oct 23, 2012

liquify is not working when i open it is all black my video card version is 8.9 using inspiron 15r

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Photoshop :: Most Functions In Liquify Stopped Working CS4?

Aug 14, 2013

Suddenly, Forward Warp, Bloat and all the rest stopped working. The only things that work are Freeze Mask  strokes, Thaw Mask strokes and Zoom. Nothing was changed in settings except Brush size when this happened, which was: closed out of PS, re-opened the same image I had been working on... no response in Liquefy.. I then tried other BMPs, JPEGs and PSDs, all of which I had worked on before today with Liquefy. I also tried restarting the machine. Again, 99% sure no settings were changed except Brush size. Tools in the main interface are working normally.

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Photoshop :: Liquify Preview Has Stopped Working In...

Jan 13, 2009

I've searched around for an answer to this, but a question for the same problem doesn't seem to have been asked anywhere that I've found, so I hope someone here might know.

I am running CS on Windows XP. I previously used the Liquify filter on a large picture with no problems. Now I want to do a new one, but the preview of Liquify won't work - the picture comes up, but I can't see the real-time changes. When I hit OK the changes show up on the picture, but since I couldn't see what I was doing, they're not what I want.

I have found where someone has had this problem, but it seems like they always had it and was never able to see the preview, which isn't the case here. I have tried updating my video driver, like someone advised in that case, but it did nothing. I made no changes to the computer's hardware since it last worked (May). I have also tried using a small file to see if it was the size of the file, but the preview didn't work then either.

I have an external drive where my file resides, with 74.5 GB free. 12.5 GB is free on my internal HD, which is where Photoshop is installed. 931 MB RAM. Since it worked before, I'm hoping it's something like clearing up more memory space on my HD.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Stops Working When Liquify Filter Is Chosen

Sep 30, 2012

Everytime I select the liquify command PS stops working, I've tried with different resolution pictures, with the 32 and 64 bit versions. If I use CS5 I have no problems.

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Photoshop :: Liquify Not Working - Image Is Just Blank Inside?

Jun 9, 2012

All of a sudden, when I try to use Liquify in CS6, I get the following warning:
"Liquify is capable of utilizing the Graphics Processor on RGB files to increase performance. The color mode you have chosen will not utilize the Graphics Processor."
If I click OK and continue, the image is just blank inside Liquify. It used to work just fine. I am in ProPhotoRGB colour space.

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Photoshop :: Liquify Tool Stopped Working Properly

Jan 9, 2013

I used the liquify tool on a selected area of a picture and it worked fine. Well, now when I select my area and try to use it, it just slightly warps the area and does nothing else. The liquify screen and options never come up. I think it's just repeating what I did in liquify the last time I used it instead of giving me the option to do what I need to do. It just won't let me do ANYTHING with the tool other than the warping(what I think is the "repeating" of the previous uses effects) everything else in photoshop is working fine for me, this is the only problem I'm having. Before this, it would just crash when I tried to open liquify but I fixed that by changing the video codecs/plugins to the ones  that work with it so that is no longer a problem, it doesn't freeze or anything. So why is it just repeating what I did last time?

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Photoshop :: Liquify Filter In CC Not Working After Full Reinstall

Sep 11, 2013

Mac book pro running osx 10.8.4. 8 gig ram.
I've uninstalled all adobe software, used the adobe cleaner, reinstalled the applications manager. nothing works.

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Photoshop :: Major Features Of Liquify Filter In CS6 Are Not Working Properly

May 16, 2012

The Liquify filter in PS 13.0 x64 does not work correctly.  The Forward Warp, Magnify and Hand tools work okay, but the rest of them produce the same strange effect of a jumbled combination of swirl and black on white dot patterns. ending with a circular "transparent" pattern. I have just installed after removing 5.5 and using the Adobe Cleaning Tool. There were multiple errors in the installation log file, which I saved. I'm running Win 7 fully patched and up to date. I have a Toshiba Tecra wiith 6GB of RAM and an ATI Radeon DH 6450M GPU.

All three of the non-functioning tools begin with a swirly pattern quickly being jumbled by dots and checkerboard. If you hold the click for a few seconds it ends up looking like the above image.I use the liquify filter a lot and I don't want to waste a fortune by going back to CS55.

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Photoshop :: Adobe CS6 Stopped Working When Liquify Filter Accessed

May 24, 2012

Adobe Photoshop CS6 has Stopped working when either Liquify Filter is accessed from within Photoshop running in Win7 32bit. How to keep PS on the air?

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Photoshop :: Adobe CS5 Extended - Liquify Filter Has Suddenly Stopped Working?

Oct 13, 2012

My liquify filter has suddenly stopped working.

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Brush Pressure Option Not Working In Liquify Filter

Mar 15, 2014

I have PSE 11. When working with the Bloat or Pucker tools in the Liquify filter, the Brush Pressure option fades to gray; the only slider I can actually change is the Brush Size. The problem seems to have started about three weeks ago on my old laptop, which was due to be replaced in any case. I've since purchased a new laptop and have done a full install of PSE 11 on it from the original disks - but the problem still persists.

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Photoshop :: Layer Effect Stopped Working [Reset Settings File]

Dec 11, 2007

I was working on a layer effect.
and it just stopped working.

i restarted PS, rebooted my PC... tried all other layers and different projects...

the blending options work and can be checked and unchecked.
but the Styles wont work.

they cant be clicked or checked.

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Premiere Pro :: Plugin Reset Button Not Working

Jan 21, 2014

I'm using the Filmconvert plugin and the reset buttons do not work. I have the latest version of CC and Filmconvert plugin. 
Filmconvert support said that "The functionality of the reset buttons is provided by the application API... plugin developers do not code that functionality and have no visibility or control over it... which is why it must be a Premiere problem. Have you asked Adobe tech support for assistance?".
I've tried reinstalling Filmconvert plugin and also resetting preferences.
Is it a bug?How do I contact Adobe for support? They don't reply to bug reports.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Reset Inside Action Schematic Won't Reset All Parameter?

Nov 28, 2012

i'm in action schematic and if i reset any node (for example images/surface) then some parameter is still not affected. For example : the blend type and surface type and couple more are not affected by that reset function. Is this a bug ?

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Photoshop :: Where Has Liquify Gone In CS5

Jul 29, 2013

Have had 64-bit version running for 18 months or so on Windows 7 including Liquify Filter. After a recent Hard-disk crash and copied over files to new disk, it is no longer visible as an option on the menu list. (Ctrl-Shft-X does not work either). The file liquify.8bf is showing in my directory in the same filters directory as Lens Correction.8BF - which IS showing in the filters list.
PS: The menu option is not greyed out - it is not there any more.
Note: I tried renaming the file and renaming it back again, which is why it has a created date of today. The  last accessed date of 2nd July was probably the last time it was used before or at the time of the crash - not sure exactly.
Is there a way to sort this problem out without a re-install. Or a good way to re-install without losing preferences - screen layouts etc.

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Photoshop :: Liquify

Jun 30, 2003

I've read, in a Creative Pro, article that if u apply liquify to a layer and when u click ok on the window to apply the effects holding down the Shift key it saves the mesh in a temporary directory (for win user: ctemp --> i have it). And then if u want re-apply the same mesh just shift+click on filter-->liquify...but it doesn't work in ps7!! (the article in creative pro is for ps6)

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Photoshop :: Liquify

Mar 14, 2003

When I use liquify, instead of showing the real time distortion it seems to put a square copy of about the same size as my brush of another portion of the layer. It's as if it is mirroring from the middle of the y-axis if that makes sense. It does distort but I have to hit invert (or other function buttons) to get it to show up and get the copied artifacts to dissapear.

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Photoshop :: Liquify

Nov 10, 2004

Now the Main body "box", I want to to be able to "stretch" downward so there is enough space for my text and my footer.

I would probably use the liquify option for this, correct? I would liquify the box on it's left side and right side, but I will not include the liquify option on the corners.

But my question is, when do I exactly do this? Is this a part of slicing, or is it done at anytime?

Also, Would I just make this box a certain size, add my footer, then liquify? Or do I extend to box to the bottom of my layout in PS? Though if I did that, I'd have no footer, correct?

The outcome I'm looking for is a the main box on my site to extend past the page that you see in PS (so you'd have to scroll down in your browser, then at the bottom,

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Photoshop :: LIQUIFY

Apr 29, 2004

Im doing an A1 image for uni at 200dpi and i need to use the liquify filter, but the brush size only goes up to 600 which is way too small, i need it 3 or 4 times that, is there a way to increase the size, or is there another plugins that does a 'pucker' effect?

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Photoshop :: Liquify

Sep 29, 2003

I've been having liquify problems on 2 different computers. On a PII 400mhz it doesn't update the image in real time when distorting. I have to hit invert to make the image distorted. On a 2.0ghz P4 it resets the moment you push the pen down on the image or left click.

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Photoshop :: Can't Use Liquify

Mar 13, 2009

Using CS3.

Made quite a long action with around 5 or so liquify distortions. When I got to run the action, it loads the liquify screen but then just stops and waits until I manually do some work and press enter or cancel. Pressing cancel brings me back to the canvas and the action stops.

Is there anyway I can force or otherwise PS to remember what I did during my edits from the liquified screen? Is this what the 'save mesh' command is for within the liquify tool?

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Photoshop :: No Preview In Liquify

Sep 4, 2013

Liquify tool messed up. When I try to use the tool it doesn't show a preview of what I am doing. When I click ok it applies the liquification mess I did blindly.

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